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<正>A rat looked through a crack~1 in the wall and saw the farmer and his wife opening a package.What food might it contain?He was shocked to discover that it was a rat trap.Returning to the farmyard,the rat warned,"There is a rat trap in the house,a rat trap in the house!"一只老鼠透过墙缝看到农夫和他的妻子打开了一个包裹。里面会是什么食物呢?老鼠心  相似文献   

F estningens Materialgard is a listed complex located in downtown Copenhagen. The refurbishment of the listed complex was studied to provide knowledge on how a process for refurbishing heritage buildings can be carried out successfully, as refurbishment of heritage buildings is often a complicated process. The process shows how to choose, evaluate and implement measures creating synergy between the interests of preserving heritage values and to develop affordable refurbishment that meets the requirements for the future use of the building. The refurbishment followed included restoration, energy upgrading and refurbishment of the individual buildings that make up the listed complex. The process focuses on the cooperation and dialogue between the parties involved. F estningens Materialgard is a case study where the Heritage Agency, the Danish Working Environment Authority and the owner as a team cooperated in identifying feasible refurbishment measures. Through the process the owner was supported by architects and engineers. Focus is put on how, to identify potential energy savings and, to decide on energy upgrading measures when refurbishing and restoring listed buildings. The refurbished Faestningens Materialgard is visualized in photos.  相似文献   

Architecture means team work. Within the team the architect plays a key role but must at all times remain flexible. I have often asked myself how much of its design the Casa Malaparte owes to its owner, the poet Malaparte, and how much to the architect Libera. There are no hierarchies within the science of architecture,  相似文献   

<正>Many years ago there lived in New Hampshire a poor farmer, whose name was Ebenezer Webster.许多年前,新罕布什尔州住着一个贫穷的农民,他的名字叫埃比尼泽·韦伯斯特。His little farm was in the hills, not far from the Merrimac River. It was a beautiful place to live in; but the ground was poor, and there were so many rocks that you would wonder how  相似文献   

<正>One day in 1965,when I was a librarian at View Ridge School in Seattle,a fourthgrade teacher came up to me.She had a student who finished his work before all the others and needed a challenge."Could he help in the library?"she asked.I said,"Send him along."1965年,我在西雅图维尤里奇学校当图书馆员时,一天,一个四年级老师来找到我说,她有个学生总是最先完成功课,他需要做点对他有挑战性的工作。"他可以来图书馆帮帮忙吗?"她问。"带他来吧!"我说。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to verify the existence of a clause in contracts of promise of property sale which defines the consequences of delay in the delivery of property, and to discover whether owners demanded any compensation for delays occurred. The number of buildings delivered after the scheduled deadline in two cities between December 2009 and January 2011 was found (n = 542), and a sample of 82 residential units was taken. In order to obtain the data, a semi-structured questionnaire was given to the homeowners. It was observed that only 35% (n = 29) of the contracts included a penalty clause for delay. However, in 19 of the 29 contracts the clause regarding delay came with other clauses that allowed the company to delay the delivery of the building for up to six months. This clause is considered null in Brazilian legislation. As for compensation, only one (1.82%) owner demanded that the company provide a rental property during the period of delay. It could be concluded that contractors are not observing Brazilian legislation regarding the delay in the delivery of residential units. In addition, conformism is perceived in the attitude of the homeowners.  相似文献   

<正>1.One day,the mother fox asks her children,"Which of you can keep the four seasons?一天,狐狸妈妈问孩子们一个问题。"我想考考你们,谁能将四季留住?"2.They think for a while and have their own ideas.Spring comes.The red fox draws and draws on the paper.他们想了想,有了自己的想法。春天来了,红狐狸不停地在纸上画呀画。  相似文献   

The case of the Malpasset arch dam failure in 1959 has been widely exposed in scientifc and technical forums and papers.The focus here is on the many traps which have confused the whole chain of bodies and persons involved,owner,designer,geologist,contractor,up to the state management offcers.When the frst traps were hidden inside geology,many more appeared,as well geotechnical,technical,fortuitous,and administrative.In addition to such factual factors,human and organizational factors may be today easily identifed,when none of them was yet suspected.Both dam safety and rock mechanics benefted from the studies done since the Malpasset case,most of them within one decade.  相似文献   

<正>Who Were the Other Two?An adjective has three qualitative degrees:good,better and best.An English grammar teacher married a man of quality."You are the best woman in my life,"an原nounced the groom on their wedding night."And just who were the other two?"angrily snapped the grammar conscious bride.另外两个是谁钥一个形容词性质上有三种程度的区别:原级,比较级和最高级。一位英语语法老师嫁给了一位上等绅士。"你是我一生中遇到的最好的女人,"新郎在他们的  相似文献   

城市解读--试论城市意象的模糊性及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李东  许铁铖 《华中建筑》2000,18(3):67-70
文章就现代城市特色缺乏、意象衰微而提出城市意象模糊性问题,追溯了其理论与3两方面的原因。作者探讨了相关的对策理论及其非决策 之后,就所截取的城市的四个片断进行了对策性的研究,以期对提高城市意象力作出有益的探索与尝度。  相似文献   

钱明亮  张小建  任丽琴 《山西建筑》2008,34(15):349-349
探讨了亭、廊、架的作用及设置原则,提出了园林和绿地中应用亭、廊、架时应遵循宜小不宜大、宜散不宜聚、宜藏不宜露等原则,并结合当地特点、周围环境、绿地性质,以期设计出轻巧别致、新颖美观的亭、廊、架。  相似文献   

论墙材革新及墙材装备的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墙材革新与技术改进的关系;墙材革新现状及市场经济形势;墙材及装备发展思路;加入WTO后对墙材生产及墙材装备行业的影响及一些亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

从科学方法论的视角对普遍存在于自然界、工程技术领域以及经济、社会领域中的互动现象进行了初步探讨.建立了互动、互动效应、互动发生规律等概念,对互动效应、互动方式和互动发生律进行了初步分类.并对互动原理在科学史和科学实践中的运用进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

李瑞 《广州建筑》2008,36(1):40-43
随着中国建筑市场的发展,建筑开发商对建筑项目的品质、成本、进度等的要求越来越高,这使得项目管理中的关键环节——设计管理变得越来越重要。本文介绍了项目管理中设计管理的概念和任务,分阶段论述了设计管理在工程项目中所起的作用,指出了设计管理的核心,并指出了一种研究设计管理的内容和方法的途径。本文最后列举了两个工程实例,从正反两个方面说明了设计管理的重要性。  相似文献   

五年多来在美国西北部的一个安全度很高的军用飞机场的停机坪上,石油基填缝料的破坏和边缘剥落等情况时有发生,对喷气发动机吸入异物造成了潜在的危险,从而引起了大家的关注。为了对原有的损坏进行修补,减慢将来边缘和接缝的破坏,主要是根据材料和正确的安装技术制订了设计标准。  相似文献   

氧化锌压敏电阻自身的热效应引起限压型电涌保护器短路起火的事件越来越多,为了保证配电系统的安全运行,有必要对SPD的散热特性进行研究。当SPD内部存在多个电阻片并联结构时,电阻片组与SPD外壳之间存在着较大的间距,间距距离的大小会影响SPD的散热性能。运用传热学原理对SPD进行了理论传热计算,计算结果表明,间距距离越小,SPD散热能力越强。以3个电阻片并联且左右两侧间距不等的SPD为例,通过试验研究不同间距距离下的SPD降温曲线,结合传热学计算结果分析间距大小对SPD散热能力的影响。实验结果表明:在进行SPD结构设计时,减小电阻片与外壳之间间距能有效提高其散热性能。  相似文献   

本文通过对我市建筑市场状况的分析,在市场经济条件下,如何加强建筑市场管理,发挥各职能部门的作用,提高建设工程质量进行一些肤浅的探讨。  相似文献   

针对合同文件前期准备工作对建设工程管理目标实现的重要性,通过招标文件对施工项目的造价、质量、工期、安全等管理目标控制的分析,提出了相应控制措施、方法,为建设单位实现工程管理目标工作明确了思路。  相似文献   

Metropolitan plans were prepared in Australia from 1948 to 1962 for four of its five biggest cities - the state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide. They contain the first analyses and proposals for their rural-urban fringes. The earliest, that for Sydney, is the most visionary and radical and defined a Green Belt to contain and shape a slowly growing city; to provide amenities and recreation for citydwellers; and to reconstructa countryside ravaged by 'promiscuous urbanisation'. The next two plans for Melbourne and Perth are much more pragmatic, dealing with the organisation of headlong metropolitan expansion with surrounding rural areas seen as suburbs-in-waiting within servicing and topographical constraints. The last, that for Adelaide is a mixture of trend planning with strong design themes partly expressed in the fringe. These are forthright exercises in the master-plan mould. Developments since the 1950s regarding the fringe are briefly reviewed in the case of Sydney. These show much more complex issues and perceptions arising, particularly regarding natural resource management. There is consequently an absorbing challenge in describing these dynamic images, and also in shaping a policy-making process to reflect and handle them. There is also a possibility, apparent in the metropolitan plans of the 1950s, of cultural differences between the cities in this regard.  相似文献   

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