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Comparative sequence analysis reveals a coordinated set of nucleotide exchanges between the base pair 1092/1099 and the unpaired position 1072 [(1092/1099)1072] in the L11 binding domain of 23S ribosomal RNA. This set of exchanges has occurred at least 4 times during evolution, suggesting that these positions form a base triple. The analysis further suggests an important role for positions (1065/1073), adjacent to 1072. The covariation at positions (1092/1099)1072 is studied here by analysis of RNA variants using UV melting and binding of ribosomal protein L11 and thiostrepton to assay for tertiary folding of this domain. The tertiary structure of the RNA is eliminated by alteration of the unpaired nucleotide (C1072 to U mutation), and binding of L11 and thiostrepton are reduced 10-fold compared to the wild type. In contrast, substitution of the base pair (CG1092/1099 to UA mutation) allows formation of the tertiary structure but dramatically alters the pH dependence of tertiary folding. The fully compensated set of mutations, (CG)C to (UA)U, restores the tertiary structure of the RNA to a state almost identical to the wild type. The nature of this base triple and its implications for the folding of the RNA and ligand interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

The Tetrahymena thermophila pre-rRNA contains a 413-nucleotide self-splicing group I intron. This intron has been converted into a sequence-specific endonuclease or ribozyme. A 160-nucleotide portion of the ribozyme consisting of both highly conserved sequence elements (P4 and P6) and nonconserved peripheral extensions (P5abc and P6ab) was synthesized as a separate molecule. Solvent-based Fe(II)-EDTA, a probe that monitors higher-order RNA structure, revealed a protection pattern that was a large subset of that observed in the whole ribozyme. Data from dimethyl sulfate modification and partial digestion with nucleases were also consistent with maintenance of the proper secondary and tertiary structure in the shortened RNA molecule. Thus, this 160-nucleotide molecule (P4-P6 RNA) is an independently folding domain of RNA tertiary structure. A series of mutations and deletions were made within the P4-P6 domain to further dissect its tertiary structure. Fe(II)-EDTA and dimethyl sulfate analysis of these mutants revealed that the domain consists of two substructures, a localized subdomain involving the characteristic adenosine-rich bulge in P5a, and a subdomain-stabilized structure involving long-range interactions. Therefore, like some proteins, the intron RNA is modular, containing a separable domain and subdomain of tertiary structure.  相似文献   

The P4-P6 domain RNA from the Tetrahymena self-splicing group I intron is an independent unit of tertiary structure that, in the kinetic folding pathway, folds before the rest of the intron and then stabilizes the remainder of the intron's tertiary structure. We have employed temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) to examine the unfolding of the tertiary structure of P4-P6. In 0.9 mM Mg2+, the global tertiary fold of the molecule has a melting temperature of approximately 40 degreesC and is completely unfolded by 60 degreesC. Calculated thermodynamic parameters for folding of P4-P6 are DeltaH degrees' = -28 +/- 3 kcal/mol and DeltaS degrees' = -91 +/- 8 eu under these conditions. Chemical probing of the P4-P6 tertiary structure using dimethyl sulfate and CMCT confirms that these TGGE experiments monitor the unfolding of the global tertiary fold of the domain and that the secondary structure is largely unaffected over this temperature range. Thus, unlike the entropically driven P1 docking and guanosine binding steps of Tetrahymenagroup I intron self-splicing, which have positive or zero DeltaH terms, P4-P6 tertiary structure formation is stabilized by a negative DeltaH term. This implies that enthalpically favorable hydrogen bond formation, nucleotide base stacking, and/or binding of Mg2+ within the folded structure are responsible for stabilizing the P4-P6 domain.  相似文献   

Derivatized bovine adenosine deaminase is used in enzyme replacement therapy and as an adjunct to gene therapy against severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome. Although a gene sequence is known for human adenosine deaminase, the structure of the bovine enzyme has not been characterized. Structure studies using mass spectrometry are reported here that evaluate sequence, processing, post-translational modifications and the extent of homology between the human protein and its therapeutic surrogate.  相似文献   

tRNA-guanine transglycosylases (TGT) are enzymes involved in the modification of the anticodon of tRNAs specific for Asn, Asp, His and Tyr, leading to the replacement of guanine-34 at the wobble position by the hypermodified base queuine. In prokaryotes TGT catalyzes the exchange of guanine-34 with the queuine (.)precursor 7-aminomethyl-7-deazaguanine (preQ1). The crystal structure of TGT from Zymomonas mobilis was solved by multiple isomorphous replacement and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 19% at 1.85 angstrom resolution. The structure consists of an irregular (beta/alpha)8-barrel with a tightly attached C-terminal zinc-containing subdomain. The packing of the subdomain against the barrel is mediated by an alpha-helix, located close to the C-terminus, which displaces the eighth helix of the barrel. The structure of TGT in complex with preQ1 suggests a binding mode for tRNA where the phosphate backbone interacts with the zinc subdomain and the U33G34U35 sequence is recognized by the barrel. This model for tRNA binding is consistent with a base exchange mechanism involving a covalent tRNA-enzyme intermediate. This structure is the first example of a (beta/alpha)-barrel protein interacting specifically with a nucleic acid.  相似文献   

Comparative study of the natural ligand effect on structural properties and conformational stability of human alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and its homologue, human serum albumin (HSA), was performed using several approaches, including circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy, and scanning microcalorimetry. Here we show that denaturation of AFP, induced by the increase of temperature or urea concentration, is irreversible. We have established the fact that this irreversibility is caused by ligand release from the AFP molecule. Interestingly, the ligand-free form of AFP has no rigid tertiary structure but exhibits substantial secondary structure and high compactness. This means that the rigid tertiary structure of AFP is controlled by interaction with ligands, while their release results in transition of a protein molecule into a molten globule-like intermediate. In contrast, processes of HSA denaturation and unfolding are completely reversible. Release of ligands from HSA results only in a small decrease in stability but not transformation into the molten globule state.  相似文献   

The poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) biosynthetic genes of Ralstonia eutropha that are organized in a single operon (phaCAB) have been cloned in Escherichia coli, where the expression of the genes in the wild-type pha operon from plasmid pTZ18U-PHB leads to the formation of 50-80% PHB/celldry mass when the cells are grown in Luria-Bertani medium supplemented with 1% glucose (w/v). In combination with the phaCAB genes, expression of cloned lysis gene E of bacteriophage PhiX174 from plasmid pSH2 has been used to release PHB granules produced in E. coli. It was shown that small PHB granules in a semiliquid stage are squeezed out of the cells through the E-lysis tunnel structure which is characterized by a small opening in the envelope with borders of fused inner and outer membranes. All envelope components remain intact after E-lysis and can be removed from the mixture of released PHB granules by density gradient centrifugation. In addition, a modified E-lysis procedure is described which enables the release of PHB from cell pellets in pure water or low ionic strength buffer. PHB granules in aqueous solution can be aggregated by divalent cations. Addition of glassmilk speeds up the agglomeration of PHB granules and binding to glass beads can either be used for collection or further purification of PHB in aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

The effects of acridine derivatives (proflavine and 2,7-dialkyl derivatives, diacridines and triacridines, 9-aminoacridine carboxamides, and 9-anilinoacridine, amsacrine and its congeners) on overall RNA synthesis in vitro, on synthesis of initiating oligonucleotides and the binding of the enzyme to DNA were studied. The primary mechanism of action is related to inhibition of the enzyme binding to DNA. The acridines (intercalating or non-intercalating and bis-intercalating ligands) assayed here differ in the properties of their complexes with DNA. Correlation is generally observed between inhibition of RNA synthesis in vitro and cytotoxicity in cell cultures for di- and triacridines and 9-aminoacridine carboxamide derivatives. No relationship was found between the effect on RNA polymerase system and biological effects for amsacrine and its derivatives in contrast to the other series of acridines studied here. The aniline ring seems to decrease the inhibitory potency of a ligand. The discrepancy between the biological effect and RNA synthesis inhibition may be due to a different mechanism of cytotoxicity action of amsacrine which is a potent topoisomerase II poison.  相似文献   

There have been several resonance Raman scattering investigations of the effect of inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) on methaemoglobins. In those studies the sensitivity for detecting frequency differences was limited to 1-2 cm-1, and consequently frequency differences were not detected although spectral intensity differences due to changes in spin equilibria were. Shelnutt et al. recently reported on the observation of frequency differences induced by changes in the quaternary structure of chemically modified deoxyhaemoglobins. An improved Raman difference spectroscopic technique with 0.1 cm-1 sensitivity allowed the detection of these differences. We report here the application of this technique to a series of methaemoglobins with and without the addition of IHP. In addition to the intensity changes resulting from changes in the spin equilibria, we have observed frequency differences. In all liganded methaemo-globins that we examined a decrease in frequency of the mode in the 1,370 cm-1 region was observed on addition of IHP. In those in which a quaternary structure change is known to occur the frequency difference is greater than 0.5 cm-1. In those in which no quaternary structure change occurs [metHbA(CN-) and methHbA(N-3)] the frequency difference is smaller (approximately 0.15 cm-1).  相似文献   

Autophagy, measured in isolated rat hepatocytes as the sequestration of electroinjected [3H]raffinose, was moderately (17%) inhibited by adenosine (0.4 mM) alone, but more strongly (85%) in the presence of the adenosine deaminase inhibitor, 2'-deoxycoformycin (50 microM), suggesting that metabolic deamination of adenosine limited its inhibitory effectiveness. The adenosine analogs, 6-methylmercaptopurine riboside and N6,N6-dimethyladenosine, inhibited autophagy by 89% and 99%, respectively, at 0.5 mM, probably reflecting the adenosine deaminase-resistance of their 6-substitutions. 5-Iodotubercidin (10 microM), an adenosine kinase inhibitor, blocked the conversion of adenosine to AMP and largely abolished the inhibitory effects of both adenosine and its analogs, indicating that AMP/nucleotide formation was required for inhibition of autophagy. Inhibition by adenosine of autophagic protein degradation, measured as the release of [14C]valine from prelabelled protein, was similarly potentiated by deoxycoformycin and prevented by iodotubercidin. Inhibition of autophagy by added AMP, ADP or ATP (0.3-1 mM) was, likewise, potentiated by deoxycoformycin and prevented by iodotubercidin, suggesting dephosphorylation to adenosine and intracellular re-phosphorylation to AMP. Suppression of autophagy by AMP may be regarded as a feedback inhibition of autophagic RNA degradation, or as an aspect of the general down-regulation of energy-requiring processes that occurs under conditions of ATP depletion, when AMP levels are high.  相似文献   

While all characterized eukaryotic protein kinases that phosphorylate hydroxy aminoacyl residues in proteins recognize primary structure, certain bacterial protein kinases are proving to recognize tertiary structure. It is proposed that these latter enzymes evolved independently of the superfamily of the former protein kinases and that their modes of target protein recognition and action are entirely different.  相似文献   

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