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Ischemic bowel disease is a rare disorder whose incidence is increasing as the mean age of the population increases. Diagnosis by clinical, laboratory and radiologic means is often difficult, and delay in definitive therapy results in substantial morbidity and mortality. A series of 26 consecutive patients, with proved acute superior mesenteric ischemia, was retrospectively reviewed: the authors report the diagnostic methods performed preoperatively, the site and the cause of infarction and the time passed between the first radiograph ans surgery. Plain abdominal radiographs were performed in 25 of 26 patients, screening abdominal US in 23 cases and CT in 19 cases. All radiological examinations were retrospectively reviewed by three authors, independently, to recognize the different signs of infarction. On plain abdominal films, the findings warranting a presumptive diagnosis of bowel infarction were air-fluid levels (84% of cases), dilated bowel loops (48%), thickened and unchanging loops (20%), gastric distension and gasless abdomen (12%), small bowel pseudo-obstruction (8%). Screening abdominal US demonstrated intraperitoneal free fluid (26%) and dilated bowel loops (22%). Abdominal CT showed air-fluid levels (79%), dilated loops and free intraperitoneal fluid (47%), intramural gas and thickened bowel loops (36.8%), engorgement of the mesenteric vessels (31%), mesenteric-portal gas, mesenteric thrombus and marked reduction in the volume of gas in the small bowel (10.5%) and paper-thin bowel loops (5%). The authors conclude that air-fluid levels, dilated loops and intraperitoneal free fluid are the most frequent findings, even though they are not specific. While abdominal plain film and screening ultrasonography can be negative, CT detects at least one abnormal finding and at least three abnormal findings in 73% of cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our purposes were to determine the causes of malpractice claims against radiologists performing contrast examinations of the colon and to design strategies to reduce litigation and diminish patient morbidity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Reports of malpractice claims were collected from legal journals and databases between 1985 and 1994. For this period, 38 plaintiffs raised 52 allegations of malpractice that involved radiologists performing barium or Hypaque (meglumine diatrizoate; Winthrop Pharmaceuticals, New York, NY) colon examinations. For the 38 cases, 18 plaintiffs for decedents alleged that failure to diagnose colorectal cancer by barium enema examination caused delay in treatment and the patient's death. Eighteen plaintiffs alleged that improper performance of barium (17 cases) or meglumine diatrizoate (one case) colon examinations caused perforation of the colon, resulting in significant morbidity (15 cases) or death (three cases). Miscellaneous causes for malpractice claims were recorded in two cases. RESULTS: In 18 cases of failure to diagnose colorectal cancer, the initial radiographs were interpreted as follows: normal findings in 14 cases, diverticulosis in one case, and spastic bowel in two cases; in the remaining case, colon cancer was missed because of nonopacification of the cecum. In retrospect, 17 of 18 colorectal cancers were visualized. The delay in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer ranged from 5 to 72 months. Missed colorectal cancers occurred in the cecum (two cases), transverse colon (two cases), rectosigmoid area (nine cases), or unspecified area (five cases). In 18 cases of colon perforation, the site was the cecum (one case), transverse colon (one case), extraperitoneal rectum (seven cases), rectosigmoid area (one case), colostomy stoma (two cases), or unspecified area (six cases). One patient experienced anaphylactic shock that required hospitalization. One underwent unnecessary surgery because barium enema films showing colon cancer were mislabeled with her name. CONCLUSION: On the basis of our analyses of malpractice claims, we suggest strategies to prevent medicolegal litigation. Strategies include communicating with the patient about the type and indications of the barium enema examination, performing digital rectal examinations on all patients to detect distal rectal lesions or strictures, recognizing colon perforation, and obtaining immediate surgical consultation if colon perforation occurs. The number of missed colon cancers may be reduced by reading twice or reviewing at a later time all barium enema examinations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We compared the ability of preoperative abdominal computed tomography (CT) with that of preoperative abdominal ultrasonography (US) in predicting the extent of tumor growth and the curative resectability of gastric cancer. METHODS: Abdominal CT and US were done in 95 patients with gastric adeno-carcinoma. The radiologic findings were prospectively compared with surgical and pathologic findings. RESULTS: The sensitivities of abdominal CT and US in detecting the perigastric lymph node involvement were 26.6% and 20%, respectively. The sensitivity of abdominal CT in predicting the pancreatic invasion (60%) was better than that of abdominal US (20%). However, there were 6 false positive diagnosis of pancreatic invasion by abdominal CT; in contrast, there was no false positive diagnosis of pancreatic invasion by abdominal US. Of 95 patients who underwent surgical exploration, 14 were found to have unresectable tumors because of extragastric organ involvement and distant metastases. Abdominal CT falsely predicted 8 of 14 cases in which curative gastric resection was impossible as resectable. Moreover, abdominal CT falsely predicted 5 of 81 cases in which curative gastric resection was possible as unresectable. Abdominal US falsely predicted 12 of 14 cases in which curative surgery was impossible as resectable. CONCLUSION: Preoperative abdominal Ct and US did not accurately predict the tumor extent and the curative resectability of the gastric cancer. Especially, abdominal CT finding of pancreatic invasion by gastric cancer should not be a contraindication for surgical exploration.  相似文献   

Although barium studies and CT are useful in assessing abdominal pathology in tuberculosis, imaging findings are not always specific and a histopathological or bacteriological confirmation is often required. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of ultrasound (US) guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in the diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis in patients with non-palpable lesions detected on US/CT. FNAC was performed on 31 sites in 30 patients. The sites included enlarged lymph nodes (n = 14), focal lesions in liver (n = 2) and spleen (n = 8), and thickened bowel in the ileocaecal region (n = 7). The results were classified cytomorphologically into four groups: (1) definite evidence of tuberculosis; (2) presumptive evidence of tuberculosis; (3) suggestive of tuberculosis; and (4) negative for tuberculosis. 18 of the 31 FNACs (58%) revealed a positive diagnosis of tuberculosis (definite evidence in nine patients and presumptive evidence in nine patients). 13 of the 31 FNACs (42%) showed either necrosis alone (n = 4) or negative results (n = 9). Zeihl-Neelson staining for acid-fast bacilli on direct smear was positive in only nine patients (29%). Splenic and lymph nodal FNAC had a high sensitivity (87.5% and 78.6%, respectively) in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. None of the bowel and liver FNACs was diagnostic. No complications were encountered. US guided FNAC offers a safe and accurate method of achieving a diagnosis in patients with suspected abdominal tuberculosis who present with radiologically demonstrable but non-palpable lesions, especially those involving lymph nodes and spleen.  相似文献   

The incidence of tuberculosis is rising in the United States. Similarly, the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Taiwan is increasing, but that of large bowel tuberculosis in this region has not been reported. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changing disease pattern and to determine some possible surgical prognostic factors for large bowel tuberculosis. Seventy cases of large bowel tuberculosis treated at our institute during the period 1965-1995 were reviewed and analyzed. A steady decline in the case number of large bowel tuberculosis were noted from 1975, but there seems to be a slight increase in cases since 1990. The average age of these patients was 65.1 years, and none had human immunodeficiency virus infection. The ileocecum is the most common region of involvement. Of these 70 patients, 59 had not been definitively diagnosed until surgery. Active pulmonary tuberculosis was found in 18 patients (25.7%). The incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications was higher in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis or disseminating large bowel tuberculosis. Postoperative abdominal complications, including intestinal obstruction, abdominal cutaneous fistula, and wound infection, were seen in 13 patients, none of whom had active pulmonary tuberculosis. Although the incidence of tuberculosis has been reduced for years, it is now rising. Physicians should bear in mind the possibility of large bowel tuberculosis in patients with intestinal obstruction without specific origin. Postoperative respiratory care is important for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, with either active or disseminating lesions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To analyze the computed tomographic (CT) features of intestinal Beh?et syndrome and to determine the usefulness of CT in detecting complications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The CT scans of 28 patients with intestinal Beh?et syndrome were retrospectively reviewed. Five patients had bowel perforation, and two had peritonitis. Patterns of bowel involvement, patterns of contrast enhancement, and ancillary findings were compared in patients with complications (n = 7) and patients without complications (n = 21). RESULTS: Ten patients had polypoid lesions, nine had a thickened bowel wall, and nine had both findings. Lesion enhancement was mild in eight patients (29%) and marked in 20 (71%). Polypoid lesions were more commonly seen in patients without complications (P = .020); a thickened bowel wall was more commonly seen in patients with complications (P = .030). Seventeen of 18 patients (94%) with minimal perienteric infiltration did not have complications (P = .0003), whereas all five patients with severe perienteric infiltration did have complications. CONCLUSION: In patients with known intestinal Beh?et syndrome, CT can be useful in determining the extent of the lesions and in identifying cases in which complications are likely to occur.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Use of blood culture studies for early diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infection has become important due to the recent development of effective antibiotic therapy for this condition. This study assessed the abdominal computed tomography (CT) findings in patients with AIDS who presented with bacteraemic MAC infection. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of abdominal CT scans was performed in 24 patients who presented with MAC-positive blood culture. CT images were reviewed specifically to evaluate for lymph node enlargement and attenuation, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, bowel wall abnormality and for any other pathological changes. Comparison was made to prior reports of the CT findings in this disease process. RESULT: Enlarged intra-abdominal mesenteric and/or retroperitoneal lymph nodes were found in 10 patients (42%). These nodes were characterized by homogeneous, soft-tissue attenuation in eight of the 10 patients. Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and small bowel wall thickening were noted in 12 (50%), 11 (46%) and four (14%) patients, respectively. CT findings were evaluated as normal in six (25%) patients. CONCLUSIONS: Enlarged mesenteric and/or retroperitoneal lymph nodes in AIDS patients with bacteraemic MAC were observed much less frequently on CT than previously reported in AIDS patient populations. Normal abdominal CT findings do not exclude this diagnosis and may reflect a trend towards earlier detection of MAC disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The diagnostic procedures proposed in the evaluation of sigmoidovesical fistulas complicating diverticulitis are various and their effectiveness is still not well established. METHODS: Personal experience is based on 14 cases of colovesical fistulas secondary to sigmoid diverticulitis. Several diagnostic tools were employed: plain abdominal film (10 cases), large bowel enema (12), urography (3), cystography (2), sonography (4), and CT (5). The semeiotics of these fistulas were distinguished in direct, indirect, secondary, and related to the underlying disease. RESULTS: The fistulous tract itself was recognized in 100% of the cases with sonography, in 75% with enema, in 60% with CT, in 33% with urography, and in none with cystography. Vesical gas was visible in 100% of the cases with sonography and CT, and in 40% with plain radiographs. Diffusion of contrast medium was present in 91% of the cases with enema, in 60% with CT, and in 33% with urography. Focal thickening and/or irregularity of the bladder wall was evident with cystography and urography in 67% of the cases, with CT in 60%, with sonography in 50%, with enema in 8%. Diverticulosis/diverticulitis was recognizable in 100% of the cases with CT, in 91% with enema, in 25% with sonography. A paravesical abscess was recognizable in 40% of the cases with CT, in 25% with sonography, in 8% with enema. CONCLUSIONS: The radiourological procedures, though of limited use in our series, have a poor effectiveness. Large bowel enema and, specially, CT confirm as the method with greatest accuracy in the evaluation of these fistulas. The sonographic examination, according to personal preliminary experiences, is a valuable diagnostic alternative. Sonography and CT allow analysis of the perivisceral structures and, if compared with barium enema, provide a larger number of information on diverticulitis, which is essentially an extraluminal disease, and its complications.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the specificity and prognostic significance of computed tomography (CT) of the chest in pediatric Wilms' tumor. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients treated for newly diagnosed Wilms' tumor at St Jude Children's Research Hospital between December 1978 and July 1995 were included in the study if an initial chest radiograph and CT were available and if pulmonary involvement (determined by chest radiographs) was absent. For the 202 patients studied, radiographs and CT scans were reviewed blindly and independently by three experienced radiologists for the presence of pulmonary nodules. Outcome variables consisted of intraobserver variability (in a subsample of 40 cases) and concordance between ratings on radiographs and CT scans (both by McNemar's test), interrater variability (by logistic regression), and the cumulative incidence of pulmonary relapse for patients with and without positive CT scans, by reviewer. RESULTS: As expected, ratings of pulmonary involvement on radiographs were discordant with CT ratings. There was marked variability among reviewers in CT ratings (P = .0001). Of 202 CT scans, 78 were read as positive by at least one reviewer, 41 were rated positive by only one reviewer, 18 by two reviewers, and 19 by all three. Intrarater variability on repeat reviews was not significant. Patients with nodules identified on CT had a significantly higher pulmonary relapse rate when analyzed separately by reviewer. However, for the 14 patients who had pulmonary relapse, CT scans were rated positive by all three reviewers in only five cases and as negative by all three in another five cases. CONCLUSION: The variability in interpretation of chest CT scans in patients with Wilms' tumor limits the predictive utility of these studies. Optimal, standardized techniques and central review are essential if chest CT is to be used for staging in cooperative studies.  相似文献   

We report three cases of unsuspected stromal tumors of the small bowel (STSB). These cases were diagnosed preoperatively by sonography, the imaging was completed for some with barium studies, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or angiography. To our knowledge, the use of this noninvasive technique for detecting this type of tumor has not been described in the literature. Moreover, we believe that some sonographic findings such as crescentic tumoral necrosis may appear highly suggestive of STSB.  相似文献   

Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) is an infectious colitis usually occurring as a complication of antibiotic therapy. The computed tomography (CT) findings of 10 patients with PMC are reviewed. All patients demonstrated an abnormal large bowel wall with an average thickness of 13 mm (range 7-31 mm). Additional, but less frequent findings included mesenteric inflammation, ascites, pleural effusions, and dilatation of the large or small bowel. Pancolonic involvement was seen in 7 cases, while three patients had focal colitis. Although the CT appearance of PMC is not specific, the diagnosis may be suggested in the proper clinical setting.  相似文献   

We present two cases of biopsy proven tuberculosis of the pancreas in non-immunocompromised patients diagnosed and treated in our unit within the last 14 years. The first case presented with abdominal pain and fever, and the second with iron deficiency anaemia and severe weight loss. In both cases abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography suggested a pancreatic carcinoma. There was no pulmonary or intestinal tuberculosis. The tuberculin skin test was positive. Upon exploratory laparotomy the macroscopic appearance of the pancreas was that of an inoperable pancreatic carcinoma. Following the histological diagnosis of pancreatic tuberculosis, both patients were successfully treated with triple antituberculous therapy for 6 months. Isolated pancreatic tuberculosis is an extremely rare disease with only 41 cases in non-immunocompromised patients reported worldwide (1966-1997). It is a curable disease and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a pancreatic mass or abscess shown on ultrasound or computed tomography, especially in developing countries, where tuberculosis is common.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Our goal was to assess the incidence of retropsoas positioned large or small bowel in the population and to examine factors predisposing to its formation. METHOD: The presence of retropsoas positioned bowel was retrospectively studied in 1,852 abdominal CT examinations of 1,055 men and 797 women, 648 younger and 1,204 older than 50 years. All examinations were considered normal or demonstrated findings that were unrelated to the position of the bowel. RESULTS: Retropsoas positioned colon (RPC) was observed in 51 (2.8%) cases for the ascending and 45 (2.3%) for the descending colon. RPC appeared more frequently in younger (< 50 years) than older patients and in individuals with decreased amount of retroperitoneal fat. Retropsoas position of small bowel loops was observed in 11 (0.6%) patients, all exhibiting paucity of retroperitoneal fat. CONCLUSION: Because of its prevalence, retropsoas positioned bowel should be considered when performing percutaneous diskectomy or other interventional procedures in the posterior retroperitoneum.  相似文献   

The accuracy of computed tomography (CT) and [99mTc]HMPAO granulocyte scintigraphy (GS) for detection of bowel localization, inflammatory activity, and complications in acute inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) was prospectively studied in 32 patients. Of each bowel segment, findings on CT and GS were scored by one blinded observer. Findings on operation or endoscopy served as the gold standard. In Crohn's disease (CD, 17 patients), CT detected bowel pathology (sensitivity 71%, specificity 98%), abscesses (sensitivity and specificity 100%), and fistulas (sensitivity 80%, specificity 100%). In CD, GS had a sensitive of 79% and a specificity of 98% for detection of inflammatory activity. The detection of complications with GS was poor. Segmental inflammatory activity correlated with endoscopy-operative findings for CT (r = 0/86, P < 0.0001) and GS (r = 0.86, P < 0.0001). In ulcerative colitis (UC, 15 patients), GS predicted proximal extension of bowel involvement better than CT. In CD, CT is Superior to GS for localization of both active and fibrostenotic bowel disease, and in detection of the abscesses and fistulas. In UC, GS showed proximal extension more accurately than CT.  相似文献   

Gallstone ileus is a rare disorder, which, because it is often misdiagnosed preoperatively, may become life-threatening. The classic triad of Rigler (aerobilia, small bowel ileus and a calcified, dystopic stone) is visualized on abdominal plain films in only 14-35% of cases. Further work-up includes ultrasound, upper gastrointestinal series with water soluble contrast medium and computed tomography (CT). CT is especially reliable in demonstrating all three criteria.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to describe the imaging characteristics of synovial hemangioma, with the goal of improving the disappointing rate (22%) of clinical diagnosis of this condition. A review of the literature and the differential diagnosis of intra-articular lesions, including synovial osteochondromatosis and pigmented villonodular synovitis, are also presented. PATIENTS: The subjects of the study were 8 patients (4 males, 4 females; age range: 5-47 years; mean age: 19 years) with histologically confirmed synovial hemangioma involving the knee (n = 7) or wrist (n = 1). We retrospectively examined the imaging studies performed in these patients, including plain radiography (n = 8), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI; n = 4), angiography (n = 3), arthrography (n = 2), and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT; n = 2). RESULTS: Plain radiographs showed a soft tissue density suggesting either joint effusion or a mass in all patients. Phleboliths and bone erosions on plain films in four patients with extra-articular soft tissue involvement pointed to the correct diagnosis. Angiography, showing fine-caliber, smooth-walled vessels, contrast pooling in dilated vascular spaces, and early visualization of venous structures, was diagnostic in two patients. Neither arthrography nor CT yielded specific enough findings. MRI was consistently effective in allowing the correct diagnosis to be made preoperatively, showing an intra-articular or juxta-articular mass of intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and of high signal intensity of T2- or T2*-weighted images with low-signal channels or septa within it. A fluid-fluid level was found in two patients with a cavernous-type lesion. CONCLUSION: Despite the limited nature of this study, it shows clearly that MRI is the procedure of choice whenever an intra-articular vascular lesion such as synovial hemangioma is suspected. Nonetheless, phleboliths and evidence of extra-articular extension of plain radiographs point to angiography as an effective procedure of first resort because it can be combined with embolotherapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare helical computed tomography angiography with arterial digital subtraction angiography in the diagnosis of renal artery stenoses. METHODS: Fifty hypertensives (24 men; mean age 53 years) were prospectively studied with computed tomography (Somaton Plus S, Siemens) and digital angiography (double-blind evaluation). Computed tomography was performed both in the sequential (the length of the abdomen) and in the helical (6 cm around renal arteries) modes during injection of 120 cm3 contrast medium. RESULTS: Digital angiography visualized 16 significant (< 50% on quantitative angiography) stenoses (16/131 renal arteries, including 32 accessory), in 14 (28%) patients. On helical computed tomography, 16 stenoses were detected, in 49 patients (16/122 renal arteries, seven accessory arteries were not identified because they were located out side the scan area); two patients had false-positive helical computed tomography results. The computed tomography sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were 87.5% (14/16), 98.2% (111/114), 87.5% and 98.2%, respectively. In the sequential mode, two cases of bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, two aortic aneurysms and one renal neoplasm were detected. None of these patients had renal artery stenosis. CONCLUSIONS: Helical computed tomography is a suitable new non-invasive diagnostic modality for the detection of renal artery stenosis or adrenal pathology. With continued development and evaluation computed tomography could prove useful as a screening tool or as a replacement for digital angiography in patients with possible secondary hypertension.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of thin-section CT for early detection of pneumonia in neutropenic patients with an unknown site of infection and normal or nonspecific findings on chest radiographs. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Eighty-seven patients with febrile neutropenia that persisted for more than 2 days despite empiric antibiotic treatment underwent 146 prospective examinations. If findings on chest radiographs were normal (n = 126) or nonspecific (n = 20), thin-section CT (1-mm collimation, 10-mm increment) was done. If thin-section CT scans showed opacities, bronchoalveolar lavage was recommended. RESULTS: Findings on chest radiographs were nonspecific for pneumonia in 20 (14%) of 146 cases, and CT findings in those cases were suggestive of pneumonia. Microorganisms were detected in 11 of those 20 cases. Seven of the 11 cases were not optimally treated before CT diagnosis, the other four were sufficiently treated. Findings on chest radiographs and thin-section CT scans were normal in 56 (38%) of 146 cases. In 70 (48%) of 146 cases, findings on chest radiographs were normal, whereas findings on thin-section CT scans were suggestive of pneumonia. Microorganisms were detected in 30 of the 70 cases. Nineteen of 30 cases were not optimally treated before CT, whereas the other 11 cases were sufficiently treated before CT. In 22 (31%) of these 70 cases, an opacity was observed on the chest radiograph during the 7 days after the CT study. Only three (5%) of 56 pneumonias occurred during the first 7 days after thin-section CT studies with normal findings (p < .005). Additional risk factors for pneumonia occurring later that were detectable on chest radiographs were poorly defined nodules (p < .05), consolidation (p < .05), and younger age (p < .05). CONCLUSION: Thin-section CT scans show findings suggestive of pneumonia about 5 days earlier than chest radiographs show suggestive findings. When thin-section CT scans show findings suggestive of pneumonia, the probability of pneumonia being detected on chest radiographs during the 7-day follow-up is 31%, whereas the probability is only 5% when the findings on the prior thin-section CT scan were normal (p < .005). All neutropenic patients with fever of unknown origin and normal findings on chest radiographs should be examined with thin-section CT.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the value of ipsilateral adrenalectomy during radical nephrectomy for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma as a function of preoperative computed tomography findings. METHODS: Between May 1985 and June 1994, 194 patients underwent radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma in our institution. Preoperative radiological reports and postoperative pathological reports were reviewed for 185 patients. RESULTS: 148 patients underwent abdominal computed tomography before surgery. 94 adrenalectomies were performed in this group of patients. None of the 77 patients in whom computed tomography showed a normal adrenal gland had adrenal metastasis on the definitive histological examination. 17 patients had an adrenal mass on computed tomography, 3 of which proved to be neoplastic. Preoperative CT had a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 82%, a positive predictive value of 18% and a negative predictive value of 100%. The 185 files reviewed included 114 adrenalectomies, including 4 adrenal glands invaded by renal cell carcinoma (3.5%). In these 4 cases, the smallest diameter of the renal tumour was 4 cm and the minimum pathological stage was T3. CONCLUSIONS: It therefore appears justified not to perform adrenalectomy during nephrectomy, in the presence of a renal tumour and negative adrenal computed tomography.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Meckel's diverticulum (MD) is the most common anomaly of the large intestinal tract (1-3%) and is more frequent in children (62% < 2 years) and in males (66%). It often involves ectopic gastric mucosa which manifests through gastrointestinal bleeding in 50% of cases. 99m-Technetium scintigraphy (99mTcO4) is one of the procedures available for the non-invasive diagnosis of ectopic gastric mucosa. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients (11 females, 17 males), including 16 children and 12 adults, aged 8 months-80 years old, were included in the study. The patients were admitted to hospital for hematochezia and melena (22) associated with abdominal pain (5): 3 patients repeatedly presented occult blood in their stools. Two patients only suffered from abdominal cramps and one only anemia. Patients were studied using plain abdominal radiographs and ultrasound; 10 underwent gastroscopy and colonoscopy; radiological contrast studies were performed in 5 patients. All tests were inconclusive. All the patients were premedicated with oral cimetidine (20 mg/kg in pediatric patients and 300 mg q.i.d. for adults, 48 hours before the test) or with ranitidine i.v. (1 mg/kg, max 50 mg, in 20 minutes, one hour before the test); barium meals and colonoscopy were deferred for 2-3 days after examination. An intravenous injection of 37-180 Mbq of 99mTcO4 was given followed by a dynamic study of the abdomen in anterior projection. Images were acquired for one hour or until the visualisation of abnormal foci of intake: in this case, lateral and oblique images were acquired for a better localisation of the suspicious area. Some patients were administered furosemide i.v. (0.75 mg/kg). All underwent a follow-up period of 12 months. RESULTS: Pertechnetate scintigraphy was positive in 10 cases and the presence of ectopic gastric mucosa was confirmed by surgery. The study was negative in 18 cases: 3 of them were discharged with a diagnosis of Salmonella infection, polyp of the small bowel or ulcer of the large bowel respectively; the other 15 patients did not show symptoms of onset during follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm the high diagnostic accuracy of pertechnetate scintigraphy to detect ectopic gastric mucosa if associated with H2-receptor-blocking agent premedication.  相似文献   

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