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Types of interesterification discussed are (a) interchange between a fat and free fatty acids, in which the most important reaction is the introduction of acids of low mol wt into a fat with higher fatty acids; (b) interchange between a fat and an alcohol, e.g., with glycerol, in order to produce emulsifiers like monoglycerides; (c) rearrangement of fatty acid radicals in triglycerides, the so-called transesterification which in recent years has taken on the same importance as hydrogenation or fractionation. In natural fats, the fatty acid radicals are not usually randomly distributed but become so by rearrangement; the distinctive physical properties of natural fats and oils can be changed within limits by this transesterification. Well-known examples are cocoa butter, palm oil, and lard. More important is the transesterification of a mixture of different fats and oils; e.g., the combination of hydrogenation and interesterification allows the production of a solid fat with high linoleic acid content. The composition of glycerides after random interesterification can be calculated by formulas. Distinct from random is such directed interesterification. This is done by working at low temperatures that glycerides with higher melting point crystallize from the reaction mixture. Directed interesterification can be combined with fractionation, for instance, to get a higher yield of liquid fraction from palm oil than is obtained by fractionation alone. The transesterification process can be performed in a batch or continuously. A small amount of metallic sodium or sodium ethylate is used as catalyst, which is destroyed by water or acid and removed after the reaction.  相似文献   

The treatment of crude edible oils with sodium hydroxide solutions is the standard refining procedure in the industry. Refining with NaOH removes free fatty acids, some phosphatides, proteinaceous matter and some colored material. Up to now experience has shown that most oils cannot be deodorized satisfactorily unless they have been caustic-refined. In the past, when most crude oils contained several per cent of free fatty acids, caustic-refining offered itself as a particularly suitable means of preparation for further processing. In recent years the free fatty acid content of crude oils has been, in most cases, only a fraction of 1%, which could very readily be removed in the process of deodorization. A prerequisite for this would be to remove by some other means those substances that interfere with satisfactory deodorizing. It has been found that the process of bleaching can be used for this purpose if the oil is pretreated with 0.1–0.5% phosphoric acid and bleached at 325–350 F. The amount of bleaching clay required depends on the type of oil and its quality, but with many oils up to 2% clay is satisfactory. The amount of phosphoric acid necessary also depends on the type of oil. One of nine papers presented in the symposium “Processing of Edible Oils,” AOCS Meeting, Ottawa, September 1972.  相似文献   

The frequency dependence (1–60 MHz) of the ultrasonic attenuation coefficient of canola oil, corn oil, olive oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil was measured at 25°C. The attenuation coefficient of all the oils could be described by the relation: α ∼ Af n(with A between 6 and 40 × 10−12, and n between 1.74 and 1.86).  相似文献   

Physical refining of edible oils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physical refining of edible oils offers several advantages over alkali refining. The method described for physical refining of rapeseed oil involves several novel factors, including the availability of cold-pressed rapeseed oil low in phosphatide content and deacidification/deodorization in a film molecular evaporator. Parameters are presented from a pilot plant unit with an output of 500 metric tons per year. Further applications of the technology are proposed, including the processing of oils to pharmaceutical-grade products.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of a counter current deodorizing process in which oil flows by gravity downward through a deaerating device and a specially designed tower. The steam is let in at the bottom and flows counter-current to the oil flow. The process results in more effective use of vacuum and in considerable steam economy. The application of Dowtherm as a heating medium for the process is discussed.  相似文献   

Crude oils obtained by oilseed processing have to be refined before the consumption in order to remove undesirable accompanying substances. The traditional alkali refining is often replaced by physical refining in which the use of chemicals is reduced. The most widely used method is steam refining. The crude oil quality is very important in order to obtain high quality refined oil. Furthermore, the oil should be efficiently degummed to remove phospholipids as well as heavy metals and bleached to remove pigments. The most important step consists of the application of superheated steam under low pressure and at temperatures higher than 220 °C. Both free fatty acids and objectionable volatiles, formed by cleavage of lipid oxidation products, are removed. A disadvantage is the partial loss of tocopherols. Side reactions, particularly isomerization of polyunsaturated fatty acids, should be minimized. The quality of physically refined oil is close to that of alkali refined oils, but losses of neutral oil are lower and the environment is less polluted. Among other methods of physical refining the application of selective membranes is promising.  相似文献   

Almost all fats and oils are subjected to so‐called bleaching during processing. Originally bleaching was only used to reduce the colour. Today, however, the bleaching step is used mainly to remove or convert undesired by‐products to harmless ones from fats and oils. This will guarantee that such compounds do not interfere with the processing and that the requirements for human food are being met.  相似文献   

Reactors for hydrogenation of edible oils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Due to the characteristics of the hydrogenation of edible oil, by far the most common type of reactor has been the batch-type shurry hardener. Although continuous reactors offer several advantages compared to batch reactors, they are seldom used in the industry. This review paper describes the most commonly used full-scale reactors, both batch and continuous. Several different laboratory reactors are also described. The experimental results obtained from those reactors indicate that it is possible to achieve selectivites and reaction rates in a continuous reactor as high as in a slurry batch reactor.  相似文献   

Hydrogenation of edible oils is an important process in the food industry to produce fats and oils with desirable melting properties and an improved shelf life. However, beside the desired hydrogenation reaction trans fatty acids are formed as well. As several studies indicate a negative health effect of trans fatty acids, consumer demands will urge the food producers to lower the content of trans fatty acids in their products. This article describes the option to reduce the trans levels in the hydrogenation of an edible oil by changing process conditions and by applying alternative low trans heterogeneous catalysts.  相似文献   

There are four generally recognized methods of separating undersirable portions of a fluid from that fluid: mechanical, which is filtration, settling or centrifuging; electrostatic precipitation; chemical, such as solvent extraction precipitation or adsorption; and thermal, such as distillation and freeze drying. Techniques of separation as applied to fats and oils are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Literature values of density, viscosity, adiabatic expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, specific heat (constant pressure), ultrasonic velocity, and ultrasonic attenuation coefficient are compiled for a range of food oils and water at 20°C, and a series of empirical equations are suggested to calculate the temperature dependency of these parameters. The importance of these data to the application of ultrasonic particle-sizing instruments to food emulsions is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Dust-free solvent meal can be produced by pretreating meats with granular soda ash prior to oil extraction, addition of foots from miscella-refining operation to meal, and screening meal from dryers prior to grinding, then grinding only overs and blending with screened meal. By exclusion of air and light and by properly coordinating the miscella refining procedure, light-colored, soap-free oil can be produced, using low Baumé lye. Refined miscella can be winterized in a short enough time to warrant doing it in a continuous plant, giving yields and chill tests comparable to or better than conventionally winterized oil. A continuous deodorizer followed by continuous injection of nitrogen into the deodorized, cooled salad oil protects the oil from oxidation in this integrated, continuous salad-oil plant. Presented before the Spring Meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society in Houston, Tex., April 22–25, 1956.  相似文献   

Investigation of antioxidants for polyunsaturated edible oils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recent trend toward increased use of polyunsaturated vegetable oils in the human diet has emphasized the need for better antioxidant systems than those currently available. This need led to a research program in which a variety of experimental antioxidants were evaluated. Their selection was influenced by general requirements for food additives and by the results of prior antioxidant studies in various fields. Emphasis was placed on hydroxybenzene types, particularly substituted hydroquinones. Oxidative stability tests employing the standard AOM procedure and 110F shelf storage were used to screen the antioxidants in polyunsaturated oils. The type and number of substituent groups on hydroquinone had considerable effect on antioxidant potency. Some of the experimental compounds, such as 4,4′-methylenebis(5-acenaphthenol) and monoalkylhydroquinones, were several times as effective in the test oils as food-approved antioxidants currently available. Presented at the AOCS Meeting, Cincinnati, October, 1965.  相似文献   

Soybean oils have been analyzed for their copper content before and after hydrogenation with copper-containing catalysts. A low-temperature dry asher, an apparatus in which oxygen plasma is generated in a radio frequency field under high vacuum, was adopted for ashing glyceride oils. The residues were analyzed by a colorimetric procedure using zinc dibenzyldi-thiocarbamate as the reagent. Identical samples were analyzed without ashing by neutron activation and atomic absorption techniques. The accuracy of the methods was determined by adding known amounts of copper at four different levels to two different soybean salad oils. Plots of copper found versus added copper showed that results were consistent over the range 0.04–5.0 ppm for all three methods, but that the atomic absorption results were low. The relative error of a single determination was ±13% and that of the mean of duplicate determinations ±9%. Analysis of natural soybean oils showed a copper content of about 0.03–0.10 ppm, whereas the same oils hydrogenated with cooper-containing catalysts and without metal removal treatments had levels of 3–5 ppm. Presented at the AOCS Meeting, Chicago, October 1967. No. Utiliz. Res. Dev. Div., ARS, USDA.  相似文献   

Natural antioxidants have recently gained increased interest because of the belief that natural food ingredients are better and safer than synthetic ones. The review presents the results on stabilisation of the main edible oils with different types of natural antioxidants. Sources of natural antioxidants are spices, herbs, teas, oils, seeds, cereals, cocoa shell, grains, fruits, vegetables, enzymes, proteins. Researchers concentrate on ascorbic acid, tocopherols and carotenoids as well as on plant extracts containing various individual antioxidants such as flavonoids (quercetin, kaemferol, myricetin), catechins or phenols (carnosol, rosmanol, rosamaridiphenol) and phenolic acids (carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid). Ascorbyl palmitate is regarded as a 'natural' antioxidant because it is hydrolysed in the body to ascorbic and palmitic acids. Among the herbs of the Lamiaceae family, rosemary has been more extensively studied and its extracts are the first marketed natural antioxidants. Oregano, which belongs to the same family, has gained the interest of many research groups as a potent antioxidant in lipid systems. The review concerns the following main topics: stabilisation of oil with individual natural antioxidants, interaction of antioxidants with synergists, stabilisation of oil with extracts or dry materials from different plant sources (e.g. herbs and spices), stabilisation at frying temperatures and in emulsions.  相似文献   

Originally, oils were not refined but with the introduction of solvent extraction, refining became necessary. Crude cottonseed oil was refined by treating the oil with caustic soda and the same process was used for all other oils that needed refining. The subsequent introduction of centrifugal separators converted the original batch process into a continuous process. Degumming was introduced to obtain lecithin but limited to soya bean oil. Physical refining was introduced for high acidity oils like palm oil after the oil had been degummed to low residual phosphorus levels in the dry degumming process, in which the oil is first of all treated with an acid and then with bleaching earth. In Europe, further degumming processes were developed that allowed seed oil to be physically refined and later phospholipase enzymes were introduced to reduce oil retention by the gums and improve oil yield. Given these various oil purification processes, the refiner must decide which process to use for which oil in which circumstances. The paper provides a survey of what to do and when. It also discusses several topics that require further investigation and development.  相似文献   

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