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Regulatory agencies are requiring companies to systematically demonstrate software safety in their implantable devices, even those already developed. The authors devised a rigorous software safety analysis technique and applied it to a nearly-completed cardiac rhythm management device. They were able to identify safety faults, modify the software to mitigate them, and verify overall safety  相似文献   

植入式无线监测系统在现代医学中得到了广泛的应用,尤其是在动物模型实验中。介绍了一种针对小动物心电和体温监测的低功耗无线监测系统:植入式模块采用脉冲位置调制(PPM)作为发射模块,心电信号和体温信号分时复用发射模块;体外接收模块采用了磁芯天线和UTC7642检波芯片,将接收到的信号进行放大、滤波、检波等处理后传送给单片机,再由单片机发送到PC端。  相似文献   

介绍了一种合成孔径雷达系统综合测控器的研制,以51单片机为核心,协同复杂逻辑门阵列(CPLD)、现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)及液晶显示模块(LCM)等外围电路共同工作,集成了定时信号产生、基准频率信号产生、控制信号输出、监测信号输入并显示等功能。  相似文献   

针对大中型水闸运用情况,研究出一种水闸智能监控装置,重点介绍装置的软、硬件设计,以及在江苏省沙集节制闸工程中的实际应用和效果。该装置可在遵从"两条曲线"及水闸安全控制原则下建立智能调度模型,实现数据采集、监测、判断、分析,优化控制执行及安全闭锁等一体化功能,最终达到多孔闸门智能化群控效果,提高水闸的调度效率,具有良好的应用推广前景。  相似文献   

提出了一种刮板输送机综合监控装置的设计方案,介绍了装置的结构、功能设计及其软硬件设计。该装置以单片机ATmeg128为核心,实现了对减速器的油温、油位,冷却水的水压、流量,电动机绕组温度等的监测以及机尾伸缩监控的功能。  相似文献   

设计一种多参数海洋环境检测装置,采用低功耗的ARM7系列的S3C44B0作为主处理器,采用I2C总线扩展多个智能传感器.为了提高模拟传感器的精度,采用数字滤波方法处理采集到的数据.在铱星通信过程中采用数据校验的方法和数据加密的方法,降低了数据的误码率和提高了数据的安全性.在实验室的环境下进行模拟实验,结果表明:系统工作...  相似文献   

动物模型是药物开发、药效评价、病理研究中常用的方法。植入式无线系统是动物生理参数监测的常用工具。针对小动物监测系统关键问题,植入模块采用模拟电路实现PPM调制,且多路信号分时复用发射模块,减小了植入部分的体积和功耗。体外接收模块采用了ZN414Z无线电接收芯片和C8051F040微处理器,将接收到的信号解调、处理,并通过串口发送到PC端显示。测量得到包含一路心电和一路温度的植入模块功耗仅60μA,在两节RENATA395钮扣电池供电下连续工作时间达78 d。通过模拟心电信号和SD大鼠体外实验表明:该系统可得到稳定的心电信号。小体积使得系统在小动物监测中具有很大优势。  相似文献   

LLNL has recently licensed its hand-held advanced nucleicacid analyzer, the HANAA, for commercial development. This (as is characteristic of other miniaturized, portable diagnostic instruments being developed around the world) typically still requires manual sample handling and preparation by skilled operators. Dielectrophoretic and acoustic manipulation of fluids and particles are techniques that have shown good promise to reduce the demands on manual sample preparation both for miniature and for table-top instrumentation.  相似文献   

体内植入医疗装置已被广泛应用,然而使用传统的供电方法为其供电却极为不便。磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输通过近场区强耦合谐振实现能量的高效传输,为体内植入医疗装置的供电提供了有效途径。介绍了体内植入式医疗装置的磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输原理,阐述了无线电能传输技术的理论基础耦合模理论( CMT),并基于该理论仿真研究了磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输技术高效传输的必要条件。  相似文献   

The INTFIS package is presented. It is a fully interactive user-oriented software package for the design and analysis of electronic filters. After the package is situated in the general framework of network synthesis, its general objectives are described. A detailed presentation is given of the package structure, user interaction, input and output. Examples are included to illustrate terminal interaction and program output.  相似文献   

The application of microprocessors in designing a complete heart monitoring system is highlighted. Starting from the electrical analogue model of the heart expressing the arterial pressure in terms of the model parameters, a technique for determining the stroke volume, mean pressure, heart rate, cardiac output, etc is described. The model parameters are determined online during the diastole condition using actual patients' pressure profiles. The model dynamics are realized on a Z80 microprocessor and the results of the stroke volume, heart rate, cardiac output, mean pressure etc are printed out on every other beat. The technique suggested is more reliable and accurate than the other conventional methods for long term monitoring of the patient's clinical data and may be more suitable for use in intensive care units.  相似文献   

介绍一种采用单片机SST86542R作为控制核心的家电控制系统,其与市场上的同类产品相比减少了硬件资源,在成本和功耗方面有较大的改进。  相似文献   

In long-term prevention and in rehabilitation of health of elderly people the recording of vital signs plays an important role. Especially the progress of rehabilitation can be deduced from the recording of an electrocardigram (ECG), blood pressure and body temperature. In this paper we present a wireless coupled recording device for long-term monitoring of these vital sign signals. We record the ECG, the blood pressure and the skin temperature and include a 3D-acceleration sensor for the determination of the movements during recording. To deal with motion artifacts in all recorded properties we use data fusion to reject or correct distorted vital sign signals.  相似文献   

Many aging people and patients have difficulties in bladder control. Recent methods have been studied for non-invasive measuring for bladder information. It must be improved to a more convenient and real time measurable system for accurately analyzing and controlling individual bladder information. This paper presents the pressure sensor for the invasive bladder monitoring system. The system has the pressure sensing resistor sensor (PSRS) which is set-up inside the bladder. The PSRS consists of a flexible and contactable diaphragm which deforms towards an underlying substrate while a range of pressure is applied. The flexible diaphragm has a thin metal film which acts as a switch and the underlying substrate has interdigitated electrodes which serve as a variable resistor. The PSRS initially exhibits infinite electrical resistance with no external pressure applied since the metal switch is not contact with the interdigitated electrodes. As the applied pressure increases above a threshold, the contact area increases thus the resistance of the PSRS decreases. Based on the finite element analysis, proper ranges for the diaphragm size and gap distance are determined. The sensor, the diaphragm size of which is 2.6 × 2.6 mm2, has been fabricated through MEMS technology. The change of the electrical resistance is 0.5 Ω for the range of human bladder pressure (0–10 kPa). This PSRS will be effectively used for reliability and stability of the research for the improvement of bladder management. It can also be utilized for the future application.  相似文献   

针对快递业中特殊物品的运输安全问题,提出了一类多功能的包裹智能监测系统。给出了系统的整体框架结构,详细介绍了终端控制器和客户端两个核心单元的设计与实现。终端控制器的硬件包括ARM9微处理器、SIM908数据采集和传输等模块;软件部分由主控程序、数据采集和传输组成。客户端是监控系统的核心部分,主要分为设置模块、显示模块、报警模块。本系统的硬件采用模块化设计,软件采用低功耗的设计,具有体积小、携带方便等特点。  相似文献   

李涛  何怡刚 《计算机应用》2008,28(1):254-256
针对电能质量监测数据量大、实时性强等特点,结合虚拟仪器技术,提出了基于代理(Agent)构建虚拟仪器模型,并结合合同网协议及P2P技术,通过多个Agent的合作传输,充分利用网络带宽,来保证数据的实时传送。通过实验及实际应用证明,电能质量监测方法具有一定的效果,从而验证了这些技术在虚拟仪器中的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and fabrication of a micro Pirani gauge using VO x as the sensitive material for monitoring the pressure inside a hermetical package for micro bolometer focal plane arrays (FPAs). The designed Pirani gauge working in heat dissipating mode was intentionally fabricated using standard MEMS processing which is highly compatible with the FPAs fabrication. The functional layer of the micro Pirani gauge is a VO x thin film designed as a 100 × 200 μm pixel, suspended 2 μm above the substrate. By modeling of rarefied gas heat conduction using the Extended Fourier’s law, finite element analysis is used to investigate the sensitivity of the pressure gauge. Also the thermal interactions between the micro Pirani gauge and bolometer FPAs are verified. From the fabricated prototype, the measured device TCR is about −0.8% K−1 and the sensitivity about 1.84 × 10−3 W K−1 mbar−1.  相似文献   

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