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The development of the vibrissae and their innervation and the maturation of the brainstem trigeminal sensory nuclei have been studied in the wallaby, Macropus eugenii, from birth to adulthood. At birth, developing vibrissal follicles consist of solid epidermal pegs surrounded by dermal condensations. The developing follicles and adjacent skin are innervated by trigeminal afferents. Ten days after birth the follicle contains a dermal papilla and the deep vibrissal nerve can be recognised. A hair cone is present at postnatal day (P) 30 and hairs are apparent on the skin surface by P35. By P63 the deep vibrissal nerve can be seen innervating Merkel cells in the outer root sheath; in addition, the first signs of the blood sinus can be recognised. Innervation of the inner conical body and lanceolate and lamellated receptors supplying the mesenchymal sheath and waist region are not seen until P119, when the follicle resembles that seen in the adult. At birth, central processes of the trigeminal ganglion cells have entered the trigeminal tract and extend from the rostral pons to the upper cervical cord. Labelling with a carbocyanine dye at P0 shows afferents extending medially from the tract into the trigeminal subnuclei at all levels. At this stage the trigeminal nuclei appear as areas of increased cell density in the lateral brainstem. By P30-40 the four subnuclei can be distinguished on the basis of shape, cytoarchitecture, and succinic dehydrogenase reactivity. Adult morphology is not fully established until P210. In mature animals, nucleus principalis contains closely packed, polymorphic cells, frequently aligned parallel to thick fibre bundles that traverse the nucleus obliquely. Subnuclei oralis and interpolaris contain sparsely distributed, medium to large cells, randomly oriented, as well as prominent rostrocaudally directed fibre bundles. Subnucleus caudalis consists of the marginal layer, substantia gelatinosa, and magnocellular layers as described in other species. Patches of increased succinic dehydrogenase or cytochrome oxidase reactivity, presumably corresponding to the vibrissae, are present in subnuclei principalis, interpolaris, and caudalis in developing and adult animals, although the pattern is less clear than in rats. The brainstem patches are first seen at P40, approximately 6 weeks before the corresponding vibrissal-related pattern develops in the cortex. This suggests that the onset of patch formation may be regulated independently at different levels of the pathway.  相似文献   

The authors provide a new framework that integrates autobiographical memory with other early achievements (e.g., gesturing, language, concept formation). In this theory, the emergence and early development of autobiographical memory does not require the invocation of specialized neurological or multiple memory mechanisms but rather arises as a natural consequence of developments in related domains including in the "software" that drives general memory functioning. In particular, autobiographical memory emerges contemporaneously with the cognitive self, a knowledge structure whose features serve to organize memories of experiences that happened to "me." Because this cognitive self emerges in the 2nd year of life, the lower limit for early autobiographical memories is set at about 2 years, with subsequent accumulation of memories linked to improvements in children's ability to maintain information in storage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The learning capacities of rats with electrolytic lesions of the gustatory thalamus (GT) were investigated in 3 experiments. In Experiment 1, the presence of a taste cue failed to overshadow odor aversion learning in the lesioned rats, yet these same animals acquired normal taste and odor aversions. Thalamic lesions had no discernible effect on the acquisition of a conditioned flavor preference in Experiment 2. Finally, GT lesions completely reversed the anticipatory contrast effect shown by control subjects in Experiment 3. These results suggest that damage to the GT spares taste detection and recognition and simple associative learning but interferes with learning that involves more complex gustatory information processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are potently activated by a number of cellular stimuli. Small GTPases, in particular Rac, are responsible for initiating the activation of the JNK pathways. So far, the signals leading from extracellular stimuli to the activation of Rac have remained elusive. Recent studies have demonstrated that the Src homology 2 (SH2)- and Src homology 3 (SH3)-containing adaptor protein Crk is capable of activating JNK when ectopically expressed. We found here that transient expression of Crk induces JNK activation, and this activation was dependent on both the SH2- and SH3-domains of Crk. Expression of p130(Cas) (Cas), a major binding protein for the Crk SH2-domain, also induced JNK activation, which was blocked by the SH2-mutant of Crk. JNK activation by Cas and Crk was effectively blocked by a dominant-negative form of Rac, suggesting for a linear pathway from the Cas-Crk-complex to the Rac-JNK activation. Many of the stimuli that activate the Rac-JNK pathway enhance engagement of the Crk SH2-domain. JNK activation by these stimuli, such as epidermal growth factor, integrin ligand binding and v-Src, was efficiently blocked by dominant-negative mutants of Crk. A dominant-negative form of Cas in turn blocked the integrin-, but not epidermal growth factor - nor v-Src-mediated JNK activation. Together, these results demonstrate an important role for Crk in connecting multiple cellular stimuli to the Rac-JNK pathway, and a role for the Cas-Crk complex in integrin-mediated JNK activation.  相似文献   

Competing views persist concerning the functional significance of ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) emitted by infant rats. One perspective holds that USVs result from an emotional state of fear and anxiety, the adult expression of which depends in part on forebrain mechanisms. Here the authors examine whether pups lacking forebrain input are capable of emitting USVs. Aspirations of neocortex and hippocampus or precollicular decerebrations were performed on 8-day-old rats. After the rats recovered, USV responses were recorded for 10 min at room temperature (Phase 1) followed by enhanced cooling for 20 min (Phase 2). Experimental pups emitted significantly fewer USVs than shams during Phase 1 but vocalized at similar rates during Phase 2. Thus, in infants, brainstem neural circuitry is sufficient to support emission of USVs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used a cross-generational procedure to examine E. R. Service's (1975) redistribution theory of social evolution. 432 university students participated. The procedure involved 3 4-person groups that produced different products that could be retained or traded and that could be eventually exchanged for money. One group was advantaged in the diversity of its products, the time it took to make the products, and the value of its products. All trade was channeled through this central group. At the end of each time period, 1 member of each group was removed ("deceased") and a new member added. The monetary results indicate that the central group made the most money but that all groups made more money across generations, partially due to increased trade and partially due to increased production. Consistent with Service's prediction, the central group was perceived by the "deceased" group members as the overall leader. Ratings by observers, ratings by "deceased" members, and the division of money at the end of each generation all indicated that each of the 3 groups developed a seniority rule for within-group leadership. Ratings by "deceased" members indicated that this rule was stronger for the central than for the peripheral groups. (39 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between clinical psychology and psychotherapy and describes the difficulties experienced by clinical psychologists in obtaining training in therapy before the development of doctoral programs in the clinical specialization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The inherent or acquired (induced) resistance of certain tumours to cytotoxic drug therapy is a major clinical problem. There are many categories of cytotoxic agent: the antimetabolites, e.g. methotrexate (MTX), N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), 6-mercaptopurine (6-TG), hydroxyurea (HU) and 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (AraC); the alkylating agents, e.g. the nitrogen mustards and nitrosoureas; the antibiotics, e.g. doxorubicin and mitomycin C; the plant alkaloids, e.g. vincristine and vinblastine; and miscellaneous compounds, such as cisplatin. There are also many mechanisms of drug resistance elucidated principally from in vitro studies. These include mutation of target genes, amplification of target and mutated genes, differences in repair capacity, altered drug transport and differences in nucleoside and nucleobase salvage pathways (Fox et al, 1991). The aim of the present review is to evaluate in detail the mechanisms of response of both normal and tumour cells to three chemotherapeutic antimetabolites, MTX, PALA and 5-FU, which are routinely used in the clinic either alone or in combination to treat some of the commonest solid tumours, e.g. breast, colon, gastric and head and neck. The normal and tumour cell response to these agents will be discussed in relation to the operation of the known alternative 'salvage pathways' of DNA synthesis and current theories of DNA damage response.  相似文献   

Three studies investigated the development of children's knowledge of conceptual distinctions (a) between the ontological categories of events and all physical objects (E-PO) and (b) between animals, plants, and other physical objects (A-P-PO). Ss in Exp I were 8 children each from kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 4 and 16 undergraduates; Ss in Exp II were 24 other children, in groups like those in Exp I, and the same 16 adults; in Exp III, another 16 1st graders participated. Two patterns of development were seen. In the E-PO case, a totally new distinction was discovered, which seemed to occur in an all-or-none fashion. In the A-P-PO case, no new distinction was learned and the pattern of development was the opposite of that in the E-PO case. It is argued that the 2 patterns reflect basic types of developmental change that are linked to the organization of knowledge at the ontological level. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was the identification and characterization of the trigemino-diencephalic target areas in the Madagascan lesser hedgehog tenrec in order to get a more comprehensive view on the mammalian somatosensory thalamus, its evolution and representation in different species. Such an analysis has been considered important because in lower mammals the head and face are relatively well represented, but their ascending trigeminal projections have scarcely been analysed. Following injections of different tracer substances into the rostral and caudal portions of the trigeminal nuclear complex the most prominent area of termination was found in the medial ventroposterior nucleus. These projections were patchy and scarcely overlapped the region previously shown to receive spinal and dorsal column nuclear afferents. On the basis of the laterality and the intensity of the projections, two subdivisions were distinguished, the principal portion and the accessory portion receiving a dense contralateral and a weak bilateral input, respectively. They were considered equivalents to the magnocellular and parvocellular subdivisions of the medial ventroposterior nucleus in more differentiated mammals. In the latter species, however, the overlap between trigeminal and parabrachial fibres appears less extensive than in the tenrec. In addition, a weak bilateral projection was shown from the caudal trigeminal nucleus to the caudal and dorsal subdivision of the nucleus submedius. There was little, if any evidence for a trigeminal projection to the intralaminar nuclei and we failed to identify a correlate to the posterior nuclear complex of higher mammals. On the other hand, there was a distinct contralateral projection to the ventral portion of the zona incerta. This projection was of similar strength as the projection to the medial ventroposterior nucleus; it supports the notion that the zona incerta may play a crucial role in relaying trigeminal information.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent gating behavior of Shaker potassium channels without N-type inactivation (ShB delta 6-46) expressed in Xenopus oocytes was studied. The voltage dependence of the steady-state open probability indicated that the activation process involves the movement of the equivalent of 12-16 electronic charges across the membrane. The sigmoidal kinetics of the activation process, which is maintained at depolarized voltages up to at least +100 mV indicate the presence of at least five sequential conformational changes before opening. The voltage dependence of the gating charge movement suggested that each elementary transition involves 3.5 electronic charges. The voltage dependence of the forward opening rate, as estimated by the single-channel first latency distribution, the final phase of the macroscopic ionic current activation, the ionic current reactivation and the ON gating current time course, showed movement of the equivalent of 0.3 to 0.5 electronic charges were associated with a large number of the activation transitions. The equivalent charge movement of 1.1 electronic charges was associated with the closing conformational change. The results were generally consistent with models involving a number of independent and identical transitions with a major exception that the first closing transition is slower than expected as indicated by tail current and OFF gating charge measurements.  相似文献   

In many neural systems studied in vitro, the timing of afferent impulses affects the strength of postsynaptic potentials. The influence of afferent timing on postsynaptic firing in vivo has received less attention. Here we study the importance of afferent spike timing in vivo by recording simultaneously from ganglion cells in the retina and their targets in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus. When two spikes from a single ganglion-cell axon arrive within 30 milliseconds of each other, the second spike is much more likely than the first to produce a geniculate spike, an effect we call paired-spike enhancement. Furthermore, simultaneous recordings from a ganglion cell and two thalamic targets indicate that paired-spike enhancement increases the frequency of synchronous thalamic activity. We propose that information encoded in the high firing rate of an individual retinal ganglion cell becomes distributed among several geniculate neurons that fire synchronously. Because synchronous geniculate action potentials are highly effective in driving cortical neurons, it is likely that information encoded by this strategy is transmitted to the next level of processing.  相似文献   

The quantification of total calcium, phosphorus, iron, chromium and nickel in cell culture medium by electrochemical or spectroscopic means may require digestion of samples. Nevertheless, when pH adjustment is performed for values higher than about 6.5, the formation of two phases occurs: a white precipitate and a clear solution. Analysing both phases using microelectrodes, atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy, X-ray dispersive (XRD) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) analysis, it was observed that iron, chromium and nickel are not co-precipitating with the white solid phase. If quantification of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium is intended, a ten-fold dilution at least, must be performed to avoid most of these elements going into the precipitate. This knowledge is crucial if a mineralization study is going to be made.  相似文献   

Rats were trained and matched on a delayed-nonmatching-to-sample (DNMTS) task and randomly assigned to treatment. In Exp 1, radio-frequency (RF) lesions were aimed at lateral portions of the internal medullary lamina (L-IML), midline thalamus (MT), mammillary bodies (MB), and the combination of MT and MB. In Exp 2, RF lesions were aimed at the fornix. After recovery, DNMTS was retrained at retention intervals of 3.0–28.0 sec, the critical retention level for 75% DNMTS accuracy was determined by a staircase procedure, and spontaneous exploration was observed in an open field. L-IML lesions produced significant deficits on DNMTS and exploratory behavior that were comparable to deficits on the same tasks in rats recovered from pyrithiamine-induced thiamine deficiency. Fornix lesions produced significant DNMTS deficits that were substantially smaller than for the L-IML group. The MT, MB, and MT?+?MB treatments had no significant effect on DNMTS. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The cellular mechanism regulating the binding of exogenous peptides to MHC class II molecule is still an object of controversy. In order to study the cellular requirements of peptide binding we have set up an indirect fluorescence assay that enables us to detect quantitatively peptide/MHC class II complexes on the cell surface of the mouse B lymphoma A20. The absence of binding on several MHC class II-negative cell lines and the inhibition of binding in the presence of competitor peptides or in the presence of a polyclonal serum against MHC class II molecules confirmed the specificity of the assay. A panel of pharmacological and physical agents was then used to determine the mechanism of this regulation. Binding was not significantly affected by vinblastine or cycloheximide and was affected only to a small extent by chloroquine or azide. In contrast to the long half-life previously reported for soluble complexes, we found that the half-life of a peptide/MHC class II complex expressed on A20 was shorter than 3 hr, suggesting that peptide binding might be regulated at the cellular level. The energy of activation of peptide binding, estimated from the temperature dependence of the rate of peptide binding, was decreased above 27 degrees C, suggesting that enhanced peptide binding to MHC class II molecules might depend on the fluidity of the cell membrane lipids.  相似文献   

The epsilon-(gamma-glutamic)lysine cross-link content of glycerol-extracted cultured embryonic chick heart myofibrils is increased by treatment with Mg2+-ATP followed by Ca2+ but not by Ca2+ alone. Fractionation of protein chains dissolved in sodium dodecyl sulfate and dithiothreitol shows that the increase of cross-link content occurs in very large proteins (greater than 250 kdaltons) and that there is a very marked decrease in cross-link content in the 82 kdalton region. Treatment of the glycerol-extracted myofibrils with Mg2+-ATP followed by Ca2+ also increases the amount of protein in the very high molecular weight fraction and there is a corresponding reduction of material in some of the lighter chains particularly in fibronectin, actin and in 82 and 51 kdalton chains. The relevance of Mg2+-ATP plus Ca2+ -dependent Glu-Lys cross-link formation to cyclical or reversible cellular processes is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

We have shown that a subset of early postmitotic progenitors that originates along the medial part of the epithelial somite gives rise to the primary myotome (Kahane, N., Cinnamon, Y. and Kalcheim, C. (1998). Mech. Dev. 74, 59-73). Because of its postmitotic nature, further myotome expansion must be achieved by cell addition from extrinsic sources. Here we investigate the mechanism whereby the dermomyotome contributes to this process. Using several different methods we found that cell addition occurs from both rostral and caudal edges of the dermomyotome, but not directly from its dorsomedial lip (DML). First, labeling of quail embryos with [3H]thymidine revealed a time-dependent entry of radiolabeled nuclei into the myotome from the entire rostral and caudal lips of the dermomyotome, but not from the DML. Second, fluorescent vital dyes were injected at specific sites in the dermomyotome lips and the fate of dye-labeled cells followed by confocal microscopy. Consistent with the nucleotide labeling experiments, dye-labeled myofibers directly emerged from injected epithelial cells from either rostral or caudal lips. In contrast, injected cells from the DML first translocated along the medial boundary, reached the rostral or caudal dermomyotome lips and only then elongated into the myotome. These growing myofibers had always one end attached to either lip from which they elongated in the opposite direction. Third, following establishment of the primary myotome, cells along the extreme dermomyotome edges, but not the DML, expressed QmyoD, supporting the notion that rostral and caudal boundaries generate myofibers. Fourth, ablation of the DML had only a limited effect on myotomal cell number. Thus, cells deriving from the extreme dermomyotome lips contribute to uniform myotome growth in the dorsoventral extent of the myotome. They also account for its expansion in the transverse plane and this is achieved by myoblast addition in a lateral to medial direction (from the dermal to the sclerotomal sides), restricting the pioneer myofibers to the dermal side of the myotome. Taken together, the data suggest that myotome formation is a multistage process. A first wave of pioneers establishes the primary structure. A second wave generated from specific dermomyotome lips contributes to its expansion. Because dermomyotome lip progenitors are mitotically active within the epithelia of origin but exit the cell cycle upon myotome colonization, they can only provide for limited myotome growth and subsequent waves must take over to ensure further muscle development.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological activity in the neonatal rat superior colliculus was recorded to measure neuronal and synaptic activity, and, therefore, functional development. Neonatal rat pups were studied from five days to two weeks of age. The earliest activity in the superior colliculus were spontaneous discharges at a frequency of one unit per animal on postnatal day 6 (P6). Spontaneously discharging units were more numerous at P8, and the number peaked on P10. The first clear response to optic nerve stimulation was seen on P10, with relatively long and variable latencies. By P14, electrically evoked responses had much shorter latencies. The results are in line with the first response to light flash in the superior colliculus at P12/13. The evidence suggests that functional development of the rat retinotectal pathway begins at the end of the first week after birth, and that much of the functional maturation occurs mainly during the second week after birth.  相似文献   

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