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Measurements of endwall heat transfer and flow field around a short single cylinder have been performed to examine the influence of cylinder inclination at low Reynolds number (ReD = 1.0 × 104). Both ends of the cylinder are attached to the endwalls and the length-to-diameter ratio of the cylinder varies from 2.7 to 4, depending on the inclination angle. Endwall heat transfer contours (obtained from transient liquid crystals) and endwall flow visualization results consistently indicate that the interaction between the horseshoe vortices around the cylinder and the wakes shed from the cylinder varies with the inclination. Spanwise pressure gradient induced by the inclination causes: (i) skewing of the upstream main flow as it approaches the cylinder; (ii) formation of a jet-like flow immediately downstream of the cylinder, followed by its impingement onto the endwall; and (iii) skewed separation line along the cylinder span from the cylinder axis.  相似文献   

The problem of natural convection in an inclined L-shaped enclosure filled with Cu/water nanofluid that operates under differentially heated walls in the presence of an inclined magnetic field is presented in this paper. The fully implicit finite difference method is used to solve the governing equations. A comparison with previously published results in special case of the present study is performed and a very good agreement is found. Heat transfer and fluid flow are examined for parameters of the Hartmann number (0  Ha  100), the nanoparticles volume fraction (0%  ϕ  20%), the cavity inclination angle (0°  ϑ  300°), the magnetic field inclination angle (0°  γ  270°), the cavity aspect ratio (0.25  AR  0.6) and the Rayleigh number (103  Ra  106). It is found that, the presence of the magnetic field in the fluid region causes a significant reduction in the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics. Also, a good enhancement in the heat transfer rate can be obtained by adding the copper nanoparticles to the base fluid.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe public attention to environment' has beenincreased in these days, and noise reduction of ventilationfan is extremely needed more than ever. We must reducethe generated noise and control the resources of thediscordant one. Recently, aerodynndc noise problems,e.g. wind-pass sound from high-speed mobiles, noisefrom cooling fan, are increased rapidly. Manyexperimental studies have been reported tO contfol thegenerated noise, and numerical prediction of aerodyntricsound (CAA; Comp…  相似文献   

The behavior of nanofluids is investigated numerically in an inclined lid-driven triangular enclosure to gain insight into convective recirculation and flow processes induced by a nanofluid. The present model is developed to examine the behavior of nanofluids taking into account the solid volume fraction δ. Fluid mechanics and conjugate heat transfer, described in terms of continuity, linear momentum and energy equations, were predicted by using the Galerkin finite element method. Comparisons with previously published work on the basis of special cases are performed and found to be in excellent agreement. Numerical results are obtained for a wide range of parameters such as the Richardson number, and solid volume fraction. Copper–water nanofluids are used with Prandtl number, Pr = 6.2 and solid volume fraction δ is varied as 0%, 4%, 8% and 10%. The streamlines, isotherm plots and the variation of the average Nusselt number at the hot surface as well as average fluid temperature in the enclosure are presented and discussed in detailed. It is observed that solid volume fraction strongly influenced the fluid flow and heat transfer in the enclosure at the three convective regimes. Moreover, the variation of the average Nusselt number and average fluid temperature in the cavity is linear with the solid volume fraction.  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(8-9):1236-1247
Experiments have been conducted to study the local and average heat transfer by mixed convection for hydrodynamically fully developed, thermally developing and thermally fully developed laminar air flow in an inclined circular cylinder. The experimental setup consists of aluminum cylinder as test section with 30 mm inside diameter and 900 mm heated length (L/D = 30), is subjected to a constant wall heat flux boundary condition. The investigation covers Reynolds number range from 400 to 1600, heat flux is varied from 70 W/m2 to 400 W/m2 and cylinder angles of inclination including 30°, 45° and 60°. The hydrodynamically fully developed condition has been achieved by using aluminum entrance section pipes (calming sections) having the same inside diameter as test section pipe but with variable lengths. The entrance sections included two long calming sections, one with length of 180 cm (L/D = 60), another one with length of 240 cm (L/D = 80) and two short calming sections with lengths of 60 cm (L/D = 20), 120 cm (L/D = 40). The results present the surface temperature distribution along the cylinder length, the local and average Nusselt number distribution with the dimensionless axial distance Z+. For all entrance sections, the results showed an increase in the Nusselt number values as the heat flux increases and as the angle of cylinder inclination moves from θ = 60° inclined cylinder to θ = 0° horizontal cylinder. The mixed convection regime has been bounded by the convenient selection of Re number range and the heat flux range, so that the obtained Richardson numbers (Ri) is varied approximately from 0.13 to 7.125. The average Nusselt numbers have been correlated with the (Rayleigh numbers/Reynolds numbers) in empirical correlations.  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the steady two‐dimensional magnetohydrodynamic mixed convective viscous nanofluid and heat transfer toward an inclined stretching cylinder with chemical reaction and uniform magnetic field. The governing partial differential equation in a cylindrical form is reduced to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations by using appropriate similarity transformation and solved numerically by spectral quasilinearization methods (SQLMs). A new approach of this method is employed to derive numerical expressions for velocity, temperature, and concentration profile. The convergence and accuracy of our numerical scheme are observed. The SQLM is employed to find out the convergent series solution. There is an increase in the temperature profiles due to the increase in the thermophoresis parameter. The increase in effective Eckert number results in the increase of the temperature profile.  相似文献   

The governing equations describing the momentum and heat transfer phenomena of power-law non-Newtonian fluids over a heated square cylinder at 45° of incidence in the two-dimensional (2-D) steady flow regime are solved numerically. Extensive results on the detailed structure of the flow and temperature fields as well as on the gross engineering parameters are presented over the following ranges of conditions: 0.2 ? n ? 1; 0.1 ? Re ? 40 and 0.7 ? Pr ? 100. At low Reynolds numbers, the flow remains attached to the surface of the cylinder. This seems to occur for all values of power-law index, at least up to about Re = 1. On the other hand, twin standing vortices were seen to form at Re = 10 for all values of power-law index considered herein. The influence of the Reynolds number and power-law index is delineated on the detailed structure of the flow field (streamlines), wake characteristics and surface pressure distribution as well as on the value of drag coefficients. Similarly, the effect of Prandtl number is studied on forced convective heat transfer for the two commonly encountered boundary conditions, namely, constant temperature or constant heat flux prescribed on the surface of the cylinder. Using the computed numerical results, simple heat transfer correlations are obtained in terms of the Nusselt number as a function of the pertinent governing parameters thereby enabling the prediction of the rate of heat transfer between the fluid and the immersed cylinder. In addition, variation of the local Nusselt number on the surface of the inclined of square cylinder and representative isotherm plots are also presented to elucidate the effect of Reynolds number, Prandtl number and power-law index on the heat transfer phenomenon.  相似文献   

In the present study, natural convection of fluid in an inclined enclosure filled with porous medium is numerically investigated in a strong magnetic field. The physical model is heated from left-hand side vertical wall and cooled from opposing wall. Above this enclosure an electric coil is set to generate a magnetic field. The Brinkman–Forchheimer extended Darcy model is used to solve the momentum equations, and the energy equations for fluid and solid are solved with the local thermal non-equilibrium (LTNE) models. Computations are performed for a range of the Darcy number from 10−5 to 10−1, the inclination angle from 0 to π/2, and magnetic force parameter γ from 0 to 100. The results show that both the magnetic force and the inclination angle have significant effect on the flow field and heat transfer in porous medium.  相似文献   

The turbulent natural convection of air flow in a confined cavity with two differentially heated side walls is investigated numerically up to Rayleigh number of 1012. The objective of the present work is to study the effect of the inclination angle and the amplitude of the undulation on turbulent heat transfer. The low-Reynolds-number kε, kω, kω–SST RANS models and a coarse DNS are used and compared to the experimental benchmark data of Ampofo and Karayiannis [F. Ampofo, T.G. Karayiannis, Experimental benchmark data for turbulent natural convection in an air filled square cavity, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 3551–3572]. The kω–SST model is then used for the following test-cases as it gives the closest results to experimental data and coarse DNS for this case. The mean flow quantities and temperature field show good agreement with coarse DNS and measurements, but there are some slight discrepancies in the prediction of the turbulent statistics. Also, the numerical results of the heat flux at the hot wall are over predicted. The strong influence of the undulation of the cavity and its orientation is well shown. The trend of the local heat transfer is wavy with different frequencies for each undulation. The turbulence causes an increase in the convective heat transfer on the wavy wall surface compared to the square cavity for high Rayleigh numbers. A correlation of the mean Nusselt number function of the Rayleigh number is also proposed for the range of Rayleigh numbers of 109–1012.  相似文献   

This experimental investigation focuses on the effects of angle of inclination on buoyancy-driven flows inside tall, rectangular, differentially-heated cavities. It considers a rectangular cavity with an aspect ratio of 28.6, with its two long sides maintained at different temperatures and the two short, end-walls, thermally insulated. The spanwise aspect ratio is 6.82 and the side walls are also thermally insulated. The Rayleigh number, based on the temperature difference and spacing between the long sides, is 0.86 × 106 for most cases and the working fluid is air (Prandtl number 0.71). Experimental data, for the flow and the thermal fields, using laser Doppler anemomentry and thermocouple traverses respectively, are presented for the cavity inclined at 60° and 15° to the horizontal, for both stable (the hot surface being the upper surface) and unstable orientations. The 15° stable case is investigated at a higher Rayleigh number of 1.54 × 106 and some additional data for the 15° unstable case are also presented at this higher value of Rayleigh number. For moderate angles of inclination, the flow is two-dimensional and the effects of inclination are primarily confined to the fluctuating fields. For large angles of inclination, the flow becomes three-dimensional. In the unstable 15° angle of inclination case a set of four longitudinal vortices are formed over the entire length of the cavity, with four counter-rotating re-circulation cells within the cross-section parallel to the thermally active walls. The stable 15° angle of inclination leads to the formation of two longitudinal vortices and two re-circulation cells. At the 15° angle (stable and unstable), the enhanced mixing leads to uniform temperature in the cavity core and thus to only minor deviations from two-dimensionality in the thermal field. A modest rise in Rayleigh number, in the 15° unstable case, does not affect the mean motion, but causes an increase in the normalised turbulence intensities.  相似文献   

A weir-type solar still is proposed to recover rejected water from the water purifying systems for solar hydrogen production. This consists of an inclined absorber plate formed to make weirs, as well as a top basin and a bottom basin. Water is flowed from the top basin over the weirs to the bottom collection basin. A small pump is used to return the unevaporated water to the top tank. Hourly distillate productivity of the still with double- and single-pane glass covers was measured and the latter showed higher production rates. The average distillate productivities for double- and single-pane glass covers are approximately 2.2 and 5.5 l/m2/day in the months of August and September in Las Vegas, respectively. Mathematical models that can predict the hourly distillate productivity are developed. These compared well with the experimental results. Productivity of the weir-type still with a single-pane glass was also compared with conventional basin types tested at the same location. The productivity of the weir-type still is approximately 20% higher. The quality of distillate from the still is analyzed to verify the ability of the still to meet the standards required by the electrolyzers.  相似文献   

Icing(or ice accretion) is a phenomenon in which super-cooled water droplets impinge and accrete on a body.It is well known that ice accretion on blades and vanes leads to performance degradation and has caused severe accidents.Although various anti-icing and deicing systems have been developed,such accidents still occur.Therefore,it is important to clarify the phenomenon of ice accretion on an aircraft and in a jet engine.However,flight tests for ice accretion are very expensive,and in the wind tunnel it is difficult to reproduce all climate conditions where ice accretion can occur.Therefore,it is expected that computational fluid dynamics(CFD),which can estimate ice accretion in various climate conditions,will be a useful way to predict and understand the ice accretion phenomenon.On the other hand,although the icing caused by super-cooled large droplets(SLD) is very dangerous,the numerical method has not been established yet.This is why SLD icing is characterized by splash and bounce phenomena of droplets and they are very complex in nature.In the present study,we develop an ice accretion code considering the splash and bounce phenomena to predict SLD icing,and the code is applied to a fan rotor blade.The numerical results with and without the SLD icing model are compared.Through this study,the influence of the SLD icing model is numerically clarified.  相似文献   

The major causes of the sound pressure level (SPL) variation due to the changes of the inclined angle of a circular cylinder and the aspect ratio (ratio of distance between endplates to cylinder diameter) were investigated. The velocity fluctuation of the wake and the surface pressure fluctuation of the cylinder were measured in a low noise wind tunnel to find the correlation length, coherent output power and Strouhal number. The results show that the changes of these values qualitatively correspond with the change of SPL. Flow visualization tests are performed to clarify the variation of wake in relation with inclined angle and aspect ratio. It is found that the spanwise structure of Karman's vortex street is broken down by the upward flows generated around the bottom endplate, and the degree of the interference between the upward flow and Karman's vortex street is smaller when the aspect ratio is larger.  相似文献   

We present a deicing simulation for a practical three-dimensional geometry inside which hot air jets impinge upon a flat inclined glass surface with a layer of ice on the outside. The main goal is to study the unsteady two-phase melting process over the inclined flat surface, and to identify the traditional control parameters such as jet impingement angles for minimization of the defrosting time for given ice and glass thicknesses. A correlation for defrosting as functions of time, heat transfer parameters and impingement angles has been found. Also, in this study, the first Joule heating defroster using transparent electrodes are proposed and numerically simulated as a viable alternative. A correlation between the electrical Joule power requirement and the defrosting time is given. It is demonstrated that substantial improvements (roughly 70% reduction) in defrosting time may be achieved using Joule heating compared to the traditional jet impingement HVAC technology.  相似文献   

An experimental study is performed to examine the heat transfer characteristics of impinging circular jet onto a heated circular disc. The disc is heated under constant heat flux and it has an inclination angle with impinging jet in the range of 90° ≤ φ ≤ 150°. The air is supplied using a radial fan. The fluid flows through a designed tunnel. Experiments were performed under different Reynolds number, 2800, 9000, and 36,000, and different values of inclination angle of the disk and jet-to-plate distance to jet diameter ratio H/Dh as 5, 10, and 15. The results of experiments showed that the most effective parameter is the inclination angle between jet and heater. Both locations of stagnation point and heat transfer are affected from this parameter.  相似文献   

This paper reports a theoretical and numerical study of species separation in a binary liquid mixture saturating a shallow porous layer heated from below or from above and inclined with respect to the vertical axis. It is shown that the separation can be increased using this configuration and the stability of the unicellular flow obtained in this case is investigated. The critical Rayleigh number obtained is much higher than the one leading to the maximum separation. Experiments performed with a solution of CuSO4 give results which are almost in good agreement with the analytical and the numerical results.  相似文献   

Desalination of water has been one of the most important technological work undertaken in many countries, in particular Middle East. For this purpose, solar energy is the attractive familiar way in producing such fresh water where the cost of other energy is continuously increased. This paper represents the experimental results carried out with a solar still with inclined evaporating yute to study the effects of air gap, base slope angle and glass cover slope angle on the performance of the still. In order to investigate the parameters involved in the still, three models have been designed, manufactured and tested against some experimental measurements on a still having 1m × 1m basin area. The models have been designed in a way that it can give different base slope angle and glass slope angle. A comparison between the three models has been made for three glass slope angles. The test results show that the model with base slope of 15° and glass slope of 35° gives the best results. It gives a daily desalinated water quantity of 5.6 liter/m2.day.  相似文献   

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