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The technique of the use of multi-annular opposed jets as different from using swirl and bluff body createsan excellent recirculation zone with desired size in a large space.The size of recirculation,the magnitude ofreverse velocity and turbulence intensity are much greater than those formed by bluff body.Factors affectingthe flowfield include the velocity ratio of the opposed jets to the primary air J,the diameter and constructionof the opposed jet ring,secondary air velocity and configuration,and confined or unconfined flow condition andso on.This method is a promising way for flame stabilization in combustion technology.  相似文献   

The steady-state free convection inside a cavity made of two horizontal straight walls and two vertical bent-wavy walls and filled with a fluid-saturated porous medium is numerically investigated in the present paper. The wavy walls are assumed to follow a profile of cosine curve. The horizontal walls are kept adiabatic, while the bent-wavy walls are isothermal but kept at different temperatures. The Darcy and energy equations (in non-dimensional stream function and temperature formulation) are solved numerically using the Galerkin Finite Element Method (FEM). Flow and heat transfer characteristics (isothermal, streamlines and local and average Nusselt numbers) are investigated for some values of the Rayleigh number, cavity aspect ratio and surface waviness parameter. The present results are compared with those reported in the open literature for a square cavity with straight walls. It was found that these results are in excellent agreement.  相似文献   

Laminar mixed convection flow in the presence of magnetic field in a top sided lid-driven cavity heated by a corner heater was considered. The corner heater is under isothermal boundary conditions with different length in bottom and right vertical walls. Finite volume technique was used to solve governing equations. The temperature of the lid is lower than that of heater. The study is performed for different Grashof and Hartmann numbers at Re = 100. The obtained results showed some very interesting results.  相似文献   

The onset of double diffusive convective flows in an inclined fluid layer, when constant fluxes of heat and mass are applied on the two oposing boundaries of the layer, is investigated. The case of equal and opposing buoyancy forces is considered. A numerical linear stability theory is used to determine the critical Rayleigh number for the onset of convection. The existence of a subcritical Rayleigh number, for the onset of finite amplitude convection, is demonstrated on the basis of the parallel flow approximation.  相似文献   

A numerical study has been carried out to analyze the effects of mixed convective flow over a three-dimensional cavity that lies at the bottom of a horizontal channel. The vertical walls of the cavity are isothermal and all other walls are adiabatic. The cavity is assumed to be cubic in geometry and the flow is laminar and incompressible. A direct numerical simulation is undertaken to investigate the flow structure, the heat transfer characteristics and the complex interaction between the induced stream flow at ambient temperature and the buoyancy-induced flow from the heated wall over a wide range of the Grashof number (103–106) and two Reynolds numbers Re = 100 and 1000. The computed thermal and flow fields are displayed and discussed in terms of the velocity fields, streamlines, the temperature distribution and the averaged Nusselt number at the heated and cooled walls. It is found that the flow becomes stable at moderate Grashof number and exhibit a three-dimensional structure, while for both high Reynolds and Grashof numbers the mixed convection effects come into play, push the recirculating zone further upstream and the flow becomes unsteady with Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities at the shear layer.  相似文献   

The classical problem of steady Darcy free convection in a square cavity filled with a porous medium has been extended to the case of a bidisperse porous medium (BDPM) by following the recent model proposed by Nield and Kuznetsov [D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov, Natural convection about a vertical plate embedded in a bidisperse porous medium, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 1658–1664] and Rees et al. [D.A.S. Rees, D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov, Vertical free convective boundary-layer flow in a bidisperse porous medium, ASME J. Heat Transfer 130 (2008) 1–9]. The transformed partial differential equations in terms of the dimensionless stream function and temperature are solved numerically using a finite-difference method for some values of the governing parameters when the Rayleigh number Ra is equal to 102 and 103. Results are presented for the flow field with streamlines, temperature field by isotherms and heat transfer by local and mean Nusselt numbers are presented for both the f- and p-phases. It is found that the most important parameters that influence the fluid flow and heat transfer are the inter-phase heat transfer parameter H and the modified thermal conductivity ratio parameter γ.  相似文献   

In the present work, a numerical study of the effect of a hot wavy wall of a laminar natural convection in an inclined square cavity, differentially heated, was carried out. This problem is solved by using the partial differential equations, which are the vorticity transport, heat transfer and stream function in curvilinear co-ordinates. The tests were performed for different inclination angles, amplitudes and Rayleigh numbers while the Prandtl number was kept constant. Two geometrical configurations were used namely one and three undulations.The results obtained show that the hot wall undulation affects the flow and the heat transfer rate in the cavity. The mean Nusselt number decreases comparing with the square cavity. The trend of the local heat transfer is wavy. The frequency of the latter is different from the undulated wall frequency.  相似文献   

A finite-volume-based computational study of steady laminar forced convection inside a square cavity with inlet and outlet ports is presented. Given a fixed position of the inlet port, the location of the outlet port is varied along the four walls of the cavity. The widths of the ports are equal to 5%, 15% and 25% of the side. By positioning the outlet ports at nine locations on the walls for Re = 10, 40, 100 and 500 and Pr = 5, a total of 108 cases were studied. For the shortest distance between the inlet and outlet ports along the top wall, a primary clockwise (CW) rotating vortex that covers about 75–88% of the cavity is observed. As the outlet port is lowered along the right wall, the CW primary vortex diminishes in strength, however a counter-clockwise (CCW) vortex that is present next to the top right corner grows in size. With the outlet port moving left along the bottom wall, the CW primary vortex is weakened further and the CCW vortex occupies nearly the right half of the cavity. The pressure drop varies drastically depending on Re and the position of the outlet port. If the outlet port is on the opposite or the same wall as the inlet, the pressure drop is smaller in comparison to a case where it is located on the adjacent walls. The maximum pressure drop occurs when the outlet port is on the left side of the bottom wall and the minimum is achieved where the outlet is on the middle of the right wall. Regions of high temperature gradient are consistently observed at the interface of the throughflow and next to the solid walls on both sides of the outlet port. Local Nusselt numbers are low at three corners when no outlet port is present in their vicinity, whereas intense heat transfer rate is observed on the two sides of the outlet port. Between these minima and maxima, the local Nusselt number can vary drastically depending on the flow and temperature fields. By placing the outlet port with one end at three corners, maximum overall Nusselt number of the cavity can be achieved. Minimum overall heat transfer of the cavity is achieved with the outlet port located at the middle of the walls. The case exhibiting maximum heat transfer and minimum pressure drop is observed when the outlet port is located at dimensionless wall coordinate (2 + 0.5W).  相似文献   

A numerical study is performed to investigate the effect of aspect ratio on the natural convection of a fluid contained in a rectangular cavity with partially thermally active side walls. The active part of the left side wall is at a higher temperature than that of the right side wall. The top and bottom of the cavity and inactive part of the side walls are thermally insulated. Nine different relative positions of the active zones are considered. The equations are discretized by the control volume method with power law scheme and are solved numerically by iterative method together with a successive over relaxation (SOR) technique. The results are obtained for Grashof numbers between 103 and 105 and the effects of the aspect ratio on the flow and temperature fields and the rate of heat transfer from the walls of the enclosure are presented. The heat transfer rate is high for the bottom–top thermally active location while the heat transfer rate is poor in the top–bottom thermally active location. The heat transfer rate is found to increase with an increase in the aspect ratio.  相似文献   

The development of magnetic field effect on mixed convective flow in a horizontal channel with a bottom heated open enclosure has been numerically studied. The enclosure considered has rectangular horizontal lower surface and vertical side surfaces. The lower surface is at a uniform temperature Th while other sides of the cavity along with the channel walls are adiabatic. The governing two-dimensional flow equations have been solved by using Galarkin weighted residual finite element technique. The investigations are conducted for different values of Rayleigh number (Ra), Reynolds number (Re) and Hartmann number (Ha). Various characteristics such as streamlines, isotherms and heat transfer rate in terms of the average Nusselt number (Nu), the Drag force (D) and average bulk temperature (θav) are presented. The results indicate that the mentioned parameters strongly affect the flow phenomenon and temperature field inside the cavity whereas in the channel these effects are less significant.  相似文献   

Mixed convection heat transfer in a lid-driven cavity with a rotating cylinder was analyzed numerically for two important parameters - Richardson number, the non-dimensional angular velocity of the cylinder, and the direction of rotation using the commercial software, ADINA. The results from these simulations were validated using an open-source spectral element code, Nek5000. The results of this investigation were presented in terms of streamlines, isotherms, and average and local Nusselt numbers. The present results illustrated that the average Nusselt number was found to depend on the direction of the angular velocity. The average Nusselt number increased with an increase in the clockwise angular velocity of the cylinder for various Richardson numbers. However, it decreased with an increase in the counterclockwise until reached a critical velocity where average Nusselt number increased with an increase in the angular velocity. This study illustrated that the maximum heat transfer can be achieved when placing a rotating cylinder inside a cavity compared with non-rotating cylinder.  相似文献   

The Darcy model with the Boussinesq approximations is used to study double-diffusive convection in a shallow porous cavity saturated with a non-Newtonian fluid. A power-law model is used to characterize the non-Newtonian fluid behaviour. Motions are driven by constant heat and concentration fluxes imposed across the walls of the enclosure. The problem is solved analytically, in the limit of a thin layer, using a parallel flow approximation. Solutions for the flow fields, Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are obtained explicitly in terms of the governing parameters of the problem. A good agreement is obtained between the analytical prediction and a numerical solution of the full governing equations.  相似文献   

The effect of conduction of horizontal walls on natural convection heat transfer in a square cavity is numerically investigated. The vertical walls of the cavity are at different constant temperatures while the outer surfaces of horizontal walls are insulated. A code based on vorticity–stream function is written to solve the governing equations simultaneously over the entire computational domain. The dimensionless wall thickness of cavity is taken as 0.1. The steady state results are obtained for wide ranges of Rayleigh number (10Ra < 106) and thermal conductivity ratio (0 < K < 50). The variation of heat transfer rate through the cavity and horizontal walls with Rayleigh number and conductivity ratio is analyzed. It is found that although the horizontal walls do not directly reduce temperature difference between the vertical walls of cavity, they decrease heat transfer rate across the cavity particularly for high values of Rayleigh number and thermal conductivity ratio. Heatline visualization technique is a useful application for conjugate heat transfer problems as shown in this study.  相似文献   

A simulation study is performed of laminar steady combined convection heat transfer in a lid-driven cavity containing various types of nanofluid (CuO–water nanofluid and Al2O3–water nanofluid) at various boundary conditions. The influence of two different types of temperature distributions applied to the cavity's bottom wall is investigated. There are two types of temperature distributions: constant temperature (Th) and a sinusoidal temperature distribution applied to the bottom wall, which has a higher temperature than the top moving wall (Tc). In both circumstances, the sidewalls are kept adiabatic. The finite element method is utilized for the current issue. The influence of the Richardson number, which ranges from 0.01 to 10, and the volume fraction of nanoparticles, which ranges from 0 to 0.1, on the heat transfer rate has been explored. The influence of the sinusoidal temperature distribution's amplitude and phase angle is also examined. The isotherm and streamline patterns within the cavity are diverse with distinct nanoparticle volume fractions, and the Richardson numbers are presented and analyzed. The numerical findings showed that lowering the Richardson number raises the average Nusselt number. Also, the existence of nanoparticles in pure water increases heat transmission. Additionally, raising the sinusoidal temperature's amplitude increases the average Nusselt number. The results show that the increase of average Nusselt number at (φ = 0, Gr = 104, Pr = 1, Ɣ = 3π/2) for amplitude 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1 is 0.53, 0.9, 1.3, and 1.87, respectively.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the heat transfer from small circular cylinders placed horizontal to a downward flowing air stream is reported. Based on heat-transfer measurements and flow visualization, a model for directly opposed free and forced convection was developed. Three modes of flow were observed. For very low velocities the free convection, buoyant plume dominates the heat transfer. At a “lower critical” Reynolds number, when the free and forced convections are of the same order of magnitude, a well defined periodic heat transfer was obtained. The periodic heat transfer was due to the build-up of the buoyant forces to a magnitude where they overcame the downward force of the air flow. At an “upper critical” Reynolds number the periodic heat transfer abruptly ceases. For velocities greater than the upper critical limit the forces due to the air flow dominate. A potential like, laminar sheet forms, as a shroud around the thermal layer of the hot cylinder. The average heat transfer from the cylinder decreases with increasing Reynolds number for both the case of dominant free convection and the periodic heat-transfer regime. The minimum value of the heat transfer occurred at the upper critical Reynolds number.  相似文献   

A natural convection in a square cavity finds considerable interest in thermal engineering applications. However, the use of entropy generation concept enables to identify the optimum conditions for its practical application. Consequently, in the present study, natural convection in a square cavity with differential top and bottom wall temperatures is investigated. A numerical scheme using the control volume approach is introduced when discretizing the governing flow and energy equations. The study is extended to include the analysis of the entropy in the cavity. It is found that the local rise of temperature occurs at the right bottom of the cavity due to vertical circulation developed in the cavity. The entropy generation amplifies when circulation along the x-axis increases and, the entropy generation becomes minimum for a particular Rayleigh number. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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