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Zhang P  Wang HY  Li YG  Mao SF  Ding ZJ 《Scanning》2012,34(3):145-150
Monte Carlo simulation methods for the study of electron beam interaction with solids have been mostly concerned with specimens of simple geometry. In this article, we propose a simulation algorithm for treating arbitrary complex structures in a real sample. The method is based on a finite element triangular mesh modeling of sample geometry and a space subdivision for accelerating simulation. Simulation of secondary electron image in scanning electron microscopy has been performed for gold particles on a carbon substrate. Comparison of the simulation result with an experiment image confirms that this method is effective to model complex morphology of a real sample.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to characterize large populations of individual respirable particles. With the use of custom data collection and data correlation computer software, the same set of particles can be analyzed in multiple instruments. The method is demonstrated by the analysis of a sample of hard-metal particles. A series of particles are analyzed by Auger electron spectroscopy, and then the same particles are analyzed by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Li HM  Ding ZJ 《Scanning》2005,27(5):254-267
A new Monte Carlo technique for the simulation of secondary electron (SE) and backscattered electron (BSE) of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images for an inhomogeneous specimen with a complex geometric structure has been developed. The simulation is based on structure construction modeling with simple geometric structures, as well as on the ray-tracing technique for correction of electron flight-step-length sampling when an electron trajectory crosses the interface of the inhomogeneous structures. This correction is important for the simulation of nanoscale structures of a size comparable with or even less than the electron scattering mean free paths. The physical model for electron transport in solids combines the use of the Mott cross section for electron elastic scattering and a dielectric function approach for electron inelastic scattering, and the cascade SE production is also included.  相似文献   

As the energy of an electron beam is reduced, the range falls and the secondary electron yield rises. A low voltage scanning electron microscope can therefore, in principle, examine without damage or charging samples such as insulators, dielectrics or beam sensitive materials. This paper investigates the way in which the choice of beam energy affects the spatial resolution of a secondary electron image. It is shown that for samples which are thin compared to the electron range, the edge resolution and contrast in the image improve with increasing beam energy. In samples that are thicker than the electron range, the resolution can be optimized at either high or low energies, but low energy operation will produce images of higher contrast. At an energy of 2 keV or less beam interaction limited resolutions of the order of 3 nm should be possible.  相似文献   

Two computer codes for simulating the backscattered, transmitted, and secondary-electron signals from targets in a scanning electron microscope are described. The first code, MONSEL-II, has a model target consisting of three parallel lines on a three-layer substrate, while the second, MONSEL-III, has a model target consisting of a two-by-two array of finite lines on a three-layer substrate. Elastic electron scattering is determined by published fits to the Mott cross section. Both plasmon-generated electrons and ionized valence electrons are included in the secondary production. An adjustable quantity, called the residual energy loss rate, is added to the formula of Joy and Luo to obtain the measured secondary yield. The codes show the effects of signal enhancement due to edge transmission, known as blooming, as well as signal reduction due to neighboring lines, known as the “black-hole” effect.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscope (SEM) can be used to measure the dimensions of the microlithographic features of integrated circuits. However, without a good model of the electron-beam/specimen interaction, accurate edge location cannot be obtained. A Monte Carlo code has been developed to model the interaction of an electron beam with one or two lines lithographically produced on a multilayer substrate. The purpose of the code is to enable one to extract the edge position of a line from SEM measurements. It is based on prior codes developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, but with a new formulation for the atomic scattering cross sections and the inclusion of a method to simulate edge roughness or rounding. The code is currently able to model the transmitted and backscattered electrons, and the results from the code have been applied to the analysis of electron transmission through gold lines on a thin silicon substrate, such as is used in an x-ray lithographic mask. Significant reductions in backscattering occur because of the proximity of a neighboring line.  相似文献   

Backscattered-electron scanning electron microscopy (BSE-SEM) imaging is a valuable technique for materials characterisation because it provides information about the homogeneity of the material in the analysed specimen and is therefore an important technique in modern electron microscopy. However, the information contained in BSE-SEM images is up to now rarely quantitatively evaluated. The main challenge of quantitative BSE-SEM imaging is to relate the measured BSE intensity to the backscattering coefficient η and the (average) atomic number Z to derive chemical information from the BSE-SEM image. We propose a quantitative BSE-SEM method, which is based on the comparison of Monte–Carlo (MC) simulated and measured BSE intensities acquired from wedge-shaped electron-transparent specimens with known thickness profile. The new method also includes measures to improve and validate the agreement of the MC simulations with experimental data. Two different challenging samples (ZnS/Zn(OxS1–x)/ZnO/Si-multilayer and PTB7/PC71BM-multilayer systems) are quantitatively analysed, which demonstrates the validity of the proposed method and emphasises the importance of realistic MC simulations for quantitative BSE-SEM analysis. Moreover, MC simulations can be used to optimise the imaging parameters (electron energy, detection-angle range) in advance to avoid tedious experimental trial and error optimisation. Under optimised imaging conditions pre-determined by MC simulations, the BSE-SEM technique is capable of distinguishing materials with small composition differences.  相似文献   

Line-scan profile is always broadened due to the probe shape of the primary electron (PE) beam in scanning electron microscopy (SEM), which leads to an inaccurate dimension metrology. Currently, the effective electron beam shape (EEBS) is suggested as the broadening function to overcome this issue for theoretical analysis, rather than the widely used Gaussian profile. However, EEBS is almost impossible to be acquired due to it strongly depends on both the sample topography and the electron beam focusing condition, which makes it is impossible to be applied in practical analysis. Taking the case of gate linewidth measurement, an approach is proposed to find a best-fit traditional Gaussian profile, which can optimally replace the EEBS in the case of the same sample structure and experimental condition for construction of a database of the parameter in traditional Gaussian profile. This approach is based on the use of the ideal and broadened line-scan profiles which are both obtained from Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, but respectively by an ideal and a focusing incident electron beam model. The expected value of parameter can be obtained through deconvoluting (here using a maximum-entropy algorithm) the broadened line-scan profile then fitting it to the ideal profile. Experimenters can benefit from this database to obtain true line-scan profiles for accurate gate linewidth measurement. This work should prove useful for samples of other structures and be an extension of the database in the future.  相似文献   

This paper reports a Monte Carlo simulation where a single atom scattering model is adopted. The element taking part in each electron-atom interaction is selected on the basis of its contribution eitherto the total elastic cross section or to the electron's mean free path. Both Rutherford and Mott scattering are considered, with the continuous slowing down process of Bethe used to calculate the energy loss to the system. The backscattered electron coefficients show good agreement with experimental results from a large group of low atomic number materials when using a model which selects the scattering atom by its contribution to the whole compound calculated from its atomic fraction of the total elastic cross-section.  相似文献   

In a scanning electron microscope, electron-beam irradiation of insulators may induce a strong electric field due to the trapping of charges within the specimen interaction volume. On one hand, this field modifies the trajectories of the beam of electrons subsequently entering the specimen, resulting in reduced penetration depth into the bulk specimen. On the other hand, it leads to the acceleration in the vacuum of the emitted secondary electrons (SE) and also to a strong distortion of their angular distribution. Among others, the consequences concern an anomalous contrast in the SE image. This contrast is due to the so-called pseudo-mirror effect. The aim of this work is first to report the observation of this anomalous contrast, then to give an explanation of this effect, and finally to discuss the factors affecting it. Practical consequences such as contrast interpretations will be highlighted.  相似文献   

The main features of a three-dimensional (3-D) Monte Carlo software system (Mc3D), designed for the simulation of electron scattering and image contrast in a scanning electron microscope, are reported. Before simulating electron trajectories in the sample, impingement of the incident electron beam is described by introducing the idea of a virtual scan path in 3-D space. A general and concise algorithm is given for simulating the intersection of electron trajectories leaving the sample onto multidetector entrance apertures distributed in 3-D space. By optimising the object-oriented design in conjunction with the use of a process-oriented and data-oriented code structure, Mc3D is capable of simulating microscopic analysis of a sample with a 3-D geometry or structure that can be expressed with formulae. Three examples of the use of Mc3D are given. The first is for linescans across a block of SiO2 on top of a Si substrate; the second is for a stripe of SiO2 embedded in a Si substrate. Finally, the simulation of Auger linescans across an Au overlay on Si is compared with experimental results. The relationships between experimental linescans and the true beam impact positions on the sample are revealed through the virtual scan path. An edge effect, parallel-edge enhancement, is predicted when the incident electron beam size, the distance of impact position to the terrace edge, and the inelastic mean free path of the Auger electron from a given element are comparable, and the linescan is parallel to the terrace edge. All three examples demonstrate the sensitivity of image contrast to the disposition of the sample with respect to the electron column and the detector position.  相似文献   

This study has investigated the potential of environmental electron microscopy techniques for studying the structure of polymer‐based electronic devices. Polymer blend systems composed of F8BT and PFB were examined. Excellent contrast, both topographical and compositional, can be achieved using both conventional environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and a transmission detector giving an environmental scanning transmission electron microscope (ESTEM) configuration. Controllable charging effects present in the ESEM were observed, giving rise to a novel voltage contrast. This shows the potential of such contrast to provide excellent images of phase structure and charge distributions.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations have been widely used by microscopists for the last few decades. In the beginning it was a tedious and slow process, requiring a high level of computer skills from users and long computational times. Recent progress in the microelectronics industry now provides researchers with affordable desktop computers with clock rates greater than 3 GHz. With this type of computing power routinely available, Monte Carlo simulation is no longer an exclusive or long (overnight) process. The aim of this paper is to present a new user-friendly simulation program based on the earlier CASINO Monte Carlo program. The intent of this software is to assist scanning electron microscope users in interpretation of imaging and microanalysis and also with more advanced procedures including electron-beam lithography. This version uses a new architecture that provides results twice as quickly. This program is freely available to the scientific community and can be downloaded from the website: (www.gel.usherb.ca/casino).  相似文献   

Automated analysis of submicron particles by computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy is generally possible. The minimum diameter of the detectable particles is dependent on the mean atomic number of the particles and the operating parameters of the scanning microscope. The main limitation with regard to particle size is set by the quality of the particle detection system, which generally is the backscatter electron detector. The accuracy of the results of the x-ray analyses is very often strongly affected by specimen damage, omnipresent especially for environmental particles even at low electron energies and probe currents. With the exception for light elements, the detection limit is approximately 1 wt%. Device-related limitations to automated analysis may be specimen drift and an unreliable autofocus function.  相似文献   

Cell biologists probing the physiologic movement of macromolecules and solutes across the fenestrated microvascular endothelial cell have used electron microscopy to locate the postulated pore within the fenestrae. Prior to the advent of in-lens field-emission high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) and ultrathin m et al coating technology, quick-freeze, platinum-carbon replica and grazing thin-section transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods provided two-dimensional or indirect imaging methods. Wedge-shaped octagonal channels composed of fibrils interwoven in a central mesh were depicted as the filtering structures of fenestral diaphragms in images of platinum replicas enhanced by photographic augmentation. However, image accuracy was limited to replication of the cell surface. Subsequent to this, HRSEM technology was developed and provided a high-fidelity, three-dimensional topographic image of the fenestral surface directly from a fixed and dried bulk adrenal specimen coated with a 1 nm chromium film. First described from TEM replicas, the “flower-like” structure comprising the fenestral pores was readily visualized by HRSEM. High-resolution images contained particulate ectodomains on the lumenal surface of the endothelial cell membrane. Particles arranged in a rough octagonal shape formed the fenestral rim. Digital acquisition of analog photographic recordings revealed a filamentous meshwork in the diaphragm, thus confirming and extending observations from replica and grazing section TEM preparations. Endothelial cell pockets, first described in murine renal peritubular capillaries, were observed in rhesus and rabbit adrenocortical capillaries. This report features recent observations of fenestral diaphragms and endothelial pockets fitted with multiple diaphragms utilizing a Schottky field-emission electron microscope. In-lens staging of bulk and thin section specimens allowed tandem imaging in HRSEM and scanning TEM modes at 25 kV.  相似文献   

Adamiak B  Mathieu C 《Scanning》2000,22(3):178-181
This paper presents experimental observations on electron scattering by gases (helium and air) in the specimen chamber of a variable pressure scanning electron microscope. It shows an important reduction of the beam scattering with the use of helium gas, and the consequences for the x-ray microanalysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) have been used for both morphological and elemental mass analysis study of atmospheric particles. As part of the geometrical particle analysis, and in addition to the traditional height profile measurement of individual particles, AFM was used to measure the volume relative to the projection area for each particle separately, providing a particle shape model. The element identification was done by the EDS analysis, and the element mass content was calculated based on laboratory calibration with particles of known composition. The SEM-EDS mass measurements from two samples collected at 150 and 500 m above the surface of the Mediterranean Sea were found to be similar to mass calculations derived from the AFM volume measurements. The AFM results show that the volume of most of the aerosols that were identified as soluble marine sulfate and nitrate aerosol particles can be better estimated using cylindrical shapes than spherical or conical geometry.  相似文献   

Pollen used to track structural and functional evolution in plants as well as to investigate the problems relative to plant classification. Pollen characters including ornamentation, shape, apertural pattern, pollen symmetry, colpus length, width, and margins used to detect the similarities and dissimilarities between genera and also species of the same genus. In this study pollen features of 20 monocot species belonging to 15 genera of the Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae, Iridaceae, Ixioliriaceae, Liliaceae, and Xanthorrhoeaceae were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM). In this study two species that is Zephyranthes citrina and Tulbaghia violacea were reported for the first time from Pakistan. Pollen grains were visualized with LM. Non‐acetolyzed and acetolyzed pollen were examined using SEM. A taxonomic key was developed to highlight the variation in pollen features in order to make their systematic application for correct species identification.  相似文献   

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