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We report an analysis of forebrain determination and patterning in the zebrafish Danio rerio. In order to study these events, we isolated zebrafish homologs of two neural markers, odd-paired-like (opl), which encodes a zinc finger protein, and fkh5, which encodes a forkhead domain protein. At mid-gastrula, expression of these genes defines a very early pattern in the presumptive neurectoderm, with opl later expressed in the telencephalon, and fkh5 in the diencephalon and more posterior neurectoderm. Using in vitro explant assays, we show that forebrain induction has occurred even earlier, by the onset of gastrulation (shield stage). Signaling from the early gastrula shield, previously shown to be an organizing center, is sufficient for activation of opl expression in vitro. In order to determine whether the organizer is required for opl regulation, we removed from late blastula stage embryos either the presumptive prechordal plate, marked by goosecoid (gsc) expression, or the entire organizer, marked by chordin (chd) expression. opl was correctly expressed after removal of the presumptive prechordal plate and consistently, opl was correctly expressed in one-eyed pinhead (oep) mutant embryos, where the prechordal plate fails to form. However, after removal of the entire organizer, no opl expression was observed, indicating that this region is crucial for forebrain induction. We further show that continued organizer function is required for forebrain induction, since beads of BMP4, which promotes ventral fates, also prevented opl expression when implanted during gastrulation. Our data show that forebrain specification begins early during gastrulation, and that a wide area of dorsal mesendoderm is required for its patterning.  相似文献   

Determination of fate maps and cell lineage tracing have previously been carried out in the zebrafish embryo by following the progeny of individual cells injected with fluorescent dyes. We review the information obtained from these experiments and then present an approach to fate mapping and cell movement tracing, utilizing the activation of caged fluorescein-dextran. This method has several advantages over single-cell injections in that it is rapid, allows cells at all depths in the embryo to be marked, can be used to follow cells starting at any time during development, and allows an appreciation of the movements of cells located in a coherent group at the time of uncaging. We demonstrate that the approach is effective in providing additional and complementary information on prospective mesoderm and brain tissues studied previously. We also present, for the first time, a fate map of placodal tissues including the otic vesicle, lateral line, cranial ganglia, lens, and olfactory epithelium. The prospective placodal cells are oriented at the 50% epiboly stage on the ventral side of the embryo with anterior structures close to the animal pole, and posterior structures nearer to the germ ring.  相似文献   

During Drosophila gastrulation, mesodermal precursors are brought into the interior of the embryo by formation of the ventral furrow. The first steps of ventral furrow formation involve a flattening of the apical surface of the presumptive mesodermal cells and a constriction of their apical diameters. In embryos mutant for folded gastrulation (fog), these cell shape changes occur but the timing and synchrony of the constrictions are abnormal. A similar phenotype is seen in a maternal effect mutant, concertina (cta). fog encodes a putative secreted protein whereas cta encodes an (alpha)-subunit of a heterotrimeric G protein. We have proposed that localized expression of the fog signaling protein induces apical constriction by interacting with a receptor whose downstream cellular effects are mediated by the cta G(alpha)protein. In order to test this model, we have ectopically expressed fog at the blastoderm stage using an inducible promoter. In addition, we have examined the constitutive activation of cta protein by blocking GTP hydrolysis using both in vitro synthesized mutant alleles and cholera toxin treatment. Activation of the fog/cta pathway by any of these procedures results in ectopic cell shape changes in the gastrula. Uniform fog expression rescues the gastrulation defects of fog null embryos but not cta mutant embryos, arguing that cta functions downstream of fog expression. The normal location of the ventral furrow in embryos with uniformly expressed fog suggests the existence of a fog-independent pathway determining mesoderm-specific cell behaviors and invagination. Epistasis experiments indicate that this pathway requires snail but not twist expression.  相似文献   

Signals released from Spemann's organizer, together with ventralizing factors such as BMPs, are necessary to pattern the dorsoventral axis of the vertebrate embryo. We report that a member of the FGF family, fgf-8, not secreted by the axial mesoderm but expressed in a dorsoventral gradient at the margin of the zebrafish gastrula, also contributes to the establishment of the dorsoventral axis of the embryo. Ectopic expression of FGF-8 leads to the expansion of dorsolateral derivatives at the expense of ventral and posterior domains. Moreover, FGF-8 displays some organizer properties as it induces the formation of a partial secondary axis in the absence of factors released from Spemann's organizer territory. Analysis of its interaction with the ventralizing factors, BMPs, reveals that overexpression of FGF-8 inhibits the expression of these factors in the ventral part of the embryo as early as blastula stage, suggesting that FGF-8 acts upstream of BMP2 and BMP4. We conclude that FGF-8 is involved in defining dorsoventral identity and is an important organizing factor responsible for specification of mesodermal and ectodermal dorsolateral territories of the zebrafish gastrula.  相似文献   

Zebrafish cyclops (cyc) mutations cause deficiencies in the dorsal mesendoderm and ventral neural tube, leading to neural defects and cyclopia. Here we report that cyc encodes a transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta)-related intercellular signalling molecule that is similar to mouse nodal. cyc is expressed in dorsal mesendoderm at gastrulation and in the prechordal plate until early somitogenesis. Expression reappears transiently in the left lateral-plate mesoderm, and in an unprecedented asymmetric pattern in the left forebrain. Injection of cyc RNA non-autonomously restores sonic hedgehog-expressing cells of the ventral brain and floorplate that are absent in cyc mutants, whereas inducing activities are abolished by cyc, a mutation of a conserved cysteine in the mature ligand. Our results indicate that cyc provides an essential non-cell-autonomous signal at gastrulation, leading to induction of the floorplate and ventral brain.  相似文献   

In a previous study, miniature inhibitory synaptic events recorded in the Mauthner cell of the 52-hour-old zebrafish larvae (Brachydanio rerio) were found to be mainly glycinergic. Their amplitude distribution was not Gaussian and it was proposed that their large amplitude variation might reflect the activation of immature synapses. However, ultrastructural studies of the synaptic contacts over the M-cell soma of 52 h larvae described here, revealed that numerous synaptic contacts on this neuron are already mature at this developmental stage and that most of them already contain a single active zone. As in the adult goldfish, immunohistochemistry indicates the presence of both glycine- and GABA-immunoreactive boutons which establish synaptic contacts. We also found that, in addition to the predominant glycinergic postsynaptic inhibitory currents, some postsynaptic currents are also GABAergic since they are specifically inhibited by bicuculline (20 microM). GABAergic miniature events (time to peak close to 0.8 ms and decay time-constant close to 45 ms) were only detected in the presence of 11.5 mM [KCl]o. Their amplitude distributions were well fitted by one, or at most two, Gaussian curves. Outside-out recordings showed one class of GABA receptors with a main conductance state of 23 pS. This indicates that the smallest GABAergic miniature inhibitory synaptic events correspond to the opening of 14-20 chloride channels Pre- and postsynaptic factors which contribute to the predominance of glycinergic synaptic currents over GABAergic ones in untreated preparations and to the striking differences between their frequencies and their respective amplitude distribution histograms are discussed with reference to the morphological characteristics of the mature synaptic endings impinging on this still developing neuron.  相似文献   

In this paper we report on monoclonal antibody 3H6 with unique specificities for development of the cerebellum. Immunohistochemical studies on normal and mutant mice suggest that it is primarily located in or on granule cell parallel fibers in the cerebellum. The only other region showing immunoreactivity is a small region of the hippocampus. The antigen is detected immunohistochemically as early as postnatal day 11 in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. In adult wild-type mice parallin expression is seen in the molecular layer and to a lesser degree in the internal granular layer. In the cerebella of two neurological granule cell-deficient mutants, weaver (wv) and staggerer (sg), parallin is not detected. However, in two Purkinje cell-deficient mutants, Purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) and nervous (nr), a more complex and interesting pattern is observed. These two mutants do have granule cells and parallel fibers and 3H6 immunoreactivity is observed. However, in both of these Purkinje cell-deficient mutants the 3H6 immunoreactivity is drastically reduced in regions where Purkinje cells have degenerated. Furthermore, in nr mutants, the antigen appears to be concentrated in regions of the parallel fiber that are in close proximity to Purkinje cells, suggesting its possible association with synapses. Taken together these results suggest that parallin is a marker of granule cells and their parallel fibers, its onset correlates with the formation of granule cell synapses on developing Purkinje cells, and it requires Purkinje cells for the maintenance of expression.  相似文献   

In the external granular layer of the cerebellum, the granule cell precursors express the transient axonal glycoprotein TAG-1, a molecule involved in adhesion and neurite outgrowth. Granule cells express TAG-1 transiently, just as they extend neurites before migrating over the radial glia. The present study aims to investigate whether the expression pattern of TAG-1 is altered when granule cells develop abnormally. We studied in vivo models in which Purkinje and/or granule cell defects occur during postnatal development. These include the cerebellar mutant mice staggerer and lurcher as well as rats irradiated during postnatal development. Neither alterations in Purkinje cell differentiation nor the related granule cell loss in the mouse mutants impairs the ability of the surviving granule cell precursors to express TAG-1. Also, early granule cell loss in the X-irradiated rats do not disturb the TAG-1 expression phase in the patches of surviving granule cell precursors. Ectopic granule cells found in the adult cerebellum of X-irradiated rats do not bear the molecule, although they are located in the most superficial part of the molecular layer, occupied by the immunopositive cells a few days earlier. Thus, TAG-1 marks a very precise stage of granule cell differentiation, and the inward migration process itself is not required for the cessation of the expression. We postulate that TAG-1 may be involved in local differentiation steps restricted to the deep external granular layer such as parallel migratory routes or synchrony of axonal growth.  相似文献   

The signaling molecule encoded by Sonic hedgehog (shh) participates in the patterning of several embryonic structures including limbs. During early fin development in zebrafish, a subset of cells in the posterior margin of pectoral fin buds express shh. We have shown that regulation of shh in pectoral fin buds is consistent with a role in mediating the activity of a structure analogous to the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA) (Akimenko and Ekker (1995) Dev. Biol. 170, 243-247). During growth of the bony rays of both paired and unpaired fins, and during fin regeneration, there does not seem to be a region equivalent to the ZPA and one would predict that shh would play a different role, if any, during these processes specific to fish fins. We have examined the expression of shh in the developing fins of 4-week old larvae and in regenerating fins of adults. A subset of cells in the basal layer of the epidermis in close proximity to the newly formed dermal bone structures of the fin rays, the lepidotrichia, express shh, and ptc1 which is thought to encode the receptor of the SHH signal. The expression domain of ptc1 is broader than that of shh and adjacent blastemal cells releasing the dermal bone matrix also express ptc1. Further observations indicate that the bmp2 gene, in addition to being expressed in the same cells of the basal layer of the epidermis as shh, is also expressed in a subset of the ptc1-expressing cells of the blastema. Amputations of caudal fins immediately after the first branching point of the lepidotrichia, and global administration of all-trans-retinoic acid, two procedures known to cause fusion of adjacent rays, result in a transient decrease in the expression of shh, ptc1 and bmp2. The effects of retinoic acid on shh expression occur within minutes after the onset of treatment suggesting direct regulation of shh by retinoic acid. These observations suggest a role for shh, ptc1 and bmp2 in patterning of the dermoskeleton of developing and regenerating teleost fins.  相似文献   

In mice homozygous for the 'viable motheaten' (mev) mutation, numbers of macrophage progenitor cells, particularly monocytes, were markedly increased in the bone marrow and spleen. Increased mobilization of these precursor cells to peripheral tissues and their differentiation to macrophages were evidenced by striking increases in macrophage numbers. Immunohistochemical double staining of tissue sections and flow cytometry analyses of single cell suspensions from these mice demonstrated CD5 (Ly-1)-positive macrophages in the peritoneal cavity, spleen and other tissues. Ly-1-positive macrophage precursor cells were demonstrated in the peritoneal cavity of the mev mice and developed in the omental milky spots. The development of marginal metallophilic and marginal zone macrophages was poor in the splenic white pulp and related macrophage populations were absent in the other lymphoid tissues. The numbers of epidermal Langerhans cells in the skin and T cell-associated dendritic cells in the thymic medulla, lymph nodes, and the other peripheral lymphoid tissues were decreased. However, increased numbers of dendritic cells accumulated in the lungs, liver, and kidneys. These abnormalities in development and differentiation of macrophages and dendritic cells may be ascribed to the deficiency in haematopoietic cell SHP-1 tyrosine phosphatase or may be a secondary consequence of abnormal microenvironments, (either constitutive or in response to inflammatory stimuli) in the haematopoietic and lymphopoietic organs and tissues of these mice.  相似文献   

In the present study we used the mutant muscle cell line NFB4 to study the balance between proliferation and myogenic differentiation. We show that removal of serum, which induced the parental C2C12 cells to withdraw from the cell cycle and differentiate, had little effect on NFB4 cells. Gene products characteristic of the proliferation state, such as c-Jun, continued to accumulate in the mutant cells in low serum, whereas those involved in differentiation, like myogenin, insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II), and IGF-binding protein 5 (IGFBP-5) were undetectable. Moreover, NFB4 cells displayed a unique pattern of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins, especially in low serum, suggesting that the signal transduction pathway(s) that controls differentiation is not properly regulated in these cells. Treatment of NFB4 cells with exogenous IGF-I or IGF-II at concentrations shown to promote myogenic differentiation in wild-type cells resulted in activation of myogenin but not MyoD gene expression, secretion of IG-FBP-5, changes in tyrosine phosphorylation, and enhanced myogenic differentiation. Similarly, transfection of myogenin expression constructs also enhanced differentiation and resulted in activation of IGF-II expression, showing that myogenin and IGF-II cross-activate each other's expression. However, in both cases, the expression of Jun mRNA remained elevated, suggesting that IGFs and myogenin cannot overcome all aspects of the block to differentiation in NFB4 cells.  相似文献   

To investigate the value of motor sensory differentiated nerve repair, we examined a group of 9 patients with motor sensory differentiated nerve repair and a group of 13 patients without motor sensory differentiated nerve repair. The clinical and electroneurographic findings were compared. For the clinical examination, Millesi's scoring system was used. The hand function after motor sensory differentiated median nerve repair was 72% +/- 16% compared with 57% +/- 14% without motor sensory differentiation. The hand function after motor sensory differentiated median and ulnar nerve repair was 53% +/- 12% compared with 43% +/- 24% without motor sensory differentiation. After ulnar nerve repair the achieved values for hand function were high even without motor sensory differentiation. Our results indicate that intraoperative motor sensory differentiation of injured nerves is helpful to reestablish particularly the sensory function in median nerve injuries.  相似文献   

Antibody VH transgenes containing small amounts of natural 5' and 3' flanking DNA undergo nonreciprocal homologous recombination with the endogenous Igh locus in B cells. The resulting "hybrid" heavy chain loci are generated at a low frequency but are fully functional, undergoing somatic hypermutation and isotype class switching. We have used this recombination pathway to introduce a somatically mutated variable (V) region with an unusually high affinity for the hapten p-azophenylarsonate (Ars) into the preimmune antibody repertoire. The affinity of this V region for Ars is 100-fold higher than any unmutated anti-Ars antibody previously characterized. Expression of the transgene-encoded V region did not affect many aspects of antigen-driven B cell differentiation, including somatic hypermutation, in either Ars-specific transgene- or endogenous V gene-expressing clones. Thus, the regulation of these processes appears to operate in a "global" fashion, in that the mechanisms involved are imperceptive of the relative affinities for antigen of the antibodies expressed by B cell clones participating in the immune response. In contrast, the selection of V region mutants leading to affinity maturation and memory cell formation was found to be strongly influenced by the transgenic V region, but only in clones expressing this V region. Hybridomas derived from transgene- and endogenous V region-expressing memory cells were isolated at similar frequencies from individual transgenic mice. The V regions expressed by hybridomas in both of these groups had 2- to 30-fold greater affinity for Ars than their unmutated precursors, despite the fact that the transgene-encoded precursors had 100-fold higher affinity than their endogenous counterparts. These results show that the criterion for entry into the memory compartment is established not by the affinity of a B cell's V region relative to all other V regions expressed during the response, but by the affinity of this V region relative to its unmutated precursor. Thus, the development of B cell memory is regulated in a "clone-autonomous" fashion.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found a subgroup of people with autism or Asperger Syndrome who pass second-order tests of theory of mind. However, such tests have a ceiling in developmental terms corresponding to a mental age of about 6 years. It is therefore impossible to say if such individuals are intact or impaired in their theory of mind skills. We report the performance of very high functioning adults with autism or Asperger Syndrome on an adult test of theory of mind ability. The task involved inferring the mental state of a person just from the information in photographs of a person's eyes. Relative to age-matched normal controls and a clinical control group (adults with Tourette Syndrome), the group with autism and Asperger Syndrome were significantly impaired on this task. The autism and Asperger Syndrome sample was also impaired on Happé's strange stories tasks. In contrast, they were unimpaired on two control tasks: recognising gender from the eye region of the face, and recognising basic emotions from the whole face. This provides evidence for subtle mindreading deficits in very high functioning individuals on the autistic continuum.  相似文献   

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