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文章从设计能否创造产品价值,以及如何实现产品价值这两个基本问题入手,从社会学、人类学和商业的角度比较了各种价值的表现方式,论述了对设计可能产生的影响,继而提出在MEC模型中加入使用环境因素和文化因素,作为建构产品价值理论模型的基本框架。文章认为:设计创造了产品的使用价值和交换价值,产品价值的整体实现是个人及社会体验与"生态"系统相互作用的一个过程。  相似文献   

无用设计是一种新的设计理念,它汇集整合了设计师对于设计创造价值的探索,它提倡设计将无用转化为有用,创造出新价值,并赋予产品意义,进而影响消费者对价值的认知,创造一个环保的、可持续的未来。文章介绍了无用设计理念,挖掘无用设计的思想渊源,进而通过对具体产品进行分析的基础上,提出无用设计理念的特征:价值性、环保性、可持续性和手工艺性。  相似文献   

嵌入式模糊智能控制系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章概括了嵌入式模糊控制的基本数学理论基础和重要应用价值,从实践和理论角度全面综述了嵌入式模糊智能控制系统的基本构造和设计特点,说明了嵌入式模糊控制体系设计、仿真、实现的一般规律和方法措施。文章重点阐述了二维SVFC和MISO--MVFC体系的嵌入式过程实现,理论结合实践,列举了一系列典型的具体项目设计实例。文章探讨了嵌入式模糊控制的优势和不足,进一步阐述了如何进行嵌入式模糊控制体系的白适应寻优设计问题。  相似文献   

联想掀起了一场“蓄谋已久”的运动。这场运动从IT系统最基本的单元——PC刮起,并将很快席卷到笔记本电脑、打印机、多功能一体机、投影机等前台客户端产品。这场运动的目标是帮助用户在业务层面实现客户端产品间的协同计算、提高效率、创造新价值。  相似文献   

工业设计专业近些年取得了突飞猛进的发展,学校、企业以及国家越来越重视发展工业设计专业,特别是在实现从中国制造向中国创造的战略任务中它发挥了重要的作用。但是我们必须看到在市场价值方面工业设计在整个产品的价值比重中仅占很小部分。教育机构、企业通过理论和实践的总结对工业设计发展以及如何提升市场价值指出了方向,并提出了新的合作形式来提升工业设计的市场价值。对于这些形式的研究对工业设计发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

联想掀起了一场“蓄谋已久”的运动。这场运动从IT系统最基本的单元——PC刮起、并将很快席卷到笔记本电脑、打印机、多功能一体机、投影机等前台客户端产品。这场运动的目标是帮助用户在业务层面实现客户端产品间的协同计算,提高效率、创造新价值。  相似文献   

孙会峰 《软件世界》2014,(11):12-12
价值创造是企业生存发展之根本。工业化时代,企业以大规模生产、大规模销售和大规模传播为特征,通过规模化生产,提供标准化产品,获取行业平均利润,各企业按其所处研发与设计、生产与制造、营销与服务的产业分工位置分享价值。当前,这一存续已久的价值创造和分配模式正在发生嬗变。借助互联网平台,企业、客户及利益相关方全流程参与到价值创造、价值传递及价值实现诸环节,正在形成新的价值创造和分享模式。  相似文献   

文章介绍了一种采用ATMEG8单片机设计的矿用智能型电机保护器。该产品是传统JDB系列保护器的更新换代产品,它除保留原产品的基本保护功能外,还具有智能保护的功能。实际应用表明该产品具有较高的性价比和市场推广价值。  相似文献   

构成与产品外观设计结合的课程教学就是把艺术形态构成与相关产品外观设计技术相互应用。它改革传统《构成设计》课程中的"三大构成"纯粹形态为形态而设计的局限性,引导学生逐步从纯粹的艺术形态设计向产品外观设计技术的创造方向过度。从研究构成形态的基本要素到构成艺术与产品外观设计技术应用相结合的课程教学过程,自始至终围绕产品外观设计技术的要求有目的地进行深入的设计和创造,使学生有更广阔的空间去发挥他们的想象力和创造力。其实质就是艺术与技术应用相结合最终转化为生产力来创造价值,获得社会认可。  相似文献   

包装设计以产品为操作对象,以视觉价值和使用价值为目标,通过个性化的设计手法,让消费者更容易接受并使用产品。包装设计在产品的出售过程中占有重要地位,不仅能更好美化产品,而且能提高产品的整体价值,从而提高商家的经济效益。在地域文化视觉元素的要求下,包装设计必须与地域文化相结合,在创新过程中维持独有的地域特性,从而更好体现出产品的价值。文章主要以包装设计作为研究对象,对地域文化视觉元素要求下的包装设计方法进行深入探讨,从而更好实现包装设计的价值。  相似文献   

文章通过阐述设计管理模式的运用及其目标,分析了设计管理与品牌价值之间的相互关系,从提升产品质量,提升品牌的功能价值和附加价值几方面进行了系统研究。提出在当前卷烟品牌竞争形势下,应当将设计管理模式有效地运用到企业的产品设计和品牌战略之中,充分肯定了设计管理作为创新型管理手段在建立卷烟品牌价值方面具有的重要意义。  相似文献   

产品环境价值分析方法与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了设计出环境友好的产品,将生命周期评价方法集成到设计过程,提出环境价值分析方法,分析了其基本概念、目标与设计应用.通过功能结构映射将产品实体抽象化,将产品结构系统转化为功能系统;对功能系统进行基于功能的生命周期过程环境影响评价;进行环境价值评估与计算;通过功能分析与改进将功能系统再实物化为新的结构实体.最后用台灯设计实例说明了环境价值分析的应用.  相似文献   

设计作为人类的一种创造形式,其价值对于人类社会生产具有指导性意义。设计作为一门技术与艺术相结合的学科、专业,在工业的发展过程中呈现出的自然、社会属性。文章论述了设计的价值负荷形式对人类生产发展起到的创新推动作用,以及设计价值的趋向性作用,研究了设计价值中的社会价值、人文价值导向,指出设计进入社会需经过流通和受体两种检验,在满足使用者需求的同时,必须保证价值的可持续性生产,避免价值生产断层问题。  相似文献   

Design thinking has proven to be an effective approach to driving innovation in diverse contexts and has attracted increasing interest from scholars and practitioners. However, the plurality of points of view about design thinking can bring diffuse understandings and hinder a cohesive perspective on the construct. This work continues the research stream to provide greater specificity about design thinking practice. The paper focuses on new solution development projects, investigating how design thinking contributes to advance from value creation to value capture—which are two fundamental achievements of successful innovations. Based on three in-depth case studies of new product development conducted in healthcare innovation projects, this work indicates that design thinking is more prone to promoting value creation rather than value capture. Design thinking principles work as a compass that guides the development team, getting clues from users to direct the value creation. In addition, the study shows the importance of complementing design thinking with specialist knowledge to build solutions that can create value. Finally, the study shows that value capture is not an immediate outcome of design thinking. Therefore, this work indicates the need to complement design thinking with business-oriented approaches to provide market-related results.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,用户对产品的需求已经不仅仅是基本功能的需求,消费者更加追求产品的审美、情感和品牌价值等附加值。本文以产品设计附加值为中心,介绍产品设计附加值的定义、作用以及创造途径。在介绍产品设计附加值创造途径中,主要以经典的IPod播放器作为辅助说明案例。  相似文献   

对于一项出色的产品设计来说,由其造型所体现出的产品语义的各种内涵上应该是平衡的,正是这种平衡成就了产品的完善与和谐,也成就了该设计出色的商业价值和社会价值。平衡的理念为产品造型和产品语义之间构建一座坚实的桥梁。平衡的概念其实贯穿了产品设计的每一个方面,又在产品的造型设计中得以体现,良好的设计表现需要平衡各种方面的因素,包括视觉效果、产品内涵等各方面,创造和谐而高效的产品才是最终追求的目标。  相似文献   

Abstract.  With firms increasingly relying on ubiquitous computing to implement major business initiatives, it is becoming ever more necessary to understand the technological aspects of business developments. This paper analyzes the use of remote diagnostics systems in the manufacturing industry and discusses the opportunities and challenges for the early adopters. It pays specific attention to the impact on business aspects such as the value creation process consisting of relationships, roles, and architecture and the value proposal consisting of a business offer and customer value. The study shows how ubiquitous computing allows manufacturers to become remote service providers while customers can either become co-creators of value or passive receivers of created value. Ubiquitous computing also creates possibilities for the manufacturing industry to design new kinds of business offers based on remote presence. Studying remote diagnostics systems shows that ubiquitous computing creates value when deployed in products, and not just in relation to individuals. Moreover, the design of the value-creation process should not be limited to the single supplier or customer organization, as ubiquitous computing applications take no notice of organizational boundaries.  相似文献   

Whenever information systems are developed, they serve some interests at the expense of others. Just what those interests are and who possesses them need to be understood and debated as they involve value judgments. This paper contends that advice concerning the design of information systems must not be limited to technical design, but should also address what is good or bad, or right or wrong in any particular situation—a notion termed a design ideal. The paper offers an approach on how such value judgments involving competing design ideals may be approached in a rational way. This necessitates the adoption of a wider concept of rationality, one, which allows the insights of critical philosophical analysis to be brought to bear on the question of how information systems can best serve all project stakeholders. In order to address likely objections to our proposal, the conclusions discuss several research issues.  相似文献   

经济的快速增长,国际交往的日益频繁,设计已经不光从功能和审美的角度来考虑,文化价值也成为设计中所必须要考虑到的一点。产品作为信息的载体,联系着个人与社会文化,而灯具作为产品的重要组成部分,自然反应着一定的文化形态属性。文章以现代灯具为例,结合优秀的中外现代灯具设计案例,探讨产品设计中的文化价值体现,研究文化价值的差异性,共融性与前瞻性。  相似文献   

This study aims to suggest a systematic framework to evaluate design concepts for a new product at the concept‐development phase. It focuses especially on evaluating design concepts based on user requirements and implicit tasks, defining trends in technology alternatives, and relating users' perceived value to product functionality. The potential user needs and functional requirements were identified through scenario‐based analysis and hierarchical task analysis. Technology alternatives were also investigated to support users in performing the required tasks effectively and efficiently. For a quantifiable evaluation measure, customer‐perceived value (CPV) attributes were used to evaluate the benefits and costs of the current design concept as compared to perceived alternatives. A case study was conducted to evaluate the design concepts of a new computer‐supported cooperative work (CSCW)‐based system with a tangible user interface, which was designed to support group decision‐making activities, such as business meetings. At the concept‐development phase, engineering specifications are not determined, and cost cannot be precisely estimated. Thus, while we dealt with design‐concept evaluation, we had no choice but to exclude cost attributes, such as monetary expenditure. It is still expected that our framework would be effective in incorporating user‐centered design perspectives early in the process of new product development. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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