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环境友好润滑剂的特点及发展   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:26  
阐述了绿色友好润滑剂的生物降解性和摩擦化学特点,提出了环境友好润滑剂在发展过程中存在的主要问题,并对未来的发展趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

纳米级氟化石墨作为润滑剂添加剂的摩擦学性能研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
探讨了纳米级氟化石墨的结构特征和润滑原理,使用四球摩擦试验机研究了纳米级氟化石墨的摩擦学性能。研究表明,纳米级氟化石墨对钢-钢摩擦副表现出良好的抗磨减摩性能,与未加添加剂的基础油相比,可使磨斑直径平均减少25%以上,摩擦因数降低35%左右;具有较好的承载能力,使用效果稍好于T321;与T301配伍后具有增效性,与其它添加剂配伍后具有明显的减摩作用。  相似文献   

几种纳米添加剂在环境友好润滑剂中的摩擦化学特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用机械化学修饰法研制了三种纳米润滑添加剂,二硫化钼(MoS2)、聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)和氟化石墨(CxFy),考察了这些纳米级润滑剂在环境友好润滑剂中的摩擦化学特性。结果发现:这些纳米添加剂在环境友好润滑剂中具有较好的抗磨性能和良好的减摩性能;减摩性能优于常用的极压抗磨剂,其机理是在摩擦副表面形成迁移膜,起“滚动微轴承”的作用。  相似文献   

含硫极压抗磨添加剂在菜籽油中的摩擦学性能研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用四球磨损试验机考察了以硫化异丁烯和硫化棉籽油作为菜籽油极压抗磨添加剂时的摩擦学性能,通过测定2种添加剂在不同含量下的最大无卡咬负荷(pB)和不同条件下的磨斑直径(WSD),分析和研究了载荷、摩擦时间、添加剂含量对菜籽油摩擦学性能的影响。试验结果表明:硫化异丁烯可以明显提高菜籽油的承载能力和抗磨性能,硫化棉籽油对提高菜籽油的承载能力和抗磨性能效果不明显,硫化异丁烯在菜籽油中的承载能力和抗磨性能明显优于硫化棉籽油。试验还表明添加剂的含量并非越高越好,否则WSD值将增大。  相似文献   

设计并合成了N-油酰基丝氨酸添加剂,运用红外光谱表征了其结构,通过摩擦学和生物降解实验考察了其在HVI350矿物油中的摩擦学和生物降解性能,并探讨了其摩擦学和促进润滑油生物降解的作用机制.研究表明:N-油酰基丝氨酸能有效提高矿物基础油的减摩抗磨能力,并能显著提高矿物基础油的生物降解性能,是一种潜在的环境友好润滑添加剂.  相似文献   

植物油作为环境友好润滑剂的研究概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对近年来植物油作为环境友好润滑剂的研究状况作了总结。介绍了通过使用添加剂、化学改性、生物改性等方法来提高植物油润滑性能的研究进展,指出国内开展相关研究工作的紧迫性。  相似文献   

本文对一些环境友好润滑剂基础油(酯型合成油和天然植物油脂)的摩擦特性及润滑化学主要性能进行试验研究,对一些油性和极压添加剂:氯化石蜡、硫化异丁稀、ZDTP、TAW(上海大学产无灰、氮磷型)的抗磨、减摩效果进行比较,并和纳米型(CF)x进行了比较。  相似文献   

环境友好金属加工润滑油的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
戴恩期 《润滑与密封》2006,8(9):218-219
研制了一种环境友好金属加工润滑油。通过对基础油的选择、添加剂的合成、国外添加剂的引进以及动物适应性试验,结果表明,该产品具有环保性、人体适应性、无毒无害等性能。产品投放市场后填补了国内的空白。  相似文献   

以菜子油为原料,甲醇为酯交换剂,并以S粉和P2O5作为改性剂,合成了一种带有极压元素硫和磷的多羟基脂肪酸(酯)极压润滑剂,在制备成2%(质量分数)左右的乳化液后,经摩擦学性能考察,结果表明:该润滑液的最大无咬卡载荷(PB)为1260N,表面磨斑直径(WSD)和摩擦因数(μ)的最佳值分别为0.33mm和0.039,达到并超过了资料报导的目前以油为润滑介质的国内同类产品的性能指标。  相似文献   

本文考察了含SPN型添加剂的乳化液型水基润滑剂对45钢-石灰岩摩擦副的摩擦学性能的影响。在销盘实验机进行的摩擦学实验显示这种添加剂有一定的减摩抗磨作用,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线光电能谱(XPS)对摩擦副进行表面分析表明有硫磷氮等化合物的形成。  相似文献   

Poor or inefficient lubrication often gives rise to high friction and wear losses in machine components, which adversely affect their performance, efficiency, and durability. Many approaches are being explored to enhance the antifriction and antiwear properties of sliding machine components. In this study, the antifriction and antiwear properties of carbon spheres, synthesized from plastic waste by an autogenic process, were investigated as an additive to a poly-alpha-olefin (PAO-4 grade) oil. When dispersed at 1 wt% concentration, the carbon spheres reduced both friction and wear under boundary-lubricated sliding conditions. In particular, the reduction in wear was quite dramatic and appeared to be enabled by the formation of a fairly thick (≈200 nm) carbon-rich boundary film, the formation of which is attributed to tribochemical interactions between the carbon particles and sliding contact surfaces.  相似文献   

富勒烯(C60)的摩擦学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文综述了富勒烯(C60)在摩擦学中的研究进展。  相似文献   

减少二氧化碳排放是防止地球大气层受到对气候有影响的微量气体之影响的一种努力。所有的消费市场都必须增加效率和最经济地使用化石能源。为了尽可能利用所有的节油措施,同时继续提供对重要的安全和舒适性标准,汽车工业早已不对发动机消耗抱有希望。他们的努力集中在改善整车效率上。新变速器采用智能化的电控系统以优化发动机和变速器的互相作用,它能显著改善排放。常规的有级自动变速器现正被新型的无级自动变速器(CVT)所  相似文献   

Metal-on-metal (MoM) hip replacements are commonly used hip implants. However, one of the issues under debate is the interference of friction and wear. The purpose of this feasibility study is to elucidate the performance of palm lubrication between the femoral head and the acetabular cup. In the tribology of hip implants, the use of palm olein, palm kernel oil, and palm fatty acid distillate as synthetic lubricants for human joints has shown tremendous potential. A modified pin-on-disc as hip screening has been used to evaluate the friction and wear on an acetabular cup with an inner diameter of 28 mm. The wear debris was then observed with microscopy image analysis. This study revealed that the physical and unique chemical properties in palm oil can optimize the rate of friction and wear on the metal acetabular cup and thus allow for a stable implant of MoM.  相似文献   

关于绿色切削液研究开发的几点思考   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文简述了传统切削液存在的危害,提出了开发绿色切削液的必要性,并提出了研究开发绿色切削液的基本要求,基础油和添加剂的选用原则,以及一些值得重视的问题。  相似文献   

发动机性能恢复剂作用效果的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对目前市上几种发动机性能恢复作用效果进行了大量的发动机性能试验,证实了此类添加剂的作用效果,并对其作用机理进行了分析。  相似文献   

水溶性润滑添加剂研究概况   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
通过对水溶性润滑添加剂发展现状的概述,提出了水溶性润滑添加剂发展过程中存在的主要问题,并对将来的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Synergistic and antagonistic effects have been observed with the four sulfur-, phosphorus- and heavy metal-free antioxidants, hindered bis-phenol, octylated diphenylamine, octylated phenyl-alpha-naphthylamine and tolutriazole derivative, on the oxidation stability, thermal and physicochemical properties of dioctyl sebacate oil. The oxidation stability was evaluated using a rotary bomb oxidation tester. The results from isothermal and catalytic RBOT oxidation tests suggested that ODPA has an antagonistic effect on the OIT. The combination of HP:OPANA:TZ exhibited the highest and most synergistic antioxidant activity. Furthermore, synergism was observed in terms of both oxidation and thermal stabilities through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).  相似文献   

Biodegradability analysis of lubricants by standardised tests provides valuable information for both legislation purposes and assessment of how chemical structure influences biodegradability. The choice of an appropriate test for evaluating the ultimate biodegradability of oils raises serious problems as the majority of lubricating base oils display a poor water solubility. The paper summarises the experience gained and the results achieved from the evaluation of primary and ultimate biodegradability of lubricating base oils differing in chemical structure, such as rapeseed oil, synthetic polyolester oils, poly(α-olefin) oils (PAO 4 and PAO 6) and the conventional mineral oil. Primary biodegradability was evaluated using the CEC L-33-A-93 test. To evaluate the ultimate biodegradability of oils in an aerobic aquatic environment, use was made of the testing methods OECD 301 B and OECD 310 for ready biodegradability. Oils that fail to fulfil the “ready biodegradability” criterion, e.g. pentaerythrite tetra(sec-capronate) oil (polyolester with steric hindrance around the ester bonds), PAO 4, PAO 6, and mineral oil, were evaluated for inherent biodegradability using the OECD 302 D (draft) test and the OECD 302 B method where the test vessels were prepared via a modified procedure. The oils belonging to this group differred in inherent biodegradability. Thus, PE tetra(sec-capronate) oil reached an extent of biodegradation amounting to 65%, that of PAO 4 and mineral oil being equal to 48% and 38%, respectively. Experiments have shown that ISO 14593 offers a convenient method for evaluating the ready biodegradability of base oils according to OECD 310 and makes it possible to evaluate (with the same apparatus and reagents) the inherent biodegradability of oils when the conditions and criteria recommended by the OECD 302D (draft) CONCAWE test are satisfied.  相似文献   

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