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Reviews the books, Relational theory and the practice of psychotherapy by Paul L. Wachtel (2009). Paul Wachtel has done it again. After writing for many years about integrating psychoanalytic, behavioral and family approaches to psychotherapy in addition to cultural issues, Wachtel has returned to his psychoanalytic origins to explicate his ideas about cyclical psychodynamics from the perspective of contemporary relational psychoanalysis. This book is an excellent way for psychotherapists unfamiliar with how psychoanalysis has changed since Freud to familiarize themselves with recent developments from a writer who does not get lost in the jargon that distances many who find psychoanalytic language lacking in clarity. Psychoanalysts will find some critiques of traditional views and expansions of ways of looking at the clinical situation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three major epistemological perspectives in psychoanalysis are summarized, and the developmental research relevant to each is described. Not all research is useful for all psychoanalytic perspectives. The most historically recent of the three perspectives, exemplified by Winnicott, others in the British Independent Group, and the "relationists" in the United States, who focus on the experiential immediacy of the analyst-analysand interaction and emotions, presents new problems and challenges for meaningful dialogue with the developmental researcher. Research in extrapsychoanalytic disciplines has traditionally been posed as authoritative for the grounding of psychoanalytic "truth," and, unlike the earlier perspectives, this view explicity rejects any truth deriving from authority outside the psychoanalytic process itself. To illustrate how developmental research inquiry would be different for each epistemological perspective in psychoanalysis, the same study of infant development is described in three different ways as relevant to each perspective. Child development research has been changing as a field in ways parallel to psychoanalysis, each undergoing fundamental changes that encourage a new integration.  相似文献   

Sándor Ferenczi's ideas are being rediscovered and appreciated for their contributions to the evolution of psychoanalysis. Both European and American psychoanalysts have led the way in the rehabilitation of Ferenczi's reputation, damaged by Ernest Jones's assertions that Ferenczi's dissidence was a function of his psychopathology. In the last twenty-five years, Jones's assertions have been successfully challenged. Now, the focus in Ferenczi scholarship has shifted to the significance of his ideas and methods for the evolution of psychoanalyses. Five areas of Ferenczi's seminal contributions are outlined: 1. An ethos of clinical experimentation and empirically based clinical theory; 2. introduction of clinical empathy; 3. analysis of trauma and difficult cases; 4. development of the "Confusion of Tongues" theory and "Relaxation Therapy"; and 5. laid the foundation for a relational perspective in psychoanalysis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Recent developments in psychoanalysis by Morris N. Eagle (see record 1987-98252-000). This volume is a timely and important addition to psychoanalytic literature. Eagle states that it is "intended as a systematic overview of recent ideas with the aim of providing a coherent account of the current status of psychoanalytic theory." His overview is generally fair, but penetrating, and exposes much of the irrationality and confusion that have plagued psychoanalytic thinking recently. He suggests that this confusion has arisen out of the tendency of psychoanalytic theorists to ignore advances in other areas of psychological research and related fields, particularly in the area of psychology of child development. Further confusion has been created by their attempt to formulate new concepts and ideas within the framework of classical Freudian metapsychology, which is rooted in instinct theory. These attempts, in many cases, have led to the use of a psychoanalytic language full of jargon, rendering theoretical formulations expressed in this way totally incomprehensible and aloof from logical consideration, while pretending to add metapsychological depth. Ultimately, however, he tries to elucidate the many real contributions to psychoanalytic theory by these theorists and to integrate their work into a coherent framework. His efforts in this regard reflect a sympathetic approach to the aims and ideals of psychoanalysis as a social science and a form of therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic theory's roots (in the clinic rather than the laboratory), and aims (depth understanding of the individual) have led to the development of a theoretical perspective that relies primarily on idiographic data and case material to derive and test psychoanalytic hypotheses. In this article, I describe nomothetic psychoanalysis--a framework for conceptualizing and evaluating psychoanalytic ideas that complements and enriches the traditional idiographic approach. Guidelines for conducting nomothetic studies of psychodynamic constructs are provided, and five principles are offered for implementing nomothetic psychoanalysis to maximize its heuristic value and clinical impact. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Since Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) formulated his first psychoanalytic theories about 100 years ago, there has been a rapid development in psychoanalytic theory and therapy. In this paper, central concepts in the four psychoanalytic "psychologies"--drive/ego psychology, object relations theory, self psychology and interpersonal psychoanalysis--are presented. Basic concepts in psychoanalysis have been under a continuous critical review, and psychoanalytic theories remain versatile. The unconscious and the exploration of subjective experience are central common themes. The role of the psychoanalyst has changed from expert to explorer, working together with the patient. At the same time, the analyst has become more active in the therapy room. The analyst's contribution to what is happening between the analyst and the patient has been increasingly emphasized. The development in psychoanalysis has parallelled both developments in the theory of knowledge as well as the change in cultural trends. Creating meaning is central to the psychoanalytic process, but there are divergent views as to how this happens: by articulating meaning, by uncovering meaning, by constructing or deconstructing meaning. The narrative tradition in which the central point is to tell stories about oneself, is discussed more thoroughly in the paper. The authors challenge the view that psychoanalysis is the work of Freud only.  相似文献   

Although psychoanalysis was once central to mainstream psychology, in recent years psychodynamic models of personality and psychopathology have become increasingly marginalized. The factors that combined to "disconnect" psychoanalysis from contemporary psychological science and clinical practice are examined, and strategies that can help reconnect psychoanalysis to mainstream psychology are described. These are (a) the use of nomothetic research methods to test and refine psychoanalytic concepts and (b) the communication of psychoanalytic principles and findings to colleagues, students, and members of the public. Opportunities and challenges that arise during this reconnection process are discussed, and prospects for the rebirth of a truly heuristic, integrative psychoanalysis are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

What I called "minor quibbles" with a book I found appealing appear to reflect some major issues. The authors may have intended the book for readers in the tradition of European phenomenology, but I reviewed the book for psychoanalytic psychologists who are members of an American Psychological Association, not for a journal of philosophy or of psychoanalysis alone. I don't fault the authors for not writing a literature review or a work of scholarly criticism. Prospective readers will wonder, however, if they are saying something different from other writers they are already familiar with—if they are "introducing" any new ideas or if their ideas differ from others' ideas (I had just reviewed Benjamin's book, for example). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In "Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic therapy: Is There a Meaningful Distinction in the Process?" J. L. Fosshage (see record 1997-38544-006) reassessed, on the basis of theory, research, and practice, the extrinsic and intrinsic criteria for psychoanalysis and concluded, from today's perspective, that a meaningful distinction with psychoanalytic psychotherapy cannot be made. J. H. Golland (see record 1999-00333-007) coming from a classical psychoanalytic perspective, decried these conclusions about psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. This article is a reply to Golland. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The psychoanalytic conception and treatment of schizophrenia is in need of fundamental revision because of (a) refinements in nosology which have separated out the borderline and affective disorders with which it had formerly been confused; (b) the development of newer psychoanalytic schools; and (c) the impact of various aspects of neurobiological research, the putative outcome of which seems to confirm that many, if not most, schizophrenics begin with a hereditary and/or congenital vulnerability to life and are disadvantaged in how they experience life, not only emotionally, but also neuroperceptually, neurocognitively, and neurobehaviorally. This contribution seeks to put schizophrenia and psychoanalysis in an interdisciplinary perspective by assigning the concept of disorders of psychical meaningfulness to the neurotic portion of the schizophrenic personality and of psychical meaninglessness to the psychotic portion of the personality. Whereas all psychoanalytic schools traditionally employ models that address meaningfulness, I suggest the employment of a newer model to deal with schizophrenia as a "disorder of self-regulation" (of meaninglessness), the latter being the neurobiological contribution. To the former I should like also to append the concept of a "disorder of interactional regulation" as its interpersonal complement in the sense of psychosocial, object relations, and systems theory interactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The interface between psychoanalysis and scientific research has been characterized by controversies and polarizations that have made a constructive debate very difficult. It is argued that the roots of the controversies are better understood as stemming from an uncompromising position within the psychoanalytic field that holds that scientific research and psychoanalysis are inherently incompatible and that the only research admissible is one that takes place within the psychoanalytic encounter. A critique of this rejectionist position, still tenaciously held by a sizable minority within the psychoanalytic community, is offered, and the repercussions of adhering to such view are discussed. It is argued that the theoretical fragmentation present in psychoanalysis has mostly stemmed from the sole reliance of a theory formation based on the single-case clinical study and that the refusal to engage in scientific studies has contributed to the progressive decline that psychoanalysis has been suffering over the last 20 years. Integration of scientific research with psychoanalytic practice and building bridges with other neighboring disciplines such as psychology, psychiatry, and neuroscience may help reestablish psychoanalysis as a relevant discipline in the university and mental health field. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cognitive science has incorporated seminal concepts of psychoanalysis without acknowledging this influence. This article covers psychoanalytic ideas already incorporated—implicitly or explicitly—in modern cognitive psychology, as well as ideas whose inclusion would benefit the cognitive field. These include the emphasis on mental models, mind–body interaction, unconscious processes, dual processes of thought, and naturalistic research milieus. The article discusses reasons why the psychoanalytic roots of these ideas have not been acknowledged and shows how the theories of multiple coding and the referential process provide a basis for bridging the psychoanalytic and cognitive science fields. Finally, it is argued that scientific psychology requires a subfield of psychoanalytic psychology that covers the integration of information-processing functions, including somatic and emotional processes, in the context of an individual's overall goals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The psychoanalytic theory of female homosexuality occupies an unusual position in modern psychoanalytic thought because it continues to be influenced by models of the mind that have largely been discarded in other areas of psychoanalytic psychology. Psychoanalytic ideas regarding female homosexuality are considered here from an historical perspective. It is suggested that modern psychoanalytic theory about sexual orientation in women must include recent contributions on the psychological development of women, the psychoanalytic psychology of male homosexuality, and relevant extraanalytic observations.  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Psychoanalysis at the margins by Paul E. Stepansky (see record 2009-22624-000). For more than two decades, there have been conferences and publications about psychoanalysis’ being in a crisis. None of these calls has led to a radical reorganization or reorientation of psychoanalysis. The result has been that psychoanalysis has become marginal: if in the 1960s a large percentage of professorships in psychiatry were held by psychoanalysts, now there are practically none. There are hardly any graduate programs in clinical psychology that are psychoanalytically oriented, and there are very few professorships in psychology that are in the hands of psychoanalysts. And while there are still many psychoanalytic institutes that succeed in attracting candidates, there are almost no patients left that come for classical psychoanalysis. Stepansky’s book is a major achievement and should be read by anybody concerned with the future of psychoanalysis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The subject of substance use disorders has been of interest to the field of psychoanalysis since its inception, and theoretical discussions and clinical case reports continue to regularly appear in the psychoanalytic literature. In addition, there is an ongoing upsurge in systematic research to test psychoanalytic theories and treatments, some of which addresses the topic of substance use disorders. The purpose of this symposium is to present original systematic research that has tested psychoanalytic theories and treatments for substance use disorders. It is hoped that these studies will provide models for investigating substance use disorders from a psychoanalytic perspective and will serve as a catalyst for further research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nowhere is the therapeutic action in psychoanalytic theory, away from Freud and back again, more striking than in the realm of homosexuality. Theories of lesbian development have evolved to appreciate the complexity of sexuality and gender as expressed in sexual object choice, foregrounded within psychoanalysis by proponents of relational and intersubjectivity theories. In this article, I argue that it was not until psychoanalysis came to embrace this complex and contextualized understanding of homosexuality that therapists could become curious with patients about conflict-based aspects of their homosexual selves without risk of pathologizing. I elaborate the ways in which contemporary psychoanalytic theories of lesbian development have provided a theoretical context from which therapists may allow ideas of drive, conflict, and object relations to inform and to advance work with their lesbian patients. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

However little they share in common, both Freudian and Jungian commentators have long agreed that Jung's theoretical development in the years following his psychoanalytic affiliation prompted an open "split" with Freud and the psychoanalytic movement. Careful examination of Jung's principal "rebel" works does not sustain this thesis, however, but rather indicates Jung's honest belief that his limited appropriation of certain psychoanalytic mechanisms and attendant theoretical modifications constituted full-fledged loyalty to psychoanalysis as he understood it. This perception receives significant support from the Freud-Jung correspondence which reveals Jung openly articulating the ground rules defining his loyalty to psychoanalysis as early as 1906, and Freud accepting, and even approving, his protégé's empirical reservations over the course of the next five years.  相似文献   

Psychoanalysis has been in a constant uninterrupted debate about its identity as a discipline and as a social institution. This article considers the place of science in psychoanalysis, on the one hand, and the hermeneutic nature of our discipline, on the other. The aim is to articulate a typology of psychoanalytic knowledge that characterizes psychoanalysis as a form of therapy, an intellectual movement, and a theoretical system. This typology considers psychoanalysis as a thought collective that influences its members by exchanging and maintaining ideas. To be a well-rounded psychoanalytic thinker or practitioner one must be able to move easily among three realms of knowledge--the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. Each realm has its own criteria of truth and the challenge is to know when to employ which criteria. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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