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随着全球气候变暖,极端天气气候事件增多,我国森林火灾发生频次和造成的损失都呈上升趋势。本文从气温、降水、风力和极端天气气候事件4个方面研究气候变化对森林火灾的影响,分析森林火灾对气候变化的反馈作用,研讨了气候继续变暖背景下森林火灾的情势,并提出针对性的预防对策。  相似文献   

<正>低碳经济提出的背景,是全球气候变暖对人类生存和发展的严峻挑战。有资料记载,1901年~2000年这100年,全球平均地表气温升高0.6℃,而1906年~2005年这100年地表气温升高074℃。随着时间的推移、人口的增加和经济规模的增长,温度上升的速度在提高,上升趋势越来越明显。气候变暖,引发冰川消融、海平面上升,高温、暴雨、台风等极端天气事件发生的频率和强度显著增加,对农牧业、生态系统、水资源、沿海地带产生了严重影响。科学家  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下,极端天气事件愈加频繁,研究极端天气事件对城市交通出行的时空影响是保障城市交通系统的稳定性和居民出行时间可靠性的重要基础,对提升交通管理部门制定应急管理和拥堵预防措施的决策科学性以及促进城市交通精细化管理有重要意义。本文基于高德地图实时出行数据,以南京市为例,在交通可达性视角下从时间、空间两个维度定量分析2018年1月25日暴雪天气对南京市道路行程车速的影响以及典型居住小区(6个)交通出行的影响。结果表明,暴雪天气的早高峰时段,不同居住小区到主城区的可达性变化分布存在差异,总体上可达性变化值90%集中在-10-10min,65%集中在-5~5min,变化幅度70%集中在-20%~20%。暴雪天气下南京市早高峰交通出行基本正常,主要原因有连夜扫雪除冰工作的保障与小汽车出行量的减少,未来城市交通管理部门响应极端天气的重点管理区域除新街□地区外,还应拓展包含河西商务区和跨江隧道出□地区。  相似文献   

城市如何适应气候变化所引发的高温、暴雨等极端天气事件是一个急切而现实的问题。文章基于济南市1970-2012年夏季平均气温、年极端最高气温资料对济南近43年来夏季高温变化态势进行分析,发现二者均呈显著上升的趋势,且1997年来≥40.0℃的极端高温出现频率较之前明显升高。为此,建议济南通过建设"三横两纵两环"绿色空间网格、适当控制主城规模、落实"公交都市"战略、完善高温预警机制等规划措施增强其对极端高温的适应能力。  相似文献   

本文利用加格达奇最近40年(1971~2010年)的气象观测资料,采用回归分析方法研究了加格达奇气温、降水量要素的时空变化特征及其与全球气温变化的关系。结果表明,加格达奇的气温变化与全球平均气温升高存在一定的对应关系,年均降水量1971~2000随全球气温升高呈现增加,2000~2010有下降的趋势。1988年至2000年之间降水增加最为明显,2005~2007年降水减少最为明显。加格达奇降水主要集中在夏季7-8月份。  相似文献   

2016年1月下旬南方城市遭受几十年一遇的极端罕见寒潮冰冻天气,大部分城市供水设施受到集中性冰冻袭击,城市生活、生产用水受到极大影响,调查分析受冻原因,研究南方地区类似极端寒潮下的供水设施抗冻机理与方法,防止极端寒潮天气下供水设施的集中性冰冻故障。本文通过模拟极端寒潮天气,进行小口径供水管道和水表的抗冻保温试验,对保温效果进行分析论述。  相似文献   

2008年1月7日,河北省气象台公布了2007年河北省基本气象特征和十大天气气候事件.这一报告非常值得我们关注. 其中,基本气候特征为:气温比常年偏高,全省年平均气温为12.7℃,比常年偏高1.3℃;降水接近常年略偏少,全省年平均降水量为485mm,比常年偏少7%,各地降水分布不均,唐县年降水量最多,达714mm;康保县年降水量最少,仅28lmm;相对多雨区主要出现在中东部地区.  相似文献   

<正>厄尔尼诺事件是指赤道中、东太平洋海温大范围持续异常偏暖的现象。国家气候中心监测表明,2014年5月开始的厄尔尼诺事件至2016年5月持续了25个月。它就像一口"暖池",通过表层温度的变化对大气加热,产生变化进而给各地的天气带来变化,使原来干旱少雨的地方产生洪涝,而通常多雨的地方易出现长时间的干旱少雨。2014-2015年伊通满族自治县受厄尔尼诺事件影响,出现了降水少、气温高、日照多、无霜期长  相似文献   

利用灵璧县遥测自动站的各项要气候要素值,对2005年灵璧当地气温、降水等气象要素的时空特征、年内发生的重大灾害性天气气候事件特征及影响进行了分析。结果发现,2005年气候属异常年份,连阴雨、低温、旱涝、大风等灾害频繁,对农业生产危害特重。冬季偏旱,雨雪偏少,春季干旱,降水偏少,夏秋两季降水量集中,一年雨水分布极为不匀,有明显旱涝,直接影响夏播夏收秋收、秋种,冬季干旱,雨水偏少影响冬麦生长。具体表现:今年平均气温14.7比常年偏高0.2。年降水1072.9,较常年偏多173.3mm。年日照合计2311.5小时,较常年略偏多。总气候条件弊大于利。  相似文献   

以无锡与西安为例,基于1987—2017年无锡市逐日降水资料和1951—2005年西安市逐日降水资料,从世界气象组织(WMO)推荐的极端气候指数中,选取4个极端降水指数,利用线性回归方法,对无锡市过去31年和西安市过去55年的极端降水事件进行分析,结果表明无锡市面临的洪涝灾害风险在不断攀升;而西安市则均呈现下降趋势。针对该气候变化趋势,结合目前海绵城市建设气候变化适应性方面存在的问题,提出了宜从规划设计层面加强对气候变化的考量,提高预报预警能力,并建立基于气候变化分析的海绵城市效果评估方法等提升应对极端降水灾害的策略。  相似文献   

Using neutron activation analysis, vanadium was analysed in a range of foods, human body fluids and tissues. On the basis of these results and those of other workers, it was concluded that daily dietary intake amounts to some tens of micrograms. Analysis of body fluids (including milk, blood and excreta) and organs and tissues provided an estimate for the total body pool of vanadium in man of about 100 μg. Vanadium was not detectable in blood and urine at the level of 0.3 ng/g, while low levels were found in muscle, fat, bone, teeth and other tissues. The relationship between dietary intake to pulmonary absorption is discussed in relation to the occurrence of vanadium in man-made air particulates. The very low levels found in milks and eggs suggest minimal vanadium requirements in growth. The findings are discussed in the light of previous results and also in relation to the possible essentiality of vanadium.  相似文献   

Human thyroids collected from Gomel in Belarus, sheep thyroid from Jutland and human urine from Zealand in Denmark were analysed for 129I and 127I concentrations. The ratios of 129I/127I in human thyroid in Gomel are 2.65-11.0 x 10(-9) with an average of 7.21 x 10(-9), which is one order of magnitude higher than those from Asia and South America (10(-10)), but significantly lower than those observed in west Europe (10(-8)). A weak negative correlation (P < 0.05) between 129I/127I ratio in human thyroid and the age of the subjects was observed in Gomel. The average ratio of 129I/127I in sheep thyroids from Jutland of Denmark is 1.81 x 10(-7), which is two orders of magnitude higher than those in south hemisphere, and Asia. It is also significantly higher than those observed in other west European countries before 1984 and that in human thyroid in Gomel. The high thyroid 129I level in Jutland is attributed to the release of reprocessing plants in France and UK. The 129I/127I ratios in human urine in Zealand of Denmark are 0.86-2.86 x 10(-8). The possibility of using urine 129I to evaluate the thyroid exposure to 129I is investigated.  相似文献   

儿童青少年近视率一直处于高位并持续上升,严重影响了我国儿童青少年的学习和生活,本研究通过查阅国内外治疗儿童青少年近视相关著作及文献,针对目前儿童青少年近视防控手段的进展,对各治疗方案进行分析和研究。  相似文献   

德国城乡景观与中国景观问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚亦锋 《规划师》2006,22(1):96-98
2003年,笔者获得德国DAAD(德国国际学术交流基金会)奖励资助,作为访问学者在德国逗留了4个月(4月~8月).在这期间,笔者还考察了法国、丹麦、瑞典和意大利,但我认为还是德国的景观最为优雅和美丽.  相似文献   

广义文脉与规划设计教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
段进 《规划师》2005,21(7):14-17
城市规划设计教育不仅应关注历史化,还应关注自然、社会和经济;不仅应关注地方和传统,还应关注全球和未来。城市规划教育应掌握正确的发展观和方法论,肩负起发展地万脉的历史使命,保护社会公众的利益,推动城市持续发展。  相似文献   

A well‐known use of perchlorate is as a rocket fuel propellant; however, more widespread uses include in munitions and fireworks, and it also occurs naturally. Perchlorate suppresses the thyroid, which can lead to a variety of adverse effects. It is a widespread contaminant in the United States, but limited occurrence data in the United Kingdom exist, and even less for drinking water. Monitoring of 20 raw and treated drinking water sites in England and Wales, covering four seasonal periods, showed that perchlorate is a low‐level background contaminant of raw and treated drinking water. Low concentrations (treated drinking water: <0.020–2.073 μg/L, mean 0.747 μg/L) were detected at every higher‐risk site. The concentrations were comparable in each of the four sampling exercises and no significant trends were apparent relating to the time of year, the type of risk or the method of chlorination. Limited data showed that removal by ion exchange and granular‐activated carbon may occur.  相似文献   

Lead and cadmium contents in cereals and pulses in north-eastern China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is known that, unlike Japanese, Koreans or southern Chinese who depend on rice as a major source of energy for daily life, people in north-eastern China rely not only on rice, but on wheat and other cereals and to a lesser extent also on pulses. Cereal and pulse samples were collected from open markets in north-eastern China, and analyzed by inductively-coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS) for two potentially hazardous heavy metals — lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd). The average Pb level in cereals (31.3 ng Pb/g as a geometric mean) and that of pulses (25.7 ng Pb/g) were similar to each other with no significant difference. Among the cereals, Pb contents were higher in foxtail millet (54.3 ng/g) and lower in maize (35.4 ng Pb/g; grain and flour in combination), wheat flour (28.8 ng Pb/g) and rice flour (22.7 ng Pb/g). Lead levels in two important types of pulses, kidney bean and soybean (24.6 and 30.8 ng Pb/g, respectively), were comparable to the levels in rice and wheat. In contrast, Cd levels were substantially higher in pulses (55.7 ng Cd/g) than in cereals (9.2 ng Cd/g), and among the pulses, Cd in soybean (55.7 ng Cd/g) was significantly higher than that in kidney bean (23.8 ng Cd/g). The possible public health implication of the Pb and Cd levels, especially the high Pb level in foxtail millet (54.3 ng Pb/g) and the high Cd level in soybean (73.5 ng Cd/g), is discussed.  相似文献   

大学生创新创业教育的开展对高校人才培养体系的完善具有非常重要的意义。针对目前我国高校创新创业教育模式的问题与不足进行探讨,分析研究了创新创业教育的实质,最后重点阐述了在实践教学中如何加强创新思路的引导,建立有效激励机制,开展创新及创业教育的应对策略,促进对大学生实践创新能力、创业就业能力和持续发展能力的培养。  相似文献   

武汉城市景观文化生态保护建设的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张笃勤 《华中建筑》2005,23(3):91-93
城市文化生态是形成城市特色的文化要素。历史古迹,优秀建筑,空间形态,环境特色,作为城市文化生态的显现部分,既是城市文化底蕴直观生动的反映,也是市民的情感港湾和精神家园。理应得到珍惜和保护。该文在系统地概括武汉景观文化生态特点的基础上,重点分析了当前武汉城市景观规划建设中的文化生态问题,提出了武汉今后改进城市景观文化生态规划建设的对策建议。  相似文献   

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