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摩梭文化中的传统民居研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据摩梭人传统民居与风俗文化和宗教文化的关系,研究他们存在的内在联系,从而使这一资源得到更好的开发和利用。  相似文献   

李丽  贾东  熊明 《山西建筑》2011,37(17):6-7
通过对典型摩梭聚落空间特点的分析,总结出摩梭聚落的空间布局特色,使人们充分认识到摩梭文化和摩梭民族的独特性和重要性,认识到保护摩梭聚落特色的紧迫性,最后提出有利于现代摩梭聚落可持续发展的三原则。  相似文献   

张霖  蔡凌豪 《中国园林》2009,25(7):53-57
在全球化和经济发展的背景下,谈论了中国当前传统聚落景观规划和旅游开发中面临的问题和误区,并以云南丽江泸沽湖落水摩梭传统村落景观规划为例,论述了"地域性景观"的构成要素及其在传统聚落景观规划中的重要性以及对于传统文化保留、延续和发展的意义,讨论了传统文化和地域性景观在景观规划实践过程中的应用.  相似文献   

从母系家屋的文化和社会内涵说起,分析了聚落的现状以及当前面临的旅游开发及建设的影响,探讨了处理聚落保存与发展所应持的态度。以及如何在维系摩梭居民生产与生活方式,保存摩梭文化的基础上,以旅游业促进聚落持续发展的途径。  相似文献   

新时代背景下对少数民族地区的地域性空间产生了重要影响,本土营造是积极尝试将民族文化传承与地方经济发展有效结合的一种规划方法。本文以摩梭“女儿国”小镇规划为例,在解析摩梭族本土营造经验以及其对传统摩梭文化空间影响的的基础上,通过本土要素的提取、空间组织关系的梳理,结合现代生活需求,重构空间秩序,达到促进景区与原住民和谐发展的目的,以期为少数民族地区开发建设提供技术思路。  相似文献   

近几年,"故乡沦陷"热一度备受关注。在快速城镇化与新农村建设过程中,因过于注重经济的急速发展而忽视了对传统乡村文化的保护,许多传统村落遭到破坏甚至消失,形成"千村一面"的现代化新乡村景观。笔者以广西桂林市"漓水人家"景区为研究对象,解析该景区将漓江流域传统村落进行1∶1比例的建筑活态移植与复建的景观营建手法,探讨村落景观营建与旅游开发模式下,乡村文化传承方面有效的保护与更新路径。  相似文献   

杨雄  王冬 《云南建筑》2009,(5):40-43
泸沽湖摩梭女儿国拥有独特的母系社会及强大的文化优势。摩梭文化与大自然和谐相处,在自然万物中寻找强大的精神寄托,并依附于这些磁体建立起来的保护了摩梭千年文化的严密聚落容器。摩梭文化得以保存的奇迹,与这些空间的存在是密不可分的。  相似文献   

立足龙冈畲族乡境内红色遗迹现状和文化历史,规划发展其乡村旅游业,通过完善基础建设、运用红色元素、策划红色活动及产品的方式来保护、弘扬当地红色文化,同时探索出一条红色文化在乡村旅游中的运用模式。  相似文献   

泰山旅游文化资源是泰安市城市核心竞争力的重要内容,大力挖掘、保护和开发泰山旅游文化资源,必将带动泰安市经济的快速发展。  相似文献   

摩梭文化习俗影响下的摩梭民居   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左辉  李嘉华 《华中建筑》2007,25(1):79-79,82
民居是特定地域社会文化的映射,位于我国云南省宁蒗县与四川省盐源县交界处存在着一个至今还保持着母系氏族大家庭的"国度"--"摩梭女儿国".摩梭村寨中的摩梭民居介入和融合了摩梭文化习俗,形成了独特的建筑文化圈.该文对摩梭村落选址聚落、摩梭民居类型、居室功能、基本构造和建筑装饰及其民俗承传作了初步研究.  相似文献   

目的 探讨阿德福韦酯(adefovir dipivoxil,ADV)所致低磷性骨软化症的临床特征、发病机制及早期诊断。方法 对1例口服ADV导致的低磷性骨软化症患者的临床资料进行分析及文献回顾。随访观察该患者停药后的临床资料。结果 58岁女性患者因"双足跟疼痛14个月,双下肢、胸骨疼痛4个月"于2016年3月就诊。2010年7月患者因乙肝病毒感染口服拉米夫定(100 mg/d)和ADV(10 mg/d)治疗。用药期间出现足跟、下肢及胸骨疼痛,影像学检查提示骨质疏松、跟骨和股骨上段骨折。2015年4月和11月肝功能检查均发现碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,ALP)升高。2016年1月发现血磷(0.23 mmol/L)和25羟维生素D(39.11 nmol/L)降低,停用ADV。2016年3月就诊于四川大学华西医院内分泌科后予补充骨化三醇及钙治疗。2016年6月X线示双侧股骨上段假骨折线消失。随访复查血磷(0.94 mmol/L)和ALP恢复正常。结论 ADV导致的低磷性骨软化症易被漏诊或误诊为骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,OP)、骨肿瘤及强直性脊柱炎。检查电解质能及时发现低磷血症,其他肝功能指标正常时ALP升高需引起注意。血清胱抑素C、尿β2微球蛋白和尿α1微球蛋白有助于早期发现ADV导致的肾损伤。  相似文献   

目的系统评价补充普通维生素D对于预防跌倒的意义。方法检索MEDLINE、Cochranes等数据库,纳入老年人补充普通维生素D的随机对照试验。采用Stata11.0软件进行Meta分析。结果共纳入16项临床试验,包括5949例研究对象。补充高剂量维生素D可降低跌倒风险,补充低剂量维生素D对跌倒风险无显著影响;>12个月高剂量维生素D补充组跌倒人数略低于安慰剂组,<12个月高剂量维生素D补充组跌倒人数低于安慰剂组;高剂量维生素D2补充组跌倒人数明显低于安慰剂组,高剂量维生素D3补充组跌倒人数略低于安慰剂组。结论补充较高剂量普通维生素D可降低老年人群跌倒发生率,但需进一步明确高剂量维生素D有效范围。  相似文献   

报道1例原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症误诊病例。患者是以多发骨痛为临床表现的绝经后女性,因多发骨骼病变被误诊为原发性骨质疏松、骨髓瘤、骨转移瘤等。本文旨在警示临床医师关注骨质疏松的诊断与鉴别诊断,减少并避免误诊、误治。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱法,用Luna C_(18)柱(250×4.6mm,10μm),以乙腈-0.01mol·L~(-1)磷酸二氢钾溶液(35:65,pH3.0)为流动相,流速:1ml/min,柱温:25℃,进样量20μL,检测波长:239nm.在该色谱条件下枸橼酸坦度螺酮和杂质峰达到良好分离(R>1.5),枸橼酸坦度螺酮在1.0~200.0μg·ml~(-1)范围内线性关系良好(r=0.9991);重复性及精密度良好(RSD<2%),3种浓度的平均回收率分别为100.17%、99.03%及99.75%(n=3).方法快速、简便、准确,适用于枸橼酸坦度螺酮片的含量测定和有关物质检查.  相似文献   

The construction supply chain is of temporary nature and complex, with many interactions between multiple actors in different construction projects. This challenging context typically leads to relatively higher costs and lower productivity, compared to other industries. Supply chain management (SCM) has been put forward as a mean to better handle this challenging context. As a part of SCM initiatives some construction industry stakeholders have turned to third-party logistics (TPL) providers, especially in large construction projects. The use of TPL providers is a new, and under-investigated, phenomenon in the construction industry. The main purpose of this study is thus to explore the use of a TPL provider in a large construction project and to analyse its resulting effects. Driving forces and possible concerns for implementing TPL are identified and the possibility for TPL to be a facilitator for implementing SCM in construction is investigated. The research is based on a literature review and an explorative case study of a large hospital project in Sweden, where the client and the main contractor have initiated the use of a TPL provider to coordinate sourcing and materials handling activities on site. The results show positive effects on establishing an effective interface between the construction site and the supply chain. The results also show that a TPL solution facilitates an increase in productive work at the construction site itself, a reduction of costs and an increased utilisation of site assets. On the downside, the study also shows a lack of SCM knowledge amongst the involved actors in the project, hindering them to reap the full potential of TPL.  相似文献   


This paper presents a case study of a large cross-section high-speed railway tunnel overlaid by a Q2 soft-plastic loess layer. Due to poor engineering properties of the soft-plastic loess, two unexpected collapses occurred. This indicates that there is great difficulty and risk during tunneling. In this paper, the deformation control methods are studied by carrying out a series of numerical simulations and then validating via field tests. The stress and seepage coupling equations are deducted to embed into a 3D fluid-mechanical coupled numerical analysis. The results show that the curtain grouting scheme can effectively control the deformation of surrounding rock, and the real field data of settlement and horizontal convergence are 152 mm and 37 mm, respectively. However, the tunneling advance rate is slow (0.6 m/day) in trial sections because of the mutual interference between construction procedures. It can be used as an alternative scheme for lager deformation. The advanced drainage scheme can lower the ground water table below the excavation outline. The average water content of soft-plastic loess decreases from 26 to 22%, and the state of surrounding rock changes from soft plastic to hard plastic. The in situ settlement and horizontal convergence are 165 mm and 51 mm, respectively. Finally, it is proposed to use advanced drainage in combination with advanced small pipe grouting as a follow-up construction scheme. The successful completion of the whole tunnel proved the effectiveness of the proposed method.


Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - The present report highlights the methods used to monitor the rock mass behavior and performance of a cavern during excavation in order to...  相似文献   

Kumamoto and Kogoshima prefectures are located in the southern Kyushu district of western Japan. In July 2020, a warm, humid air front triggered the delayed rains of the rainy season, resulting in torrential rains in many parts of Japan, especially in Kyushu. In particular, heavy downpours occurred in the southern Kyushu district on July 4th, causing severe damage to much of the infrastructure. Details could not be analyzed as usual because some branch office of local government were also damaged by floods. The spatial distribution of precipitation in the Kuma River basin, in the southern part of Kumamoto, was characterized by the uniformity of 400–500 mm on July 3rd and 4th. Finally, emergency warnings of torrential rain were issued for the southern Kumamoto and the northern Kagoshima Prefectures by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) at 4:50 a.m., July 4th, 2020. Then, the active rain front gradually shifted towards northern Kyushu. Again, torrential rain fell on northern Kyushu in the afternoon due to a stagnant rainy season front, and the JMA issued an emergency warning for a localized torrential downpour for parts of Fukuoka, Saga and Nagasaki prefectures at 4:30 pm. Gradually, the damage status involving geodisasters such as several types of slope failures, road subsidence, damage of the river levee was reported by local governments in each area where there had been emergency warnings.Based on the brief report of the pre-investigation team from the Kyushu branch of the Japan Geotechnical Society (JGS) in the first week after the disaster on July 4th, the geo-research teams investigated the following: 1) landslides; 2) damaged roads; 3) damaged river levees, and 4) any geotechnical infrastructures which were partially damaged and may be even more severely damaged by the next torrential rain. This reconnaissance report introduces the geological features in Kyushu, the analysis of precipitation distribution and geotechnical damages on the slope failures, road failures and river embankments based on reports obtained from July 4th to August 31st, 2020.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(8):607-617
In this paper the sensitivity to small scale unmeasured rainfall variability (i.e. at scales smaller than 1 km by 1 km by 5 min in time, which are usually available with C-band radars) of a 1D/2D model with a 10 m resolution and a semi-distributed 1D model of the same 1.47 km2 urban area is analyzed. The 1D/2D model is the open source numerical platform Multi-Hydro, which couples (open source) distributed models of involved hydrological/hydraulic processes. The methodology implemented to evaluate the uncertainties consists of generating an ensemble of realistic rainfall fields downscaled to a resolution of 12.3 m in space and 18.75 s in time with the help of a stochastic universal multifractal model. The corresponding ensemble of hydrographs is then simulated. It appears that the uncertainty is significant and that Multi-Hydro unveils much more uncertainty than the simpler 1D model. This points out a need to develop high resolution distributed modelling in urban areas.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - The Wudongde Hydropower Station is constructed in layered strata that typically have steep dip angles. These features, together with the folds...  相似文献   

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