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Stolte  R. Ulrich  R. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(9):814-816
The spatial variation of the phase difference Φ(z) between collinear guided waves is measured interferometrically by scanning a localised perturbation along the guide. Milliradian phase resolution is achieved by the use of a quadrature signal. The method is demonstrated with TE⇔TM coupling in Ti:LiNbO3. It yields the absolute value and the uniformity of the birefringence Δβ(z)=dΦ/dz  相似文献   

The TE and TM modes of anisotropic dielectric waveguides of crystal quartz have been studied in the far infrared using an optically pumped waveguide laser with a hybrid output mirror. Using Si and Ge prism couplers, excitation efficiencies of 56 percent of the theoretically calculated values were obtained for the TE0mode. The measured propagation constants were found to agree closely with theory when the perturbation of the guided modes by the prism couplers was included. The attenuation constant for the TE0mode atlambda_{0} = 496.1mum was found to be as low asalpha_{TE_{0}} = 0.05cm-1. A metal grating coupler for backward-wave coupling through a prism shaped TPX plastic substrate was also used to couple 89 percent of the guided energy in the TE0mode out of the waveguide in the reverse direction.  相似文献   

Acoustic modes propagating in cylindrical solid rods are considered. A review of the properties of several mode groups is given, and computed results are shown for a wide range of material properties. The lower mode of each group is relevant for an all-fiber-optic frequency shifter recently demonstrated. For these modes, dispersion relations, mode patterns, power relations, and acoustooptic coupling strength are calculated. Some experimental results are compared with the calculations, and alterations to improve the frequency shifter are proposed  相似文献   

New simple acousto-optic (AO) methods of determination of guided-mode propagation constants in planar waveguides are considered. Some promising advantages are shown of the AO methods in the cases of anisotropic waveguides. Experimental verifications of YX-LiNbO3 Ti-diffused single-mode waveguides have been obtained.  相似文献   

利用严格耦合波算法计算了二维光子晶体平板结构随角度变化透过谱和波长变化透过谱,研究了透过谱上传导共振峰与二维光子晶体平板能带结构的关系。利用共振传导模的低透过和高Q值的特点,设计了基于磷化铟材料的工作在1550nm波长附近的角度分辨和波长分辨的光子晶体光开关。理论模拟结果表明,该结构透过谱上传导共振峰品质因子可达105,非线性折射率变化为10-4即可实现开关对比度接近100%。当信号光或泵浦光分别与光子晶体平板传导共振模耦合时,由于共振耦合使得泵浦光场增强,需要泵浦能量仅为184fJ,为目前所知能量最低的光开关。  相似文献   

Spectroscopic studies using far infrared reflectivity and transmissivity measurements between 10 and 600 cm?1, were performed on plane parallel quartz crystal plates, in the temperature range 10–300 K. The temperature dependence of the optical mode parameters is reporeted for both polarizations parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis. The extraordinary optical constants of quartz are determined at 10 and 300 K, from the A2 transmissivity channeled spectrum, between 10 and 300 cm?1.  相似文献   

We have investigated acousto-optic diffraction by an acoustic surface wave generated by a ZnO-thin-film transducer in an ion-exchanged waveguide. A diffraction efficiency of 70% was obtained with 2 W of electric power.  相似文献   

新的设备特性使苛刻应用中的频率控制更稳固 我们通常认为在电子系统中,石英晶体振荡器是最易碎的元件之一.  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》1969,5(17):402-403
The dispersive properties of Rayleigh waves propagating in the xdirection of ycut quartz have been measured with thin films of gold, copper and silver deposited on the free surface. It is found that the attenuation of the surface waves increases sharply with increasing thickness of the metallic films.  相似文献   

A survey of the third order intermodulation performance of individual crystal units from commercial 10.7 MHz filters is presented. The intermodulation distortion is found to vary significantly with drive levels in the range 0 dBm to ?60 dBm.  相似文献   

A nonlinear matrix formalism that allows the calculation of the optical field within a nonlinear multilayer system is presented. Taking advantage of this technique, the field profiles are calculated and the dispersion relation of nonlinear guided waves in such configurations is derived. The numerical results reveal that several field profiles occur, each attached to a certain unit cell of the multilayer system. The various field profiles apply to the corresponding branches of rich structured nonlinear dispersion curves. A comparison of the results of those yielded by an effective medium model is carried out. Appreciable differences are found and are discussed in detail  相似文献   

The attenuation properties of Rayleigh waves propagating in the x direction of y cut quartz have been measured with various metal films in the 30?157 MHz frequency range. The strong increase in the attenuation with film thickness is explained in terms of mechanical coupling and energy losses in the amorphous-metal films.  相似文献   

The ability of various multilayer systems to support TM-polarized nonlinear guided waves is studied. A flexible numerical technique which includes the proper consideration of the nonlinear crossing conditions is used to calculate the field profiles and derive the dispersion relations. The fundamentals of the model are described, and the algorithm is applied to several nonlinear film configurations. For the sake of comparison with the finite-element method, a single linear film, embedded between two nonlinear materials, is treated. A three-film unit cell, consisting of a high-index linear film, sandwiched between two low-index nonlinear, ones is considered. This is the elementary unit cell of a composite geometry, a ten-unit-cell superlattice, which is then studied. It is found that unlike TE-polarized nonlinear guided waves in multilayer systems, the TM waves reveal a distinct power maximum. The inclusion of saturation effects in the analysis is straightforward  相似文献   

A study of polyphosphazene-coated QCRs gas sensors using both mass and electrical loadings has been performed. In addition to the device series resonance frequency, the parallel resonant frequency was measured in an attempt to characterise the changes in the dielectric properties of the coating during the detection process. The result is a sensor with an additional parameter to improve selectivity  相似文献   

Electromagnetic fields in structures composed of inhomogeneous cylindrical layers are analyzed using a propagator matrix approach. The presented formulation is capable of analyzing fully bianisotropic media, where the involved propagator matrix for bianisotropic media is derived in cylindrical coordinates. The applicability of the method is demonstrated by calculating the dispersion characteristics of surface waves as well as fundamental and higher order modes on cylindrical microstrip lines on top of an inhomogeneous bianisotropic substrate  相似文献   

抗高过载石英晶体元件的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕培青  张辉 《电子设计工程》2014,(8):156-157,161
使用一种简单实用的设计方法,采用特殊的结构设计,研制出的石英晶体元件具有抗高过载的能力.这种产品可制作的频率范围是3~60MHz,具有抗冲击力在1000~20000g,结合试验验证,这种石英晶体元件在经受高冲击后,仍然能够稳定的工作,所以充分证明了石英晶体元件通过采用这种特殊的结构,完全可以达到具有抗高过载(冲击力在1000~20000g)的能力.解决的关键问题是石英晶体元件晶片的设计、结构的设计及加工过程中应注意的问题.  相似文献   

The theory, experimental implementation, and applications of degenerate four-wave mixing with guided waves are reviewed.  相似文献   

The existence conditions and waveguiding properties of new hybrid, TE-dominant waveguide modes of properly tailored waveguides consisting on ultrathin films cladded by a positive birefringent crystal are analyzed. The results show that the existence conditions of such waves strongly depend on the waveguide parameters. Accordingly, the related guided-to-radiated wave transition holds promise for switching applications requiring a strong sensitive dependence on the material refractive index values  相似文献   

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