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Ou J  Li X  Feng S  Dong J  Dong X  Kong L  Ye M  Zou H 《Analytical chemistry》2007,79(2):639-646
A method for preparation of molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) derivatized onto the surface of a monolithic silica capillary column was successfully developed. The vinyl groups were first introduced onto the silica monolith by immobilization of gamma-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane. Then the MIP coating was copolymerized and anchored onto the surface of the silica monolith. Acetonitrile was selected as porogen (solvent). The other preparation conditions, such as monomer concentration, temperature, and time of polymerization, were systematically studied. The obtained MIP-derivatized silica monolith using l-tetrahydropalmatine (l-THP) and (5S,11S)-(-)-Tr?ger's base (S-TB) as the imprinted template, respectively, was characterized in terms of the retention behavior of thiourea and toluene. Under the optimized CEC conditions, baseline enantioseparations of THP and TB were achieved in 4 min though the effective length of the columns was 8.5 cm. The result indicates that enough recognition sites were on the surface of silica monolith, resulting in strong recognition ability. Compared with a MIP organic monolith, the MIP-derivatized silica monolith exhibits better column efficiency and stability in CEC. Additionally, the comparison of these two kinds of monolithic columns was performed by capillary liquid chromatography. The separation on MIP-derivatized silica monolith was superior to that on the organic monolith.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional separation system on a microfabricated device was demonstrated using open-channel electrochromatography as the first dimension and capillary electrophoresis as the second dimension. The first dimension was operated under isocratic conditions, and the effluent from the first dimension was repetitively injected into the second dimension every few seconds. A 25-cm separation channel with spiral geometry for open-channel electrochromatography was chemically modified with octadecylsilane and coupled to a 1.2-cm straight separation channel for capillary electrophoresis. Fluorescently labeled products from tryptic digests of beta-casein were analyzed in 13 min with this system.  相似文献   

Lin Z  Xie Z  Lü H  Lin X  Wu X  Chen G 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(15):5322-5328
A new method for pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) coupling with chemiluminescence (CL) detection using a modified on-column coaxial flow detection interface was developed. To evaluate the feasibility and reliability of the experimental setup, the typical CL compounds luminol and isoluminol were separated and detected by using this pCEC-CL system. A detailed investigation of CL detection interface and postcolumn CL reagent flow rate parameters was described. The excellent resolution and detection sensitivity was achieved by using 3-microm ODS-C18 packed column with 30% ACN (v/v), 5 mmol/L phosphate buffer (pH 8.0). Moreover, with the presence of Co(II) (1.0 x 10(-4) mol/L) in the mobile phase, the linear range of the concentration for luminol was 2.0 x 10(-9)-2.0 x 10(-6) mol/L with a detection limit (S/N = 3) of 2.0 x 10(-10) mol/L, and 2.5 x 10(4) theoretical plates was achieved. In addition, separation and detection of the underivatized amino acids (l-threonine and l-tyrosine) were accomplished by using a polymerized monolithic column based on the principle of the luminol-H2O2-Cu(II)-amino acid CL system. Under the optimum conditions, the mixture of amino acids was efficiently separated with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Capillary electrochromatography (CEC) of proteins was carried out using 50-microm-i.d. fused-silica capillaries packed with 5-microm silica beads having strong anion-exchanger functions attached to hydrophilic spacers at the chromatographic surface. The siliceous microspheres and the capillary innerwall were treated first with a heterobifunctional silanizing agent and reacted subsequently with a vinyl monomer containing quaternary ammonium groups to form a "tentacular" anion exchanger. A mixture of bovine carbonic anhydrase, alpha-lactalbumin, soybean trypsin inhibitor, and ovalbumin was separated using CEC by isocratic elution in the codirectional mode with aqueous phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, containing sodium chloride. The retention mechanism of isocratic CEC for proteins on the anion-exchanger column was illustrated by the results of a study on the effect of salt concentration on the separation. The potential of CEC for protein separation with high resolution was also demonstrated by electrochromatograms of conalbumin and hemoglobin variants. The results shed light on the mechanism of protein separation by isocratic CEC, which is believed to be a combination of chromatographic retention by electrostatic interactions and electrophoretic migration. Assuming that the contributions of the two mechanisms to the overall migration velocity are additive, an electrochromatographic resolution equation was derived and compared to the resolution equation in HPLC to reveal the constituents responsible for the enhancement of resolution by CEC with respect to that in HPLC. The advantage of CEC was also examined by comparing peak capacities in CEC on an, isocratic platform with peak capacities obtained with isocratic and gradient elution HPLC.  相似文献   

The behavior of a strong, cation-exchange material (propanesulfonic acid, SCX) has been studied in capillary electrophoresis (CE) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC) by the use of coated and packed capillaries. In aqueous electrolytes, the SCX-coated capillary showed a far more consistent electroosmotic flow over the pH range 3.6-10.5, compared to untreated fused silica. However, in similar electrolytes containing 80% (v/v) acetonitrile, both coated and untreated capillaries performed similarly, casting doubts upon the stability of the SCX coating. The effect of voltage and mobile-phase parameters such as pH, ionic strength, and organic content was studied in CEC for both 3-μm SCX and C(18) packing materials, and the results were compared in terms of linear velocities, currents, and conductivities. Only at pH 5 and below was a higher EOF velocity than expected observed for the SCX column. In accordance with theory, the EOF was seen to increase with decreasing ionic strength for the C(18) column. However, for the SCX column, this was not the case: the EOF showed a general reduction as the ionic strength was decreased. The greatest anomaly was observed on changing the acetonitrile composition: the EOF showed a consistent decline with increasing organic, whereas the EOF in both the open capillary and C(18) column decreased and then started to rise with acetonitrile contents above 70% (v/v).  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on investigations related to the performance characteristics of two different types of etched chemically (n-octadecyl- and cholesterol-) modified capillaries in the open tubular format of capillary electrochromatography (CEC) for the analysis of synthetic peptides. The results confirm that the nature of the surface chemistry used to modify the capillary wall and type of chemically bonded group employed can affect the selectivity as well as the resolution of peptide samples. The results are consistent with the participation of selective peptide interactions with the bonded phase, although other factors, such as the morphology of the capillary wall surfaces, appear to be also involved. Moreover, several surprising observations related to peptide-specific multi-zoning effects have been observed. Additional experimental variables that can also be utilized to affect the retention of peptides in this approach to OTCEC include the type and percentage of organic solvent modifier employed in the eluent and the pH of the buffer system. To evaluate the reproducibility of different batches of the n-octadecyl- and cholesterol-modified capillaries and the stability of the chemically modified surface, the OTCEC selectivity and peak shape behavior of two small basic molecules (serotonin and tryptamine) and two proteins (turkey and chicken lysozyme) were also investigated. Finally, the use of the "bubble" cell technology for creating the detector window has been shown to provide significantly higher detection sensitivity with peptides, as compared with the conventional capillary format.  相似文献   

Graphene oxide (GO) has received great interest for its unique properties and potential diverse applications. Here, we show the fabrication of GO nanosheets incorporated monolithic column via one-step room temperature polymerization for capillary electrochromatography (CEC). GO is attractive as the stationary phase for CEC because it provides not only ionized oxygen-containing functional groups to modify electroendoosmotic flow (EOF) but also aromatic macromolecule to give hydrophobicity and π-π electrostatic stacking property. Incorporation of GO into monolithic column greatly increased the interactions between the tested neutral analytes (alkyl benzenes and polycyclic aromatics) and the stationary phase and significantly improved their CEC separation. Baseline separation of the tested neutral analytes on the GO incorporated monolithic column was achieved on the basis of typical reversed-phase separation mechanism. The precision (relative standard deviation (RSD), n = 3) of EOF was 0.3%, while the precision of retention time, peak area, and peak height for the tested neutral analytes were in the range of 0.4-3.0%, 0.8-4.0%, and 0.8-4.9%, respectively. In addition, a set of anilines were well separated on the GO incorporated monolith. The GO incorporated monolithic columns are promising for CEC separation.  相似文献   

Chen L  Chen L  Yan X  Wan QH 《Analytical chemistry》2002,74(19):5157-5159
The application of conductivity measurements for packing structure characterization has been extended to a column consisting of a packed section and an open section as typically used in capillary electrochromatography (CEC). Because of the difference in electric conductivity between the packed and open sections, the electric fields applied across the two sections vary, depending on the length of the packed section relative to that of the total column. On the basis of mass conservation law, it can be shown that the ratio of the electric current measured in such a duplex column to that without packing is a function of the length and the geometric structure of the packing bed. Thus, knowing the lengths of the packed section and the whole column, we can readily calculate the obstructive factors, such as the porosity and the tortuosity factor, from the measured conductivity ratio. An example is given to demonstrate the application of this method, with experimental data taken from published work.  相似文献   

A new nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy probe has been designed to measure the temperature of the water inside a capillary. The probe provides the ability to measure the temperature in a several hundred micrometer long capillary section, corresponding to liquid volumes in the picoliter to nanoliter range with a temperature monitoring accuracy of 0.2 degrees C. The NMR probe is based on a novel two-turn vertical solenoidal design, and its performance for capillary-scale temperature measurements is characterized. The temperature rise in a chromatographic frit of the type used in capillary electrochromatography is measured as a function of applied power, and temperature rises of more than 50 degrees C are observed. The temperature of the electrolyte cools rapidly after exiting the frit and can be followed as a function of distance from the frit. The ability to accurately monitor the temperature of water as it moves through porous materials such as packed chromatographic beds and frits is important to allow the effects of temperature on CEC separation performance to be determined.  相似文献   

Bubble formation, which is associated with bed-retention frits, is a critical experimental problem in capillary electrochromatography systems. In this investigation, porous silica frits were prepared via spot-heating of a silicate solution, and the effects of several experimental parameters on their performance were studied. The optimal sodium silicate concentrations were 10.8% and 5.4% (w/v) for outlet and inlet frits, respectively. The heating times were 5-6 s for outlet frits and < 1 s for inlet frits. Under optimized conditions, outlet frits were 75 microns (+/- 12 microns) and the heat treatment did not make the capillary fragile at the frit location. Bubble formation was affected by frit length, density, and silanization of the frits with trimethylchlorosilane. Packed capillaries with optimized frits were used successfully in a commercial CE instrument over a normal working day without pressurization, at relatively high ionic strengths (10 mM), and over a wide range of acetonitrile compositions (20%-80%). Currents were also stable for > or = 3 h under very high current (27 microA) conditions. As part of this study, the efficiency and reproducibility of packed capillaries were also briefly evaluated.  相似文献   

Columns employed so far in capillary electrochromatography (CEC) contain both a packed and an open segment with concomitant changes of the electric field strength and the flow velocity at the interface of the two segments in such duplex columns. To take this into account in measuring, processing, and interpreting CEC data, a framework is presented for the evaluation of the conductivity ratio and the interstitial electrosmotic flow (EOF) mobility and their usage as tools for characterizing CEC columns. This is illustrated by experimental data obtained from measurement of the current and the EOF in capillary columns packed with different stationary phases. The current data yielded the ratio of the conductivities of the packed and open segments that has been shown to be useful for the evaluation of the porosity and tortuosity. It is assumed that these important packing characteristics are the same for the flow of current and for the flow of the bulk mobile phase in the CEC column. The EOF mobility in such duplex columns is defined in two different ways. The apparent mobility, which is widely reported at present, is obtained from the length of packed segment, the migration time, and the overall electric field strength. On the other hand, the actual mobility is obtained after taking into account the porosity and tortuosity of the packing as well. Thus, the actual mobility is made independent of the porosity and tortuosity and therefore can be useful to estimate the zeta potential for characterizing the packing surface. Measurements of both the apparent and actual electrosmotic mobilities for a number of different columns have shown that the apparent and actual mobilities are significantly different in their magnitude. For this reason, it is recommended that, instead of the apparent EOF mobility, the actual mobility is used for the characterization of the packing in CEC columns.  相似文献   

A novel capillary NMR coupling configuration, which offers the possibility of combining capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE), capillary HPLC (CHPLC), and for the first time capillary electrochromatography (CEC) with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), has been developed. The hyphenated technique has a great potential for the analysis of chemical, pharmaceutical, biological, and environmental samples. The versatile system allows facile changes between these three different separation methods. A special NMR capillary containing an enlarged detection cell suitable for on-line NMR detection and measurements under high voltage has been designed. The acquisition of 1D and 2D NMR spectra in stopped-flow experiments is also possible. CHPLC NMR has been performed with samples of hop bitter acids. The identification and structure elucidation of humulones and isohumulones by on-line and stopped-flow spectra has been demonstrated. The suitability of the configuration for electrophoretic methods has been investigated by the application of CZE and CEC NMR to model systems.  相似文献   

A new approach based on miniemulsion polymerization is demonstrated for synthesis of molecularly imprinted nanoparticles (MIP-NP; 30-150 nm) with "monoclonal" binding behavior. The performance of the MIP nanoparticles is characterized with partial filling capillary electrochromatography, for the analysis of rac-propranolol, where (S)-propranolol is used as a template. In contrast to previous HPLC and CEC methods based on the use of MIPs, there is no apparent tailing for the enantiomer peaks, and baseline separation with 25,000-60,000 plate number is achieved. These effects are attributed to reduction of the MIP site heterogeneity by means of peripheral location of the core cross-linked NP and to MIP-binding sites with the same ordered radial orientation. This new MIP approach is based on the substitution of the functional monomers with a surfactant monomer, sodium N-undecenoyl glycinate (SUG) for improved inclusion in the MIP-NP structure and to the use of a miniemulsion in the MIP-NP synthesis. The feasibility of working primarily with aqueous electrolytes (10 mM phosphate with a 20% acetonitrile at pH 7) is attributable to the micellar character of the MIP-NPs, provided by the inclusion of the SUG monomers in the structure. To our knowledge this is the first example of "monoclonal" MIP-NPs incorporated in CEC separations of drug enantiomers.  相似文献   

Stol R  Poppe H  Kok WT 《Analytical chemistry》2001,73(14):3332-3339
The effect of pore flow on the separation efficiency of capillary electrochromatography (CEC) has been studied using columns packed with particles with different pore sizes. A previously developed model was used to predict the (relative) pore flow velocity in these columns under various experimental conditions. Equations are derived describing the effect of pore flow on peak broadening in CEC. The theory has been compared with practice in the reversed-phase CEC separation of various polyaromatic hydrocarbons. It is shown, by theory and experimentally, that the mass-transfer resistance contribution to peak dispersion can be effectively eliminated when using porous particles with a high (> or =50 nm) average pore diameter. Moreover, at high pore-to-interstitial flow ratios the flow inhomogeneity contribution (the A term in the plate height equation) is also shown to decrease. Under optimal conditions, a reduced plate height of 0.3 for the nonretained compound could be obtained. It is argued that fully perfusive porous particles can be a more efficient separation medium in CEC than nonporous particles.  相似文献   

He Y  Geng L 《Analytical chemistry》2002,74(8):1819-1823
In situ time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy for capillary electrochromatography (CEC) is described in the frequency domain. Fluorescence decay of the solute molecules is collected directly in the packed stationary phase of the CEC capillary. The fluorescence lifetime profile of the solute molecules reveals the microenvironments they experience in the C18 chromatographic interface. A quartz flow cell and experimental optimization of the signal-to-noise ratio are described that enable the collection of high-quality decay data and subsequent calculation of fluorescence lifetime profiles of the solute molecules. The distribution of pyrene (PY), 1-pyrenemethanol (PY-MeOH), and 1-pyrenebutanol (PY-BuOH) into the C18 stationary phase and the solute-C18 phase interactions are probed, under separation conditions for CEC. All three molecules display a Gaussian distribution of lifetimes, consistent with an ensemble of heterogeneous microenvironments in the C18 stationary phase. The least polar molecule PY diffuses deeply into and interacts extensively with the C18 phase, experiencing high hydrophobicity and significant heterogeneity of microenvironments. The retention order of PY-MeOH, PY-BuOH, and PY in CEC is determined by their interactions with the stationary phase, revealed by their fluorescence lifetime distributions.  相似文献   

The performance of several types of frits, including sintered frits, photopolymerized frits, and frits made by sol-gel technologies, is evaluated. The frits are formed in open capillaries, and the electroosmotic mobilities are calculated and compared to those obtained in an open capillary. Run-to-run, day-to-day, and column-to-column reproducibilities are evaluated. In all cases, the run-to-run reproducibility varied by < 4%. The greatest mobility was through the capillaries with the sol-gel frits (1.29 x 10(-3) cm2/V x s) which also exhibited the best day-to-day reproducibility. The capillaries with the photopolymerized frits had the best column-to-column reproducibility, yet the slowest mobility (1.00 x 10(-3) cm2/V x s). The second central moment of benzene as a solute is calculated and plotted as a function of time to estimate the differences in peak dispersion among the various frits studied. Although the mobilities through the capillaries with the sintered frits were the least reproducible, these frits are associated with the least amount of band-broadening. An estimation of the dispersion caused by each of the different types of frits is reported.  相似文献   

An automated liquid nano-separation system has been developed for nano-liquid chromatography (nano-LC) and capillary electrochromatography (CEC) using both isocratic and gradient elution. One fused-silica nanocolumn, typically 75 μm i.d. × 39 cm (25 cm effective packed length), packed with Spherisorb ODS 1, 3 μm particle size, can be used with either technique without having to remove the column upon switching from one mode to the other. The mobile phase is delivered by two reciprocating micro-LC pumps at a flow rate of 30 μL/min to a postinjection splitter that houses the nanocolumn inlet. The splitter is directly connected to a micro-injection valve with a 0.5 μL injection volume. In the CEC mode, pressure is not applied (no restriction on splitter) to the column inlet or outlet and the voltage is continuously applied during sample injection and mobile phase delivery. In the nano-LC mode, the restrictor is coupled to the splitter. Using the same nanocolumn under isocratic conditions, the repeatabilities of retention time and peak area for nano-LC were better than 0.2% and 4%, respectively, and those for CEC were better than 0.6% and 6%, respectively. On average, column efficiency was 57% higher in CEC compared to nano-LC. Gradient elution separations of parabens and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were accomplished by CEC.  相似文献   

A vancomycin chiral stationary phase (CSP) was fully evaluated in capillary electrochromatography (CEC) in reversed-phase and polar organic modes for a number of racemic pharmaceutical compounds. High efficiency and resolution values were obtained for a number of compound classes including thalidomide in both the polar organic mode (190000 plates meter(-1) and Rs = 13.8) and reversed-phase mode (125000 plates meter(-1) and Rs = 13.0). Experimental parameters, including organic modifier, organic solvent ratio, ionic strength, pH, temperature, and voltage, were examined in both the aqueous and nonaqueous modes to deduce their effect on the resultant EOF, retention times, resolution, and efficiency of chiral separations. All results were consistent with and found to be a combination of what is known from existing literature on CEC theory and experience obtained with macrocyclic antibiotic CSPs in LC. Column stability was excellent, and each column packed was found to offer repeatable separations even when switching from the aqueous to the nonaqueous mode.  相似文献   

In this study, fused-silica capillaries are modified using a polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) coating procedure in open-tubular capillary electrochromatography. The PEM coating was constructed in situ with alternating rinses of positively and negatively charged polymers. The quaternary ammonium salt poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride) was used as the cationic polymer, and the polymeric surfactant poly (sodium N-undecanoyl-l-leucylvalinate) was used as the anionic polymer. Previous studies have shown that the PEM-coated capillaries used for achiral separations have excellent reproducibilities and high stabilities against extreme pH values. In the current study, this PEM coating approach was applied to chiral separations of 1,1'-binaphthyl-2,2'-dihydrogenphosphate (BNP), 1,1'-bi-2-naphthol, secobarbital, pentobarbital, and temazepam. However, the PEM coating procedure used in the achiral studies needed to be significantly modified in order to achieve chiral separations. Optimal conditions were established by varying the additives (sodium chloride, 1-ethyl-3-methyl-1H-imidazolium hexafluorophosphate, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate) in the polymer deposition solutions, the salt concentration, the column temperature, and the bilayer number. Reproducibilities were evaluated by use of the relative standard deviation (RSD) values of the electroosmotic flow (EOF) and the first peak ((R)-(+)-BNP). In all cases, the run-to-run and capillary-to-capillary RSD values of EOF were less than 0.5%, and the run-to-run RSD values of the (R)-(+)-BNP peak were less than 1%. In addition, more than 230 runs were performed on a single PEM-coated capillary.  相似文献   

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