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大量研究数据表明肥胖、糖尿病和心脑血管疾病的发生与日常糖分摄入过多相关密切。因此,近年来高糖饮食引发的健康风险获得了各国政府与公众的极大关注,国际消费市场对传统甜味剂蔗糖替代品的需求急剧增长。由于消费者对化学合成甜味剂的安全性一直有所顾虑,甜度高、热量低、风味佳、兼具多重功能特性的天然甜味剂成为代糖产品开发研究的热点。目前已有部分口感与蔗糖接近的天然甜味剂产品实现了工业生产并应用于食品加工,在甜味剂行业展现广阔的市场前景。本研究主要针对应用潜力巨大的3种天然甜味剂甜菊糖苷、罗汉果甜苷与D-阿洛酮糖的风味、功能及在食品中的应用进行概述,为甜菊糖苷与罗汉果甜苷的风味改良以及D-阿洛酮糖的安全性评估等工作开展提供借鉴,以期促进天然甜味剂的食品应用深入研究。  相似文献   

罗汉果是我国的传统药食两用中药材,具有较高的药用和营养价值.在食品工业中,其既可作为食品原料,又可作为天然甜味剂.随着大健康理念的深入人心,罗汉果在健康食品加工行业有着广泛的应用前景.本文介绍了罗汉果产品的开发和研究现状,以期为罗汉果食品加工提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

近几年我国的高倍甜味剂得到了迅速发展,在国际市场上的占有率越来越大,国内市场发展也稳步提高.高倍甜味剂在丰富人们食品结构的同时,消费者对其还存在不同程度的误解,认为高倍甜味剂对人体可能造成某些伤害,对其安全性存在顾虑和恐慌心理.另外由于政府相关部门对食品监督管理上的不足,也确实存在食品加工生产者超范围、超量使用甜味剂等问题,对人民群众的健康和生命安全造成了威胁.文章总结了近几年我国高倍甜味剂产业的发展现状,介绍了JECFA制定的常用高倍甜味剂的ADI值,指出了应正确认识高倍甜味剂的安全性能.食品添加剂企业和食品加工企业要切实保护消费者的健康权益,严格按照国家标准规定使用添加剂,杜绝超量和超范围等滥用行为,遵守食品安全法,促进甜味剂行业健康有序发展.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,人民的生活愈来愈好,人们对食品种类的多样性以及食品的养生功能也越发关注。选择有利于身体健康的新型食材,进行新型食品开发成为研究的热点。仙人掌的各个器官均具有可食性而且富含多种活性成分。这些活性成分使仙人掌具有一定的降糖、抑菌、抗氧化、抗炎等功能特性。因此仙人掌具有极大的食品开发潜质。针对仙人掌进行食品开发,既有利于人体健康,同时也可以拓宽消费者的产品选择。该文以仙人掌为研究对象,综述仙人掌的活性成分,阐述其功能特性,探究仙人掌在酒类、饮料、面制品等方面的食品开发进展情况,并对其食品开发应用进行分析和展望。  相似文献   

海带多糖作为重要的天然生物活性产物,已有大量研究证明其具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、免疫调节、调节血脂血糖代谢、预防动脉粥样硬化、抗疲劳、抗皮肤光老化及益生元作用等多种天然生物活性,显示其在功能食品开发中的潜在应用前景。由于多糖组分结构上的差异与其所在发挥的不同功能活性之间具有重要相关性。因此,对海带多糖的提取分离、化学结构、生理活性及其功能食品开发4个方面的研究现状进行综述,为开发基于海带多糖的新型功能食品提供理论依据。  相似文献   

正食品添加剂是为改善食品色、香、味等品质,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的人工合成或者天然物质。食品添加剂是食品工业发展的必然产物,食品添加剂法规和标准是保证其安全使用和保护消费者健康的重要措施。鉴于此,本刊特别策划"食品添加剂"专题。专题将围绕添加剂种类(酸度调节剂、抗结剂、消泡剂、抗氧化剂、漂白剂、膨松剂、着色剂、护色剂、酶制剂、增味剂、营养强化剂、防腐剂、甜味剂、增稠剂、香料等)、添加剂作用及原理、添加剂的开发与应用、添加剂的滥用误用、添加剂的安全标准法规等或您认为该  相似文献   

蜂蜜功能活性及药用价值研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂蜜作为重要的天然甜味物质,具有多种功能活性及健康益处,被广泛应用在食品加工及医药产业中。由于蜂蜜具有较高的营养价值和特殊的功能活性而深受广大消费者的青睐。蜂蜜自古就有“调脾胃、润大肠经”的作用,近代研究表明,蜂蜜具有抗菌、抗炎和抗氧化等功能活性,这些功能活性归因于其含有的特殊活性物质。蜂蜜主要由碳水化合物和水组成,此外还包含少量蛋白质、氨基酸、维生素、矿物质以及植物次级代谢产物,如多酚类化合物、萜烯类化合物和生物碱等。近年关于蜂蜜与健康及其在临床上的应用活性的相关报道屡见不鲜,本文对蜂蜜功能活性及药用价值研究进行综述,旨在为新一代蜂蜜产品开发提供新的参考和思路。  相似文献   

桑葚又名桑果,药用价值高,具有保肝、抗肿瘤、抗炎症、降血糖等功效。这些功能与桑葚特有的酚类、多糖类、氨基酸类、矿物质与维生素等有关。我国桑葚资源丰富,利用天然活性物质开发加工产品能够有效提高桑葚价值与资源利用率。该文主要梳理近年来桑葚主要活性物质及其加工利用方面的研究进展,以期为未来研究桑葚精深加工技术和开发功能产品提供参考。  相似文献   

功能性甜味剂在食品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为食用糖的替代品,功能性甜味剂具有优越的功能性质和生理活性,其发展前景非常广阔,本文着重介绍了多元糖醇和功能性低聚糖的生理活性、食品加工特性、安全性及在食品中的应用。  相似文献   

代糖是一类具有高甜度、低能量特性的甜味剂,可代替蔗糖、白砂糖等应用于食品、医药、日化用品等领域,开发前景广阔。代糖种类繁多,根据来源可分为人工代糖和天然代糖两大类。文章在系统阐述常见天然代糖的分类、特性和生物学作用基础上,探究其在食品工业中的开发应用前景,以期为天然代糖在产品开发和消费者使用中提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

This review presents the state‐of‐the‐art concerning the application of natural and artificial high‐intensity sweeteners, fructans and bulking agents such as polyols as sugar replacers in sweet‐baked goods and their effects on product characteristics. The recent much publicised attention given to weight gain of the population and its consequences on the occurrence of diet‐related diseases in developed countries has influenced the food manufacturers attempts to provide the consumer with reduced energy products. The replacement of sucrose in sweet bakery products by alternative natural or artificial sweeteners can be a challenging issue. Sucrose as a main ingredient in sweet bakery products contributes, aside from providing sweetness, to numerous processing and product characteristics. Intense sweeteners have a high sweetness compared with sucrose but lack in their contribution to the body of the product, whereas the replacement of sucrose with bulking sweeteners may result in products with a similar body but a lack in taste and flavour.  相似文献   


More than 170 million Americans consume low‐calorie foods and beverages. The interest of the consumer in low‐calorie foods that contain alternative sweeteners has grown. Currently, non‐nutritive high‐intensity sweeteners, aspartame and sucralose have been approved for use in the United States. Another sweetener, alitame, used in other countries such as Australia and China has not been granted approval for use in the States.

The paper reviews the stability and degradation products of high‐intensity sweeteners, aspartame, alitame, and sucralose.  相似文献   

The production of rancid flavors and odors due to oxidative stress in foods can lead to a reduction in the sensory attributes, nutritional quality and food safety. Due to consumer demands, interest has been generated in searching plant products for natural “green” additives. Extracts from macroalgae or seaweeds are rich in polyphenolic compounds which have well documented antioxidant properties. They also have antimicrobial activities against major food spoilage and food pathogenic micro-organisms. Thus, possibility of seaweeds being added to foods as a source of antioxidant and antimicrobial is the main focus of this communication. In addition, seaweeds are also rich in dietary minerals specially sodium, potassium, iodine and fibers. Another potential area where the use of seaweed is gaining importance is regarding their addition for improving the textural properties of food products which is also extensively reviewed in this paper.

Industrial relevance

The trend towards the use of “natural green” plant extracts in various food and beverages in the food industry is gaining momentum. Seaweed, being a rich source of structurally diverse bioactive compounds with valuable nutraceutical properties, can be used as an ingredient to supplement food with functional compounds. Interest in the application of such compounds as natural antioxidants, antimicrobials or texturing agents in different food products is greater than ever. The addition of seaweeds or their extracts to food products will reduce the utilization of chemical preservatives, which will fulfill the industry as well as consumer demands for “green” products. In addition, the current status and the future projections in the functional effects of seaweeds as a means to improve the fiber content and reduce the salt content of food products, which will be of significant importance to the meat industry, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Food additives, such as food colours or sweeteners, play an important part in food supply. For a variety of reasons, some consumers might regard the use of food additives, especially artificial ones, with suspicion; food additives are considered unnatural, unhealthy or even a public health risk. The goal of this study was to investigate consumers’ perceptions and the most essential variables related to the acceptance of food additives. Two versions of a paper-and-pencil questionnaire, one investigating artificial food colours and the other investigating artificial sweeteners, were distributed to a large sample of Swiss German households. The final samples for artificial food colours and artificial sweeteners comprised 506 and 487 participants respectively. The questionnaires contained items on consumers’ acceptance, risk and benefit perception, trust in regulators, knowledge of regulation and their preference for natural products. The relationships between variables were investigated in a path model, which was constructed based on a review of previous literature. The path coefficients suggested that risk and benefit perceptions significantly influence the acceptance of the two selected food additives. The risk and benefit perceptions were influenced by consumers’ knowledge of regulation, their trust in regulators, and their preference for natural products. In the discussion, the study’s findings are examined in terms of their implications for further research and for the development of concrete communication materials.  相似文献   

抗氧化天然植物提取物及其在肉品中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在各类肉品的生产和加工过程中,食品防腐添加剂对于保持产品营养特性和安全性必不可少.然而,人们期待肉品中所添加的成分尽可能源自天然产物,因此寻找可替代食品防腐抗氧化添加剂功能的天然提取物越来越受到关注.现有研究的抗氧化天然提取物来源于蔬菜、水果、香辛料、草本和种子等,主要作用是抑制脂质氧化、酸败,也可在一定程度上抑制微生...  相似文献   

Preserving quality of fresh-cut products using safe technologies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Food preservation is critical for keeping the global food supply safe and available for consumers. Food scientists study production and processing to develop new technologies that improve the quality and quantity of healthy food products, with the main objective of increasing food production without affecting food quality and environment, while fulfilling consumer expectations. Nowadays consumers want their food to be fresh, nutritious, safe, and attractive, low priced, and ready-to-eat. That is the case of fresh-cut products; however, maintaining the quality of these products is not an easy task, since minimally processed products experience increased ethylene production and respiration rates, with the consequent lost of quality. New effective and inexpensive technologies to safely preserve the quality of fresh-cut products are needed. In the last two decades, food scientists have attempted to solve problems in fresh-cut processing and quality preservation, and rapid advances in scientific knowledge on fresh-cut product preservation have been developed. The present review describes the use of emerging technologies such as ultraviolet irradiation (UV-C), edible coatings, active packaging and natural additives, to preserve the quality of fresh-cut fruits; highlighting the areas in which information is still lacking, and commenting on future trends.  相似文献   

Food preservation is critical for keeping the global food supply safe and available for consumers. Food scientists study production and processing to develop new technologies that improve the quality and quantity of healthy food products, with the main objective of increasing food production without affecting food quality and environment, while fulfilling consumer expectations. Nowadays consumers want their food to be fresh, nutritious, safe, and attractive, low priced, and ready-to-eat. That is the case of fresh-cut products; however, maintaining the quality of these products is not an easy task, since minimally processed products experience increased ethylene production and respiration rates, with the consequent lost of quality. New effective and inexpensive technologies to safely preserve the quality of fresh-cut products are needed. In the last two decades, food scientists have attempted to solve problems in fresh-cut processing and quality preservation, and rapid advances in scientific knowledge on fresh-cut product preservation have been developed. The present review describes the use of emerging technologies such as ultraviolet irradiation (UV-C), edible coatings, active packaging and natural additives, to preserve the quality of fresh-cut fruits; highlighting the areas in which information is still lacking, and commenting on future trends.  相似文献   

新型番木瓜保健软糖的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以功能性甜味剂和食品凝胶剂为载体,引入番木瓜全肉,通过合理的制作工艺,制成了低热量、具有保健功能的番木 瓜软糖。  相似文献   

显齿蛇葡萄保健果冻的研制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张雁 《食品科技》2002,(7):22-23
以功能性甜味剂和食品凝胶剂为载体,引入显齿蛇葡萄提取液,通过合理的制作工艺,制成了低热量、具有保健功能的显齿蛇葡萄果冻。  相似文献   

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