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We evaluated attraction of released mature laboratory-cultured Mediterranean fruit flies to different sources of coffee plant odor placed in potted nonfruiting guava trees in outdoor field cages. Volatiles from crushed medium or dark red fruit ofCoffea arabica cv. arabica plants were significantly more attractive than volatiles from cut leaves or stems of such plants, volatiles from less-ripe crushedC. arabica fruit, and volatiles from crushed red fruit ofC. racemosa,C. canephora, orC. dewevari. Volatiles fromC. arabica cv. arabica crushed red fruit were equally attractive as volatiles from crushed red fruit ofC. congensis orC. arabica cv. mundo, cv. bourbon, cv. kents or cv. catura. Volatiles from as little as 2 g of crushed redC. arabica fruit (= 1 fruit) were as attractive as volatiles from 32 g of such fruit, demonstrating sensitivity of the bioassay approach used to a small amount of source material. Odor ofC. arabica red fruit refrigerated for 1–10 days after picking was significantly more attractive than odor of fresh-picked fruit, while odor of a 24-hr water extract of intact redC. arabica fruit was significantly more attractive than odor of 24-hr extracts of such fruit with methanol, methylene chloride, or hexane or 1- or 6-hr extracts with water. Extraction studies suggested that at least some of the volatiles of red coffee fruit attractive to medflies may be polar water-soluble molecules. In our final test, volatiles from crushed redC. arabica fruit trapped on Super Q and eluted with methylene chloride proved just as attractive as volatiles emanating directly from crushed fruit of the same type. Together, our findings define optimal source material and effective handling procedures of source material for future identification of volatile components of coffee fruit attractive to medflies.  相似文献   

Individual crayfish (Orconectes virilis) were tested for responses to water containing conspecific individuals of several sex-status categories. Isolated males did not react to self water but did show aggressive postures while isolated, nonself male water was introduced. Males' responses to female water was different from responses to male water. Water from aggressing males elicited fewer agonistic postures and more neutral postures. Females showed little difference in response to waters from different categories of conspecifics.  相似文献   

The Australian brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the major vertebrate pest in New Zealand. Possums cause significant damage to the country's native and exotic forests and, as a vector of bovine tuberculosis, are a serious threat to the country's meat industry. Strong smelling odors are often used as lures during possum control operations in New Zealand, but little is known about the preferences of possums for these odurs. A test was designed to determine the preferences of captive wild possums for a number of odors commonly used as lures. To assess the effectiveness of the method, the possums were tested for their responses to a familiar food odor (apple) versus no odor. The possums spent significantly more time investigating the apple odor and also sniffed it more often than the no-odor control in the 15-min test period. The same procedure, however, showed that five odors commonly used as lures (almond, cloves, cinnamon, peanut, and orange) were no more preferable than water. Our results suggest that these unfamiliar odors are either equally attractive or unattractive to possums and that odors that are more familiar to these animals may be more appropriate as lures.  相似文献   

The behavior of captive male muskoxen was observed closely during their characteristic superiority display, the anatomy of the preputial region was studied in two adults and three calves, and preputial washings and preorbital gland secretion were subjected to gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. During the superiority display, the prepuce was everted to form a pendulous tube tipped with a fringe of matted hair. Owing to the movement of the animal, the urine that dribbled from the preputial opening was liberally applied to the long guard hairs of the belly. The superiority display was almost exclusively confined to dominant males and apparently accounted for their odor. In the quiescent state, the hair seen around the preputial opening was drawn inside and formed an 8 cm-wide band on the lining of the prepuce. The preputial washings contained large amounts of benzoic acid andp-cresol. The infraorbital gland secretion contained cholesterol, benzaldehyde, and a homologous series of saturated -lactones ranging from 8 to 12 carbons. The latter compounds and the natural secretion smell similar to the human nose.  相似文献   

余朋 《云南化工》2022,(1):114-116
根据2017年7月-12月中国环境监测总站提供的空气质量指数(AQI)数据,通过ArcGIS数据处理软件,获得河北省空气质量的时空分布格局。结果表明:研究期间河北省11个城市的空气质量2017年下半年整体呈现逐月降低的趋势,并且省内城市的空气质量存在一定程度的南北差异,即北方城市优于南方城市。河北省11个地级市的空气质量在各月内存在不同的变化,空气质量越好的城市AQI分布越集中,反之AQI分布越分散。  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in the composition of three cytotoxic secondary metabolites from the New Zealand marine sponge Mycale hentscheli collected at two sites in central New Zealand was quantified by 1H NMR techniques. A total of 275 sponges were analyzed bimonthly over 15 mo to compare intersite (100 km) and intrasite (100 m) spatial and temporal variations in the metabolites. Biological and physical characteristics of sponge size, morphology, depth, and temperature were recorded at each site. Metabolite concentrations were found to vary in space and time. Metabolite composition was site-specific; mycalamide A, pateamine, and peloruside A were present at Pelorus Sound, whereas pateamine was absent from sponges at Kapiti Island. Pateamine and peloruside A concentrations in sponges at Pelorus Sound varied seasonally; no such patterns were observed at Kapiti Island. Relationships of compound concentration with volume and depth were complex. High levels of peloruside A in Pelorus Sound sponges from between 8 and 10 m depth coincided with a density boundary layer and chlorophyll a maximum.  相似文献   

During development of figs on Ficus hispida, only the female floral stage is receptive to its pollinator Ceratosolen solmsi marchali. After this stage, the quantity of fig odor decreases. The effects of F. hispida volatiles from receptive figs (figs at the female floral stage, when they are pollinated) and interfloral figs (between the female floral and male floral stages) on their pollinator were studied, together with responses to compounds present in the odor. Odors emitted by both receptive and interfloral figs were attractive to the pollinator. However, wasps preferred the odor of receptive figs to that of interfloral figs even though the quantity of interfloral volatiles increased. Three monoterpenes that included linalool (major constitutent) and two minor compounds limonene and β-pinene from the receptive fig volatiles were used to test the pollinator responses. The levoisomer and racemic mixtures of linalool were attractive to the pollinator at high doses, but the dextroisomer was neutral. (±)-Limonene and (−)-β-pinene at high doses were even less attractive to the pollinator than clean air and were neutral at low doses, while (R)-(+)-, (S)-(−)-limonene were neutral at all doses. In blend tests, all four mixtures of (±)-linalool or (S)-(−)-linalool combined with (±)-limonene or (−)-β-pinene attracted C. solmsi marchali when administered at high doses. (R)-(+)-linalool and (−)-β-pinene enhanced the attractiveness of (S)-(−)-linalool to the pollinator, while enantiomers of limonene did not. These results suggest that both quality and quantity of fig volatiles regulate C. solmsi marchali response and that quality is the main host-finding and floral stage-distinguishing cue for the pollinator. Synergistic effects of some compounds may play a role in enhancing attractiveness of the active compounds.  相似文献   

We investigated the responses of common and golden spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus and A. russatus, respectively) to the fecal odor of Blanford's fox (Vulpes cana), a predator of Acomys, which overlaps in habitat use with the mice. Neither species of mouse showed a significant response to the presence of fox odor compared with the presence of the fecal odor of a local herbivore (Nubian ibex, Capra ibex nubia). One explanation is that the impact of predation from V. cana may be sufficiently low that the cost of avoidance, in terms of missed feeding opportunities, conveys little selective advantage. Alternatively, fecal odor may not provide a focused cue of immediate danger for spiny mice. The diurnal A. russatus showed a stronger (near significant) response than the nocturnal A. cahirinus to fecal odor of this nocturnal predator. This may be a legacy of the underlying nocturnal activity rhythm of A. russatus or may indicate a generally more cautious response to predator odors, as A. russatus has a much stronger preference for sheltered microhabitats than A. cahirinus.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds in the lipid coating of the lower-back quills of the North American porcupine,Erethizon dorsatum, were collected using headspace trapping on Tenax and analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), GC with organoleptic detection, and GC with a chiral stationary phase. Over 50 components were isolated, primarily oxygenated aliphatics, lactones, and isoprenoids. The most abundant constituent was tetradecyl acetate, which does not contribute significantly to the odor of the quill lipids. GC with a wide-bore capillary column and a human nose as detector was used to determine the retention time of the peak with the characteristic porcupine odor. Comparison of this organoleptic chromatogram with those obtained with a flame ionization detector and GC-MS showed the compound to be a -decalactone. The racemic mixture of this optically active substance does not possess the unique odor. Resolution of the enantiomers of -decalactone by GC with a chiral cyclodextrin phase shows that the isomer possessing the characteristic porcupine odor is the(R)--decalactone. We suggest the biological function of this compound is to serve as a warning odor, which, in conjunction with an initial quill strike, produces a conditioned aversion in potential predators.  相似文献   

We investigated the plume structure of a piezo-electric sprayer system, set up to release ethanol in a wind tunnel, using a fast response mini-photoionizaton detector. We recorded the plume structure of four different piezo-sprayer configurations: the sprayer alone; with a 1.6-mm steel mesh shield; with a 3.2-mm steel mesh shield; and with a 5 cm circular upwind baffle. We measured a 12 × 12-mm core at the center of the plume, and both a horizontal and vertical cross-section of the plume, all at 100-, 200-, and 400-mm downwind of the odor source. Significant differences in plume structure were found among all configurations in terms of conditional relative mean concentration, intermittency, ratio of peak concentration to conditional mean concentration, and cross-sectional area of the plume. We then measured the flight responses of the almond moth, Cadra cautella, to odor plumes generated with the sprayer alone, and with the upwind baffle piezo-sprayer configuration, releasing a 13:1 ratio of (9Z,12E)-tetradecadienyl acetate and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate diluted in ethanol at release rates of 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 pg/min. For each configuration, differences in pheromone release rate resulted in significant differences in the proportions of moths performing oriented flight and landing behaviors. Additionally, there were apparent differences in the moths’ behaviors between the two sprayer configurations, although this requires confirmation with further experiments. This study provides evidence that both pheromone concentration and plume structure affect moth orientation behavior and demonstrates that care is needed when setting up experiments that use a piezo-electric release system to ensure the optimal conditions for behavioral observations.  相似文献   

Recent behavioral studies designed to elucidate the mechanism of chemotaxis to cAMP in the eukaroyteDictyostelium discoideum are reviewed. In these studies, ambae were analyzed by the newly developed, computer-assisted dynamic morphology system while (1) chemotaxing in a spatial gradient of cAMP, (2) responding to repeated temporal waves of cAMP in the absence of a spatial gradient in a Sykes-Moore chamber, and (3) responding to rapid shifts in cAMP concentration. It is demonstrated that eukaryotic amebae do indeed have the capacity to assess the direction of a temporal gradient, which indicates that they must have a memory system for this purpose. It is also demonstrated that amebae regulate behavior in spatial and temporal gradients of chemoattractant through changes in: (1) velocity; (2) frequency of pseudopod formation; and (3) frequency of turning. Analogies to the bacterial system are apparent.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the behavioral responses of maleEpiphyas postvittana moths by theZ isorner of the major component of the sex pheromone,E11-14: OAc, was studied in a wind tunnel. Inhibition was detectable at a Z isomer concentration of 10% that of the major component and was greatest when it was added to the same source as the pheromone. Inhibition declined rapidly as the inhibitor was moved across-wind away from the pheromone source but was largely maintained when the sources were separated upwind or downwind. The results showed that the insects possess a high degree of temporal resolution for odor plumes of different composition.  相似文献   

The production of salicylihalamide A by the marine sponge Haliclona sp. was investigated. Samples of the two morphologies (green and brown) were collected from four locations covering approximately 1,200 km of coastline. Temporal variation between winter and summer was also examined at Bremer Bay. Chemical profiling by using liquid chromatography coupled with ultra violet detection and mass spectrometry showed that salicylihalamide A was produced only by the green morphology. Salicylihalamide A concentration was significantly correlated to water temperature but not to the size or depth of the sponge. Salicylihalamide A concentration was found to differ significantly among locations (Bremer Bay 13.5 μg g−1, Hamelin Bay 11 μg g−1, Rottnest Island 9.9 μg g−1, and Jurien Bay 8.5 μg g−1) partially accounted for by the influence of water temperature. A difference between seasons was also observed in Bremer Bay (summer concentration of 13.5 μg g−1 vs. winter concentration of 8.2 μg g−1). Environmental and physiological factors appear to be important in the production of salicylihalamide A by the green morphology. Additionally, the brown morphology does not produce salicylihalamide A, thus adding to the evidence that this morphology may be a different species.  相似文献   

Approaches to design of zirconia pillared clays via control of the properties of pillaring species in solutions were elaborated. Structural features of pillars and Pt + Cu active components fixed at these nanoparticles were shown to determine catalytic properties of pillared clays in NOx selective reduction by hydrocarbons in the oxygen excess.  相似文献   

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