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卫星通信抗干扰技术是国内外研究的热点课题。本文从提高卫星通信的抗干扰能力出发,基于M-ary扩频、直接序列扩频、跳频及正交频分复用等技术思想,提出了一种正交码时分多子信道扩谱调制(OC-TDMSCSSM)新技术,建立了数学模型,推导了信号格式,给出了实验系统的输出信号频谱,分析了其在加性白高斯噪声信道下误码率性能以及抗干扰能力。理论分析与仿真表明,该方案与DS/FH系统相比,具有良好的误码性能及较强的抗干扰能力。 相似文献
提出了一种利用正交多码扩频技术实现地空、空空或空舰进行高速数据传输的实现方法。分析了m序列、M序列、Gold码作为正交多码扩频的性能,并对正交多码扩频、多进制正交码扩频及多载波直扩扩频技术3种类型进行了比较。在传输带宽一定的情况下,正交多码扩频的频带利用率最高,是实现高速数据抗干扰传输的较理想的方法。 相似文献
准正交空时分组码可以牺牲一定的分集增益和解码的简单性,来避免当天线数目大于2时正交空时分组码码率下降的缺点。基于准正交空时编码的优点,为了进一步提升性能,提出一种新的4天线准正交空时分组码,并与RS码进行级联编码。仿真表明这种新的编码方法可以保证在复杂度不是很高的前提下,相比Jafarkhani码、TBH码和该广义复正交码具有更低的误码率。 相似文献
该文通过研究W-CDMA系统下行链路OVSF码的特性,针对传统的随机动态分配算法存 在码阻塞的问题,提出了一种动态有序分配算法,采用先分配低速用户,相同层从低序号码字向高序号码字 顺序分配的原则。并对该算法的流程和系统实现给予了详细的描述。最后通过系统性能的理论分析和数值仿 真,证明该算法大大降低了码字阻塞概率,减少了系统开销,对于工程应用具有重要价值。 相似文献
提出了一种单边带QPSK调制解调的方法.该方法在调制端通过适当的滤波器滤去QPSK调制信号的一个边带,在解调端通过希尔伯特变换构造出频谱上的共轭对称量实现解调,并通过使用对原始信号进行密勒码编码的方法减弱了希尔伯特变换在低频处的不理想对系统性能的影响.给出了详细的理论推导,并通过计算机仿真实验结果证明,提出的单边带QPSK调制解调方法在AWGN信道上的误码性能比传统的双边带QPSK调制解调方法差3dB,但能够节省一半传输带宽.因此,它是一种很有实际应用价值的调制解调算法,尤其适用于带宽受限的数据传输系统. 相似文献
具有不均匀保护特性的Turbo码多级编码调制方案 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文提出一种新型多级编码调制方法,即将Turbo码和卷积码组合起来,然后按照Ungerboeck集分割的方法,与各级编码层对应,实现编码调制,由于Turbo码具有很高的渐进编码增益。将它与卷积码组合成多级码时,系统就具有很好的不均匀保护特性(UEP),同时可以提高频带效率。 相似文献
该文采用数值仿真的方法探讨了MIMO系统中采用低密度校验(LDPC)码作为信道编码后的系统性能,针对LDPC码的置信度传播译码算法,提出了基于因子图(Factor graph)的联合迭代检测译码最大后验概率(MAP)算法,分析比较了发射端分别采用独立编码和联合编码对系统性能的影响,仿真结果表明,LDPC码可以充分利用MIMO系统中空间分集和时间分集性能提高系统的有效分集增益,并且联合迭代检测译码算法对这两种发射端编码结构的系统性能增益有较大差别。 相似文献
一种新的π/4DQPSK解调译码方案 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文提出了一种新的π/4DQPSK解调译码方案.该方案利用非冗余纠错差分解调的硬判决信息对Viterbi软判决译码时的量度加权,从而改变了传统的差分解调结合软判决译码的量度值,使差分解调软输出的信噪比得到改善,提高了Viterbi软判决译码的性能.计算机仿真表明,相对于传统的差分解调结合软判决译码,该算法在误比特率BER为10-5时在AWGN信道中有1.4dB的性能改善,在Rician信道中同样有显著的性能改善.这使得在普遍采用差分解调软判决译码的卫星通信系统中系统容量和通信质量都得到显著改善. 相似文献
多维乘积码是一种成熟的编码技术,其性能较好,且具有灵活的多维结构。本文提出一种基于多维乘积码的协作方案,利用不同维数的校验位进行协作,达到获取分集增益的目的。文中以分量码为扩展汉明码的多维乘积码为例,在慢衰落、快衰落瑞利信道下进行了理论性能分析和计算机仿真,仿真结果显示:慢衰落信道下,BER为10-3时,协作程度为50%,用户间信道SNR大于10dB时,增益大于8dB;在快衰落信道下,可以通过该协作方案可达到帮助上行信道较差的用户的目的。从实用性和良好性能的角度来看,该编码协作将具有较好的应用前景。 相似文献
Space-time multiple trellis coded modulation (ST-MTCM) has been introduced in order to achieve maximum transmit diversity
gain and larger coding gain with the existence of parallel paths. In our previous research, we designed a new coded modulation
scheme for ST-MTCM which simultaneously maximizes the coding gain and diversity gain utilizing Hadamard Matrix giving the
maximum determinant. This scheme, however, cannot achieve full transmit rate. In this paper, we extend our research so as
to achieve full rate transmission as well as maximum coding and diversity gain. In addition, Super-Orthogonal Space-Time Trellis
Code (SO-STTC) is well known for its high coding gain, full diversity gain and full transmit rate. Even though our proposed
scheme is essentially the same as SO-STTC, we show in this paper that our proposed code design is different from SO-STTC,
and achieves better performance. Our proposed code design utilizes transmit symbol phase rotation at a certain time slot so
as to avoid same path transition in trellis, which occurs with conventional SO-STTC scheme. We design codes with different
way of phase rotation for different MPSK modulation scheme, and simulation results show the improvements of our proposed codes
for MPSK modulation with different number of states.
Susu Jiang was born in Jilin, China, in 1979. She received the B.E. and M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from Yokohama
National University, Yokohama, Japan, in 2001 and 2003, respectively. She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in
electrical and computer engineering at Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan. Her research interests include space-time
coding, channel coding in wireless communications, and information theory. She is a student member of the IEICE and IEEE.
Ryuji Kohno received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo in 1984. Dr. Kohno is currently a Professor of the Division of Physics,
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yokohama National University. In his currier he was a director of Advanced Telecommunications
Laboratory of SONY CSL during 1998–2002 and currently a director of UWB Technology institute of National Institute of Information
and Communications Technology (NICT). In his academic activities, he was elected as a member of the Board of Governors of
IEEE Information Theory (IT) Society in 2000 and 2003. He has played a role of an editor of the IEEE Transactions on IT, Communications,
and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). He is a fellow of IEICE, vice-president of Engineering Sciences Society of IEICE
and has been the Chairman of the IEICE Technical Committee on Spread Spectrum Technology, that on ITS, and that on Software
Defined Radio (SDR). Prof. Kohno has contributed for organizing many international conferences, such as an chair-in honor
of 2002 & 2003 International Conference of SDR (SDR'02 & SDR'03), a TPC co-chair of 2003 International Workshop on UWB Systems
(IWUWBS'03), and a general co-chair of 2003 IEEE International Symposium on IT (ISIT'03), that of Joint UWBST&IWUWB'04 and
so on. He was awarded IEICE Greatest Contribution Award and NTT DoCoMo Mobile Science Award in 1999 and 2002, respectively. 相似文献