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Precision of Cavalieri sections and slices with local errors   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Cavalieri sections — and more recently Cavalieri slices, especially in combination with non-invasive scanning — are widely used to estimate volumes. Physical Cavalieri slices are also increasingly used to estimate neuron numbers via the optical fractionator. In either case, the prediction of the error variance is important to assess optimal sample sizes. The error variance consists of two components, one due to the variation among the true contents of sections or slices, and the other due to local or ‘nugget’ errors. The latter may arise for instance when estimating section areas by point counting, or when counting discrete particles in slices or disectors. In this paper, a fairly comprehensive set of prediction formulae is presented to separate both variance components.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to derive a formula that allows the prediction, from a Cavalieri data sample, of an appropriate confidence interval for a parameter Q. Two different approaches are used to address the problem. The first approach is to investigate whether the asymptotic distribution of the Cavalieri estimator exists when the sampling period T tends to zero. In particular, the distribution of the standardized version of the Cavalieri estimator zT is analysed for a measurement function f whose smoothness constant is an integer number m. The analysis reveals that when the first noncontinuous derivative of f, f(m), exhibits a unique discontinuity, the asymptotic distribution of zT exists and it has a bounded support. An analytical expression of the distribution is derived for the cases m = 0 and 1. However, when f(m) has two or more discontinuities, the asymptotic distribution of zT does not exist and its support may be unbounded. In the second approach, a generalized version of the refined Euler Mac‐Laurin summation formula, valid for measurement functions with a fractional, rather than just an integer, smoothness constant, is applied to the Cavalieri estimator. As a result, a formula that predicts a lower and upper bound for the true parameter is derived for small T. This bound prediction formula is applied to Cavalieri data samples of human cerebral cortex. In particular, for sample sizes n = 8, 12 and 16, the true volume of cerebral cortex is bounded by relative distances 8%, 4% and 2% of the Cavalieri estimate, respectively.  相似文献   

Precision of the fractionator from Cavalieri designs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A popular procedure to predict the variance of the fractionator consists in splitting the initial collection of fragments into two subsets, in order to use the corresponding particle counts (or any other pertinent measure), in the calculation. The current formula does not account for local or ‘nugget’ errors inherent in the estimation of fragment contents, however. Moreover, it does not account for the fact that the contribution of the variability between fragments or slices should rapidly decrease as the sampling fraction increases. For these reasons, an update to the formula is overdue. It should be stressed, however, that the formula applies to Cavalieri slices designs – its application for arbitrary partition designs is therefore not warranted.  相似文献   

The fractionator consists of several sampling stages with systematic sampling at each stage; data are collected only at the last stage. Therefore, predicting the error variance of a fractionator estimator is a non-trivial problem, because the observations are correlated in a complicated, unknown way. Gundersen proposed to split the material sampled at the first stage into two subsets, and to compute the variance of the pooled estimate empirically using the corresponding pair of observations made in these two subsets. The idea is very effective, but the estimator thus proposed needed some corrections. The purpose of this paper is to present an improved estimator of the coefficient of error of a fractionator estimator using Gundersen's design.  相似文献   

We present a collection of variance models for estimators obtained by geometric systematic sampling with test points, quadrats, and n‐boxes in general, on a bounded domain in n‐dimensional Euclidean space ?n, n = 1, 2, ... , and for systematic rays and sectors on the circle. The approach adopted ? termed the filtering approach ? is new and different from the current transitive approach. This report is only preliminary, however, because it includes only variance models in terms of the covariogram of the measurement function. The estimation step is in preparation.  相似文献   

Evaluation of variance models for fractionator sampling of trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compared the performance of several models for predicting, from small samples, the precision of estimates of the total number of blossoms on fruit trees obtained using a three‐stage fractionator, in which the sampling units were defined by the tree structure: (1) primary branches and stem (2) secondary branches and shoots and (3) flowering buds. The models considered were the semiempirical models of Cruz‐Orive (1990, 2004 ) (CO), a random sample model (SR), a Poisson model (P), successive differences (D) and repeated systematic sampling (R). Procedures that relied upon a single sample and a model of the variance (SR, P, D) were not able to predict the estimator variance because the considered structures strongly violated model assumptions. The semiempirical CO model performed acceptably in some cases where model assumptions were violated to a moderate degree. The repeated systematic sampling procedure, which does not rely upon a model of the variance, usually provided very good predictions when the resampling terms were distributed appropriately across more than one sampling stage.  相似文献   

The Cavalieri method is an unbiased estimator of the total volume of a body from its transectional areas on systematic sections. The coefficient of error (CE) of the Cavalieri estimator was predicted by a computer‐intensive method. The method is based on polynomial regression of area values on section number and simulation of systematic sectioning. The measurement function is modelled as a quadratic polynomial, with an error term superimposed. The relative influence of the trend and the error component is estimated by techniques of analysis of variance. This predictor was compared with two established short‐cut estimators of the CE based on transitive theory. First, all predictors were applied to data sets from six deterministic models with analytically known CE. For these models, the CE was best predicted by the older short‐cut estimator and by the computer‐intensive approach, if the measurement function had finite jumps. The best prediction was provided by the newer short‐cut estimator when the measurement function was continuous. The predictors were also applied to published empirical datasets. The first data set consisted of 10 series of areas of systematically sectioned rat hearts with 10–13 items, the second data set consisted of 13 series of systematically sampled transectional areas of various biological structures with 38–90 items. On the whole, similar mean values for the predicted CE were obtained with the older short‐cut estimator and the computer‐intensive method. These ranged in the same order of magnitude as resampling estimates of the CE from the empirical data sets, which were used as a cross‐check. The mean values according to the newer short‐cut CE estimator ranged distinctly lower than the resampling estimates. However, for individual data sets, it happened that the closest prediction as compared to the cross‐check value could be provided by any of the three methods. This finding is discussed in terms of the statistical variability of the resampling estimate itself.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been substantial developments in both magnetic resonance imaging techniques and automatic image analysis software. The purpose of this paper is to develop stereological image sampling theory (i.e. unbiased sampling rules) that can be used by image analysts for estimating geometric quantities such as surface area and volume, and to illustrate its implementation. The methods will ideally be applied automatically on segmented, properly sampled 2D images – although convenient manual application is always an option – and they are of wide applicability in many disciplines. In particular, the vertical sections design to estimate surface area is described in detail and applied to estimate the area of the pial surface and of the boundary between cortex and underlying white matter (i.e. subcortical surface area). For completeness, cortical volume and mean cortical thickness are also estimated. The aforementioned surfaces were triangulated in 3D with the aid of FreeSurfer software, which provided accurate surface area measures that served as gold standards. Furthermore, a software was developed to produce digitized trace curves of the triangulated target surfaces automatically from virtual sections. From such traces, a new method (called the ‘lambda method’) is presented to estimate surface area automatically. In addition, with the new software, intersections could be counted automatically between the relevant surface traces and a cycloid test grid for the classical design. This capability, together with the aforementioned gold standard, enabled us to thoroughly check the performance and the variability of the different estimators by Monte Carlo simulations for studying the human brain. In particular, new methods are offered to split the total error variance into the orientations, sectioning and cycloid components. The latter prediction was hitherto unavailable – one is proposed here and checked by way of simulations on a given set of digitized vertical sections with automatically superimposed cycloid grids of three different sizes. Concrete and detailed recommendations are given to implement the methods.  相似文献   

A number of simple, unbiased and efficient methods are now available in stereology for estimating the number and size of arbitrary particles or voids in a material, with the only assumption that particles must be identifiable on serial sections or confocal planes through the material. In recent years, these methods have been developed and applied mainly in a biomedical context: this paper reviews and illustrates them with the aid of a metallographic example, namely the pore population of a sand-cast aluminium alloy. Our goal is to convey the fact that stereology is sampling in three dimensions, and therefore its principles remain valid and applicable in no matter what context. The disector, the selector, and an indirect method to estimate the distance between two parallel planes of polish are thereby illustrated. It is also shown how to split the error variance of the estimator of the pore volume fraction (‘porosity’) into the three components due to blocks, sections within blocks and systematic point counting on sections.  相似文献   

G. Matheron's theory of regionalized variables provides a suitable basis for obtaining variance approximations for estimators of integrals from systematically sampled observations, with applications in geostatistics, image analysis, stereology and numerical quadrature techniques in general. The approximations are often fairly accurate for practical purposes. The methods are, however, not sufficiently widespread outside the field of geostatistics. The purpose of this paper is to present in an informal way the transitive part of the methods (relevant to the design-based approach) and a number of stereological applications.  相似文献   

BranchSampler is a system for computer-assisted manual stereology written for handheld devices running Windows CE. The system has been designed specifically to streamline data collection and optimize sampling of tree-like branching structures, with particular aims of reducing user errors, saving time, and saving data in formats suited for further analysis in other software, for example, a spreadsheet. The system can be applied in a wide range of applications, from biomedical science to agriculture and horticulture. It can be applied for sampling nested generations of lung bronchioles and renal arterioles or for collection and optimizing sampling of crops for precision agriculture. Although the system has been designed specifically for sampling branching structures, it is sufficiently flexible to be used for other applications involving nested stereological designs. We describe the system specifications, software and Graphical User Interface development, functionality and application of the handheld system using four examples: (a) sampling monkey lung bronchioles for estimation of diameter and wall thickness (b) sampling rat kidney for estimating number of arteries and arterioles in a specific generation (c) mapping fruit (apple) tree yield in an orchard and (d) estimating the total leaf surface area of chrysanthemum plants in a greenhouse.  相似文献   

Practical, unbiased stereological methods are described to estimate lung volume and external surface area, and total volume and surface area of relatively large and anisotropic structures (bronchi and arteries) inside the lung. The volume of each of five lung strata was estimated first by fluid displacement and then by computed tomography (CT) using Cavalieri's method; the reliability of CT was assessed through a calibration procedure, and image thresholding criteria for an accurate volume estimation using CT were established. The parallel, perfectly registered CT section images were also used to estimate the external surface area of each stratum by the spatial grid method. Unbiased estimation of internal surface areas in lung is a long-standing problem: since the structures are large and essentially void, large sections are needed; to facilitate identification, thin sections have to be used for light microscopy, and since such structures are anisotropic, the sections should be vertical. A practical stereological design is demonstrated here on an infant lung, which fulfils all these requirements. This study illustrates the potential of using unbiased stereology to characterize infant pulmonary hypoplasia.  相似文献   

A new stereological principle for test lines in three-dimensional space   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new principle is presented to generate isotropic uniform random (IUR) test lines hitting a geometric structure in three-dimensional space (3D). The principle therefore concerns the estimation of surface area, volume, membrane thickness, etc., of arbitrary structures with piecewise smooth boundary. The principle states that a point-sampled test line on an isotropic plane through a fixed point in 3D is effectively an invariant test line in 3D. Particular attention is devoted to the stereology of particles, where an alternative to the surfactor method is obtained to estimate surface area. An interesting case arises when the particle is convex. The methods are illustrated with synthetic examples.  相似文献   

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