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从有理分式拟合方法出发,提出了用于射频CMOS平面螺旋电感2-π等效电路模型参数提取的新方法.通过比较提参后等效电路给出的S参数和实验测量的S参数,证明该方法的精度很高.此外,提参的策略非常直接,因此容易在CAD里面编程实现.提参得到的等效电路模型对于射频电路设计者来说也是非常有用的.  相似文献   

从有理分式拟合方法出发,提出了用于射频CMOS平面螺旋电感2-π等效电路模型参数提取的新方法.通过比较提参后等效电路给出的S参数和实验测量的S参数,证明该方法的精度很高.此外,提参的策略非常直接,因此容易在CAD里面编程实现.提参得到的等效电路模型对于射频电路设计者来说也是非常有用的.  相似文献   

曾山  罗岚  吴建辉 《电子器件》2005,28(1):20-24
提出了一种简化的片上螺旋电感双π等效电路模型。该模型可有效的反映螺旋电感中的趋肤效应、邻近效应、衬底耦合、馈通电容、导体间电容等分布效应的影响。推导了该模型中元件的估算公式。由该估算公式得出的元件参数,可作为与实际数据拟合的参考值,从而提高了拟合的效率与准确性。经拟合后的等效电路模型,在0.1~10GHz范围内,与电磁场仿真软件(ADS momentum)所得的仿真结果有很好的一致性。  相似文献   

射频集成电路(RFIC)中电感元件十分重要,其模型是RFIC模拟的关键.在确定电感的电路模型后,要进行正确的设计和优化,还必须知道模型中各元件的参数.文中首先给出了电感结构的嵌入式和非嵌入式电路模型,然后从已知的S参数通过三种途径提取了模型中集总元件参数,并对三种途径提取的元件参数进行了模拟,以便得到提取模型参数的最佳途径.  相似文献   

本文比较了四端口和两端口测试方式下变压器模型的差异。虽然两端口测试方式对变压器的测试和应用更为合适,但它将给模型参数的提取带来巨大困难。在这篇文章中,一种基于物理意义的等效电路模型和它相应的直接提取步骤被提出来用于片上变压器。基于两端口(而非四端口)测试方式,这种参数提取步骤能够提取器件的模型参数而不需要使用任何参数优化和拟合。在这个步骤中,一个新方法首次被提出用来提取阶梯电路的参数,而阶梯电路被广泛用于模拟各种无源器件中的趋肤效应。这样,这个方法便可以推广应用到其他无源器件的建模中,如片上传输线、电感、巴伦等。为了检验这种参数提取步骤的有效性和准确性,我们用90-nm 1P9M CMOS工艺制作了一个片上互绕型变压器。我们比较了模型仿真和实际测试在自感、品质因数、感性互感系数和阻性互感系数等方面的结果,在很宽的频带宽度内这两者吻合得很好。  相似文献   

RF螺旋电感参数的提取方法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
射频集成电路(RFIC)中电感元件十分重要,其模型是RFIC模拟的关键.在确定电感的电路模型后,要进行正确的设计和优化,还必须知道模型中各元件的参数.文中首先给出了电感结构的嵌入式和非嵌入式电路模型,然后从已知的S参数通过三种途径提取了模型中集总元件参数,并对三种途径提取的元件参数进行了模拟,以便得到提取模型参数的最佳途径.  相似文献   

针对平面四边形螺旋变压器,提出了一种新型T-型集总参数等效电路模型,所建立的模型包含所有的导线损耗和衬底的寄生损耗;采用并联的L-R和L-R-C网络,模拟了衬底的感性寄生效应;通过二端口网络分析和向量拟合方法得到模型中各元件的值。将变压器等效电路模型仿真数据与HFSS中电磁仿真数据进行对比,两者在0~20 GHz频率范围内有很高的吻合度。  相似文献   

基于硅通孔(TSV)技术,可以实现微米级三维无源电感的片上集成,可应用于微波/射频电路及系统的微型化、一体化三维集成。考虑到三维集成电路及系统中复杂、高密度的电磁环境,在TSV电感的设计和使用中,必须对其电路性能及各项参数指标进行精确评估及建模。采用解析方法对电感进行等效电路构建和寄生参数建模,并通过流片测试对模型进行了验证。结果表明,模型的S参数结果与三维仿真结果吻合良好,证实了等效电路构建的精确性。采用所建立的等效电路模型可以提高TSV电感的设计精度和仿真效率,解决微波电路设计及三维电磁场仿真过程中硬件配置要求高、仿真速度慢等问题。  相似文献   

针对砷化镓(GaAs)衬底上螺旋电感提出了一种改进形式的集总参数等效电路模型,该等效电路模型能很好地表征螺旋电感的高频效应.同时,应用电磁场全波分析方法对螺旋电感进行仿真,并分析各参数对电感性能的影响.从得到的散射参数中提取出有效电感、Q值和自谐振频率.基于参数优化方法提取等效电路模型中各元件值,并利用曲线拟合技术给出其相应的闭合表达式.这些表达式可用于射频和微波集成电路的设计,从而提高电路设计的性能和效率.  相似文献   

介绍了一种简单而有效的对片上螺旋电感建立集总等效电路模型的方法,并提出了用电容和电感补偿等效代替的思想,实现了9个参数的宽频带电路。通过仿真ADS中空气桥横跨式结构和电介质隔离地下通道式结构,该等效模型在26~40GHz带宽内获得了S参数、有效电感值和Q值比较好的拟合效果,为片上螺旋电感的提参建模提供了快速、可行的方案。  相似文献   

基于物理原理,对石墨烯螺旋电感提出了一种改进的等效电路模型,该模型在传统π模型的串联支路中增加了RC并联网络.并结合分析法和优化法,对此模型提出了一种参数提取方法.结果表明,在1~40 GHz频率范围内,测试所得S参数和模型仿真所得S参数能够高度地吻合.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses the fabrication and the performance of RF circular spiral inductors on silicon. The substrate materials underneath the inductor coil are removed by wet etching process. In the fabrication process, fine polishing of the photoresist is used to simplify the processes and ensure the seed layer and the pillars contact perfectly, and dry etching technique is used to remove the seed layer. The results show that Q-factor of the novel inductor is greatly improved by removing the silicon underneath the inductor coil. The spiral inductor for line width of 50 μm has a peak Q-factor of 17 at frequency of 1 GHz. The inductance is about 3.2 nH in the frequency range of 0.05-3 GHz and the resonance frequency of the inductors is about 6 GHz. If the strip is widened to 80 μm, the peak Q-factor of the inductor reduces to about 10 and the inductance is 1.5 nH in the same frequency range.  相似文献   

An enhanced scalable compact model for on-chip RF CMOS spiral inductors is presented. By considering layout and technology parameters, under quasi-static approximation, the model elements are all expressed analytically and based on electromagnetic effects. Frequency dependent behavior of CMOS spiral such as skin and proximity effects, and decrease of equivalent series resistance due to substrate coupling is considered. The model is suitable to be easily implemented in design kits by foundry and provides interesting accuracy to be used by CMOS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits designers.  相似文献   

In this paper, the MCI (multipath crossover interconnection) technique for octagon single and symmetrical spiral inductors has been presented to improve the quality factor. The metal wires of the single and symmetrical inductors formed by the top metal are divided into multiple segments according to the depth of the skin effects. The outermost path of the metal is crossover-interconnected to the innermost path by the underlayer metal and via The crossover technique makes the lengths of the total current paths between two ports approximately equal to each other. Therefore, the induced magnetic flux and resistance of each path can be balanced and the Q-factor of spiral inductors can be enhanced. The proposed MCI technique has been validated by the electromagnetic simulation with the 130-nm 1P6M SiGe BiCMOS process. For the devices with occupying areas of 240×240μm2, results of electromagnetic simulation show that about 24% improvement in the Q-peak (3.3 GHz) of the MCI single inductor as compared to conventional single inductors (3.1 GHz), and about 88.1% improvement in the Q-peak (3.2 GHz) of the MCI symmetrical inductor as compared to conventional symmetrical inductors (1.8 GHz).  相似文献   

提出了一种肖特基二极管的毫米波等效电路模型参数提取方法。该方法利用开路测试结构确定焊盘电容,并结合短路测试结构确定馈线电感;基于直流I-V特性曲线和小信号S参数分别提取了寄生电阻并进行了对比分析;给出了本征元件随偏置电压的变化曲线。在频率高达40 GHz的范围内,截止和导通状态下S参数的模拟与测试数据吻合良好,验证了提取方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对超深亚微米层次下的金属互连设计,使用Raphael(集成布线互连)仿真系统完成了互连寄生效应参数的提取。介绍了Raphael仿真系统的主要功能及基本应用,并分析了常规集成布线互连参数模型。采用二层跨越式互连结构,对寄生电阻、电容参数进行了仿真,并得到电流密度的分布结果。这些参数的提取及验证对电路的布局设计是十分重要的。  相似文献   

罗俊  张雷  王燕 《半导体学报》2013,34(12):125008-7
Coplanar waveguides (CPW) are widely used in mm-wave circuits designs for their good performance. A novel unified model of various on chip CPWs for mm-wave application, together with corresponding direct parameter extraction methodologies, are proposed and investigated, where standard CPW, grounded CPW (GCPW) and CPW with slotted shield (SCPW) are included. Several kinds of influences of different structures are analyzed and considered into the model to explain the frequency-dependent per-unit-length L, C, R, and G parameters, among which the electromagnetic coupling for CPWs with large lower ground or shield is described by a new C-L-R series path in the parallel branch. The direct extraction procedures are established, which can ensure both accuracy and simplicity compared with other reported methods. Different CPWs are fabricated and measured on 90-nm CMOS processes with Short-Open-Load-Through (SOLT) de-embedding techniques. Excellent agreement between the model and the measured data for different CPWs is achieved up to 67 GHz.  相似文献   

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