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稳压器压力控制系统动态仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑明光 《核动力工程》1995,16(5):424-431
本文旨在通过核电厂控制系统的全数字仿真来验证稳压器的压力控制系统的设计,并根据瞬态分析的结果来确定各控制环节的参数,分析结果为秦山核电厂调试和最终安全分析报告提供了依据,并与实际高度结果比较验证了分析模型与方法的合理性。  相似文献   

根据模拟稳压器水位控制系统结构、功能以及运行原理的分析,展开对稳压器水位控制系统数字化的研究。在选择成熟商用单板机的基础上引入了数/模,模/数转换以及控制算法等实现了稳压器水位控制系统,并和稳压器水位仿真模型构成闭环运行,通过虚拟仪器监测此控制系统的运行情况,证实了本系统达到并超过了原有模拟控制系统的功能和性能。  相似文献   

张耀  张大发 《核动力工程》2008,29(2):110-113
对采用可编程控制器构建稳压器压力水位控制系统进行了研究.利用可编程控制器的功能模块、模块化结构、配置的灵活性和软件控制技术,实现了稳压器压力水位控制系统的功能.通过对实验结果的分析,证明可编程控制器应用于稳压器压力、水位控制是有效的、成功的.  相似文献   

周韦  张新立 《中国核电》2011,(2):106-111
针对AP1000稳压器内部传热传质过程的特点,结合西屋AP1000的相关参数,在上海核工程研究设计院控制系统模型的基础上,对其中稳压器的二区数学模型进行完善和改进,利用acslX软件建立稳压器三区动态数学模型,并严格按照西屋AP1000稳压器的压力控制逻辑,对建立起来的数学模型进行了相应的控制仿真实现。通过比较改进前和改进后模型试验结果与相关设计文件的差异,验证了改进后模型较改进前具有更好的精确性、可扩展性,同时该模型可为今后CAP1400稳压器的仿真工作打下一定基础。  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的压水堆核电一回路稳压器机理建模与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对压水堆核电站一回路稳压器实际运行特性,根据能量守恒、质量守恒和动量守恒方程,考虑了喷淋流量、电加热器功率及安全释放阀的影响,建立了一个两相动态非平衡的稳压器机理模型.为提高模型精度,采用遗传算法对该模型的参数进行优化,用以得到一组模型的最优参数.将参数优化算法应用于某900 MW核电站稳压器仿真实例,通过模块封装组建成稳压器压力仿真模型,并与核电厂提供的对应数据做了比较验证了建模方法的正确性及优化方法的有效性.  相似文献   

稳压器压力调节控制器动态特性的微机仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了利用MATLAB软件的simulink仿真软件包实现对反应堆的稳压器压力调节控制器动态特性的微机仿真,得到了较为理想的仿真结果。  相似文献   

HFETR试验回路稳压器水位测量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在高温高压容器中采用差压式水位计测量水位的方法,通常由于容器中介质密度的变化给测量带来很大误差。为了提高高通量工程试验堆(HFETR)试验回路稳压器水位测量精度,本文将介质密度随压力变化的函数关系输入测量仪表中,使稳压器的水位测量实现了介质密度的自动补偿。经试验标定和系统运行证明,此测量系统具有稳定性好、测量精度高和补偿范围大等特点。  相似文献   

胡平  赵福宇  权燕  蒋波涛 《核动力工程》2011,32(2):12-15,29
大亚湾核电站稳压器水位控制系统在运行中曾多次出现水位定值组件输出不可忽略的脉冲干扰,而且干扰只存在于模拟量存储操作组件上,严重时直接影响到稳压器水位控制,引起水位波动.本文从系统控制和模件本身硬件设计两个方面对核电站稳压器水位控制系统模件偶发干扰故障原因进行分析,采用电源回路测试及系统仿真模拟试验,找出故障原因.建议再...  相似文献   

岭澳核电站蒸汽发生器水位控制系统改进方案仿真研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用核电厂瞬态分析和控制系统优化设计程序CATIA2,依据各典型瞬态试验验收的不同准则,通过核电厂典型瞬态下的数值仿真试验,为岭澳核电站解决主给水流量系统管路及调节阀振动问题拟采用的蒸汽发生器给水控制系统改进方案进行了仿真验证。结果表明:该改进方案可行,并且对反应堆控制系统所带来的影响是可接受的。  相似文献   

稳压器的模型化与仿真   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本文提出了完善的核电站稳压器三区不平衡模型及相应的PZR-1动态仿真程序。程序分别采用了亚当斯(Adams)方法、哈明(Hamming)方法、龙格-库塔(Rang-Kutta)法和外推法等不同算法,仿真精度高、速度快。以希平港核电站减负荷试验时稳压器的动态特性对模型和程序进行验证,仿真结果与试验数据符合良好,结果同时表明用亚当斯方法进行仿真更有效。  相似文献   

Nuclear desalination of seawater remains a very viable option to solving the perennial fresh water shortage problem along the coast of Ghana especially as Ghana prepares to install the first nuclear power plant. There is, therefore, the need for research to be conducted into nuclear seawater desalination technology as part of the nuclear power program of Ghana so as to develop the needed human resources in Ghana. In this research, cycle analysis of the cogeneration nuclear power plant was conducted to determine its efficiency and desalination steam requirements. An analytical model of the thermo vapour compression (TVC) desalination process was also developed to investigate the effect of design and operating parameters on parameters controlling the cost of producing fresh water from TVC process. Steady state mass and energy balances as well as empirical correlations derived from experiments were used to model the TVC, which was coupled to a cogeneration nuclear power plant to supply the needed steam for the desalination. The model was developed on a computer code, using FORTRAN language. The results showed that the thermal performance of the TVC desalination process improves with the efficiency of the cogeneration nuclear power plant but decreases with increasing steam consumption rates.  相似文献   

压水堆核电站堆芯集中参数模型的微机仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阐述了PWR核电站堆芯的模型化问题,提适用于微机仿真的核电站堆芯的物理数学模型,将核电站堆芯分为三大块分别建立模型,中子动力学模块,反应性反馈模块,堆芯热力学模块,建立系统传递函数,运用MATLA仿真,得到良好结果。  相似文献   

The pressurizer plays an important role in controlling the pressure of the primary coolant system in pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear power plants. An accurate modeling of the pressurizer is needed to determine the pressure response of the primary coolant system, and thus to successfully simulate overall PWR nuclear power plant behavior during transients. The purpose of this study is to develop a pressurizer model, and to assess its pressure transients using the TRACE code version 5.0. The benchmark of the pressurizer model was performed by comparing the simulation results with those from the tests at the Maanshan nuclear power plant. Four start-up tests of the Maanshan nuclear power plant are collected and simulated: (1) turbine trip test from 100% power (Test PAT-50); (2) large-load reduction at 100% power (Test PAT-49); (3) net-load trip at 100% power (Test PAT-51); and (4) net-load trip at 50% power (Test PAT-21). The simulation results show that the predictions of the pressure response are in reasonable agreement with the power plant's start-up tests, and thus the pressurizer model built in this study is successfully verified and validated.  相似文献   

In pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear power plants (NPPs) pressure control in the primary loops is fundamental for keeping the reactor in a safety condition and improve the generation process efficiency. The main component responsible for this task is the pressurizer. The pressurizer pressure control system (PPCS) utilizes heaters and spray valves to maintain the pressure within an operating band during steady state conditions, and limits the pressure changes during transient conditions. Relief and safety valves provide overpressure protection for the reactor coolant system (RCS) to ensure system integrity. Various protective reactor trips are generated if the system parameters exceed safe bounds. Historically, a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is used in PWRs to keep the pressure in the set point, during those operation conditions. The purpose of this study is two-fold: first, to develop a pressurizer model based on artificial neural networks (ANNs); secondly, to develop fuzzy controllers for the PWR pressurizer modeled by the ANN and compare their performance with conventional ones. Data from a 2785 MWth Westinghouse 3-loop PWR simulator was used to test both the pressurizer ANN model and the fuzzy controllers. The simulation results show that the pressurizer ANN model responses agree reasonably well with those of the simulated power plant pressurizer, and that the fuzzy controllers have better performance compared with conventional ones.  相似文献   

郭行  金卫阳 《辐射防护》2021,41(3):248-253
本文分析了福清核电厂1号机组停堆沉积源项调查发现的一回路管道内壁58Co和60Co表面活度水平、剂量率贡献以及随机组运行时间发生的变化情况,并介绍了压水堆核电厂活化腐蚀产物的形成、沉积及存在形式。通过分析201大修主泵停运对氧化运行效果及蒸汽发生器(SG)下封头辐射水平的影响,结合酸性氧化环境下腐蚀产物溶解度变化的特点,提出改进主泵停运时机以提高氧化运行效果的建议。另外,还分析了阀门密封面维修导致向一回路系统引入含钴金属颗粒对机组源项的影响,建议严格控制阀门维修过程以减少59Co进入一回路系统。  相似文献   

压水堆核电站换料机对保障核电站安全运行具有重要的作用,对其主要结构的动力计算和强度评定具有重要的意义。本文应用有限元分析软件ANSYS 12对1 000 MW核电站大型换料机进行了有限元建模,并分别在正常工况(启动、制动)、异常工况(OBE)和事故工况(SSE)下进行了动力计算;采用SRSS方法对3个不同方向地震反应谱下的结构响应(内力、应力)进行了工况组合,并进一步考虑了自重条件的不利影响。根据RCCM规范对换料机主要结构、螺栓、焊缝的强度和辅吊支腿的稳定性进行了评定,并在此基础上对抓取燃料组件的指形钩进行了局部强度分析。评定结果表明换料机的强度在不同工况下均满足规范要求。  相似文献   

核电站堆芯装载方案是反应堆堆芯设计的重要基础,它首先必须满足核安全的要求,同时还要尽可能地提高经济性。通过分析国内、外百万千瓦级核电站的堆芯装载,对反应堆输出功率、燃料组件数、堆芯平均线功率密度进行比较,给出我国大型先进压水堆核电站示范工程反应堆堆芯装载方案的设想,为技术决策提供参考。  相似文献   

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