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对影响单粒子微束装置束品质的因素进行了全面分析,并提出了一种优化单粒子微束装置束品质的方法——用束流发射度精确测量与粒子束聚焦自动调节装置改进单粒子微束装置瞄准器出口束斑。  相似文献   

介绍了一种用于生物学研究中细胞精确定位辐照的装置--单粒子微束装置的研究进展情况和发展目标。  相似文献   

建设了一基于复旦大学2×3 MV串列加速器的单粒子微束装置。离子束经分析磁铁30°水平偏转传输后再经90°偏转磁铁竖直上行至辐照终端,以内径1.5 μm的毛细玻璃管微准直器获取离子微束。采用薄膜闪烁体结合光电倍增管的探测结构对微束离子进行精确探测和计数,并以高压静电偏转开关快速关断束流以实现对离子数目的精确控制。目前实验已获得在质子能量为3 MeV时,能散(能量分布曲线中半高宽FWHM)<60 keV、束分辨<2.2 μm、定量照射精度>95%的质子微束。本文对复旦大学单粒子微束的束流管道设计、微束获取、束开关及单粒子探测等核心环节的研制进展进行介绍。  相似文献   

采用针孔准直技术,在HI-13串列加速器上建立了微电子器件单粒子效应重离子微束辐照装置。该装置主要由5个主要部分组成:产生微束装置、定位装置、样品运动控制装置、束流注量检测装置和单粒子效应测量装置组成。图1为装置的平面布局图。  相似文献   

综述了单细胞单粒子微束的发展及其在放射生物学方面的应用现状。通过准直或聚焦方式,可以将加速器粒子束流在空气中的束斑限定到微米或亚微米大小,而聚焦微束因其更高的空间分辨率和更快的电磁扫描照射速度成为发展主流;借助于先进的荧光显微镜及微速成像技术,当前的粒子微束能够对活细胞辐射诱导DNA损伤的早期响应进行在线可视化观测。微...  相似文献   

根据荷电粒子传输原理,研制了用于本所在线同位素分离器ISOLAN束流学系统优化设计和理论计算的计算机程序ISOOP。程序的最大特色是采用了最优化技术对束流光学参数进行优化调整。程序已成功地应用于ISOLAN的设计。完成了整机参数的优化计算和束流包络计算。  相似文献   

以束流光学软件的移植为例,介绍BEPCⅡ加速器控制系统调束软件的移植原理、过程、方法及特点.束流光学软件是控制系统核心调束软件之一,目前已经初步移植完毕.离线测试表明,软件原有功能基本具备,应用程序与模拟数据库之间数据读写准确,计算结果与BEPCⅡ束流光学各参数相符.  相似文献   

在目前流行的束流光学计算程序中,J.D.Larson编写的OPTIC-Ⅱ最适宜于串列加速器的设计计算。该程序考虑了串列加速器中的主要部件,包括加速管(直场加速管和斜场加速管)、剥离器、四极透镜、静电透镜、偏转磁铁和漂移空间等。同时,该程序可以方便地调整束流通过剥离器后的电荷态,并能作出各处的束流发射相图和整个束流包络图。此外,该程  相似文献   

粒子微束能够将单个或精确数目的粒子定点、定位射人靶目标,使得辐射生物学效应的研究由定性走向了定量。本文介绍了辐射目标靶研究,以及低剂量辐射生物学效应、低剂量辐射旁效应和重离子微束辐射生物学效应的研究进展。现代精确粒子微束的建立,有助于进一步研究低剂量辐射和空间辐射等生物学效应。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the main features of the ionoluminescence (IL) apparatus recently installed at the external scanning microbeam facility of the 3 MV Tandetron accelerator of the INFN LABEC Laboratory in Firenze. The peculiarity of this IL set-up resides in the fact that the light produced by the ion irradiation of the specimen is collected by a bifurcated optical fiber, so that photons are shunted both to a CCD spectrometer, working in the 200-900 nm wavelength range, and to a photomultiplier (PMT). The accurate focusing of the optical system allows high photon collection efficiency and this results in rapid acquisition of luminescence spectra with low ion currents on luminescent materials; simultaneously, luminescence maps with a spatial resolution of 10 μm can be acquired through the synchronization of PMT photon detection with the position of the scanning focused ion beam. An optical filter with a narrow passband facing the photomultiplier allows chromatic selectivity of the luminescence centres.The IL apparatus is synergistically integrated into the existing set-up for ion beam analyses (IBA). The upgraded system permits simultaneous IL and PIXE/PIGE/BS measurements. With our integrated system, we have been studying raw lapis lazuli samples of different known origins and precious lapis lazuli artworks of the Collezione Medicea of Museum of Natural History, University of Firenze, aiming at characterising their composition and provenance.  相似文献   

We have developed a heavy-ion microbeam system for cell irradiation that uses an 8-MV tandem Van de Graaff accelerator at Kyoto University. Using a pair of apertures as the final collimator, microbeams of carbon, fluorine, and silicon were extracted to the atmosphere with few background particles. We used a thin transmission scintillator and a photomultiplier detector to accurately measure the number of extracted particles. To examine beam spreading, the beam profile was measured by observing tracks of an irradiated CR-39 track detector. The two disks with holes which were added to the collimating apertures reduced background radiation due to secondary X-rays and electrons from the apertures.  相似文献   

A biomedical beam line has been designed for the experimental area of a proton therapy facility to deliver mm to sub-mm size beams in the energy range of 20-50 MeV using the TRANSPORT/TURTLE beam optics codes and a newly-written program. The proton therapy facility is equipped with a 230 MeV fixed-energy cyclotron and an energy selection system based on a degrader and slits, so that beam currents available for therapy decrease at lower energies in the therapeutic beam energy range of 70-230 MeV. The new beam line system is composed of an energy-degrader, two slits, and three quadrupole magnets. The minimum beam sizes achievable at the focal point are estimated for the two energies of 50 and 20 MeV. The focused FWHM beam size is approximately 0.3 mm with an expected beam current of 20 pA when the beam energy is reduced to 50 MeV from 100 MeV, and roughly 0.8 mm with a current of 10 pA for a 20 MeV beam.  相似文献   

Since 2001, the Center for Applied Isotope Studies at the University of Georgia has analyzed more than 10,000 samples using a compact AMS system for carbon isotope measurement. The system, manufactured by National Electrostatics Corporation, utilizes a Model 1.5SDH-1 Pelletron accelerator with a maximum terminal voltage of 0.5 MV. The source has recently been modified, doubling the count rate and improving efficiency more than 50%. Background values have reached 0.12 pMC and the precision is below 0.4 pMC for modern samples. The control and data acquisition system has also been upgraded.  相似文献   

本文介绍我国第一台加速器-电镜联机装置,该装置由一台2×1.7 MV串列加速器、一台国产200 kV离子注入机和一台日立H800型透射电子显微镜组成,并通过联机传输系统实现联机.目前离子束已进入电镜样品室,达到原位观测的要求.  相似文献   

A new ionoluminescence (IL) apparatus has been successfully installed at the external scanning microbeam facility of the 3 MV Tandetron accelerator of the INFN LABEC in Firenze; the apparatus for photon detection has been fully integrated in the existing ion beam analysis (IBA) set-up, for the simultaneous acquisition of IL and PIXE/PIGE/BS spectra and maps.The potential of the new set-up is illustrated in this paper by some results extracted by the analysis of art objects and advanced semiconductor materials. In particular, the adequacy of the new IBA set-up in the field of cultural heritage is pointed out by the coupled PIXE/IL micro-analysis of a lapis lazuli stone; concerning applications in material science, IL spectra from a N doped diamond sample were acquired and compared with CL analyses to evaluate the relevant sensitivities and the effect of ion damage.  相似文献   

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