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Hispanic migrant agricultural workers' exposure to pesticides and other agrichemicals places them at increased risk for a variety of acute and chronic conditions, including cancer. As a socioeconomically disadvantaged group, migrant workers also face many barriers to effective cancer control. In 1992, a series of focus groups was held with 55 Hispanic migrant agricultural workers (22 women, 33 men) in central Wisconsin to gather information on their knowledge and attitudes regarding cancer etiology and treatment, their practices regarding cancer screening and early detection, and their concerns regarding occupational exposure to pesticides. Beliefs that pesticides are toxic and can cause health problems were common among participants. In addition, however, participants reported that they are reluctant to demand occupational protections to which they are entitled because they are afraid of losing their jobs. Study results also suggest that barriers to effective primary and secondary prevention of cancer in this Hispanic migrant agricultural worker population include knowledge and information barriers, cultural barriers, and socioeconomic barriers. A lack of knowledge and information regarding the causes of cancer, its prevention, and its early detection and treatment was evident among participants, which in turn was reflected in strong fatalistic attitudes toward the disease. Cultural barriers included attitudes of embarrassment and shame associated with physical examinations and women's strong discomfort with male clinicians. Socioeconomic barriers to secondary prevention included the cost of obtaining health services, time constraints associated with the need to work and long working days, and a lack of transportation. Efforts to improve cancer screening as well as other preventive health services in the Hispanic migrant agricultural worker population must acknowledge these barriers and address as many of them as possible to be successful.  相似文献   

The factors controlling the transfection efficiency of cationic lipid carrier systems following intravenous administration are poorly understood. Using N-[1-(2,3-dioleoyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride (DOTMA) combined with Tween 80 as a carrier system and cDNA of luciferase or beta-galactosidase gene as a reporter, we investigated the importance of DOTMA to DNA ratio and the ratio of DOTMA to Tween 80 in the lipid formulation in determining the site and level of transgene expression following intravenous administration. The data show that all of the internal organs, including lung, liver, spleen, heart and kidneys, expressed the transgene upon systemic administration into animals with 25 micrograms of plasmid DNA when complexed with DOTMA-Tween 80 lipid formulation. The transfection efficiency was dependent on both DOTMA to DNA, and DOTMA to Tween 80 ratios. Among the organs examined, the lung appeared to be more transfectable than other organs. A better transfection activity was obtained with higher DOTMA to DNA and DOTMA to Tween 80 ratios. Time-response curve shows that gene expression was transient with a maximal level between 10 and 24 h after injection. Results from tissue distribution studies with 125I-labeled plasmid DNA and Southern analysis suggest that the transient expression is the result of the loss of transgene from the transfected cells. These results suggest that cationic lipid-based delivery systems can be efficient for gene delivery if the composition of the DNA-lipid complexes is properly controlled.  相似文献   

由于自身文化程度的限制,以及缺乏专业的技术和技能,外来务工人员从事的职业主要集中在厂矿、建筑、商业、饮食娱乐等服务行业,基本涵盖了城市各行各业的所有苦、脏、累、险的工种[1].武汉市外来务工人员中有65.5%的人从事苦、脏、累、险的工作[2].他们的人口基数大,影响广泛,其健康状况应该引起有关部门的高度关注.  相似文献   

A new class of migrant workers, commonly known as "Boia-Frias", is rapidly growing in the periurban slumbs (favelas) of Brazil. In 1978 a collaborative study was undertaken to assess the food habits and nutritional status of 100 migrant worker families of Vila Recreio, a typical Boia-Fria settlement near Ribeirao Preto in the state of Sao Paulo. The findings of this survey revealed that the traditional diet of Boia-Frias is nutritionally inadequate both in quality and quantity. Their rice and bean-based diet lacks sufficient variety because of the infrequent use of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are available locally, and of supplemental amounts of protein-rich foods of animal origin. Empty-calorie foods such as carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages are consumed freely; and starchy foods, traditionally used in the North and Northeast of Brazil, are used commonly as weaning foods. Although dietary practices of pregnant and lactating women are poor, breast-feeding is still practiced by most mothers. The biochemical analysis of blood samples did not indicate major subclinical deficiencies except low hematological values and low plasma vitamin A concentrations in about 25% of the population examined. Plasma cholesterol and plasma vitamin E values were found to be normal. However, anthropometric examinations revealed celar signs of malnutrition and/or undernourishment, which likely impairs their capacity for physical work and adversely affects their overall health.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、系统分析法等研究方法,对珠江三角洲农民工体育参与影响因素进行了调查与分析,针对农民工在体育参与中出现的问题,提出建议.  相似文献   

High resolution, magnetic resonance imaging was used to quantitatively study the morphometry of the superior oblique muscles of two patients with superior oblique myokymia, as well as 18 superior oblique muscles of 14 patients with normal superior oblique function. The cross sectional area of each superior oblique muscle was measured at 3-millimeter intervals along the entire muscle length. In both cases of myokymia, the affected superior oblique muscles were significantly smaller than normal (P < .05). These anatomical changes in the superior oblique muscle of patients with myokymia suggest that an antecedent injury to the trochlear nerve has occurred. This injury, even if clinically unapparent, may be the initial event which leads to subsequent development of superior oblique myokymia.  相似文献   

Particular attention is currently being given to the role of primary healthcare workers in supporting people with mental health problems in primary care (McFadyen et al, 1996). The aim of this study was to survey the views of primary healthcare workers regarding their previous mental health training and to identify their current perceived mental health training needs. A sample of 200 primary healthcare workers within Trent Health Region were interviewed using a short semi-structured interview schedule. Forty-six completed questionnaires were also received. An additional 22 respondents participated in exploratory in-depth interviews. Respondents included GPs, health visitors, practice nurses, district nurses, midwives and community psychiatric nurses. The need for further training in communication skills, particularly basic counselling skills, was highlighted. Respondents also perceived a need for additional training in coping with their own personal stress, the assessment and treatment of depression and stress/anxiety management in clients. Several themes which developed from the research were explored, including communication skills training, problems with collaborative working, coping with personal stress, the prevention of burnout and depression training. The reason why some respondents had no mental health training needs whatsoever was also addressed.  相似文献   

Infections related to central venous catheters (CVCs) increase hospital costs, length of stay, and patient mortality. Review of the literature and research pertaining to CVCs have provided some guidelines to reduce the risk of infections related to CVCs. Recommended guidelines include use of sterile technique with insertion, maintenance of site dressings, avoidance of routine changes of CVCs, and reduction of hub manipulation. Critical care nurses have the primary opportunity to improve patient outcomes by reducing CVC infections.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships between 44 HIV-1 isolates from 43 infected subjects employed by three adjacent South African gold mines were investigated. The patients were migrant workers originating from rural areas of South Africa and the neighboring countries of Lesotho, Botswana, Swaziland, and Mozambique. Proviral HIV-1 DNA was subtyped using a heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) based on the 700-bp V3-V5 region of the env gene. DNA sequence analysis was used to confirm the subtype designation and to determine phylogenetic relationships between isolates. All 44 HIV-1 isolates were identified as env subtype C using both HMA and phylogenetic analysis. These isolates did not show a distinct phylogenetic relatedness based on the geographic origins of the migrant workers or show close homology to other subtype C sequences from southern Africa or India. However, five clusters of closely related sequences were identified, mainly involving miners of disparate geographic origins, suggesting possible epidemiological linkage in these few cases. The characteristic tetrapeptide sequence, GPGQ, at the tip of the V3 loop of subtype C viruses was conserved in the predicted amino acid sequences of most isolates. The heterogeneity of HIV-1 sequences among migrant workers in a mining cohort suggests multiple introductions of HIV-1 subtype C into this population that are not apparently linked to the geographic origins of the patients.  相似文献   

C Quinn 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,16(6):13-24; quiz 25-6
Nutritional factors are associated with at least 5 of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States. Older persons are especially vulnerable for nutritional problems, usually resulting from inappropriate (usually inadequate) intake of nutrients or increased need for nutrients. Nutritional assessment and interventions are sometimes overlooked in the focus on more complicated medical care. Yet there are many ways in which nurses can intervene to improve patients' nutritional status. One resource for organizing nutritional assessment and interventions is the Nutrition Screening Initiative. This multidisciplinary initiative provides useful guidelines and tools for assessing nutritional status and for planning the most appropriate interventions.  相似文献   

Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of a revised tuberculosis (TB) contact tracing procedure in South Glamorgan whereby routine annual radiological surveillance was abandoned and contacts were either discharged or referred to chest clinic following their initial screening. We reviewed and evaluated data from the TB contact tracing clinic, the Public Health Service Mycobacterium Reference Unit, Cardiff and the Consultant in Communicable Diseases Control, South Glamorgan Health Authority and compared these results with those of our previous study. One hundred and three index cases and 732 contacts were identified. Seven hundred and seven contacts, 526 close and 181 casual, were screened, of whom 102 casuals should not have been. One hundred and sixty-one contacts were given BCG vaccination. Fifty-four contacts were referred to the chest clinic. Seven cases of TB were detected, all in young, unvaccinated, close contacts of pulmonary disease. Twenty-one contacts were given chemoprophylaxis, 20 of whom were close contacts of pulmonary TB and one of extrapulmonary disease. Five contacts who were screened and initially discharged developed TB later: in two the protocol had not been followed and three presented with extrapulmonary TB. Compared with the results of the previous protocol fewer contacts were unnecessarily screened and referrals to the chest clinic increased, as did the number given chemoprophylaxis. The case finding rate is similar to that found prior to the revision of the protocol. The yield from tracing casual contacts continues to be nil. It is very low in contacts of extrapulmonary disease. When the protocol was followed no case of pulmonary TB was missed. The revised protocol seems to be as effective as the previous, more complex protocol. In our area, one of low incidence of TB, screening of casual contacts and of contacts of extrapulmonary TB is not cost-effective. We will concentrate even more on screening close contacts of pulmonary TB.  相似文献   

International migration between Mexico and the United States has been acknowledged as a phenomenon that may contribute to the spread of AIDS in rural Mexico. The purpose of this study is to identify the information held by the participants regarding AIDS and to describe selected high-risk behaviors for AIDS transmission among a representative sample of rural women living in Mexico who are married to immigrant temporary workers to the United States. The women who participated in the study were married, of reproductive age, and had active sex lives with their spouses. Results revealed that most of the women interviewed had at least some knowledge about AIDS. Although some misconceptions were evident, most of the information they had was accurate. About one-third of the women felt at risk for AIDS, mostly because they doubted their husbands' fidelity, or because in the last five years they had donated blood, received a blood transfusion, or received an intramuscular or intravenous injection. The results of the study are discussed within the sociocultural context that surrounds the lives of the women interviewed.  相似文献   

Administered a forced-choice questionnaire and unstructured interview to 2159 female workers and 236 female ex-workers associated with electronics firms to investigate their attitudes to various aspects of their jobs. 21% of the present workers and 36% of the ex-workers expressed overall dissatisfaction with their jobs, which were of a highly rationalized type. Analysis of responses indicate the overriding importance of the actual work done as a determinant of job dissatisfaction. Analysis of reasons for leaving given by the ex-workers indicate that voluntary labor turnover resulted mainly from job dissatisfaction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Michigan obstetrician-gynecologists were asked to complete questionnaires designed to determine what kinds of medical services they provide their patients. The questionnaires completed by 369 doctors, who had graduated from medical school between 1930 and 1964 and who are in active practice, form the basis of this report. More than 50% treat common non-obstetric-gynecologic disorders in their own patients and smaller numbers treat more serious medical conditions. This study confirms a previous one, derived from information obtained from patients, that obstetricians-gynecologists serve as primary physicians to women, not exclusively as specialist-consultants.  相似文献   

Information retrieval has progressed from a reliance on traditional print sources to the modern era of computer databases and online networks. Surgeons, many from remote areas not served by professional medical libraries, must develop and maintain skills in information retrieval and management in both electronic and standard formats. One hundred thirty-three New Mexico general surgeons were surveyed to identify their information-seeking patterns in five areas: retrieval purposes, retrieval sources, barriers to access, techniques used, and continuing education needs. Ninety-nine (74.4%) surgeons responded to the survey. Ninety-five percent utilize professional meetings, the medical literature, and physician colleagues as information sources. Only 17% utilize the outreach services of the state's only medical school library. Common retrieval barriers were practice demands (71%), isolation from medical schools (30%), computer illiteracy (28%), and rural environment (25%). Continuing education topics related to information management would be valuable to 61% of the surgeons. Sixty-nine percent believe their current ability to access biomedical information is adequate, despite most frequently accessing their personal libraries for information related to decision-making or patient management. These data suggest that, despite significant information needs, surgeons have not embraced newer forms of information retrieval. It is imperative that surgeons acquire and maintain modern information retrieval skills as a means of remaining up-to-date in their profession. Professional surgical organizations and medical librarians should collaborate on these continuing education ventures.  相似文献   

近年来,流动人口成为艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染的潜在危险[1.2].中国流动人口的主流是农村剩余劳动力进城务工,成为性病艾滋病在城乡间传播的桥梁人群[3].秦州区现有户籍人口约64万,外出务工人群14万.  相似文献   

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