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The present paper describes an experimental method that can be used to measure the threshold voltage in MOS devices in the form of transistors or capacitors. The proposed method is based on the detection of the non-steady-state/steady-state transition of the surface potential at the oxide–semiconductor interface of a MOS device, when it is swept from depletion to inversion regions. This detection is carried out as follows: a set of current versus gate signal frequency measurements, for different voltage amplitudes, is performed. The frequency values corresponding to the maximum measured current (optimum frequency) fm, are read. Several gate voltage versus optimum frequencies (fmVG) curves are plotted for gate voltage values ranging from 0.2 to 3 V with a 0.1 V step increment. The (fmVG) curves are found to undergo an abrupt change of slope at a specific gate voltage value. The value of threshold voltage is extracted from the critical points of the former curves. Experiments have been carried out on different devices. The measured values of threshold voltage are found to be in good agreement to those obtained by the conventional IDVGS and simulation methods as well as that supplied by the device manufacturer.  相似文献   

Threshold voltage shift due to quantum mechanical effects (QMEs) are studied for both n- and p-MOS structure in the paper. Subband structure and carrier distribution are formulated for both type of MOS structure in effective mass approximation. QMEs on threshold voltage shift are thoroughly analyzed based on the model. Carrier distribution in subbands for both n-MOS and p-MOS are calculated and analyzed from density-of-states point of view. Model results for n- and p-MOS structure are compared with experimental and full-band self-consistent calculation results and show good coincidence. It is proved that at least in threshold region, effective mass approximation has similar accuracy as the full-band self-consistent method to predict the influence of QMEs MOS structure characteristics.  相似文献   

分别采用离子注入隔离凹栅工艺、自隔离平面工艺、离子注入隔离平面工艺在非掺杂半绝缘 Ga As衬底上制备 MESFET,对三种工艺制备的 MESFET的阈值电压均匀性进行了研究。结果表明 ,器件工艺对 MESFET阈值电压有一定的影响 ,开展 Ga As MESFET阈值电压均匀性研究应采用适宜的工艺 ,以尽可能减少工艺引起的偏差。  相似文献   

We present a temperature dependent model for the threshold voltage Vt and subthreshold slope S of strained-Si channel MOSFETs and validate it with reported experimental data for a wide range of temperature, channel doping concentration, oxide thickness and strain value. Such model includes the effect of lattice strain on material, temperature dependent effective mass of carriers, interface-trapped charge density and bandgap narrowing due to heavy channel doping. Also considered are polydepletion effects, carrier localization effect in the ultra-thin channel and quantum-mechanical effects. Our investigation reveals that the threshold voltage reduces linearly with increasing temperature whereas the subthreshold slope increases. In addition Vt is found to be sensitive to strain while S is weakly dependent on strain. Moreover, the channel doping concentration influences both Vt and S, and also the rate of change of Vt with temperature. Furthermore, S decreases for a lightly doped channel particularly at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

A new, simple and rapid method for determining threshold voltage (VT) non-uniformity in two-dimensional CCD multiplexers (MUXs) for hybrid focal plane arrays is presented. The method is based on simple oscilloscopic measurement of non-uniformity in the output signal of CCD MUX. The non-uniformity in VT, measured by this method, is compared with conventional current forcing method. The results of the proposed new method agree within 7.8% with the conventional method. Additionally, intrinsic non-uniformity due to processing and material variations is also measured by this method.  相似文献   

通过对特高压(Vfe=950V)电容器用电极箔微观形貌的理论计算,采用一次腐蚀控制孔密度和孔长度参数,二次腐蚀控制相应的孔径。研究了700~1100V特高压电极箔的两次电化学腐蚀工艺。使Vfe为950V的特高压电容器用电极箔的参数指标得到了优化:孔密度为0.116个/μm2,孔径为2.02μm,比容达到0.210×10–6F/cm2。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional analytical model for fully depleted cylindrical/surrounding gate MOSFET is presented. We used the evanescent mode analysis to solve the 2D Poisson's equation and to deduce analytically the surface potential and threshold voltage expressions of this device. Comparison with the other models reveals a good agreement.  相似文献   

低压铝箔交流腐蚀工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
考察了电解电容器用高纯铝箔在HCl-H2SO4-H3PO4混合酸体系中的交流腐蚀过程,综合配方和工艺两方面主要因素研究铝箔的交流扩面行为。结合SEM形貌分析,重点考察了前级电流密度、后级电流密度及腐蚀电量等对铝箔比容的影响,确定了最佳的低压铝箔交流腐蚀工艺,在2V化成,Cs达76×10–6F/cm2。  相似文献   

为了讨论问题方便,定义了两种P-N结:“漏P-N结”和“单纯P-N结”。分析了二者击穿电压相关因素的差别,认为“漏P-N结”的击穿电压与沟道区杂质浓度密切相关。EEPROM的研制中,要求“漏P-N结”击穿电压≥20V,即沟道区杂质浓度要低到一定的程度,而同时又必须保证一定的开启电压,即沟道区杂质浓度要高到一定的程度。通过分析与实验,提出了解决这一矛盾的通用原则。  相似文献   

采用对比实验,研究了腐蚀工艺对低压电子铝箔耐蚀性的影响。当腐蚀溶液中w(HCl)为15%~25%、w(H2SO4)为10%~20%,温度为85℃,电流密度为0.40A/cm2,腐蚀时间为3min时,铝箔腐蚀效果最佳,其耐蚀性数值(腐蚀前后质量差值与原光箔质量之比)为0.70%~0.83%。该工艺可迅速准确地判断低压电子铝箔的耐蚀性,平均每个样品所花时间仅为26min。  相似文献   

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