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The widespread use of multicore processors is not a consequence of significant advances in parallel programming. In contrast, multicore processors arise due to the complexity of building power-efficient, high-clock-rate, single-core chips. Automatic parallelization of sequential applications is the ideal solution for making parallel programming as easy as writing programs for sequential computers. However, automatic parallelization remains a grand challenge due to its need for complex program analysis and the existence of unknowns during compilation. This paper proposes a new method for converting a sequential application into a parallel counterpart that can be executed on current multicore processors. It hinges on an intermediate representation based on the concept of domain-independent kernel (e.g., assignment, reduction, recurrence). Such kernel-centric view hides the complexity of the implementation details, enabling the construction of the parallel version even when the source code of the sequential application contains different syntactic variations of the computations (e.g., pointers, arrays, complex control flows). Experiments that evaluate the effectiveness and performance of our approach with respect to state-of-the-art compilers are also presented. The benchmark suite consists of synthetic codes that represent common domain-independent kernels, dense/sparse linear algebra and image processing routines, and full-scale applications from SPEC CPU2000.  相似文献   

Biology is inherently parallel. Models of biological systems and bio-inspired algorithms also share this parallelism, although most are simulated on serial computers. Previous work created the systemic computer – a new model of computation designed to exploit many natural properties observed in biological systems, including parallelism. The approach has been proven through two existing implementations and many biological models and visualizations. However to date the systemic computer implementations have all been sequential simulations that do not exploit the true potential of the model. In this paper the first ever parallel implementation of systemic computation is introduced. The GPU Systemic Computation Architecture is the first implementation that enables parallel systemic computation by exploiting the multiple cores available in graphics processors. Comparisons with the serial implementation when running two programs at different scales show that as the number of systems increases, the parallel architecture is several hundred times faster than the existing implementations, making it feasible to investigate systemic models of more complex biological systems.  相似文献   

Parallel processing systems using networks of workstations are being used to provide an alternative to expensive parallel processors. Scheduling of tasks on these networks is an important and practical problem that must be addressed. Although CPU load is an important parameter to many of the proposed scheduling schemes, no quantitative analysis of CPU load and its precise relation to the run time of application programs has to date been presented. The work in this paper describes the experimental analysis of one common load measure, the UNIX load average, and its relationship to the run time of computation-bound parallel programs. Data was gathered using a test application program designed to mimic common applications, performing long bursts of computation with occasional interprocess data exchange over the network. The resulting execution times and measured load averages were then analyzed using regression analysis to detect load-run time trends. This paper describes the test program and the experiments, then details the results of the data analysis. A technique is then presented for the evaluation of the load-run time relationship for a computation-bound program on a network of workstations.  相似文献   

使用多核处理器已成为构建高性能计算机系统的主流方式。结合多核高性能计算机系统集共享内存结构和分布式内存结构于一体的体系结构特点,对AREM模式开展MPI/OpenMP混合并行计算研究与实现。性能测试结果表明,使用MPI/OpenMP混合并行计算可以将并行应用扩展至更大处理机规模,缩短计算时间,不对原程序结构做大的改动、以增量方式和较小的并行化代价,取得比较好的并行计算效果。  相似文献   

With the advent of multicore processors, it has become imperative to write parallel programs if one wishes to exploit the next generation of processors. This paper deals with skyline computation as a case study of parallelizing database operations on multicore architectures. First we parallelize three sequential skyline algorithms, BBS, SFS, and SSkyline, to see if the design principles of sequential skyline computation also extend to parallel skyline computation. Then we develop a new parallel skyline algorithm PSkyline based on the divide-and-conquer strategy. Experimental results show that all the algorithms successfully utilize multiple cores to achieve a reasonable speedup. In particular, PSkyline achieves a speedup approximately proportional to the number of cores when it needs a parallel computation the most.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates a parallel program for determining the three-dimensional structure of nucleic acids. A parallel constraint satisfaction algorithm is used to search a discrete space of shapes. Using two realistic data sets, we compare a previous sequential version of the program written in Miranda to the new sequential and parallel versions written in C, Scheme, and Multilisp, and explain how these new versions were designed to attain good absolute performance. Critical issues were the performance of floating-point operations, garbage collection, load balancing, and contention for shared data. We found that speedup was dependent on the data set. For the first data set, nearly linear speedup was observed for up to 64 processors whereas for the second the speedup was limited to a factor of 16.  相似文献   

As the computation power in desktops advances, parallel programming has emerged as one of the essential skills needed by next generation software engineers. However, programs written in popular parallel programming paradigms have a substantial amount of sequential code mixed with the parallel code. Several such versions supporting different platforms are necessary to find the optimum version of the program for the available resources and problem size. As revealed by our study on benchmark programs, sequential code is often duplicated in these versions. This can affect code comprehensibility and re-usability of the software. In this paper, we discuss a framework named PPModel, which is designed and implemented to free programmers from these scenarios. Using PPModel, a programmer can separate parallel blocks in a program, map these blocks to various platforms, and re-execute the entire program. We provide a graphical modeling tool (PPModel) intended for Eclipse users and a Domain-Specific Language (tPPModel) for non-Eclipse users to facilitate the separation, the mapping, and the re-execution. This is illustrated with a case study from a benchmark program, which involves re-targeting a parallel block to CUDA and another parallel block to OpenMP. The modified program gave almost 5× performance gain compared to the sequential counterpart, and 1.5× gain compared to the existing OpenMP version.  相似文献   

The increasing gap between the speeds of processors and main memory has led to hardware architectures with an increasing number of caches to reduce average memory access times. Such deep memory hierarchies make the sequential and parallel efficiency of computer programs strongly dependent on their memory access pattern. In this paper, we consider embedded Runge–Kutta methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations and study their efficient implementation on different parallel platforms. In particular, we focus on ordinary differential equations which are characterized by a special access pattern as it results from the spatial discretization of partial differential equations by the method of lines. We explore how the potential parallelism in the stage vector computation of such equations can be exploited in a pipelining approach leading to a better locality behavior and a higher scalability. Experiments show that this approach results in efficiency improvements on several recent sequential and parallel computers.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce our estimation method for parallel execution times, based on identifying separate “parts” of the work done by parallel programs. Our run time analysis works without any source code inspection. The time of parallel program execution is expressed in terms of the sequential work and the parallel penalty. We measure these values for different problem sizes and numbers of processors and estimate them for unknown values in both dimensions using statistical methods. This allows us to predict parallel execution time for unknown inputs and non-available processor numbers with high precision. Our prediction methods require orders of magnitude less data points than existing approaches. We verified our approach on parallel machines ranging from a multicore computer to a peta-scale supercomputer.  相似文献   

The amount of memory required by a parallel program may be spectacularly larger than the memory required by an equivalent sequential program, particularly for programs that use recursion extensively. Since most parallel programs are nondeterministic in behavior, even when computing a deterministic result, parallel memory requirements may vary from run to run, even with the same data. Hence, parallel memory requirements may be both large (relative to memory requirements of an equivalent sequential program) and unpredictable. Assume that each parallel program has an underlying sequential execution order that may be used as a basis for predicting parallel memory requirements. We propose a simple restriction that is sufficient to ensure that any program that will run in n units of memory sequentially can run in mn units of memory on m processors, using a scheduling algorithm that is always within a factor of two of being optimal with respect to time. Any program can be transformed into one that satisfies the restriction, but some potential parallelism may be lost in the transformation. Alternatively, it is possible to define a parallel programming language in which only programs satisfying the restriction can be written  相似文献   

The Distributed Array Processor is a computer system consisting of 4096 processors working in unison under the control of a single master processor. This paper describes the DAP, the extended version of the FORTRAN language used to program it and some of the new types of algorithm that are used to exploit highly parallel computer architectures.  相似文献   

The advent of multicores presents a promising opportunity for speeding up the execution of sequential programs through their parallelization. In this paper we present a novel solution for efficiently supporting software-based speculative parallelization of sequential loops on multicore processors. The execution model we employ is based upon state separation, an approach for separately maintaining the speculative state of parallel threads and non-speculative state of the computation. If speculation is successful, the results produced by parallel threads in speculative state are committed by copying them into the computation’s non-speculative state. If misspeculation is detected, no costly state recovery mechanisms are needed as the speculative state can be simply discarded. Techniques are proposed to reduce the cost of data copying between non-speculative and speculative state and efficiently carrying out misspeculation detection. We apply the above approach to speculative parallelization of loops in several sequential programs which results in significant speedups on a Dell PowerEdge 1900 server with two Intel Xeon quad-core processors.  相似文献   

The exponential growth of computer power in the last 10 years is now creating a great challenge for parallel programming toward achieving realistic performance in the field of scientific computing. To improve on the traditional program for numerical simulations of laser fusion in inertial confinement fusion (ICF), the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM) initializes a software infrastructure named J Adaptive Structured Meshes applications INfrastructure (JASMIN) in 2004. The main objective of JASMIN is to accelerate the development of parallel programs for large scale simulations of complex applications on parallel computers. Now, JASMIN has released version 1.8 and has achieved its original objectives. Tens of parallel programs have been reconstructed or developed on thousands of processors. JASMIN promotes a new paradigm of parallel programming for scientific computing. In this paper, JASMIN is briefly introduced.  相似文献   


In distributed computing, divisible load theory provides an important system model for allocation of data-intensive computations to processing units working in parallel. The main task is to define how a computation job should be split into parts, to which processors those parts should be allocated and in which sequence. The model is characterized by multiple parameters describing processor availability in time, transfer times of job parts to processors, their computation times and processor usage costs. The main criteria are usually the schedule length and cost minimization. In this paper, we provide the generalized formulation of the problem, combining key features of divisible load models studied in the literature, and prove its NP-hardness even for unrestricted processor availability windows. We formulate a linear program for the version of the problem with a fixed number of processors. For the case with an arbitrary number of processors, we close the gaps in the study of special cases, developing efficient algorithms for single criterion and bicriteria versions of the problem, when transfer times are negligible.


Efficient performance tuning of parallel programs is often hard. Optimization is often done when the program is written as a last effort to increase the performance. With sequential programs each (executed) code segment will affect the completion time. In the case of a parallel program executed on a multiprocessor this is not always true, due to dependencies between the different threads. Thus, certain code segments of the execution may not affect the completion time of the program. Optimization of such code segments will not increase the performance. In this paper we present an approach to optimize performance by finding the extended critical path of the multithreaded program. The extended critical path analysis is a generalization of the critical path analysis in the sense that it also deals with more threads than processors. We have implemented the extended critical path analysis in a performance optimization tool. The tool allows the user to determine the extended critical path of a multithreaded application written for the Solaris operating system for any number of processors based on execution on a single processor workstation.  相似文献   

The exponential growth of computer power in the last 10 years is now creating a great challenge for parallel programming toward achieving realistic performance in the field of scientific computing. To improve on the traditional program for numerical simulations of laser fusion in inertial confinement fusion (ICF), the Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (IAPCM) initializes a software infrastructure named J Adaptive Structured Meshes applications INfrastructure (JASMIN) in 2004. The main objective of JASMIN is to accelerate the development of parallel programs for large scale simulations of complex applications on parallel computers. Now, JASMIN has released version 1.8 and has achieved its original objectives. Tens of parallel programs have been reconstructed or developed on thousands of processors. JASMIN promotes a new paradigm of parallel programming for scientific computing. In this paper, JASMIN is briefly introduced.  相似文献   

Simulation is an important method to evaluate future computer systems. Currently microprocessor architecture has switched to parallel, but almost all simulators remained at sequential stage, and the advantages brought by multi-core or many-core processors cannot be utilized. This paper presents a parallel simulator engine (SimK) towards the prevalent SMP/CMP platform, aiming at large-scale fine-grained computer system simulation. In this paper, highly efficient synchronization, communication and buffer management policies used in SimK are introduced, and a novel lock-free scheduling mechanism that avoids using any atomic instructions is presented. To deal with the load fluctuation at light load case, a cooperated dynamic task migration scheme is proposed. Based on SimK, we have developed large-scale parallel simulators HppSim and HppNetSim, which simulate a full supercomputer system and its interconnection network respectively. Results show that HppSim and HppNetSim both gain sound speedup with multiple processors, and the best normalized speedup reaches 14.95X on a two-way quad-core server.  相似文献   

With the advent of multi-core processors, desktop application developers must finally face parallel computing and its challenges. A large portion of the computational load in a program rests within iterative computations. In object-oriented languages these are commonly handled using iterators which are inadequate for parallel programming. This paper presents a powerful Parallel Iterator concept to be used in object-oriented programs for the parallel traversal of a collection of elements. The Parallel Iterator may be used with any collection type (even those inherently sequential) and it supports several scheduling schemes which may even be decided dynamically at run-time. Some additional features are provided to allow early termination of parallel loops, exception handling and a solution for performing reductions. With a slight contract modification, the Parallel Iterator interface imitates that of the Java-style sequential iterator. All these features combine together to promote minimal, if any, code restructuring. Along with the ease of use, the results reveal negligible overhead and the expected inherent speedup.  相似文献   

To efficiently execute a finite element program on a 2D torus, we need to map nodes of the corresponding finite element graph to processors of a 2D torus such that each processor has approximately the same amount of computational load and the communication among processors is minimized. If nodes of a finite element graph do not increase during the execution of a program, the mapping only needs to be performed once. However, if a finite element graph is solution-adaptive, that is, nodes of a finite element graph increase discretely due to the refinement of some finite elements during the execution of a program, a dynamic load-balancing algorithm has to be performed many times in order to balance the computational load of processors while keeping the communication cost as low as possible. In the paper we propose a parallel dynamic load-balancing algorithm (LB) to deal with the load-imbalancing problem of a solution-adaptive finite element program on a 2D torus. The algorithm uses an iterative approach to achieve load-balancing. We have implemented the proposed algorithm along with two parallel mapping algorithms, parallel orthogonal recursive bisection (ORB) and parallel recursive mincut bipartitioning (MC), on a simulated 2D torus. Three criteria, the execution time of load-balancing algorithms, the computation time of an application program under different load balancing algorithms, and the total execution time of an application program (under several refinement phases) are used for performance evaluation. Simulation results show that (1) the execution of LB is faster than those of MC and ORB; (2) the mappings of LB are better than those of ORB and MC; and (3) the speedups of LB are better than those of ORB and MC.  相似文献   

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