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The plane with parallel coordinates 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Alfred Inselberg 《The Visual computer》1985,1(2):69-91
By means ofParallel Coordinates planar “graphs” of multivariate relations are obtained. Certain properties of the relationship correspond tothe geometrical properties of its graph. On the plane a point ←→ line duality with several interesting properties is induced. A new duality betweenbounded and unbounded convex sets and hstars (a generalization of hyperbolas) and between Convex Unions and Intersections is found. This motivates some efficient Convexity algorithms and other results inComputational Geometry. There is also a suprising “cusp” ←→ “inflection point” duality. The narrative ends with a preview of the corresponding results inR N . 相似文献
Historical data analysis based on plots of independent and parallel coordinates and statistical control limits 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Interactive multidimensional visualisation based on parallel coordinates has been studied previously as a tool for process historical data analysis. Here attention is given to improvement of the technique by the introduction of dimension reduction and upper and lower limits for separating abnormal data to the plots of coordinates. Dimension reduction using independent component analysis transforms the original variables to a smaller number of latent variables which are statistically independent to each other. This enables the visualisation technique to handle a large number of variables more effectively, particularly when the original variables have recycling and interacting correlations and dependencies. Statistical independence between the parallel coordinates also makes it possible to calculate upper and lower limits (UL and LL) for each coordinate separating abnormal data from normal. Calculation of the UL and LL limits requires each coordinate to satisfy Gaussian distribution. In this work a method called the Box–Cox transformation is proposed to transform the non-Gaussian coordinate to a Gaussian distribution before the UL and LL limits are calculated. 相似文献
Vaclav Skala 《The Visual computer》2005,21(11):905-914
The clipping operation is still the bottleneck of the graphics pipeline in spite of the latest developments in graphical hardware
and a significant increase in performance. Algorithms for line and line segment clipping have been studied for a long time
and many research papers have been published so far. This paper presents a new robust approach to line and line segment clipping
using a rectangular window. A simple extension for the case of convex polygon clipping is presented as well.
The presented approach does not require a division operation and uses homogeneous coordinates for input and output point representation.
The proposed algorithms can take advantage of operations supported by vector–vector hardware.
The main contribution of this paper is a new approach to intersection computations applied to line and line segment clipping.
This approach leads to algorithms that are simpler, robust, and easy to implement. 相似文献
结合信息可视化与机器学习技术,提出一种基于多元数据平行坐标图表示的贝叶斯可视化分类方法。该方法基于类条件概率密度估计对平行坐标图表示进行优化,最后对变换后的各变量值加权求和,用贝叶斯法则分类。这种方法通过平行坐标来使不可见的数据和算法变得可见,从而易于利用专家领域知识,分类结果容易理解,特别适合应用到疾病诊断等医学领域的模式识别问题。 相似文献
A parallel processing architecture for sensor-based control of intelligent mobile robots 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Parallel processing plays an important role in sensor-based control of intelligent mobile robots. This paper describes the design and implementation of a parallel processing architecture used for real-time, sensor-based control of mobile robots. This architecture takes the form of a network of sensing and control nodes, based on a novel module that we call Locally Intelligent Control Agent (LICA). It is a hybrid control architecture containing low-level feedback control loops and high-level decision making components. All the sensing, planning, and control tasks for intelligent control of a mobile robot are distributed across such a network, and operate in parallel. It has been used successfully in many experiments to perform planning and navigation tasks in real-time. Such a generic architecture can be readily applied to many diverse applications. 相似文献
提出基于平行坐标概念的参数控制平台来对体绘制中多个参数进行优化调节的方法。参数控制平台提供了一种调节和控制绘制参数的简单而有效的界面,它能把所有相关参数组织在一个空间,并且给用户同时显示所有参数配置的一个视图。用户可以在参数控制平台记录不同的历史绘制参数,并在一个空间对不同的参数进行比较,用户还可以重组不同的优化参数以生成新的绘制。参数控制平台有效地提高了用户对多个绘制参数进行优化调节的效率。 相似文献
Xin He 《Algorithmica》1995,13(6):553-572
We present an efficient parallel algorithm for constructing rectangular duals of plane triangular graphs. This problem finds applications in VLSI design and floor-planning problems. No NC algorithm for solving this problem was previously known. The algorithm takesO(log2
n) time withO(n) processors on a CRCW PRAM, wheren is the number of vertices of the graph.This research was supported by NSF Grants CCR-9011214 and CCR-9205982. 相似文献
提出了一种在极坐标下进行特征提取的方法,并将其应用于树木叶片图像识别中。该方法首先将目标图像二值化并映射到极坐标下,提取具有旋转、缩放、平移不变性的曲线面积比率、跨度比、饱和度和高度变化率等特征。然后通过最小欧式距离对叶片进行计算、识别。该方法克服了直角坐标系下特征提取方法计算量大,花费的时间长的缺陷。基于该方法的叶片特征提取算法的时间复杂度为[O(n)]。对于叶型有区分,且需要快速进行树叶识别的树叶数据集有很好的效果。该方法在常见的13种树木叶片中进行测试,平均正确识别率达到90%以上。 相似文献
We introduce a new construction of transfinite barycentric coordinates for arbitrary closed sets in two dimensions. Our method extends weighted Gordon–Wixom interpolation to non-convex shapes and produces coordinates that are positive everywhere in the interior of the domain and that are smooth for shapes with smooth boundaries. We achieve these properties by using the distance to lines tangent to the boundary curve to define a weight function that is positive and smooth. We derive closed-form expressions for arbitrary polygons in two dimensions and compare the basis functions of our coordinates with several other types of barycentric coordinates. 相似文献
In this paper, we study the algorithm design aspects of three newly developed spin-wave architectures. The architectures are
capable of simultaneously transmitting multiple signals using different frequencies, and allow for concurrent read/write operations.
Using such features, we show a number of parallel and fault-tolerant routing schemes and introduce a set of generic parallel
processing techniques that can be used for design of fast algorithms on these spin-wave architectures. We also present a set
of application examples to illustrate the operation of the proposed generic parallel techniques.
Mary M. Eshaghian-WilnerEmail: |
本文介绍了并行打印适配器在两台PC机之间实现双机通信中的应用。给出了一种线路连接图,和发送接收程序,并指出了进一步的工作方向。 相似文献
A new robust nonlinear controller is presented and applied to a planar 2-DOF parallel manipulator with redundant actuation. The robust nonlinear controller is designed by combining the nonlinear PD (NPD) control with the robust dynamics compensation. The NPD control is used to eliminate the trajectory disturbances, unmodeled dynamics and nonlinear friction, and the robust control is used to restrain the model uncertainties of the parallel manipulator. The proposed controller is proven to guarantee the uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop system by the Lyapunov theory. The trajectory tracking experiment with the robust nonlinear controller is implemented on an actual planar 2-DOF parallel manipulator with redundant actuation. The experimental results are compared with the augmented PD (APD) controller, and the proposed controller shows much better trajectory tracking accuracy. 相似文献
H.E. Bez 《Computer aided design》1983,15(6):361-365
Some mathematical aspects of homogeneous coordinates are presented. It is shown that the usual methods applied by workers in computer graphics are theoretically sound provided care is exercised in defining the range of the coordinate chart. The mechanics of the linear representation of transformations are explained in terms of commutative diagrams. Finally some familiar examples are discussed. 相似文献
基于网络的实时控制系统 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于网络的实时控制系统具有较高的实用价值。该文在Windows环境下,开发了一种通过并行端口实现的系统。该系统可实施多种常规及智能控制算法,实验表明,系统运行正确。 相似文献
This paper presents an overview of homogeneous coordinates in their relation to computer graphics. A brief historical review is given, followed by the introduction of the homogeneous coordinate system. We elucidate its application in two-dimensional Euclidean space. Particular attention is given to the subjects of affine transformations effected with matrix multiplication and the intersection of two-dimensional lines. Homogeneous coordinates in three dimensions and, in detail, perspective transformations are also discussed. A method for clipping lines with respect to the viewing frustum is provided. 相似文献
In this paper, we present and evaluate a parallel algorithm for parameter tuning of parallel applications. We discuss the impact of performance variability on the accuracy and efficiency of the optimization algorithm and propose a strategy to minimize the impact of this variability. We evaluate our algorithm within the Active Harmony system, an automated online/offline tuning framework. We study its performance on three benchmark codes: PSTSWM, HPL and POP. Compared to the Nelder–Mead algorithm, our algorithm finds better configurations up to seven times faster. For POP, we were able to improve the performance of a production sized run by 59%. 相似文献
Traditional subdivision schemes are applied on Euclidean coordinates (the spatial geometry of the control mesh). Although the subdivision limit surfaces are almost everywhere C2 continuous, their mean-curvature normals are only C0. In order to generate higher quality surfaces with better-distributed mean-curvature normals, we propose a novel framework to apply subdivision for shape modeling, which combines subdivision with differential shape processing. Our framework contains two parts: subdivision on differential coordinates (a kind of differential geometry of the control mesh), and mutual conversions between Euclidean coordinates and differential coordinates. Further discussions about various strategies in both parts include a special subdivision method for mean-curvature normals, additional surface editing options, and a version of our framework for curve design. Finally, we demonstrate the improvement on surface quality by comparing the results between our framework and traditional subdivision methods. 相似文献