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为了避免在有界模型检测过程中对变量进行布尔编码以及对时间自动机模型中的时钟进行预处理,给出一个利用SMT(satisfiability modulo theories)工具进行的对时间自动机进行有界模型检测的方法.该方法将时间自动机模型直接转换成SMT工具可识别的逻辑公式,利用SMT工具可求解包含有整数型和实数型变量逻辑公式的能力来进行模型检测.实验结果表明,对于某些可达性性质的验证,该方法的效率有一定的优势.  相似文献   

概率时间自动机是在时间自动机的基础上加上各个状态迁移的概率以后形成的一种扩展的时间自动机,能用来对基于时间的随机协议、容错系统等进行建模,具有很强的实用性。本文针对概率时间自动机给出一种基于SMT的限界模型检测方法来验证该模型下的PTACTL性质,该方法由基于SMT的限界模型检测算法演变而来,通过将迁移时间和迁移概率融入ACTL性质中,改变模型的编码以及待验证性质的编码方式来实现对性质的验证。通过2个实例说明检测过程的有效性和高效性。  相似文献   

The software development process for embedded systems is getting faster and faster, which generally incurs an increase in the associated complexity. As a consequence, technology companies tend to invest in fast and automatic verification mechanisms, to create robust systems and reduce product recall rates. In addition, further development‐time reduction and system robustness can be achieved through cross‐platform frameworks, such as Qt, which favor the reliable port of software stacks to different devices. Based on that, the present paper proposes a simplified version of the Qt framework, which is integrated into a checker based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT), known as the Efficient SMT‐based Context‐Bounded Model Checker, for verifying actual Qt‐based applications, with a success rate of 89%, for the developed benchmark suite. Furthermore, the simplified version of the Qt framework, named as Qt Operational Model, was also evaluated using other state‐of‐the‐art verifiers for C++ programs. In fact, Qt Operational Model was combined with 2 different verification approaches: explicit‐state model checking and also symbolic (bounded) model checking, during the experimental evaluation, which highlights its flexibility. The proposed methodology is the first one to formally verify Qt‐based applications, which has the potential to devise new directions for software verification of portable code.  相似文献   

Bounded model checking of infinite state systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Bounded model checking (BMC) is an attractive alternative to symbolic model checking, since it often allows a more efficient verification. The idea of BMC is to reduce the model checking problem to a satisfiability problem of the underlying base logic, so that sophisticated decision procedures can be utilized to check the resulting formula. We present a new approach to BMC that extends current methods in three ways: First, instead of a reduction to propositional logic which restricts BMC to finite state systems, we focus on infinite state systems and therefore consider more powerful, yet decidable base logics. Second, instead of directly unwinding temporal logic formulas, we use special translations to ω-automata that take into account the temporal logic hierarchy and maintain safety and liveness properties. Third, we employ both global and local model checking procedures to take advantage of the different types of specifications that can be handled by these techniques. Based on three-valued logic, our bounded model checking procedures may either prove or disprove a specification, or they may explicitly state that no information has been obtained due to insufficient bounds.
Klaus SchneiderEmail:

Scenario‐based specifications (SBSs), such as UML interaction models, offer an intuitive and visual way of describing design requirements, and are playing an increasingly important role in the design of software systems. This paper presents an approach to timing analysis of SBSs expressed by UML interaction models. The approach considers more general and expressive timing constraints in UML sequence diagrams (SDs), and gives a solution to the reachability analysis, constraint conformance analysis and bounded delay analysis problems, which reduces these problems into linear programs. With the synchronous interpretation of the SD compositions, the timing analysis algorithms in the approach form a decision procedure for a class of SBSs where any loop in any path is time‐independent of the other parts in the path. These algorithms are also a semi‐decision procedure for general SBSs with both the synchronous and asynchronous composition semantics. The approach also supports bounded timing analysis of SBSs, which investigates all the paths in the bound limit one by one, and performs the timing analysis for each finite path by linear programming. A tool prototype has been developed to support this approach. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

大规模服务自动组合问题是Web Service技术的主要瓶颈。传统的服务组合技术灵活性差并且适用的服务规模有限。在用有限状态自动描述机服务的输入、输出、操作等活动的基础上,提出用有界模型检测技术对大规模服务进行建模,将用户请求翻译为线性时态逻辑公式,采用适定性问题求解技术快速求解限定长度的服务组合解。实验结果表明有界模型检测技术应用在自动服务组合中是可行的。  相似文献   

Improved Bounded Model Checking for the Universal Fragment of CTL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
SAT-based bounded model checking (BMC) has been introduced as a complementary technique to BDD-based symbolic model checking in recent years, and a lot of successful work has been done in this direction. The approach was first introduced by A. Biere et al. in checking linear temporal logic (LTL) formulae and then also adapted to check formulae of the universal fragment of computation tree logic (ACTL) by W. Penczek et al. As the efficiency of model checking is still an important issue, we present an impr...  相似文献   

Bounded Model Checking Using Satisfiability Solving   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
The phrase model checking refers to algorithms for exploring the state space of a transition system to determine if it obeys a specification of its intended behavior. These algorithms can perform exhaustive verification in a highly automatic manner, and, thus, have attracted much interest in industry. Model checking programs are now being commercially marketed. However, model checking has been held back by the state explosion problem, which is the problem that the number of states in a system grows exponentially in the number of system components. Much research has been devoted to ameliorating this problem.In this tutorial, we first give a brief overview of the history of model checking to date, and then focus on recent techniques that combine model checking with satisfiability solving. These techniques, known as bounded model checking, do a very fast exploration of the state space, and for some types of problems seem to offer large performance improvements over previous approaches. We review experiments with bounded model checking on both public domain and industrial designs, and propose a methodology for applying the technique in industry for invariance checking. We then summarize the pros and cons of this new technology and discuss future research efforts to extend its capabilities.  相似文献   

This paper discusses our methodology for formal analysis and automatic verification of software programs. It is applicable to a large subset of the C programming language that includes pointer arithmetic and bounded recursion. We consider reachability properties, in particular whether certain assertions or basic blocks are reachable in the source code, or whether certain standard property violations can occur. We perform this analysis via a translation to a Boolean circuit representation based on modeling basic blocks. The program is then analyzed by a back-end SAT-based bounded model checker, where each unrolling is mapped to one step in a block-wise execution of the program.  相似文献   

随着系统复杂性的增加,系统中的不确定信息亟待处理,状态爆炸问题也越来越严峻,现有的模型检测技术已不能完全适用于复杂系统的验证。 对可能性测度下CTL符号化模型检测进行了研究。首先用多终端二值决策图和布尔公式分别描述系统模型和待验证性质,然后再对系统模型进行归一化和简化,最后利用不动点计算完成系统验证。该研究是对可能性测度下的模型检测技术和符号化模型检测技术的整合,不但能处理系统的不确定信息,而且保持了符号化模型检测对计算时空要求低的优点,对于复杂系统模型检测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

谭锦豪  李国强 《软件学报》2020,31(8):2388-2403
基本并行进程是一个用于描述和分析并发程序的模型,是Petri网的一个重要子类.EG逻辑是一种在Hennessy-MilnerLogic的基础上增加EG算子的分支时间逻辑,其中的AF算子表示从当前的状态出发性质最终会被满足,因此EG逻辑是能够表达活性的逻辑.然而,基于基本并行进程的EG逻辑的模型检测问题是不可判定的.由此,提出了基本并行进程上EG逻辑的限界模型检测方法.首先给出了基本并行进程上EG逻辑的限界语义,然后采用基于约束的方法,将基本并行进程上EG逻辑的限界模型检测问题转化为线性整数算术公式的可满足性问题,最后利用SMT求解器进行求解.  相似文献   

提出了一个线性带权值的广义表(Linear Weighted Generalized List,LWGL)模型,同时给出了LWGL加法和乘法、析取和合取运算规则,实现了基于LWGL的高层次模型检验方法。实验结果表明LWGL模型对高层次模型检验是有效的。  相似文献   

基于模型检查的VHDL到FSM的转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机软硬件系统规模的日益复杂,如何保证系统的正确和可靠,逐渐成为当前理论界和产业界共同关心的重要问题.为此提出的诸多理论和方法中,模型检查以其简洁明了和自动化程度高而引人注目.提出了一个针时时序电路VHDL设计的模型检查的解决方案.讨论了该方案的系统结构,将VHDL设计转化为有限状态机模型的算法,以及针对同步时序电路设计的模型化简,可有效减少FSM的状态空间,继而可以采用符号模型检查算法对需要检查的性质进行验证.  相似文献   

以吴方法为理论基础,提出一种针对高层次设计验证的定界模型检验方法.通过使用多项式等式建模高层次设计和待验证性质,将定界模型检验问题转化为定理证明问题,并用吴方法有效地解决该定理证明问题.实验结果表明,与基于布尔SAT、基于LP的RTL SAT以及基于非线性求解器的性质检验方法相比,该方法在时间消耗上具有相当大的优势.  相似文献   

We report on our investigation of a new verification tool, the Symbolic Model Verifier (SMV), created at Carnegie Mellon University. We have successfully, employed this tool to detect deadlock in an industrial design, namely, Hewlett-Packard's Summit bus converter chips. In addition to locating a known deadlock in the original chip design and checking its solution, we successfully detected other previously unknown defects in the design. In our experiments, we were able to verify properties on finite-state models of the circuit with 150 to 200 state variables in a matter of minutes.  相似文献   

Bounded Model Checking of CTL   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Bounded Model Checking has been recently introduced as an efficient verification method for reactive systems. This technique reduces model checking of linear temporal logic to propositional satisfiability. In this paper we first present how quantified Boolean decision procedures can replace BDDs. We introduce a bounded model checking procedure for temporal logic CTL* which reduces model checking to the satisfiability of quantified Boolean formulas. Our new technique avoids the space blow up of BDDs, and extends the concept of bounded model checking.  相似文献   

针对面向服务架构(SOA)体系的Web服务数量快速增长现状,为实现大规模服务场景下高效自动组合Web服务来满足用户复杂需求问题,提出一种基于有界模型检验的Web服务组合方法.其中,Web服务被建模为有限状态自动机,众多Web服务构成服务社区,Web服务组合需求由线性时态逻辑公式描述,通过有界模型检验器的系统化搜索,该方...  相似文献   

为了避免飞机在着陆过程中出现事故,同时又能充分利用机场的跑道资源,对飞机数量多于跑道的情况进行了研究,采用了模型验证的方法.介绍了时间自动机的相关理论,以及基于该理论的验证工具uppaal,在此基础上使用uppaal工具对飞机着陆过程构造了模型,然后对模型的需求规范进行了验证,验证结果表明该模型不存在死锁问题,最终可以保证飞机安全和及时地着陆.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for checking security properties in programs written in high‐level languages. The method is based on the model checking technique. The SMV tool is used. The representation of the program is a Kripke structure modelling the control flow graph enriched with security information. The properties considered are secure information flow and the absence of covert channels caused by program termination. The formulae expressing these security properties are given using the logic CTL. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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