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韩国国土规划的特征及对中国的借鉴意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国正在做国土规划,它既是空间规划,区域规划,也是综合性规划。韩国、日本、法国等国家编制国土规划时,不但要解决国土问题,还要创造出有竞争力的国土条件。韩国的国土规划已经历了30多年的发展经验,现正在做第四次国土规划。在编制国土规划时吸纳了其他国家的经验,以完善规划体系。中韩两国的国土条件以及国土问题大相径庭,但从规划的编制和体系角度来看可借鉴一些韩国的经验。本文的内容包括四个方面;分析韩国国土规划体系的特征;分析韩国前三次国土规划的特征;第四次国土规划的特征;韩国国土规划的经验对中国国土规划的借鉴意义。回顾1970年代以来韩国国土规划的发展经验是:①国土规划要建立相关法律制度;②国土规划要设置专门研究机构;③国土规划要广泛的公众参与;④国土规划目标要有针对性;⑤国土开发方式要有针对性;⑥国土开发要积极利用民间投资;⑦全球化要求开放型的国土规划;⑧农村开发与国土平衡发展。  相似文献   

我国第一轮大规模开展国土规划始自1980年代,20多年来,区域发展进入了新的阶段:城市化进程加快、区域差距增大、经济发展与生态环境保护之间的矛盾突出,迫切需要从当前形势出发,以新的理念和指导思想制定具有超前性的国土规划,对我国区域发展,尤其是城市的发展发挥指导作用.针对我国目前快速城市化的发展阶段,新一轮国土规划在城市区域展开首批试点工作,主要任务是适应现阶段的特点,协调社会、经济、环境之间的关系,从宏观的角度,前瞻性地提出区域发展框架,谋求城市健康、持续的发展.  相似文献   

日本的国土规划以问题为导向,解决不同时代发展背景下的发展问题,促进了日本的国土开发和地区发展.本文回顾了日本国土规划的演进和最新的发展情况,并以东京圈为例分析了城市规划发挥的作用.针对我国目前区域发展的现状和条件,分析日本国土规划对我国的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

日本国土规划的发展及借鉴意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
日本的国土规划以问题为导向,解决不同时代发展背案下的发展问题,促进了日本的国土开发和地区发展。本文回顾了日本国土规划的演进和最新的发展情况,并以东京圈为例分析了城市规划发挥的作用。针对我国目前区域发展的现状和条件,分析日本国土规划对我国的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

日本国土政策及规划的最新动向及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本国土审议会完成了一份研究报告,对既往国土政策的成果及遗留的问题、迫使国土政策进行变革的内外环境的重大变化、未来国土政策的基本方向、国土规划的现实意义等问题进行了系统的阐述.笔者在对其进行介绍的基础上,提出我国应重视和尽快开展国土规划工作,国土规划应致力于解决国土利用和地区发展上的突出问题,同时重视发挥国土规划的协调作用.  相似文献   

本文结合日本战后经济社会环境的演变,对日本历次国土综合开发规划的背景和特点作了时间序列的简单剖析,并对最近的国土规划的制度改革和刚批准通过的国土形成规划的主要内容作了系统的介绍。最后,归纳了几点日本国土规划的实践对我国国土规划的启示。  相似文献   

日本国土规划的演变及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合日本战后经济社会环境的演变,对日本历次国土综合开发规划的背景和特点作了时间序列的简单剖析,并对最近的国土规划的制度改革和刚批准通过的国土形成规划的主要内容作了系统的介绍.最后,归纳了几点日本国土规划的实践对我国国土规划的启示.  相似文献   

<正>全国国土规划纲要编制工作正式启动9月2日,全国国土规划纲要编制工作领导小组第一次会议在北京召开,会议通过了《全国国土规划纲要编制工作方案》,《全国国土规划纲要(2011-2030年)》前期研究和编制工作正式启动。会议确定了《纲要》编制工作领导小组和办公室成员名单。经国务院同意,  相似文献   

21世纪初日本国土规划的新进展及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙立  马鹏 《规划师》2010,26(2):90-95
日本国土规划于20世纪50年代开始制定,经过近六十年的不断修订和调整,已形成了较为完善的框架体系,2005年日本修改制定了国土形成规划,相对于以往的全综规划强调了广域圈的独立发展和实现美丽、适合生活的国土的规划目的。通过研究日本国土规划法规及其编制发展的过程,重点分析新的国土形成规划与全综规划的不同点和创新之处,以及其所针对的特定发展需求,对我国的国土规划和城乡规划有着一定的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

<正>全国国土规划纲要编制技术路线初步确定12月2日,全国国土规划前期研究和纲要编制工作领导小组办公室召开第一次会议。会议深入讨论了全国国土规划纲要编制技术路线方案并研究了下一阶段工作部署。来自30个部门的代表对该方案  相似文献   

中国城市规划面临的两大挑战   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
中国的城市规划面临着两大挑战:一是城市发展战略规划如何才能引导市场驱动的城市发展实现规划目标.尽管许多城市都编制了发展战略规划,但是如何有效实施却鲜有讨论;二是在市场经济制度下,土地开发控制作为市场经济制度下的城市规划的传统功能还没有完全被确立.市场个体的权利和义务没有明确界定,旧城改造过程中的现状利益很少得到尊重,长此以往,城市规划将失去提升城市质量的能力.然而,挑战也正是机会,中国规划师正面对绝无仅有的历史性机会.  相似文献   

21世纪的城市规划:从美国看中国   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张庭伟 《规划师》1998,14(4):24-27
作者从美国城市规划的经验入手,在新世纪是一个流动的时代、城市规划是为“人”还是为“地”、中国城市是注重数量还是质量等三个方面,用比较分析的手法,探讨了21世纪中国城市规划发展以及国外规划哪些成功经验值得中国规划师借鉴。  相似文献   

Although the concept of ‘land use planning’ is now firmly enmeshed in American urban planning, its meaning still remains vague. This paper aims to clarify the meaning by examining the historical development of land use planning in the USA. At the beginning of the twentieth century, city planners viewed a city as an organic unit of public facilities. While city planning thereafter provided potential elements of land use planning, such as zoning, zoning surveys and land use classification systems, the idea of land use planning itself was actually derived from rural county planning and was initially utilized in urban county planning as a guide for zoning in the 1930s. After bringing about a change in the way cities were viewed, that is, as a pattern of land use and population density, land use planning was further employed as a guide for urban redevelopment policies in the 1940s, and finally reaching full integration into city planning in the 1950s and 1960s.  相似文献   


The vital role of land‐use planning in the quest for sustainability has been recognised only very recently. Yet real confusion still exists on what ‘sustainability’ means and whether or not it refers principally to sustainable development. This paper traces the origins of the concept in the destructive power of population growth and the expansion of economic activity since the mid‐eighteenth century, a secular phenomenon which has led to the rise of the environmentalist movements, particularly since the mid‐1960s. It is argued that the key mother‐concept is that of a sustainable society. Within that context a number of reasons are given for the protagonistic role of planning in achieving sustainability. A sustainability principle is proposed comprising five fields of action for land‐use planning and the paper concludes by arguing that planning has entered a new age in the responsibilities which confront it.  相似文献   

This article explores the institutional and organizational foundations of rural planning in the Netherlands. The key objective of the study was to understand the background to and determining factors in the development of land consolidation (ruilverkaveling) as an instrument of rural planning. Dutch rural planning, as a constituent part of spatial planning in the Netherlands, developed quite separately from urban planning. This article traces the roots of this separate development back to the period 1890–1940. At the end of the nineteenth century, reformist liberals argued for a legislative framework for the rational reallocation of land parcels to consolidate fragmented land holdings. The early initiatives came to nothing because of the prevailing rigid distinction between public and private interests. The First World War changed this situation. The decline in world trade forced the government to make the national economy more self‐sufficient. Land consolidation was embraced as a means for supporting the agricultural sector by improving land drainage and bringing land into cultivation. From the beginning of the 1930s agricultural politics and rural planning grew closer together, and took off rapidly in the post‐war decades.  相似文献   

以南京涉农镇街的发展为例,指出了当前农村地区镇街普遍存在的土地供给与发展需求之间的主要矛盾及其内在原因。简要介绍了城市总体规划对涉农镇街在空间布局、产业发展和公共服务设施规划方面的要求后,以南京所开展的涉农镇街城乡统筹规划、土地综合整治规划为例,从经济性分析、土地整治和空间节约利用等方面提出了破解涉农镇街土地利用发展矛盾的规划对策。  相似文献   

单卓然 《山西建筑》2010,36(24):45-46
指出以人为本是21世纪中国的主旋律,新一版《城乡规划法》更是对城市规划学科的公共政策属性和人性化思想做出了明确指导,从土地资源合理配置,城市交通高效使用等六个方面分析了“以人为本”理念下的新时期城市规划的新思维,以期为我国未来的城市建设提供建议。  相似文献   

展望21世纪,人口增长,耕地保护,必将导致建筑向空中、地下,向海洋、滩涂,向宇宙开拓新的空间.21世纪,科技进步,经济发达,必将推动居住建筑向小康型—发达型人居环境可持续的发展,老年化住宅的发展,将推动乡村科学合理的村镇规划和城市建筑社区化、综合化、高层化的趋向,城市设计将发挥越来越突出的作用.人才是保证21世纪建筑发展的关键,本文还就21世纪中国建筑教育的发展趋向,提出了要宏观控制数量、优化专业布点、严格保证质量、保证现代化职业教育特点等四点看法  相似文献   

The implementation of planning objectives in the public interest depends on the land laws and land policies of a state. Public stakeholders are not only enabled or constrained in their actions by these laws and policies, they also (re)formulate these laws and policies to support their actions. The objective of this paper is to understand how different stakeholders in spatial development processes influence land policy dynamics (both the (re)formulation and the implementation of policies) and vice versa. The paper explores the changes in land policies in the Netherlands, in particular how changes have enabled the regional planning level. The Policy Arrangement Approach is used to analyse the strategic behaviour of agencies and their use of structure in spatial development processes. The findings show that the arrangement rapidly changed from the 1980s onwards, due to changes in the underlying political discourses and the effectuation of these discourses via regulation and instruments. With objectives of decentralization and integration, the national government has enabled the regional planning level to become more active in spatial development processes. Although the provinces were enabled by new laws and policies, this did not significantly change their role within the Dutch planning system.  相似文献   

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