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Tocotrienols are members of the vitamin E family that provide many nutritional benefits. Developing tocotrienol-fortified functional foods introduces vitamin E into consumers diets without changing their food habits. The purpose of this study was to compare the stability of tocotrienols in bulk form and six food matrices at a fixed dose (40 mg kg−1) under accelerated and conventional storage conditions. The delta- and gamma-tocotrienol content was measured using HPLC, and the sensory attributes were evaluated using triangle and hedonic tests. Tocotrienol in bulk powder was less stable under stressed conditions than in bulk oil, with the powders having approximately 40% and 80% reduction in δ- and γ- after storage and bulk oil with no significant degradation. HPLC analysis demonstrated that tocotrienol content remained unchanged in dry mix lemonade, yogurt, raw and UHT milk, and margarine over time; however, complete degradation of γ- and partial degradation (up to 50%) of δ-tocotrienol was observed in bread during ambient and stressed storage conditions. A significant decrease in the δ-tocotrienol relative concentration was also observed in HTST processed milk samples. Tocotrienol addition was not perceived, and no significant difference in the product attributes and overall liking was reported in the discrimination sensory testing.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology was used to study the effect of flaxseed flour (FS) and tomato paste (TP) addition, from 0 to 10% and 0 to 20% respectively, on beef patty quality characteristics. The assessed quality characteristics were color (L*, a*, and b*), pH and texture profile analysis (TPA). Also, sensory analysis was performed for the assessment of color, juiciness, firmness, and general acceptance. FS addition reduced L* and a* values and decreased weight loss of cooked products (P < 0.05). An opposite effect was observed when TP was added (P < 0.05). All TPA parameters decreased when percentages of FS and TP were increased in the formulation of beef patties. Furthermore, FS and TP addition adversely affected the sensory characteristics of the cooked product (P < 0.05); nevertheless, all sensory characteristics evaluated had an acceptable score (> 5.6). Thus FS and TP are ingredients that can be used in beef patty preparation.  相似文献   

The prebiotic fibres, resistant dextrin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS), were studied for use as drying‐aid agents for the spray‐drying of concentrated pomegranate juice, a low‐caloric juice containing interesting health‐related compounds. Resistant dextrin was the best drying‐aid agent as only 0.5 g gCPJ?1 of resistant dextrin was needed to avoid powder stickiness, compared with 1 g gCPJ?1 of maltodextrins and 1.5 g gCPJ?1 of fructooligosaccharides. The best conditions for spray‐drying a concentrated pomegranate juice (62.6% dry matter) using the resistant dextrin (NUTRIOSE) were 1.25 gNUTRIOSE gCPJ?1 and 0.10 gCPJ gsolution?1, a liquid feed rate of 1.08 L h?1 and an air temperature of 160 °C. Powders were easily solubilised in water, while storage at 25 °C maintained the pomegranate bioactive components, and there were no stickiness problems for at least 2 months. Resistant dextrin could be used with all kind of fruit juices in substitution of maltodextrins, and the resulting prebiotic powders could be employed for formulating novel functional foods.  相似文献   

Flaxseed flour was used as a functional ingredient in the production of beef patties. Beef patties were produced with five different formulations; the addition of 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 15% flaxseed flour. Control samples were formulated with 10% and 20% fat addition. Raw and cooked beef patties were analyzed for moisture, protein, fat, ash, pH, color parameters and fatty acid profiles. Beef patties were evaluated for cooking loss and sensory properties. Fat and ash content of raw patties increased, while moisture and protein content decreased with increased flaxseed flour. The same trend (except fat content) was also observed after cooking. The addition of flaxseed flour did not affect pH values of raw and cooked beef patties. The addition of flaxseed flour improved the cooking loss but, increased the energy value (as kcal/100 g). L and a values of raw beef patties containing flaxseed flour were close to controls with 10% fat. α-linolenic acid content of raw and cooked beef patties increased as the level of flaxseed flour increased. The PUFA/SFA ratio increased from 0.04 in the control with 10% fat to 0.62 in the raw beef patties with 15% flaxseed flour. The n-6/n-3 ratio decreased from 5.76 in the control with 10% fat to 0.36 in the raw beef patties with 15% flaxseed flour. The nutritional status of beef patties was enhanced with minimal composition and sensory changes with 3% or 6% flaxseed flour addition.  相似文献   

An expanded maize product added with red seaweeds Porphyra columbina (3.5 g 100 g−1) was developed and bio-accessibility of minerals and bioactive compounds such as ACE inhibitors and antioxidants provide by algae were evaluated using a pepsin/pancreatin digestion and equilibrium dialysis method. Extruded maize added with red seaweed showed higher dialyzability of ACE inhibitor compounds (41.0% ACE inhibition), total phenolic content (0.83 mg gallic acid/g dialysate) and antioxidant capacity (36.6% DPPH inhibition, 2.4 mM TEAC, power reduction and 99.4% copper-chelating activity) than extruded maize. Results about bio-accessibility of bioactive compounds provided by red edible seaweeds may help food technologists to tailor new bio-functional foods, such as functional snacks.  相似文献   

Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) spears are highly appreciated for their composition of bioactive compounds. The method by which their by-products are treated affects the phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of the fibre-rich powders. Factors such as the treatment intensity, the solvent used, and the drying system were studied. Among the asparagus phytochemicals, hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA), saponins, flavonoids, sterols, and fructans were quantified. HCA varied from 2.31 and 4.91 mg/g of fibre, the content being affected by the drying system and, in some cases, the solvent. Fibres from intense treatments had significantly higher amounts of saponin than samples isolated by gentle treatments. Saponin content ranged from 2.14 to 3.64 mg/g of fibre. Flavonoids were the most affected by processing conditions, being present (0.6–1.8 mg/g of fibre) only in three of the samples analysed. Continuous stirring during processing could be the main reason for this result. Sterols and fructans were present in minor amounts, 0.63–1.03 mg/g of fibre and 0.2–1.4 mg/g of fibre, respectively. Soluble and total antioxidant activities were also measured. Fibres with the highest activities corresponded to those with the highest levels of flavonoids and HCA.  相似文献   

 Total dietary fibre content of five edible marine Spanish seaweeds: Fucus vesiculosus, Laminaria digitata (Kombu), Undaria pinnatifida (Wakame), Chondrus crispus (Irish moss), and Porphyra tenera (Nori) ranged from 33.6 to 50% of which 19.6 to 64.9% was soluble. For brown algae, the soluble fibre obtained by the AOAC method followed by dialysis, contained uronic acids from alginates and neutral sugars from sulphated fucoidan and laminarin. For red seaweeds, the main neutral sugars corresponded to sulphated galactans: carrageenan (Chondrus) or agar (Nori), respectively. Insoluble fibres (12–40%) were essentially made of cellulose, plus residual fucose-containing polysaccharides, except for the red seaweed Nori, which contained an insoluble mannan and xylan. Protein content in powdered algae was higher in red (20.9–29.8%) than in brown seaweeds (6.9–16%), although protein digestibility was apparently low as inferred from preliminary in vitro results with Fucus and Laminaria. Ashes (21–39.8%) and sulphate content (2.8–10.5%) were high in all seaweeds. Minor components were lipids (0.2–2.5%) and extractable polyphenols (0.4%). Regarding the physicochemical properties, oil retention was low, while swelling, water retention, and cation exchange capacity were higher in brown algae, related to their higher uronic acid plus sulphate content. Received: 2 May 2000 / Revised version: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

This study explored effects of different cooking methods, pork fat addition and food additives on physicochemical and nutritional attributes of beef meatballs fortified, or not, with 3% sugarcane fibre. TPA hardness of meatballs with fibre, cooked in boiling water, was lower compared to oven-baked and pan-fried (47.11, 56.24 and 59.22 N, respectively). Hardness also decreased with increasing fat content (5%, 10%, 15% and 20% fat; 62.07, 56.96, 54.02 and 45.51 N, respectively). Tetrasodium pyrophosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate provided similar results for all parameters except ash content where cooked meatballs with the latter were higher (1.98% and 2.22%, respectively). Cooking loss of 20% fat meatballs with fibre was lower (17.14%) compared to without fibre (20.28%). Loss of nutrients after cooking was lower for oven-baked compared to boiling. Using different ingredients to manipulate quality traits of meatballs is an alternative to manufacture suitable products for different market requirements, for example for elderly consumers.  相似文献   

COOLPLUS针织纱线的开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了COOLPLUS纤维的功能特性及纱线的产品开发过程中的技术措施和工艺参数,并COOLPLUS纤维的市场前景予以肯定。  相似文献   

Coriandrum sativum (coriander) is an edible herb in the family Apiaceae. The leaves, fruits, and stems of C. sativum have long been used as culinary spice due to their favorable odor. Traditional practitioners used this plant for treating different diseases like blepharitis, scabies, aphthous stomatitis, laryngitis, headache, and palpitation. In modern researches, coriander has demonstrated anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, antimigraine, neuroprotective, analgesic, diuretic, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, hypotensive, anticancer, and antioxidant activities. Coriander contains a wide range of bioactive phytochemicals among which phenylpropenes, terpenoids, isocoumarins, phytosterols, and fatty acids are the most important. This review provides information about the botanical and ethnobotanical aspects, chemical profile, therapeutic uses in Islamic traditional medicine (ITM), and recent pharmacological studies of coriander effects. The results have shown that coriander and its monoterpenoid compound, linalool, can be considered as potential drug candidates for treating metabolic syndrome and different inflammatory conditions especially neural and CNS diseases.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to design and analyse the nutritional composition (fatty acid profile, cholesterol, mineral and amino acid content) of low-fat frankfurters enriched with n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (using algal oil to add 400 mg of docosahexanoic acid – DHA/100 g of product) as affected by the addition of seaweed (5.5% Himanthalia elongata) and the partial substitution (50%) of animal fat by olive oil (as a source of monounsaturated fatty acids – MUFA) or combinations of olive oil and seaweed. Reduction of NaCl level was also studied. The presence of algal oil produced frankfurters with high long-chain n−3 PUFA contents. The partial substitution of the pork fat by olive oil reduced (P < 0.05) saturated fatty acids (SFA) and promoted (P < 0.05) MUFA. A healthier lipid formulation (algal and olive oils and the reducing animal fat) produced a good balance of MUFA/SFA, PUFA/SFA and n−6/n−3 ratios. Although adding seaweed had little effect on the lipid and amino acid profiles of frankfurters, it does constitute a means to produce low-sodium products with important dietary fibre content, with better Na/K ratios and rich in Ca.  相似文献   

介绍了Tencel纤维的特性,详细论述利用Tencel纤维在棉纺设备上的纺纱工艺流程和主要工艺参数的选择。指出Tencel纤维可开发高档的系列产品。  相似文献   

Sugarcane bagasse (SB) is one of the most abundant food wastes. In this research, SB was incorporated into the development of noodles at three different ratios, i.e. 5%, 10% and 15%. Total dietary fibre of noodles significantly increased from 3.39% (control noodles; – without SB) to 13.85% with 15% SB incorporation. All SB incorporated noodles (SBNs) were qualified to be labelled as ‘High in dietary fibre’. The 15% SBN had the highest fibre content and lowest dialyzable glucose, but the organoleptic properties were the lowest. Due to that, 5% SBN was deemed to be the most suitable ratio for noodles incorporation, as it had the closest value towards the commercial noodles in terms of colour, texture, fibre content and dialyzable glucose concentration of noodles samples. In terms of sensory evaluation, the 5% SBN had the highest overall acceptability, and the ratio was suitable for noodles development.  相似文献   

Beef patties formulated to contain beef fat, plant oil, and a rosemary extract to increase unsaturated fatty acid content and maintain desirable sensory attributes were compared to control beef patties formulated without plant oils. Treatment patties were formulated to a fat content of 10% or 20% by combining beef trimmings (6% fat) with 4% or 14% addition of a lipid blend. Blends contained 57% beef tallow, 0.3% rosemary extract, and 43% of high oleic safflower oil (SO), olive oil (OO), or corn oil (CO). Lipid oxidation, as measured by TBA values, of treatment patties were similar to control patties after 0 and 3 d of refrigerated (2 °C) storage and up to 56 d of frozen (-10 °C) storage. Cooked lipid blend patties having a fat content of 10% or 20% were similar to or higher than control patties for juiciness and were no different for other sensory attributes evaluated. At fat levels of 10% or 20%, oleic acid (18: 1) in cooked SO patties (46.1% and 50.3%, respectively) and OO patties (43.8% and 48.1%, respectively) was higher than the control (37.3% and 37.6%, respectively). Unsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratios at the 10% or 20% fat levels were higher in SO (1.37 and 1.60, respectively) and CO (1.40 and 1.48, respectively) patties than the control (0.97 and 0.94, respectively). Beef patties manufactured with varying lipid blends increased unsaturated fatty acid content and were similar in physical characteristics and sensory attributes of all beef patties formulated without lipid blends. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The development of healthier beef products that will be more appealing to consumers has long been an industry goal. The authors believe that lipid blends such as the one used in this study could be used to create such products, not only in the form of beef patties, but any number of processed meat products. Because the materials and equipment used to create the lipid blends in this study are widely available, their incorporation into meat products would represent a small capital investment. This is an important factor in bringing a reasonably priced, healthier product to consumers.  相似文献   

Millets are sustainable drought-resistant crops capable of surviving a wide range of climatic conditions. They are small-seeded grains rich in proteins, minerals and bioactive compounds inducing several health benefits and provide protection against chronic and degenerative modern lifestyle disorders. Hypoglycaemic profile and bioactive composition are the key elements for the popularity of millets as functional ingredients for the development of novel food products of commercial importance. Despite numerous health benefits and agro-economic potential, millets have lost their popularity due to coarse nature and are underutilised in developed countries. Food scientists and nutritionists are characterising and valorising millets to enhance their use for food applications. The present article reviews research investigations about nutritional composition (macro- and micro-nutrients), biologically active components (phenolic acid, flavonoids, phytosterols and related antioxidant potential) and techno-functionality of millets. Pharmacological impact and their utilisation in value-added products have also been included.  相似文献   

The beneficial role of dietary fibre in human nutrition has lead to a growing demand for incorporation of novel fibres, particularly barley β‐glucans, into foods. Barley β‐glucans are regarded as dietary fibre ingredients that are partially soluble in water. The aim of the present work was to investigate the possibility of using barley β‐glucan in milk systems in relation to the coagulation properties of milk containing β‐glucan, and to the rheology, texture and microstructure of fresh curds. The rate of coagulation and optimum coagulum cutting time were evaluated using rheological measurements. Results show that coagulation/gelation time of the milk can be reduced significantly with the incorporation of β‐glucan; curd yield increased and the viscoelastic properties of the curd were altered with β‐glucan additions. The relationships between curd rheological behaviour and its microstructure are discussed in relation to use of novel hydrocolloids in dairy processing. The results suggest that barley β‐glucan has the potential to be used as a fat replacer in low‐fat dairy systems. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

我国聚酯差别化纤维发展思路的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
聚酯差别化纤维是重要的纺织材料之一,通过对国内外聚酯差别化纤维的发展情况研究,认为纤维生产企业应该认真研究和加快开发差别化纤维的应用,以满足市场需求,并提出建立以纤维生产企业为主体的应用推广核心,加强行业间的技术协作。形成优化组合,使产品产生更大的经济效益。  相似文献   

The effect of vacuum impregnation (VI) of fresh‐cut apple wedges with honey, in presence and absence of a browning inhibitor on physicochemical, sensory and antioxidant properties over 7 days of storage at 2–4 °C was studied. Infusion of wedges with honey resulted in very little weight change indicating loss of internal water and ingress of honey carbohydrates into the wedges, hence the correlation coefficients with soluble solids content (r = ?0.91) and dry matter (r = ?0.77). Water infused samples showed the highest water uptake resulting in an increase in weight of 30%. Browning (P < 0.001) and firmness (P < 0.001) of apple wedges were the quality parameters most affected by VI. Samples dipped in browning inhibitor prior AS1 showed slightly better performance than undipped wedges with regard to browning and firmness. Total phenol content and antioxidant activity were significantly (P < 0.001) lower for honey infused apple wedges.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Roller milling of hull‐less barley generates fibre‐rich fractions (FRF) enriched in non‐starch polysaccharides from the endosperm cell walls (β‐glucans and arabinoxylans). This investigation was initiated to compare the suitability of different baking processes and to determine the optimal conditions for incorporation of barley FRF into pan bread. RESULTS: Addition of FRF from waxy and high‐amylose starch hull‐less barley genotypes was evaluated in pan bread prepared from Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) and Canada Western Extra Strong (CWES) wheat flour. Three bread processes were used: Canadian short process (CSP), remix‐to‐peak, and sponge‐and‐dough. Addition of 20% FRF (equivalent to enrichment with 4.0 g of arabinoxylans and β‐glucans per 100 g of flour) disrupted dough properties and depressed loaf volume. CSP was not suitable for making FRF‐enriched bread because dough could not be properly developed. FRF‐enriched remix‐to‐peak bread was better, especially for the stronger CWES flour. The better bread quality compared to CSP was probably due to redistribution of water from non‐starch polysaccharides to gluten during fermentation prior to remixing and final proof. The sponge‐and‐dough process produced the best FRF‐enriched bread because of the positive effect of sponge fermentation on gluten development and hydration. FRF was added at the dough stage to fully developed dough. CONCLUSION: The method of bread production strongly influences bread quality. Pre‐hydration of FRF improved bread quality. CWRS and CWES flour produced comparable FRF‐enriched sponge‐and‐dough bread. Addition of xylanase to the sponge‐and‐dough formula improved the loaf volume, appearance, crumb structure and firmness of FRF‐enriched bread. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics and sensory attributes of beef burgers with the addition of pea fibre as a partial substitute of meat or fat. Three formulations were prepared: control (CON) – similar to the commercial formulation; fibre/less meat (FLM)—5% meat reduction and addition of 1% pea fibre; fibre/less fat (FLF)—7% fat reduction and addition of 1% pea fibre. Non-significant differences were obtained for pH, colour parameters (L* and b*), texture profile, cooking loss and size reduction among formulations. Moreover, sensory analysis with consumers of beef burgers did not indicate differences among the formulations for all the analysed attributes. Therefore, pea fibre is a promising partial replacer for meat and fat in beef burgers due to the preservation of technological parameters and sensory acceptance.  相似文献   

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