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Detailed analysis of family dynamics of 63 adolescent psychiatric in-patients' families was carried out. The results of this project show indicate relatively more dysfunctional relations of the patient with other family members, especially with both parents. Also the study showed undifferentiated needs of family members' for co-operation and support from the psychiatric institution. Attitudes of resistance and anxiety in relation to psychiatry, which are still typical for Polish families at the end of eighties, were indicated.  相似文献   

It was tested whether a depletion in resources can account for the benzodiazepine-induced memory impairment. In two experiments, it was examined whether dividing attention had a disproportionately detrimental effect on learning semantically related and unrelated word pairs after diazepam intake. Word pairs had to be learned in both a single task condition and while performing a visual discrimination task concurrently (dual task condition). Moreover, the complexity of the visual discrimination task was manipulated systematically. Diazepam (15 mg, orally) or placebo was administered in a double-blind, between-subjects design. Subjects after diazepam intake were clearly impaired in learning unrelated word pairs, but not in learning related word pairs. Dividing attention in the dual task condition was associated with a reduction in learning unrelated word pairs, but this was not disproportionately reduced after diazepam intake. Moreover, the magnitude of resource depletion did not correlate with the severity of the diazepam-induced memory impairment. In general, the pattern of results does not support the hypothesis that a depletion of resources can explain the benzodiazepine-induced memory impairment.  相似文献   

When one spouse has Alzheimer's disease (AD), marital interactions tend to decline. Findings from this study suggest that level of spousal interactions influence longitudinal outcomes for afflicted spouses. Thirty AD spouses and their spouse caregivers were assessed at baseline (time 1) and two years later (time 2). Continued in-home care at time 2 is predicted by high levels of positive spousal interactions, high caregiver commitment, good caregiver health, and shorter time as caregiver (all assessed at time 1). The same variables but in an inverse relationship predict which AD spouses are deceased at time 2. Nursing home placement is predicted by AD spouses' higher educational level, unhappy marital relationships, and low caregiver commitment. Afflicted spouses' cognitive and functional impairment levels, their physical health and depression do not predict outcomes. A theoretical explanation is developed drawing on Riegel's dialectical theory of human development and Bowlby's attachment theory. It is suggested that interactions between spouses are crucial for afflicted spouses' survival.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The lack of sensitivity and specificity of conventional imaging techniques based on morphological critera is responsible for considerable limitations in the staging and surveillance of oral cancer. Therefore, this study investigates the contribution of [F18]-2-fluordesoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) to tumor management with special regard to lymphnode involvement and therapeutic monitoring after radiotherapy. DESIGN: Prospective observational study. PATIENTS: Twenty-one patients with advanced oral cancer, predominantly T3/T4. INTERVENTION: FDG-PET scans before and after preoperative radio(chemo)therapy. Standardized uptake values (SUV) were determined for the tumor site and lymphnode areas. PET scans were correlated to histological findings after ablative tumor surgery. RESULTS: FDG-PET yielded superior sensitivity and specificity for tumor and lymphnode assessment. The effect of radiotherapy was reflected by the metabolic activity of the tumor, which shows a close correlation between the decrease of FDG uptake and histologic tumor regression. PET detected distant metastases and simultaneous tumors. CONCLUSION: FDG-PET is a challenging imaging technique with the potential to improve staging procedures for oral cancer. In the monitoring of metabolic activity of the tumor in the course of radio(chemo)therapy, FDG-PET allows objective measurement of the treatment response.  相似文献   

Migration of mandibular periosteum and attached musculature was tracked along the inferior border of the ramus in growing and nongrowing guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) over a 6-week period. Particulate metallic growth-tracing implants were placed through the bony mandible and adjacent musculature at two anteroposterior locations and two bony reference markers were placed anteriorly. Quantification from weekly radiographs of growing animals showed marked posterior migration of the periosteum, whereas in nongrowing animals there was negligible periosteum movement. Significantly greater migration occurred in posterior (6.37 +/- 0.76 mm) implants relative to the anterior implants (3.45 +/- 0.86 mm, p < 0.001). The neutral zone, where little periosteal migration occurs, was calculated to be approximately at the anteroposterior center of the molar tooth row. Analysis of the orientation of the medial pterygoid muscle relative to the mandible showed that muscle fibers on average become more horizontal. Thus, the study found differential anteroposterior migration of the mandibular periosteum in growing animals and correlative changes in orientation of the medial pterygoid muscle.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine which factors account for the spatial variation in teenage conception rates within the former Wessex Regional Health Authority and what factors account for the eventual outcomes of these conceptions. Postcoded data on all teenage conceptions from 1991 to 1994 were collected and related to census ward level information and indicators of accessibility to family planning services. The results show that the variation in teenage conception rates and conception outcomes is principally determined by the age of the teenager, deprivation levels, the presence of certain homogeneously distinct groups and the distance to the nearest youth-oriented family planning clinic.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This investigation examined whether, despite the Tobacco Institute's Voluntary Cigarette Advertising and Promotion Code, current cigarette print advertising communicates culturally positive messages to youth about smoking. METHODS: Nine hundred thirteen students in grades 6-8 (ages 10-15) were shown a sample of four contemporary cigarette print ads (Camel, Marlboro, Newport, and Virginia Slims) and completed structured written assessments designed to capture their perceptions of each ad. RESULTS: Across the four ads, between 37% and 84% of the students reported that the ads communicated to them that smoking will make people popular, cool, successful in life, sexy, attractive, and healthy. Sizeable percentages of students reported that the ads show people using the product in an "exaggerated" way, and that what people in the ads are doing requires "exercise and physical energy." The median estimated age of the models in the ads was under age 25 for four out of the six models. CONCLUSIONS: As perceived by adolescents, current cigarette print advertising violates basic tenets of the Voluntary Code, thus bringing into question the tobacco industry's ability to self-regulate image advertising. These findings suggest that the FDA ruling to prohibit image advertising for tobacco in publications with significant youth readership deserves serious consideration.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells have been classified as proficient (Mer(+)) or deficient (Mer(-)) in methyl excision repair in terms of their cytotoxic reactions to agents that form O(6)-alkylguanine and their abilities to reactivate alkylated adenoviruses. O(6)-Methylguanine (O(6)MeGua) is considered to be a lethal, mutagenic, and carcinogenic lesion. We measured the abilities of cell extracts to transfer the methyl group from an exogenous DNA containing O(6)MeGua to acceptor protein. The constitutive level of acceptor activity was independent of the Mer phenotype and was approximately 100,000 acceptor sites per cell. Treatment of cells with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) results in a dose-dependent decrease in the acceptor activity in extracts because the rapid reaction between endogenous O(6)MeGua and acceptor protein makes the latter unavailable for further reaction. Treatment of cells with 1 muM MNNG for 15 min or 2 muM for approximately 2 min uses up >95% of the constitutive activity. However, Mer(+) cells, which are resistant to MNNG, rapidly resynthesize new acceptor protein, and the activity returns to the basal level in approximately 90 min. In Mer(-) tumor cells and Chinese hamster cells, which are sensitive to MNNG, resynthesis is not detectable in 90 min. Mer(-) simian virus 40-transformed fibroblasts, known to have an intermediate sensitivity to MNNG, have an intermediate resynthesis rate. Treatment of cells with multiple low doses of MNNG results in the enhanced production of O(6)MeGua-accepting protein in levels 2.5-fold above the constitutive values for Mer(+) tumor cells and to approximately 1.5-fold for Mer(+) fibroblasts or Mer(-) simian virus 40-transformed cells. Such treatments reduce the activities in Mer(-) tumor cells and Chinese hamster cells. We conclude: (i) estimates of O(6)MeGua in cellular DNA shortly after treatment may be seriously in error because of the rapid repair of this lesion, and (ii) the adaptive resynthesis of acceptor protein, not its constitutive level, is the important correlate of cell resistance to methylating agents.  相似文献   

Cognitive process models, such as Ratcliff's (1978) diffusion model, are useful tools for examining cost or interference effects in event-based prospective memory (PM). The diffusion model includes several parameters that provide insight into how and why ongoing-task performance may be affected by a PM task and is ideally suited to analyse performance because both reaction time and accuracy are taken into account. Separate analyses of these measures can easily yield misleading interpretations in cases of speed–accuracy trade-offs. The diffusion model allows us to measure possible criterion shifts and is thus an important methodological improvement over standard analyses. Performance in an ongoing lexical-decision task was analysed with the diffusion model. The results suggest that criterion shifts play an important role when a PM task is added, but do not fully explain the cost effect on reaction time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this paper a model for on-line estimation of the radial gas distribution in blast furnaces is presented. The model is based on molar and energy flow balances for the blast furnace top, using the top gas temperature and gas temperature measurements from a fixed above-burden probe. The radial distribution of the gas flux in the upper shaft is estimated by means of a Kaiman filter. Using measurement data from a Finnish blast furnace, the method is illustrated to capture short-term dynamics and to detect sudden (larger) changes in the gas distribution.  相似文献   

Classical examples of simple architectures, ranked in terms of their relative efficiency or capacity from less to more, are standard serial (1-at-a-time) processes, followed by independent parallel (simultaneous) processes, followed by coactive (pooling of parallel channel information), and interactive parallel (e.g., mutually facilitory) processes. Violation of the race model inequality has been thought to rule out ordinary parallel and serial systems. Violation of the race model inequality does exclude many such processes. However, it is proven here that a variety of serial systems that is quite inefficient readily violates the race model inequality. In the Discussion, the authors indicate that the race model inequality still can be highly useful in the identification of mental architecture, when allied with other converging analyses of structure, process rules, and capacity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Skin equivalents were prepared by culturing human keratinocytes on the surface of type I collagen gel contracted by human skin fibroblasts (dermal equivalents) and by raising the gel to an air-liquid interface. A stratified squamous epithelium was formed with a well-differentiated cornified layer at the top of keratinocyte layers within 7 days after plating of the keratinocytes on the dermal equivalents. Although major basement membrane components such as collagens IV and VII and laminin 5 were detected immunohistochemically at the dermal-epidermal junction, a lamina densa was rarely observed by electron microscopy even in 14-day skin equivalents. When laminin 5 (1, 5 or 20 microg/ml) was added to the culture medium on day 7 through day 14, types IV and VII collagens at the dermal-epidermal junction stained more strongly by immunohistochemistry compared with the control. Patches of lamina densa were present along the epidermal-dermal junction, and vesicles containing electron-opaque sheets approximately 0.6 microm in diameter that reacted with anti-collagen IV antibody were also observed in basal keratinocytes in 14-day skin equivalents by electron microscopy. Morphometric analysis showed that the total length of lamina densa along the dermal-epidermal junction as well as in the vesicles increased up to 180%, 230% or 520% of control cultures by the addition of laminin 5 (1, 5 or 20 microg/ml, respectively). These results suggest that laminin 5 accelerates formation of the lamina densa along the dermal-epidermal junction of the skin equivalents, depending on the concentration of laminin 5 supplemented exogenously.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the impact of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) after high dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) in 25 patients with refractory or relapsed Hodgkin's disease (HD) (11 patients) and non Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) (14 patients). 48% of patients had resistant disease, 84% achieved complete remission after ABMT. rIL-2 was started at a median of 54 days post-transplant and consisted of a first cycle of 5 days followed by 4 cycles of 2 days every other week. Patients received a mean of 160 x 10(6) IU/m2 rIL-2 and hematological toxicity was moderate and transient. None of the 5 evaluable patients with measurable disease responded to rIL-2. After a 5 year median follow-up, the probability of survival and DFS is 72% (HD: 73% and NHL: 70%, p = NS) and 45% (HD: 36% and NHL: 48%, p = NS) respectively. These somewhat encouraging results warrant further evaluation of rIL-2 after ABMT in controlled studies, especially in NHL patients stratified for previous chemosensitivity.  相似文献   

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