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Our laboratory has shown recently that the thyrotropin receptor (TSHr) is expressed in orbital adipose/connective tissues from patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO), and that this receptor is not demonstrable in orbital tissues from normal individuals. In order to study the regulation of TSHr expression in the orbit in GO, we treated cultures of Graves' orbital preadipocyte fibroblasts with the TSHr ligand thyrotropin (TSH; 100 mU/L). We found increased expression of both intact (2.4 kb) and variant (1.3 kb) TSHr mRNA and of TSHr protein in orbital fibroblasts following 72 hr treatment with TSH. These studies suggest that the expression of this receptor in the orbit in vivo may be stimulated by TSH or other TSHr ligands, and that this stimulation may be important in the development of GO.  相似文献   

Pain control is an important postoperative consideration with any surgical procedure. Technological and procedural improvements have contributed to the reduction in both the degree of surgical difficulty and the postsurgical complications associated with intricate surgeries. As a result, certain surgeries have potential for being performed on an outpatient basis, dependent upon appropriate pain-management regimens and the degree of potential for postoperative complications. Arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a common procedure. Because of the reduction in invasiveness that arthroscopy provides, outpatient surgery is now routinely employed for ACL patients. The arguments against ACL outpatient surgery have included the reluctance to use ambulatory, indwelling, intravenous pain-pump delivery systems for opioid pain medication. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of a ketorolac tromethamine used for the management of the postoperative pain produced as a result of outpatient ACL reconstruction. When the ketorolac pain management regimen is compared in this setting with meperidine or morphine, pain control is as good as, or in some cases better than, either of the opioid drugs. Additionally, the adverse side effects associated with opioid drugs are significantly reduced at a substantially lower direct cost to the patient.  相似文献   

Since 1992 it has been possible for cancer patients in the county of Southern Jutland to receive terminal care in their own homes. An essential part of this management is effective pain relief; more than 60% of cancer patients have chronic pain. In cases where oral medication or epidural administration of morphine is insufficient or complicated by side-effects continuous subcutaneous morphine administration may be suitable. The patient may be treated in this latter manner for long periods of time. A case story is described where a cancer patient was treated with continuous subcutaneous morphine in his home for more than 257 days without complications or major side-effects.  相似文献   

In a 63-year-old male patient with gastric cancer having multiple liver metastases, the metastatic lesions responded well to postoperative staggered intraarterial infusion therapy with MTX and 5-FU. The intraarterial infusion therapy was administered once a week. A total of 5 courses of this therapy produced marked regression of liver metastases and remarkable necrosis. The effect was thus rated as PR. The patient is healthy and has been successfully rehabilitated. His dose is oral 5-FU (200 mg x 2).  相似文献   

We recently diagnosed subcutaneous fat necrosis in a newborn female infant using fine needle aspiration cytology. The neonate had perinatal asphyxia and her mother a difficult labor, but otherwise the neonate was well developed and healthy and within a few days developed well-defined areas of subcutaneous induration all over. On cytologic examination of the aspirated material, many necrotizing fat cells were found with refractile, needle-shaped crystals arranged in a sheaflike or starburst pattern. Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn is uncommon today, and although the histologic findings from excised tissue are known, this appears to be the first case in which the diagnosis was possible from a sample of fine needle aspirate.  相似文献   

A 36-year-old man with a painless, rapidly progressive, destructive lesion of the right knee proved to have neuropathic arthropathy. Rather than being a tumor, the destructive process was neuropathic in origin. Myelography revealed an unsuspected intradural lesion, which proved to be a benign lipoma, at the third and fourth lumbar levels. Excision of the lipoma and arthrodesis of the knee were successful. True intrathecal lipomas are rare lesions that become symptomatic during a period of many years; when they are removed the prognosis is generally good. As in the present case, in neuropathic joint disease the underlying neuropathy and its etiology may be quite subtle, joint destruction may be very rapid, and diagnosis is difficult.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: This case report illustrates the need to be vigilant of potential iatrogenic causes of symptoms. A patient with a femoral Hickman line experienced severe back pain after a chemotherapy infusion commenced and developed a right quadriceps weakness and absent knee jerk. OBJECTIVES: To highlight the severe side effects possible with the use of Hickman lines and chemotherapy. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: There are numerous causes of lumbar radicular pain, and these can coexist in the same patient. This patient had a known malignant process involving the retroperitoneum, but the actual cause of the severe pain related to the management of the malignancy rather than the malignancy itself. There are no reported cases of such a complication from a Hickman line. METHODS: This patient was admitted to hospital for investigation and treatment of severe back pain after the start of a continuous infusion of chemotherapy for an inoperable cholangiocarcinoma. The patient went on to develop a right quadriceps weakness before the investigations could reveal the cause of the problem. RESULTS: the pain and weakness resolved after cessation of the infusion and removal of the Hickman line. CONCLUSIONS: The principles of clinical medicine involve careful history taking and examination and considering all the differential diagnoses fully. Also, the possibility of multiple pathology and iatrogenic causes should be assessed. This patient was receiving palliative treatment only, and this unfortunately led to additional disability, which may have been avoidable or less severe.  相似文献   

Using the oxygen-carrying, so-called "artificial blood", Fluosol-DA, developed by us, we successfully performed a radical resection for esophageal cancer and a one-stage reconstruction, without any blood transfusion. The operation was performed quite safely despite a large blood loss, a stable condition was performed quite safely despite a large blood loss, a stable condition being maintained during and after the operation. Fluosol-DA has no relation to blood type and is stable in a frozen state for one year or more and can, therefore, be used conveniently and safely for treating severe and intraoperative hemorrhages. Furthermore, this preparation may well have at wide application because it greatly reduces the risk of postoperative hepatitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the plasma concentrations of morphine and its glucuronides to assess the intra- and interindividual variability of the disposition of morphine administered by subcutaneous infusion in cancer patients. METHODS: Blood samples were taken repeatedly in eight patients with severe cancer pain who were being treated with morphine (60-3000 mg per day) via chronic (8-160 days) subcutaneous infusion. Venous blood samples were collected at least weekly and, when possible, on 3 consecutive days after dose adaptation or any other major change in the patients' treatment. Concentrations of morphine and its glucuronides in plasma were measured after solid-phase extraction using a validated high-performance liquid chromatography assay. The stability of the morphine solutions was determined by repeated measurement of the concentrations of morphine and its degradation products in the solutions. RESULTS: The morphine concentration in the infusion solutions remained unchanged during storage and infusion. The plasma concentrations of morphine and its glucuronides were within the ranges reported in the literature. There was, as expected, a large interindividual variability: from patient to patient, the mean of the normalised plasma concentrations ranged from 0.3 ng.ml(-1).mg(-1) to 0.8 ng.ml(-1).mg(-1) for morphine, from 1.0 ng.ml(-1).mg(-1) to 3.1 ng.ml(-1).mg(-1) for morphine-6-glucuronide and from 6.8 ng.ml(-1).mg(-1) to 24.3 ng.ml(-1).mg(-1) for morphine-3-glucuronide. Intraindividual variability was also important. The residual standard deviation of the mean normalised plasma concentrations calculated for each patient ranged from 26% to 56% for morphine, from 20% to 51% for morphine-6-glucuronide and from 20% to 49% for morphine-3-glucuronide. The normalised plasma concentrations of morphine and its glucuronides did not increase with dose or time, and no explanation for the pronounced pharmacokinetic intraindividual variability was found. CONCLUSION: During subcutaneous infusion of morphine, there is a large intra- and interindividual variability of the morphine disposition which could be of clinical relevance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elderly patients are more likely to be affected by the acute and chronic toxicities of opioids, but an association between age and long term opioid consumption has not been established clearly in patients with advanced cancer. METHODS: The computerized records of 197 cancer patients admitted to a palliative care unit in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada were examined. The authors examined: demographics (age, gender, and location of primary tumor), pain characteristics (presence of neuropathic pain and incidental pain), mean daily pain intensity (MDPI), and daily opioid consumption measured as (parenteral) morphine equivalent daily dose (MEDD). MDPI and MEDD were assessed on Days 2 and 7 after admission, on the day of maximum opioid consumption, and on the day of maximum pain intensity during admission. Average values for MDPI and MEDD were calculated between Days 2 and 7. RESULTS: When age was treated as a categoric variable (< 65 years, 65-74 years, and 75+ years), statistically significant differences in MEDD were observed for age for all estimates except those for Day 7, with older patients requiring a lower equianalgesic dose. No major differences were observed for pain intensity and for the presence of incidental or neuropathic pain across the different age groups. In the multivariate analysis, the reduction in MEDD ranged between 27-71 mg when patients age > or = 75 years were compared with younger adults. A MEDD increase that ranged between 82-137 mg was associated with the presence of neuropathic pain. CONCLUSIONS: The current study suggests that elderly cancer patients may experience a similar level of pain intensity but require a lower amount of opioid analgesia than younger adults. However, because elderly patients are more likely to be affected by the acute and chronic toxicities of opioids, opioids should be initially administered at a lower dose and titrated cautiously in these patients.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: Case report. OBJECTIVE: To highlight the evaluation of a patient with low back pain after an incidental radiographic finding clouded routine management. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Greenfield filters have been used for 20 years with good results. Complications have been seen and documented, but the natural history of filter placement in young patients is not fully appreciated. A prong from a Greenfield filter embedded within a vertebral body has been reported once as an incidental finding in a patient undergoing prophylactic monitoring for recurrence of tumor. METHODS: A 31-year-old woman had a pulmonary embolus after surgery for a benign adnexal mass. A bleeding complication occurred after systemic anticoagulation, and a vena caval filter was placed to limit the possibility of further emboli. The patient was referred to the orthopedic clinic 5 years later with low back pain and an unusual finding on computer tomographic scan: One prong of the filter was embedded within a vertebral body. RESULTS: A bone scan was obtained to evaluate the status of bone activity around the prong. Bone reaction was not evident. Conservative management of her low back pain was instituted, and after 2 years, the patient remains asymptomatic. CONCLUSION: The overall use of vena caval filters has produced favorable results, although numerous complications have been reported. All long-term sequelae have not been completely identified.  相似文献   

In the case presented, metastases to extrathoracic sites developed in a 53-year-old man four years after the diagnosis of inoperable thymoma had been established. The appearance of metastases was preced by an extensive intrathoracic invasion of the tumour. The thymoma was of epithelial subtype which was the most common (67 percent) type also in the previously published 29 cases of thymomas metastasizing to extrathoracic sites.  相似文献   

Intrathecal administration of baclofen is now generally accepted as a powerful treatment of spasticity caused by spinal lesions. 35 patients with severe spasticity, 29 of spinal origin and six of supraspinal origin resistant to conservative treatment, had a programmable pump (Synchromed, Medtronic) for continuous intrathecal baclofen infusion implanted. The patients were followed-up for an average of 29 months (0-68). The initial effect of the treatment was positive for all patients; spasms were less frequent, there was remission of pain caused by cramps, and in some cases improved ambulation. In five patients, however, the pump was later removed: in two patients the pump ceased to be effective, two patients became infected, and one experienced multiple catheter problems. Problems with the catheter was the most common complication experienced, and this was seen in nine patients. Three patients died of the underlying disease. The majority of patients became accommodated to intrathecal baclofen and it was necessary to administer increasingly larger doses to maintain the clinical effect. Long-term control of spinal spasticity by intrathecal baclofen can be achieved in most patients, but close follow-up is necessary for assessing efficacy and refilling the pump.  相似文献   

A 44-year-old man suspected of having transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the prostate was referred to our hospital. He had a painful semi-erect penis at his first visit. Then needle biopsy of the corpus cavernosum histologically revealed metastatic TCC. CT of the pelvis showed bilateral ureteral obstruction caused by the advanced tumor but no lymph node swelling was found. Under the diagnosis of prostatic TCC with penile metastasis, bilateral percutaneous nephrostomy followed by two courses of combination chemotherapy (IFEP regimen) was carried out, which resulted in the disappearance of priapism. Radical cystectomy with total penectomy was performed. The final pathological diagnosis was corrected to TCC of the urinary bladder with invasion to the prostate and metastasis of the corpus cavernosum and the right obturator lymph node. Enlargement of the prostate proved to be caused by glandular hyperplasia with atypical hyperplasia of the prostate gland. Three courses of adjvent IFEP chemotherapy was given post-operatively and he has been alive with no evidence of the disease for 10 months.  相似文献   

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