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陈留根 《工业加热》2007,36(5):61-61
日本广筑株式会社根据用户的需要将传统的压力铸造用浴槽型电加热式铝熔液保温炉成功地改造成以平面燃烧器作为加热源的节能型保温炉。该节能型保温炉的最大特点是在保留了传统保温炉的所有优点的基础上,实现了炉子的节能,小型化、氧化物发生量明显减少。概述了上述节能型保温炉的开发背景。  相似文献   

气体搅拌过程对倾动式铝液保温静置炉内铝液温度场与浓度场的均匀化有重要作用。针对某厂50t铝液保温炉,采用FLUENT软件对其中的气体搅拌过程进行了建模和数值模拟。结果表明,在所选取的计算基准工况下,气体搅拌30min后,围绕上升气泡的运动,铝液层呈现为垂直方向和水平方向的复杂漩涡运动,最大流速0.813m/s;铝液层内主体温差3℃,上表面最大温差10℃,远低于不考虑气体搅拌作用的计算结果,达到了工艺所需的温度控制范围。  相似文献   

陈留根 《工业加热》2004,33(3):31-31
首要标准.20世纪末,_”竺‘一’冷儿,人用尸远伴烙铝炉的日不柑祸株式会社根据广大用户的上述要求成功地开发了新型节能式增塌铝熔化保温炉,受到世界各国的注目.较详细地介绍了上述柑涡式铝熔化保温炉的结构、实际运行状况与经济性,给出了炉子的结构示意图.照l图4表5坩埚式铝连续熔化保温炉@陈留根  相似文献   

1 概述 活塞行业应用铝水保温炉很普遍,但目前从行业热工控制技术上看,大都采用电子电位差计、数显表、动圈表等二位式仪表实施温控。因此,从工艺上讲缺乏对铝水温度的精度保障,不能很好地保证铝水精炼质量。同时;保温炉的电热元件(电炉丝或硅碳棒)经常被烧断,通常寿命维持15~20天,致使在一年的生产中,不得不频繁停炉维修;导致电热元件消耗大,凉炉升温费电多,维修费时又费工,造成了较高的生产成本,降低了设备使用效率,影响产品产量。这种状况给活塞行业的热工人员带来极大的烦恼。  相似文献   

分析了反射式铝保温炉传统加热元件Ni-Cr电热合金过快损坏的原因。采用硅碳棒作加热折优点及新产生的经济效果。  相似文献   

本文通过晶闸管温控柜在铝铸造混合保温炉中的应用 ,说明交流接触器的频繁通断控制炉温方式有很多缺点 ,而使用无触点开关的晶闸管控制温度 ,即可节电又可节约加热元件硅碳棒 ,取得良好的经济效益  相似文献   

某公司玻璃熔炉炉墙由于保温不合理,导致外表面温度高、散热损失大。采用海泡石保温敷料进一步保温后,外墙表面温度从128℃降到了50℃以下,全年节约柴油62.64t,产生节能效益24.43万元。整个改造投入2.8万元,两月内就已回收。  相似文献   

高损耗的旧变压器更新为低损耗、低局放、低噪音的新型节能变压器.不但保证供电运行安全、降低噪音,而且节约大量电能,是企业节能降耗的主要措施,必须大力推广。  相似文献   

在分析现有市场上多功能炉优缺点的基础上,在继承其优点的基础上,对其缺点进行了改进,提出了新型多功能节能炉的设计方案.这种多功能炉极具市场潜力与较好的市场前景.  相似文献   

刘进  石静  贾瑞民 《工业加热》2012,(6):69-70,72
介绍了高炉的热风炉采用整体立式无机热传导换热器的技术特点,并着重阐述在生产应用所采取的措施,以期达到了合理利用热风炉排烟余热,预热烧炉用的空、煤气,加快煤气燃烧反应速度,使得热风炉拱顶升温速度加快、升温期缩短、保温期延长,确保最终实现了热风炉送风温度提高的目的。  相似文献   

新型多功能高效节能蜂窝煤炉采用薄壁分开式热水套和旋开式增热器 ,解决了热水套和增热器在长期运行中内壁积垢 (导致传热性能变差 )难以清除的难题。改进后 ,通过拆卸保养能及时清除热水套和增热器内壁的水垢 ,不但使其传热性能良好 ,而且延长其使用寿命10倍以上。同时 ,该炉设置有以翻火盘和主、辅烟道所组成的封闭式排烟系统 ,使室内无烟气污染。该炉除能用炉膛主火烹调食物外 ,还能充分利用高温烟气余热进行分层次升温、保温 ,做到蒸饭、炒菜、热水、烧开水四同步 ,并提供水暖、蒸汽、餐具消毒、食物保温、淋浴、烘烤等多种功能 ,适合…  相似文献   

传统的气举工作筒都没有保温措施,隔热效果差,易对套管产生严重损害,给采油带来了安全隐患。为此,在传统气举工作筒的基础上,增加了保温措施,使得隔热效果大幅度提高。它可广泛用于海上稠油注气井的采油作业中。  相似文献   

文中根据换热器效率的概念,即冷流体获得的能量与热流体放出的能量之比,提出换热器效率-单元数设计方法,得出顺流和逆流状态两种基本流型下的效率坐标图,并利用该方法进行实际算例计算。  相似文献   

一种带回热的新型节能燃气灶的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种带回热的新型节能燃气灶,即采用回热循环来提高燃气灶的热效率.利用燃烧后排走的高温烟气加热助燃空气.一方面提高了助燃空气的温度使燃烧效率得到提高;另一方面回收了烟气的热量提高了总的热效率,并且改变了传统的上抽油烟方式为下抽油烟,使厨房环境得到明显改善.理论计算表明在考虑上部进风20%的情况下热回收率为6.07%,相对热回收率为20.25%,热效率可提高4.25%.本文给出了燃气灶热力计算的基本流程,希望会对节能燃气灶的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

基于热管原理将燃烧室、蒸发器和换热器集于一体,构成了新型高效热管式加热炉。利用对数平均温压法,对某公司拟建2.0 MW的新型高效热管式加热炉进行了优化设计计算,得出了其主要结构参数,并运用Auto CAD和Inventor软件绘制了二维平面图和三维立体图。所做工作对即将制造的新型高效热管式加热炉提供了坚实的理论依据。  相似文献   

炼钢电炉余热利用及余热锅炉的设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘霞  邹公平 《工业锅炉》2009,(4):9-10,13
介绍炼钢电炉的余热情况,并就余热利用和余热锅炉产生的效益进行分析。  相似文献   

M. P. MODERA 《传热工程》2013,34(1-2):25-35
To find a simple means for monitoring the heat output of a wood stove, general engineering models of heat transfer are used to develop a model that predicts the heat output of a stove from measurements of surface temperature. Using the surface area and the measured surface temperature as inputs, the model predicts the heat output of the stove by radiation and natural convection. As a means of verification, surface temperature data from four wood stoves monitored in a calorimeter room are used to make heat output predictions. The predicted heat outputs are then compared with the actual heat outputs measured by the calorimeter room. The predictions involve several potential monitoring schemes:(J) separate temperature measurements for each surface of the stove,() an average temperature measurement for all stove surfaces, and () a single surface temperature measurement. The accuracies of the predictions are characterized by their geometric bias and scatter as well as their predictions of total energy delivered. The scatter is a measure of the trackability of the model, analogous to the arithmetic standard deviation. Predictions made from average temperature measurements are found to be as accurate as those based on individual temperature measurements, whereas single-temperature measurements cause an additional 5 % uncertainty in predictions. For both the average temperature and individual temperature predictions, the bias is between 2 % and 24%, with 16% as the typical scatter. The trend in the bias is underprediction, possible causes of which are discussed at length.  相似文献   

Analytical analysis of unbalanced heat exchangers is carried out to study the second law thermodynamic performance parameter through second law efficiency by varying length‐to‐diameter ratio for counter flow and parallel flow configurations. In a single closed form expression, three important irreversibilities occurring in the heat exchangers—namely, due to heat transfer, pressure drop, and imbalance between the mass flow streams—are considered, which is not possible in first law thermodynamic analysis. The study is carried out by giving special influence to geometric characteristics like tube length‐to‐diameter dimensions; working conditions like changing heat capacity ratio, changing the value of maximum heat capacity rate on the hot stream and cold stream separately and fluid flow type, i.e., laminar and turbulent flows for a fully developed condition. Further, second law efficiency analysis is carried out for condenser and evaporator heat exchangers by varying the effectiveness and number of heat transfer units for different values of inlet temperature to reference the temperature ratio by considering heat transfer irreversibility. Optimum heat exchanger geometrical dimensions, namely length‐to‐diameter ratio can be obtained from the second law analysis corresponding to lower total entropy generation and higher second law efficiency. Second law analysis incorporates all the heat exchanger irreversibilities. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.21109  相似文献   

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