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研究了拉伸速度及制样方式对聚苯乙烯(PP)和聚丙烯(PS)材料的拉伸强度和断后伸长率的影响。结果表明:随着拉伸速度的增大,两种材料的拉伸强度均有所增加,而断后伸长率却呈现出不同的变化;PS注塑成型试样的拉伸强度和断后伸长率都明显高于压制成型试样,PP注塑成型试样的断后伸长率比压制成型试样的增加了69%,而拉伸强度几乎没有改变。  相似文献   

Natural fiber-reinforced green composites are increasingly being used in various industries. Generally speaking, the cross sections of natural fibers are not circular. Moreover, they show wide variation in their cross-sectional area. Nevertheless, the tensile properties of natural fibers are often evaluated on the assumption of a circular cross-sectional shape. Therefore, we proposed a new method to calculate the natural fiber cross-sectional area by measuring their projection widths to estimate the proper tensile properties. This method was used to investigate the effects of cross-sectional area variation on tensile properties. Additionally, to estimate the proper Weibull parameters of natural fibers apart from the cross-sectional area variation, we proposed a strength distribution function that incorporates cross-sectional area variation, based on a Weibull distribution. Finally, we formulated a strength distribution function of natural fibers that includes the cross-sectional area variation.  相似文献   

焊管常用标准对焊缝接头拉伸试样是否去除焊缝余高要求不一。本文从焊接接头拉伸的实际意义出发,探讨了是否去除焊缝余高及断裂位置对试验结果的影响。不去除焊缝余高的情况,更偏重于焊缝结构的整体强度,而不是严格意义上的焊接接头的抗拉强度。为避免分歧及便于对比,西气东输二线管道工程技术条件中统一规定了焊接接头拉伸试验必须去除焊缝余高,且报告断裂位置。  相似文献   


The tensile deformation behaviour of two recently developed aluminium alloys in the temperature range 200–550°C is characterized in this paper. The aluminium alloys studied here are an automotive stamping grade Al–Mg–Mn alloy and an Al–Li–Cu alloy. Tensile properties at elevated temperatures were determined under different temperature-strain rate combinations. An analysis of deformation and fracture behaviour at elevated temperatures is also presented. The Al–Mg–Mn alloy and the Al–Li–Cu alloy exhibited extended ductility or mild superplasticity at elevated temperatures. Metallographic and fractographic studies revealed appreciable grain growth and cavitation at elevated temperatures. The fracture elongation of Al–Mg–Mn alloy decreased beyond 430°C. Pronounced apparent strain hardening was observed in the case of the Al–Li–Cu alloy in the temperature range 525–550°C at a very low strain rate. This could be due to dynamic grain growth and/or dislocation structure evolution.  相似文献   


The superior piezoelectric properties of all polycrystalline ferroelectrics are based on the extent of non-180° domain wall motion under electrical and mechanical poling loads. To distinguish between 180° and non-180° domain wall motion in a soft-doped and a hard-doped lead zirconate titanate (PZT) ceramic, domain texture measurements were performed using x-ray and neutron diffraction after different loading procedures. Comparing the results to measurements of the remanent strain and piezoelectric coefficient allowed the differentiation between different microstructural contributions to the macroscopic parameters. Both types of ceramic showed similar behavior under electric field, but the hard-doped material was more susceptible to mechanical load. A considerable fraction of the piezoelectric coefficient originated from poling by the preferred orientation of 180° domains.  相似文献   

Mechanical properties of Polyvinyl-alcohol (PVA) fibre bundles were studied at three high strain rates (270/s, 600/s and 1500/s). It was found that, except for the elastic modulus, which remains unchanged, both the maximum stress and the failure strain show an apparent increase with strain rate. Two failure modes of PVA fibre under tensile impact were observed. A four-parameter Weibull function was adopted to describe the strength distribution of PVA fibre and the Weibull parameters were obtained by a fibre bundle testing method. Consistency between simulated and experimental results indicates that such a function and the method are valid and reliable.  相似文献   

基于有限断裂力学方法建立了一种预测多向复合材料开孔板拉伸强度的通用和半经验模型。该模型同时采用基于应力形式的失效准则和基于能量形式的失效准则预测失效。模型仅需铺层弹性常数、无缺口层合板的强度以及0°铺层的断裂韧性等参数。基于线弹性断裂力学建立了多向复合材料层合板的断裂韧性与0°铺层断裂韧性之间的关系, 进而预测了任意铺层复合材料开孔板发生纤维主导拉伸失效时的强度。将模型预测结果与开孔板拉伸强度的试验数据进行了对比验证, 预测误差最大为9.7%, 与点应力和平均应力等方法的对比表明, 该模型的预测精度高于传统的特征长度方法。   相似文献   

A comprehensive study was undertaken to characterise carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) tubes at different temperatures. Quasi-static burst tests were performed on tubes of 25°, 55° and 75° winding angle. The tubes were burst under internal radial pressure with minimum end constraints. An experimental rig and two conditioning tanks were designed and built to test the specimens at three temperatures; -46°C (low temperature), +20°C (room temperature) and +70°C (high temperature). For each test the internal pressure and the strains in both circumferential and longitudinal directions were recorded using a digital processing equipment.For a particular batch of tubes, tested at three different temperatures, a decrease in hoop strength and modulus of the 55° tubes with increasing temperature was recorded; the effect was less pronounced on the properties of 25° and 75° tubes. The use of a non-structural liner during the tests led to higher ultimate strength and strain of 55° tubes but had negligible effects on the behaviour of 75° tubes. The use of a liner in 25° tubes altered the mode of failure, resulting in a very large tube deformation with no noticeable increase in burst pressure. Micrographic analysis was also undertaken to study the failure mechanisms during pressurisation of lined and unlined tubes.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to characterize the strength properties of polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon) with the use of tensile and bending test specimens. The strength of thin polysilicon films with different geometry, size and stress concentrations has been measured and correlated with the effective size of the specimen and its stress distribution. The test results are evaluated using a probabilistic strength approach based on the weakest link theory with the use of STAU software. The use of statistic methods of strength prediction of polysilicon test structures with a complex geometry and loading based on test values for standard material tests specimen has been evaluated.  相似文献   

Unidirectional (UD) and bidirectional (BD) woven carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites were tested under three-point flexure at different span lengths ranging from 20 to 60 mm. Expectedly, flexure load decreases with increasing span length. A sharp change in flexure load is observed at a span length of 30 mm with a transition in failure mechanism. Analysis suggests that crack initiation occurs at compression side and tension side, respectively, in UD and BD woven composites. In case of UD composites, at a span length of 20 mm, the failure was governed by kink band initiation (two fractures per fiber) followed by tension side delaminations, and at other span lengths, microbuckling (multiple fiber fractures) together with compression side delaminations led to failure. On the other hand, the failure in BD composites at a span length of 20 mm is controlled predominantly by thickness crack propagation with tensile fiber pullouts, whereas for other span cases the failure occurs due to the development of delaminations at interlace regions. The stress analysis by finite element modeling (FEM) also supports the experimental observations in an attempt to correlate the failure mechanisms under flexure loads in CFRP composites.  相似文献   

目的 研究超声振动对材料流动特性的影响。方法 采用自制超声振动拉伸试验装置在不同超声频率和功率条件下进行TAl薄板超声辅助拉伸试验,获得了相应条件下的应力-应变曲线,并进一步比较了不同条件下材料屈服强度及抗拉强度。结果 叠加超声振动后,材料的屈服强度和抗拉强度均降低,表明材料出现软化效应。在频率为20 kHz条件下,材料屈服强度降低7%~10%,抗拉强度降低11%~14%,随着功率的增大,材料屈服强度逐渐下降,但功率对抗拉强度的影响并不显著。在功率为200 W时,材料屈服强度降低5%~8%,抗拉强度降低11%~14%,随着频率的增大,材料抗拉强度显著下降,但频率对屈服强度的影响并不显著。结论 超声振动对材料的屈服应力及抗拉强度等材料流动指标具有显著影响,研究结果对相关工艺设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

本文通过在不同温度下,对一种轧制而成的贝氏体高强钢在三个相互垂直的方向进行了拉伸实验,结合宏观力学性能参数及微观断口形貌的观察,分析了这种高强钢在不同温度下的拉伸断裂行为。结果表明:此种钢在三个方向上的宏观力学性能参数基本相同(在室温下屈服强度为950MPa,抗拉强度为1000MPa;-196℃下,屈服强度达到1260MPa,抗拉强度高达1400MPa)。但沿不同方向的拉伸断口差异却很大。沿轧制方向和宽度方向的试样,不同温度下断口形貌相似,在温度较低的试样中都出现了纵向裂纹,在-196℃均出现"Z"型断裂路径;但沿板厚方向的试样,在不同温度下其断口形态都为典型的拉伸断口。  相似文献   

Mechanical strength studies have been carried out on fibre bundles used in composite manufacturing. The variability in mechanical properties of glass fibres has been studied using bundles of about 2000 filaments. The fibre strength distributions were analysed using the survival probability-applied strain (Sε) curve, in relation with various experimental conditions. We also examine the effect of lubricant’s viscosity on the fracture behaviour of E-glass fibre bundles. Acoustic emission (AE) was monitored during the bundle tensile tests in order to verify that individual filament failures are statistically independent. On tensile tests with lubricated bundles of E-glass fibres, it is shown that each individual fibre break can be detected using AE. Hence, AE monitoring of a lubricated bundle of E-glass fibres provides a convenient and relatively quick method to obtain the Weibull parameters of strength distribution.  相似文献   

A model for the ultimate tensile strength of unidirectional fiber-reinforced brittle matrix composite is presented. In the model, transverse matrix crack spacing and change in debonding length between the fiber and the matrix is continuously monitored with increasing applied load. A detailed approximate stress analysis, together with a Weibull failure statistics for fiber fracture, are used to determine the probability of fiber fracture and fiber fracture location in the composite. Results of the model are consistent with experimental data. It is suggested from the results that the strength and toughness of the composite are significantly influenced by the Weibull modulus of the fiber and the fiber/matrix interfacial shear stress. A higher fiber Weibull modulus results in a lower composite strength while a higher fiber/matrix interfacial shear stress results in a composite with higher strength but lower toughness. A moderate variation in matrix strength and fiber/matrix interfacial shear strength does not significantly affect the strength of the composite.  相似文献   

For various loading rates we estimated the activated defect localization in Modified Brazilian Disk type glass specimens in comparison with standard spherical glass specimens. Specimen geometry can considerably affect the mechanical response of material, especially brittle ones, which are very sensitive to the distribution of defects. High and low loading rates of Modified Brazilian Disk lead glass specimens have been investigated using universal Instron test machine and compressive Hopkinson pressure bars. The experimental results obtained have been compared using the Weibull distribution for scatter strength variation. Stress distribution in the above specimens was calculated using the finite element method, which provided detailed analysis of the macromechanical brittle fracture mechanism. In static tests of spherical glass specimens, we observed generation of contact stresses, which result in activation of defects in the working parts of specimens, whereas no activated defects were observed in Modified Brazilian Disk specimens neither under static, nor under dynamic loading conditions. For specimens of various geometries and type of load application it is recommended to apply probabilistic approaches, e.g., the Weibull approach, insofar as contact stresses in brittle materials induce activation of defects, location of which depends on the specimen geometry and loading type. __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 1, pp. 100–115, January–February, 2006.  相似文献   

在微机模拟 B/Al 型复合材料拉伸断裂过程软件系统已得到初步验证的基础上,进一步模拟研究了基体屈服极限σ_(ym)及纤维强度分布变动系数 CV 的不同组合条件下该材料的拉伸断裂行为。结果指出,当σ_(ym)确定 CV 减小或当 CV 确定σ_(ym)增大时,断裂形式均存在由累积型向非累积型的过渡;当σ_(ym)很小时,材料断裂抗力σ_f 随 CV 增大而降低;而当σ_(ym)较大时σ_f 则随 CV 增大而提高。  相似文献   

开孔层合板的强度预报往往取决于孔边的临界长度,它不仅与材料性能,而且与铺层、孔径都有关。本文基于线弹性断裂力学,提出了一种预报对称铺层层合板开孔拉伸强度的新方法,只需提供正交层合板的断裂韧性和无缺口层合板的拉伸强度,显著降低对实验数据的依赖性。首先,将临界长度表作为层合板断裂韧性和无缺口拉伸强度的函数,再通过正交层合板[90/0]8s的紧凑拉伸试验和虚拟裂纹闭合技术,确定出0°层断裂韧性,进而计算得到任意对称铺层层合板的断裂韧性。本文测试了T300/7901层合板[0/±45/90]2s和[0/±30/±60/90]s的开孔拉伸强度,孔径分别为3 mm、6 mm和9 mm。理论预报结果与试验值吻合较好,最大误差为15.2%,满足工程应用需求。   相似文献   

为了研究Ru在含Re单晶高温合金的作用,利用扫描电镜和透射电镜以及电子拉伸实验机对不同Ru含量的三种单晶高温合金的拉伸性能和变形组织及形貌进行观察和分析,研究结果表明:三种合金随着Ru含量的增加,合金热处理态γ′相尺寸逐渐减小,立方度明显增加。900℃下的拉伸实验表明随着Ru含量的增加,合金的屈服强度和抗拉强度都略有增加。900℃下三种合金的断裂方式均为纯剪切型断裂。变形机制为位错切割γ′位错对夹着反相畴界模式。因此,Ru的加入略微增加了合金的强度,但没有改变合金的变形机制和断裂特征。  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法合成PZT压电陶瓷粉体,经XRD和SEM分析显示,陶瓷颗粒已形成了钙钛矿型结晶相,颗粒大小在0.1~1μm之间。采用溶液共混法将PZT粒子均匀分散于PVDF基体中,制备了PZT/PVDF压电复合材料。结果表明,增加PZT含量有利于复合材料压电性能的提高,当陶瓷体积分数达70%时,复合材料的压电常数最高。  相似文献   

Typical thicknesses of high-strength steels (HSS) sheets used in the car industry are inapplicable for standardized testing procedures. The aim of this study is to propose an appropriate methodology for testing and comparing of thin HSS sheets. Microstructures were observed by means of light and scanning electron microscopy. The modified Charpy impact tests and fracture toughness tests were used in order to compare the fracture properties of three different HSS sheets (Docol 1200 M, Multiphase 1200 and BTR 165). Ductile-to-brittle transition curves and tearing resistance (J − Δa) curves were measured. From the fracture toughness linked to the specimen thicknesses the value of fracture toughness KIc was estimated. Fractographic analysis of broken specimens has revealed that due to the fine microstructure of mixed ferrite-martensite fracture mechanism remains ductile even at low temperatures (down to −100°C). __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 1, pp. 155–158, January–February, 2008.  相似文献   

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