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Data Warehouses (DWs), Multidimensional (MD) Databases, and On-Line Analytical Processing Applications are used as a very powerful mechanism for discovering crucial business information. Considering the extreme importance of the information managed by these kinds of applications, it is essential to specify security measures from the early stages of the DW design in the MD modeling process, and enforce them. In the past years, some proposals for representing main MD modeling properties at the conceptual level have been stated. Nevertheless, none of these proposals considers security issues as an important element in its model, so they do not allow us to specify confidentiality constraints to be enforced by the applications that will use these MD models. In this paper, we will discuss the specific confidentiality problems regarding DWs as well as present an extension of the Unified Modeling Language for specifying security constraints in the conceptual MD modeling, thereby allowing us to design secure DWs. One key advantage of our approach is that we accomplish the conceptual modeling of secure DWs independently of the target platform where the DW has to be implemented, allowing the implementation of the corresponding DWs on any secure commercial database management system. Finally, we will present a case study to show how a conceptual model designed with our approach can be directly implemented on top of Oracle 10g.  相似文献   

A model-driven ERP environment with search facilities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Traditional business models are primarily used in the initial phases of BPR or enterprise resource planning projects. They are static representations of systems requirements and business procedures, but have proven less useful in supporting the actual use of the systems. With the model-driven business management (MDBM) approach, dynamic and adaptable business models constructed as part of the implementation project are afterwards used to access the system and monitor the real business flows. In this paper, we present the linguistic aspects of the MDBM approach and discuss how the linguistic part and the modeling part of MDBM mutually support each other.  相似文献   

Integrated model-driven dashboard development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Business performance modeling and model-driven business transformation are two research directions that are attracting much attention lately. In this study, we propose an approach for dashboard development that is model-driven and can be integrated with the business performance models. We adopt the business performance modeling framework, and we extend it in order to capture the reporting aspect of the business operation. We describe models that can effectively represent all the elements necessary for the business performance reporting process, and the interactions among them. We demonstrate how all these models can be combined and automatically generate the final solution. We further extend the proposed framework with mechanisms that can detect changes in the models and incrementally update the deployed solutions. Finally, we discuss our experience from the application of our technique in a real-world scenario. This case study shows that our technique can be efficiently applied to and handle changes in the underlying business models, delivering significant benefits in terms of both development time and flexibility.  相似文献   

Recently, various bag-of-features (BoF) methods show their good resistance to within-class variations and occlusions in object categorization. In this paper, we present a novel approach for multi-object categorization within the BoF framework. The approach addresses two issues in BoF related methods simultaneously: how to avoid scene modeling and how to predict labels of an image when multiple categories of objects are co-existing. We employ a biased sampling strategy which combines the bottom-up, biologically inspired saliency information and loose, top-down class prior information for object class modeling. Then this biased sampling component is further integrated with a multi-instance multi-label leaning and classification algorithm. With the proposed biased sampling strategy, we can perform multi-object categorization within an image without semantic segmentation. The experimental results on PASCAL VOC2007 and SUN09 show that the proposed method significantly improves the discriminative ability of BoF methods and achieves good performance in multi-object categorization tasks.  相似文献   

应用并行工程方法对生产计划与能量系统的集成进行了分析,提出了用于确定业务流程和信息流的业务过程模型,明确了系统的并行特性,采用并行工程方法建立了并行业务过程模型,并确定了用于数据建模的数据流,从而为集成效据库管理和集成软件系统的开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Systems development methodologies incorporate security requirements as an afterthought in the non-functional requirements of systems. The lack of appropriate access control on information exchange among business activities can leave organizations vulnerable to information assurance threats. The gap between systems development and systems security leads to software development efforts that lack an understanding of security risks. We address the research question: how can we incorporate security as a functional requirement in the analysis and modeling of business processes? This study extends the Semantic approach to Secure Collaborative Inter-Organizational eBusiness Processes in D'Aubeterre et al. (2008). In this study, we develop the secure activity resource coordination (SARC) artifact for a real-world business process. We show how SARC can be used to create business process models characterized by the secure exchange of information within and across organizational boundaries. We present an empirical evaluation of the SARC artifact against the Enriched-Use Case (Siponen et al., 2006) and standard UML-Activity Diagram to demonstrate the utility of the proposed design method.  相似文献   

A large body of research analyzes the runtime execution of a system to extract abstract behavioral views. Those approaches primarily analyze control flow by tracing method execution events or they analyze object graphs of heap memory snapshots. However, they do not capture how objects are passed through the system at runtime. We refer to the exchange of objects as the object flow, and we claim that it is necessary to analyze object flows if we are to understand the runtime of an object-oriented application. We propose and detail object flow analysis, a novel dynamic analysis technique that takes this new information into account. To evaluate its usefulness, we present a visual approach that allows a developer to study classes and components in terms of how they exchange objects at runtime. We illustrate our approach on three case studies.  相似文献   

In process-driven, service-oriented architectures (SOAs), process activities can perform service operations, data transformations, or human tasks. Unfortunately, the process activities are usually tightly coupled. Thus, when the number of activities in the process grows, focusing on particular activities of the flow such as the service operations reading or writing persistent data is a time-consuming task. In particular, in order to solve structural problems concerning persistent data access such as deadlocks in data-intensive business processes, stakeholders need to understand the underlying persistent data access details of the activities i.e. physical storage schemes, and database connections. With our view-based model-driven approach, we provide a solution to generate flows of persistent data access activities (which we refer to as persistent data access flows). To the best of our knowledge these persistent data access flows are not used to solve structural problems in process-driven SOAs, yet. Moreover, our persistent data access flows can be flattened by diverse filer criteria e.g. by filtering all activities reading or writing from a specific database or table. Using our approach, we can enhance traceability and documentation of persistent data access in business processes. In a series of motivating scenarios from an industrial case study we present how our persistent data access flow concept can contribute to enhance productivity in service-oriented, process-driven environments. We qualitatively evaluate our concepts and prototypes, and finally, discuss the correctness and the complexity of the underlying algorithms.  相似文献   

ContextIn many organizational environments critical tasks exist which – in exceptional cases such as an emergency – must be performed by a subject although he/she is usually not authorized to perform these tasks. Break-glass policies have been introduced as a sophisticated exception handling mechanism to resolve such situations. They enable certain subjects to break or override the standard access control policies of an information system in a controlled manner.ObjectiveIn the context of business process modeling a number of approaches exist that allow for the formal specification and modeling of process-related access control concepts. However, corresponding support for break-glass policies is still missing. In this paper, we aim at specifying a break-glass extension for process-related role-based access control (RBAC) models.MethodWe use model-driven development (MDD) techniques to provide an integrated, tool-supported approach for the definition and enforcement of break-glass policies in process-aware information systems. In particular, we provide modeling support on the computation independent model (CIM) layer as well as on the platform independent model (PIM) and platform specific model (PSM) layers.ResultsOur approach is generic in the sense that it can be used to extend process-aware information systems or process modeling languages with support for process-related RBAC and corresponding break-glass policies. Based on the formal CIM layer metamodel, we present a UML extension on the PIM layer that allows for the integrated modeling of processes and process-related break-glass policies via extended UML Activity diagrams. We evaluated our approach in a case study on real-world processes. Moreover, we implemented our approach at the PSM layer as an extension to the BusinessActivity library and runtime engine.ConclusionOur integrated modeling approach for process-related break-glass policies allows for specifying break-glass rules in process-aware information systems.  相似文献   

Companies have to adhere to compliance requirements. The compliance analysis of business operations is typically a joint effort of business experts and compliance experts. Those experts need to create a common understanding of business processes to effectively conduct compliance management. In this paper, we present a technique that aims at supporting this process. We argue that process templates generated out of compliance requirements provide a basis for negotiation among business and compliance experts. We introduce a semi-automated and iterative approach to the synthesis of such process templates from compliance requirements expressed in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). We show how generic constraints related to business process execution are incorporated and present criteria that point at underspecification. Further, we outline how such underspecification may be resolved to iteratively build up a complete specification. For the synthesis, we leverage existing work on process mining and process restructuring. However, our approach is not limited to the control-flow perspective, but also considers direct and indirect data-flow dependencies. Finally, we elaborate on the application of the derived process templates and present an implementation of our approach.  相似文献   

We present a method for estimating intra-metropolitan freight flows on a highway network. The work is part of a larger project aimed at developing an automated, integrated system for freight flow analysis and planning. To overcome the limitations of current estimation methods for commodity flows, we use reliable secondary sources, including small-area employment data, and derive estimates in a plausible way by means of a computational workflow. When available, we extract the data automatically from online sources, so that estimations can be continuously updated. Using widely available data sources allows for transferability. In this paper we provide an overview of our modeling approach and the major data sources used. We apply the model using data from the Los Angeles region, and compare our traffic assignment results with available screenline counts. Results are encouraging. Our approach should be easily applied to other metropolitan areas, allowing planners and policymakers to make more informed decisions by utilizing the most recent data from many sources and enhancing the ability to explore different scenarios.  相似文献   

Requirements engineering for e-business advantage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As a means of contributing to the achievement of business advantage for companies engaging in e-business, we propose a requirements engineering framework that incorporates a business strategy dimension. We employ Jackson’s Problem Frames approach, goal modeling, and business process modeling (BPM) to achieve this. Jackson’s context diagrams, used to represent business model context, are integrated with goal models to describe the requirements of the business strategy. We leverage the paradigm of projection in both approaches as a means of simultaneously decomposing both the requirement and context parts, from an abstract business level to concrete system requirements. Our approach maintains traceability to high-level business objectives via contribution relationship links in the goal model. We integrate use of role activity diagrams to describe business processes in detail where needed. The feasibility of our approach is shown by a well-known case study taken from the literature.  相似文献   

Integration of DFDs into a UML-based Model-driven Engineering Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main aim of this article is to discuss how the functional and the object-oriented views can be inter-played to represent the various modeling perspectives of embedded systems. We discuss whether the object-oriented modeling paradigm, the predominant one to develop software at the present time, is also adequate for modeling embedded software and how it can be used with the functional paradigm. More specifically, we present how the main modeling tool of the traditional structured methods, data flow diagrams, can be integrated in an object-oriented development strategy based on the unified modeling language. The rationale behind the approach is that both views are important for modeling purposes in embedded systems environments, and thus a combined and integrated model is not only useful, but also fundamental for developing complex systems. The approach was integrated in a model-driven engineering process, where tool support for the models used was provided. In addition, model transformations have been specified and implemented to automate the process. We exemplify the approach with an IPv6 router case study.This article is an extension of two papers [1,2] published in the proceedings of IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS 2004).  相似文献   

We address security in object-oriented database systems for multilevel secure environments. Such an environment consists of users cleared to various security levels, accessing information labeled with varying classifications. Our purpose is three-fold. First, we show how security can be naturally incorporated into the object model of computing so as to form a foundation for building multilevel secure object-oriented database management systems. Next, we show how such an abstract security model can be realized under a cost-effective, viable, and popular security architecture. Finally, we give security arguments based on trusted subjects and a formal proof to demonstrate the confidentiality of our architecture and approach. A notable feature of our solution is the support for secure synchronous write-up operations. This is useful when low level users want to send information to higher level users. In the object-oriented context, this is naturally modeled and efficiently accomplished through write-up messages sent by low level subjects. However, such write-up messages can pose confidentiality leaks (through timing and signaling channels) if the timing of the receipt and processing of the messages is observable to lower level senders. Such covert channels are a formidable obstacle in building high-assurance secure systems. Further, solutions to problems such as these have been known to involve various tradeoffs between confidentiality, integrity, and performance. We present a concurrent computation model that closes such channels while preserving the conflicting goals of confidentiality, integrity, and performance. Finally, we give a confidentiality proof for a trusted subject architecture and implementation and demonstrate that the trusted subject (process) cannot leak information in violation of multilevel security  相似文献   

Today businesses are interacting and collaborating more often in the context of a business value chain involving a variety of partners to deliver products and services. Business to business (B2B) connectivity, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and general business collaboration processes are becoming more critical in operating and managing efficient enterprises. The required level of inter and intra enterprise integration is generally a large undertaking and involves substantial development and customization efforts. In this paper, we propose an adaptive integration activity management approach based on web services technologies to reduce code changes associated with business process integration in a distributed collaboration environment. Specifically, we present a concept of activity chain to capture non-deterministic process flows as well as deterministic process flows in a uniform manner. Then an Activity Ontology is introduced to capture the integration requirements that include adaptation behaviors, action properties, business rules, and access control policy references. The unique ontology representation and management of the integration activities provides a uniform way to integrate additional internal and external business applications to reduce the need for pre-defined and hard-wired integration methods and to minimize code changes to existing components in an existing business collaboration and integration (B2B/EAI) infrastructure. In addition, a Petri-Net modeling exercise of the proposed integration activity management is performed to help better understand the actual system and improve the system design beforehand.  相似文献   

In the design phase of business collaboration, it is desirable to be able to predict the profitability of the business-to-be. Therefore, techniques to assess qualities such as costs, revenues, risks, and profitability have been previously proposed. However, they do not allow the modeler to properly manage uncertainty with respect to the design of the considered business collaboration. In many real collaboration projects today, uncertainty regarding the business’ present or future characteristics is so significant that ignoring it becomes problematic. In this paper, we propose an approach based on the predictive, probabilistic architecture modeling framework (P2AMF), capable of advanced and probabilistically sound reasoning about profitability risks. The P2AMF-based approach for profitability risk prediction is also based on the e3-value modeling language and on the object constraint language. The paper introduces the prediction and modeling approach, and a supporting software tool. The use of the approach is illustrated by means of a case study originated from the Stockholm Royal Seaport smart city project.  相似文献   

基于组件的B2B电子商务系统建模研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文简单介绍了面向对象建模技术现状和统一建模语言(UML),并从讨论B2B电子商务系统的设计要求出发,分析了组件技术的特点和优势,提出采用组件来封装业务规则并构造商务对象,最后结合项目“电子商务试验室系统”中的B2B招标子系统的实例,着重介绍了在基于组件的B2B电子商务系统中的建模步骤与方法。  相似文献   

Event-based communication is used in different domains including telecommunications, transportation, and business information systems to build scalable distributed systems. Such systems typically have stringent requirements for performance and scalability as they provide business and mission critical services. While the use of event-based communication enables loosely-coupled interactions between components and leads to improved system scalability, it makes it much harder for developers to estimate the system’s behavior and performance under load due to the decoupling of components and control flow. In this paper, we present our approach enabling the modeling and performance prediction of event-based systems at the architecture level. Applying a model-to-model transformation, our approach integrates platform-specific performance influences of the underlying middleware while enabling the use of different existing analytical and simulation-based prediction techniques. In summary, the contributions of this paper are: (1) the development of a meta-model for event-based communication at the architecture level, (2) a platform aware model-to-model transformation, and (3) a detailed evaluation of the applicability of our approach based on two representative real-world case studies. The results demonstrate the effectiveness, practicability and accuracy of the proposed modeling and prediction approach.  相似文献   

Adaptive business agents operate in electronic marketplaces, learning from past experiences to make effective decisions on behalf of their users. How best to design these agents is an open question. In this article, we present an approach for the design of adaptive business agents that uses a combination of reinforcement learning and reputation modeling. In particular, we take into account the fact that multiple selling agents may offer the same good with different qualities, and that selling agents may alter the quality of their goods. We also consider the possibility of dishonest agents in the marketplace. Our buying agents exploit the reputation of selling agents to avoid interaction with the disreputable ones, and therefore to reduce the risk of purchasing low value goods. We then experimentally compare the performance of our agents with those designed using a recursive modeling approach. We are able to show that agents designed according to our algorithms achieve better performance in terms of satisfaction and computational time and as such are well suited for the design of electronic marketplaces.  相似文献   

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