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The strong non-uniformity of the fission power production density in the CANDU fuel bundle could have been mitigated to a great degree. A satisfactory power flattening has been achieved through an appropriately evaluated method by varying the composition of the LWR spent fuel/ThO2 mixture in a CANDU fuel bundle in radial direction and keeping fuel rod dimensions unchanged. This will help also to greatly simplify fuel rod fabrication and allow a higher degree of quality assurance standardization.Three different bundle fuel charges are investigated: (1) the reference case, uniformly fueled with natural UO2, (2) a bundle uniformly fueled with LWR spent fuel, and (3) a bundle fueled with variable mixed fuel composition in radial direction leading to a flat power profile (100% LWR spent fuel in the central rod, 80% LWR + 20% ThO2 in the second row, 60% LWR + 40% ThO2 in the third row and finally 40% LWR + 60% ThO2 in the peripheral fourth row).Burn-up grades for these three different bundle types are calculated as 7700, 27,300, and 10,000 MW.D/MT until reaching a lowest bundle criticality limit of k = 1.06. The corresponding plant operation periods are 170, 660, and 240 days, respectively.  相似文献   

Thermal characteristics of the reference DUPIC fuel has been studied for its feasibility of loading in the CANDU reactor. Half of the DUPIC fuel bundle has been modeled for a subchannel analysis of the ASSERT-IV Code which was developed by AECL. From the calculated mixture enthalpy, equilibrium quality and void fraction distributions in subchannels of the fuel bundle, it is found that the gravity effect may be pronounced in the DUPIC fuel bundle when compared with the standard CANDU fuel bundle. The asymmetric distribution of the coolant in the fuel bundle is known to be undesirable since the minimum critical heat flux ratio can be reduced for a given value of the channel flow rate. On the other hand, the central region of the DUPIC fuel bundle has been found to be cooled more efficiently than that of the standard fuel bundle in the subcooled and the local boiling regimes due to the fuel geometry and the fuel element power changes. Based upon the subchannel modeling used in this study, the location of minimum critical heat flux ratio in the DUPIC fuel bundle turned out to be very similar to that of the standard fuel when the equivalent values of channel power and channel flow rate are used. From the calculated mixture enthalpy distribution at the exit of the fuel channel, it is found that the subchannel-wise mixture enthalpy and void fraction peaks are located in the peripheral region of the DUPIC fuel bundle while those are located in the central region of the standard CANDU fuel bundle. Reduced values of the channel flow rates were used to study the effect of channel flow rate variation. The effect of the channel flow reduction on different thermal-hydraulic parameters have been discussed. This study shows that the subchannel analysis for the horizontal flow is very informative in developing new fuel for the CANDU reactor.  相似文献   

Weapon grade plutonium is used as a booster fissile fuel material in the form of mixed ThO2/PuO2 fuel in a Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) fuel bundle in order to assure the initial criticality at startup.Two different fuel compositions have been used: (1) 97% thoria (ThO2) + 3%PuO2 and (2) 92% ThO2 + 5% UO2 + 3% PuO2. The latter is used to denaturize the new 233U fuel with 238U. The temporal variation of the criticality k and the burn-up values of the reactor have been calculated by full power operation for a period of 20 years. The criticality starts by k = 1.48 for both fuel compositions. A sharp decrease of the criticality has been observed in the first year as a consequence of rapid plutonium burnout. The criticality becomes quasi constant after the second year and remains above k > 1.06 for 20 years. After the second year, the CANDU reactor begins to operate practically as a thorium burner.Very high burn up could be achieved with the same fuel material (up to 500,000 MW·D/T), provided that the fuel rod claddings would be replaced periodically (after every 50,000 or 100,000 MW·D/T). The reactor criticality will be sufficient until a great fraction of the thorium fuel is burnt up. This would reduce fuel fabrication costs and nuclear waste mass for final disposal per unit energy drastically.  相似文献   

The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are investigating the suitability of lead-bismuth cooled fast reactors for producing low-cost electricity as well as for actinide burning. The design being considered here is a pool type reactor that burns actinides and utilizes natural circulation of the primary coolant, a conventional steam power conversion cycle, and a passive decay heat removal system. Thermal-hydraulic evaluations of the actinide burner reactor were performed to determine allowable core power ratings that maintain cladding temperatures below corrosion-established temperature limits during normal operation and following a loss-of-feedwater transient. An economic evaluation was performed to optimize various design parameters by minimizing capital cost. The transient power limit was initially much more restrictive than the steady-state limit. However, enhancements to the reactor vessel auxiliary cooling system for transient decay heat removal resulted in an increased power limit of 1040 MWt, which was close to the steady-state limit. An economic evaluation was performed to estimate the capital cost of the reactor and its sensitivity to the transient power limit. For the 1040 MWt power level, the capital cost estimate was 49 mills per kWhe based on 1999 dollars.  相似文献   

This work is aimed at running the first IRIS reactor core with mixed thorium dioxide fuel(ThO2-UO2 and ThO2-PuO2).Calculations are performed by using Dragon 4.0.4 and Citation codes.The results show the multiplication factor(Keff) for central and peripheral assemblies as a function of burnup.To ensure the proliferation resistance,the value of 235U enrichment is < 20%.The Keff is calculated using Dragon 4.0.4 for a single fuel rod and the model developed to fuel assembly,while the whole core was calculated using Citation code.For a fuel burnup,the use of increased enrichment fuel in the IRIS core leads to high reserve of reactivity,which is compensated with an integral fuel burnable absorber.The self-shielding of boron is in an IRIS reactor fuel.The effect of increased enrichment to the burn-up rates,and burnable poison distribution on the reactor performance,are evaluated.The equipment used in traditional light water reactors is evaluated for designing a small unit IRIS reactor.  相似文献   

The thorium fuel recycle scenarios through a Canada deuterium uranium (CANDU) reactor have been analyzed for two types of thorium fuel: homogeneous ThO2UO2 and heterogeneous ThO2UO2–DUPIC fuels. The recycling was performed with dry process fuel technology which has a proliferation resistance. For the once-through fuel cycle model, the existing nuclear power plant construction plan was considered up to 2016, while the nuclear demand growth rate from the year 2016 was assumed to be 0%. After setting up the once-through fuel cycle model, a thorium fuelled CANDU reactor was modeled to investigate the fuel cycle parameters. In this analysis, the spent fuel inventory as well as the amount of plutonium, minor actinides and fission products for the multiple recycling fuel cycle were estimated and compared to those of a once-through fuel cycle.  相似文献   

Super-long-life fast breeder reactor cores (SLLC) loaded with minor actinide (MA) fuel were designed aiming at continuous operation without refueling during plant lifetime and efficient reduction of MA nuclides (Np, Am and Cm). The feasibility was studied from nuclear and thermal characteristics. As a result, 1000 MWe and 300 MWe SLLCs with small reactivity change and power swing during plant lifetime were found to be feasible. MAs can be confined and transmuted in the reactor during plant life. A 1000 MWe SLLC can transmute MAs of 10 ton which come from 13 light water reactors (1000 MWe).  相似文献   

Prospective fuels for a new reactor type, the so called fixed bed nuclear reactor (FBNR) are investigated with respect to reactor criticality. These are ① low enriched uranium (LEU); ② weapon grade plutonium + ThO2; ③ reactor grade plutonium + ThO2; and ④ minor actinides in the spent fuel of light water reactors (LWRs) + ThO2. Reactor grade plutonium and minor actinides are considered as highly radio-active and radio-toxic nuclear waste products so that one can expect that they will have negative fuel costs.The criticality calculations are conducted with SCALE5.1 using S8–P3 approximation in 238 neutron energy groups with 90 groups in thermal energy region. The study has shown that the reactor criticality has lower values with uranium fuel and increases passing to minor actinides, reactor grade plutonium and weapon grade plutonium.Using LEU, an enrichment grade of 9% has resulted with keff = 1.2744. Mixed fuel with weapon grade plutonium made of 20% PuO2 + 80% ThO2 yields keff = 1.2864. Whereas a mixed fuel with reactor grade plutonium made of 35% PuO2 + 65% ThO2 brings it to keff = 1.267. Even the very hazardous nuclear waste of LWRs, namely minor actinides turn out to be high quality nuclear fuel due to the excellent neutron economy of FBNR. A relatively high reactor criticality of keff = 1.2673 is achieved by 50% MAO2 + 50% ThO2.The hazardous actinide nuclear waste products can be transmuted and utilized as fuel in situ. A further output of the study is the possibility of using thorium as breeding material in combination with these new alternative fuels.  相似文献   

Large quantities of plutonium have been accumulated in the nuclear waste of civilian LWRs and CANDU reactors. Reactor grade plutonium and heavy water moderator can give a good combination with respect to neutron economy. On the other hand, TRISO type fuel can withstand very high fuel burn-up levels. The paper investigates the prospects of utilization of TRISO fuel made of reactor grade plutonium in CANDU reactors. TRISO fuels particles are imbedded body-centered cubic (BCC) in a graphite matrix with a volume fraction of 68%. The fuel compacts conform to the dimensions of CANDU fuel compacts are inserted in rods with zircolay cladding.In the first phase of investigations, five new mixed fuel have been selected for CANDU reactors composed of 4% RG-PuO2 + 96% ThO2; 6% RG-PuO2 + 94% ThO2; 10% RG-PuO2 + 90% ThO2; 20% RG-PuO2 + 80% ThO2; 30% RG-PuO2 + 70% ThO2. Initial reactor criticality (k∞,0 values) for the modes , , , and are calculated as 1.4294, 1.5035, 1.5678, 1.6249, and 1.6535, respectively. Corresponding operation lifetimes are ∼0.65, 1.1, 1.9, 3.5, and 4.8 years and with burn ups of ∼30 000, 60 000, 100 000, 200 000 and 290 000 MW d/tonne, respectively. The higher initial plutonium charge is the higher burn ups can be achieved.In the second phase, a graphical-numerical power flattening procedure has been applied with radially variable mixed fuel composition in the fuel bundle. Mixed fuel fractions leading to quasi-constant power production are found in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th row to be as 100% PuO2, 80/20% PuO2/ThO2, 60/40% PuO2/ThO2, and 40/60% PuO2/ThO2, respectively. Higher plutonium amount in the flattened case increases reactor operation lifetime to >8 years and the burn up to 580 000 MW d/tonne.Power flattening in the bundle leads to higher power plant factor and quasi-uniform fuel utilization, reduces thermal and material stresses, and avoids local thermal peaks. Extended burn-up grade implies drastic reduction of the nuclear waste material per unit energy output for final waste disposal.  相似文献   

Neutronic potential of water-cooled reactor on the efficient use of Uranium by multiple recycling of all actinides have been examined after a brief-review of alternative coolants to sodium which are applicable for fast neutron reactors. The water-cooled reactor which was designed to have tight lattice and lower Hydrogen/Heavy-Metal number density ratio (H/HM<0.5) showed enough neutronic potential to make the fuel cycle closed for actinides and could be feasible to be operated not as a breeder but as a self-fuel sustainer. The recycle system requires no external fissile supply and generates no actinide as waste except for the inevitable recovery loss, therefore the Uranium resource could be efficiently used and sustained for a long period similar to the case of sodium cooled system.  相似文献   

The potential for minimizing uranium consumption by using a reactor fleet with three different components and mixed thorium/uranium cycles has been investigated with a view to making nuclear power a more sustainable and cleaner means of generating energy. Mass flows of fissile material have been calculated from burnup simulations at the core-equivalent assembly level for each of the three components of the proposed reactor fleet: plutonium extracted from the spent fuel of a standard pressurized water reactor (first component) is converted to 233U in an advanced boiling water reactor (second component) to feed a deficit of multi-recycled 233U needed for the Th/233U fuel of the light/heavy water reactor (third component) which has a high breeding ratio. Although the proposed fleet cannot breed its own fuel, we show that it offers the possibility for substantial economy of uranium resources without the need to resort to innovative (and costly) reactor designs. A very high fleet breeding ratio is achieved by using only currently existing water-based reactor technology and we show that such three-component systems will become economically competitive if the uranium price becomes sufficiently high (>300 $/kg). Another major advantage of such systems is a corresponding substantial decrease in production of plutonium and minor actinide waste.  相似文献   

For stable operation of a power reactor, the power coefficient (PC) of the nuclear reactor should be less than or equal to zero. In the CANDU reactor loaded with the recovered uranium (RU) which has a uranium enrichment of ∼0.9 wt% U235, the PC is estimated to be clearly positive over a wide power range of interest, owing to the generic positive coolant temperature coefficient (CTC) and weak fuel temperature coefficient (FTC) in the CANDU reactor. In order to improve the PC of the CANDU reactor without seriously compromising the economy, introduction of the burnable poison (BP) has been proposed in this work and a physics study has been performed to find the optimal BP material and its optimal loading scheme for the CANDU reactor loaded with the CANFLEX-RU fuel. Four potential BPs (Dy, Er, Eu, and Hf) were evaluated to find the optimal BP and various loading options of the selected BP were evaluated to determine the optimal loading scheme of the BP. From the viewpoint of the achievable fuel discharge burnup, it was found that Er is evaluated to be the best BP and the BP should be loaded within the central two fuel rings because the BP loading on the inner ring is more effective for reducing the CTC. The discharge burnup of the Er-loaded CANFLEX-RU fuel was 38% higher than that of the standard natural uranium (NU) fuel. The fuel discharge burnup can be increased further if the fuel enrichment is increased. It is shown that the discharge burnup of 1.0 wt%-enriched uranium fuel is 1.7 times higher than that of the NU fuel. This study has shown that the use of the BP is feasible to render the PC of the CANDU reactor negative, even though the slight reduction of the fuel burnup is inevitable, and thus the reactor safety can be greatly improved by the use of the BP in the CANDU reactor.  相似文献   

This paper shows that lead-cooled and sodium-cooled fast reactors (LFRs and SFRs) can preferentially consume minor actinides without burning plutonium, both in homogeneous and in heterogeneous mode. The former approach consists of admixing about 5% of minor actinides (MAs) into uranium–plutonium fuels in the core and using a limited number of thermalising pins consisting of UZrH1.6. These are needed to keep the negative Doppler feedback larger than the positive coolant reactivity coefficient. Our Monte Carlo burn-up calculations showed that a 600 MWe LFR self-breeder without blankets can burn an average of around 67 kg annually of MAs with a reactivity swing of only about −0.7$ per year. The reactivity swing of a corresponding 600 MWe SFR is more than three times larger due to the poorer breeding and half the critical mass in comparison to the LFR. However, when axial and radial blankets loaded with 10% MAs are added, the SFR burns 25% more MAs (131 kg/yr) and breeds 30% more Pu (150 kg/yr) than an equally sized LFR. When only the blankets are loaded with MAs, the SFR breeds 30% more Pu (198 kg/yr) and still burns about 60 kg a year of MAs. However, in terms of severe accident behaviour, the LFR, with its superior natural coolant circulation and larger heat capacity, has definite advantages.  相似文献   

The possibility of utilizing thorium as a fuel in a pressurized water reactor(PWR)has been proven from the neutronic perspective in our previously published work without assessing the thermal hydraulic(TH)and solid structure performances.Therefore,the TH and solid structure performances must be studied to confirm these results and ensure the possibility of using a thorium-based fuel as an excellent accident-tolerant fuel.The TH and solid structure performances of thorium-based fuels were investigated and compared with those of U02.The radial and axial power peaking factors(PPFs)for U02,(232Th,235U)02,and(232Th,233U)02 were examined with a PWR assembly to determine the total PPF of each one.Both Gd203 and Er203 were tested as burnable absorbers(BAs)to manage the excess reactivity at the beginning of the fuel cycle(BOC)and reduce the total PPF.Er203 resulted in a more significant reduction to the total PPF and,therefore,a greater reduction to the temperature distribution compared to Gd203.Given these results,we analyzed the effects of adding Er203 to thorium-based fuels on their TH and solid structure performances.  相似文献   

研究目前压水堆中常用的现代的非线性迭代节块法在CANDU堆的燃料管理中的应用 ,研发了非线性迭代半解析节块法燃料管理程序FMPHWR。通过基准题及对秦山三期CANDU堆的计算表明 :同目前采用有限差分和有限元方法的重水堆燃料管理程序相比 ,在相当的精度下 ,FMPHWR可以获得较高的计算效率。它完全可以用于CANDU堆燃料管理计算。  相似文献   

Safety system testing is one of the most rigorous and time-consuming requirements in the verification and validation process for reactor protection systems(RPSs).This paper presents the development of a test system for the fully digital and field-programmable gate array-based RPS of the solid fuel(SF) thorium-breeding molten salt pebble bed fluoride salt-cooled reactor(TMSR),denoted as the TMSR-SF1 project,developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.The test system is applied to the RPS to ensure that it fully meets its designed functions and system specifications.We first introduce the testing principles and methods.Then,the hardware component designs and the software program development of the test system are discussed.Finally,the test process and test results are discussed and summarized.  相似文献   

The paper shows the impact of recycling LWR-MOX fuel in a fast burner reactor on the plutonium (Pu) and minor actinide (MA) inventories and on the related radio activities. Reprocessing of the targets for multiple recycling will become increasingly difficult as the burn up increases. Multiple recycling of Pu + MA in fast reactors is a feasible option which has to be studied very carefully: the Pu (except the isotopes Pu-238 and Pu-240), Am and Np levels decrease as a function of the recycle number, while the Cm-244 level accumulates and gradually transforms into Cm-245. Long cooling times (10 + 2 years) are necessary with aqueous processing.The paper discusses the problems associated with multiple reprocessing of highly active fuel types and particularly the impact of Pu-238, Am-241 and Cm-244 on the fuel cycle operations. The calculations were performed with the zero-dimensional ORIGEN-2 code. The validity of the results depends on that of the code and its cross section library. The time span to reduce the initial inventory of Pu + MA by a factor of 10, amounts to 255 years when average burn ups are limited to 150 GWd t−1.  相似文献   

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