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Hamid Reza Armozd Morteza Gharib Hossein Afarideh Mitra Ghergherehchi Azim Ahmadi Niar Morteza Jafarzadeh 《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2011
The radioisotope 16N is produced by the interaction of fast neutrons with 16O in water reactor coolant. This radioisotope emits at the two major gamma ray energies of 6.13 MeV and 7.1 MeV. Exploiting the linear relation between the number of gamma particles versus the reactor power change, the reactor power is determined by detecting and counting the emitted gammas. In this work, for the detection of gammas to measure the reactor power, two different methods are employed. First, by NaI(Tl) scintillator detector and second, by assembly of ten GM detectors. The obtained results confirm that the number of emitted gammas is proportional to the change in reactor power as shown by different monitoring systems such as UIC, CIC, FC, Cherenkov and thermal power. Both of the applied methods are shown to give reliable results for reactor power above 20 kW. Both systems, having been calibrated, are being used as monitoring systems of power in Tehran Research Reactor. These systems are usable in other research reactors and possibly in power reactors as well. 相似文献
Cherenkov radiation is a process that could be used as an extra channel for power measurement to enhance redundancy and diversity of a reactor. This is especially easy to establish in a pool type research reactor. A simple photo diode array is used in Tehran Research Reactor to measure and display power in parallel with the existing conventional detectors. Experimental measurements on this channel showed that a good linearity exists above 100 kW range. The system has been in use for more than a year and has shown reliability and precision. Nevertheless, the system is subject to further modifications, in particular for application to lower power ranges. 相似文献
In this research, neutronic calculation of current low enriched uranium control fuel elements replacement with high enriched uranium control fuel elements in the reference core of Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) has been investigated and the results of calculations are compared with the TRR neutronic safety criteria. Results show that all neutronic parameters of the reference and each mixed-core are lower than the safety criteria. Nuclear reactor analysis codes including MTR_PC package and MCNP5 were employed to carry out these calculations. 相似文献
Kazem Farhadi 《Progress in Nuclear Energy》2011,53(2):223-228
In the present work the validity of applying the Boussinesq approximation in the analysis of natural convection heat transfer along nuclear fuel plates with large coolant channel aspect ratios is evaluated. The Boussinesq approximation is introduced into the integral boundary layer equations governing the system to describe the velocity and temperature distributions of the coolant in the cooling channels. The fuel plate temperature is related to the adjacent coolant fluid temperature by a fundamental law in conduction heat transfer. Air and water are considered as fluids. The coolant flow is assumed to be fully developed which is a convenient assumption for coolant channels having large aspect ratios. Obtained results indicate that the Boussinesq approximation is merely applicable over a limited range of coolant channel outlet fluid temperatures. The use of this approximation produces conservative estimation of the critical plate power for air flow and non-conservative estimation of the critical plate power for water flow. 相似文献
Kazem Farhadi 《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2011,38(2-3):175-184
The primary cooling system of the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) has been analysed for a possible flow transient phenomenon caused by power cut-off. All the components of the TRR primary cooling loop that offer resistance to the coolant flow are physically modelled. Differential equations of motion for the coolant in the primary piping of the TRR and for the rotating parts of the centrifugal pump are then derived. The equation of flow motion is solved simultaneously with momentum conservation equation of the rotating parts of the pump which predicts the TRR pump speed during the flow transient. Electrical and mechanical losses are measured for the TRR three-phase induction motor in order to calculate the motor retarding torque during the event. The results of the present study are compared with the other similar primary loop results. The present model shows good agreement with the existing experimental and theoretical studies. 相似文献
In this study, a general theoretical model is presented to calculate the current-voltage characteristics and associated sensitivity for a fission chamber. The chamber was used in a research nuclear reactor and a flux-mapping experiment was performed. The experimental current measurement in certain locations of the reactor was compared with the theoretical model results. The characteristic curves were obtained as a function of fission rate, chamber geometry, and chamber gas pressure. An important part of the calculation was related to the operation of the fission chamber in the ionization zone and the applied voltages affecting two phenomena, recombination and avalanche. In developing the theoretical model, we used the MCNP Monte Carlo code for fission rate and the SRIM program for ion-pairs computations. The theoretical model together with the above-mentioned codes was used to evaluate the effects of different applicable variations on the chamber's parameters. 相似文献
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) for brain tumor treatment is under development at the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR). This paper presents all current research activities that were performed during recent years as well as the prospective of BNCT research at TRR. The theoretical and experimental investigations show that TRR has a very good potential to consider it as a pilot facility for BNCT research in the Middle East and could be facilitated for clinical applications. In this way, there are some steps and also some challenges which are described in the paper. 相似文献
Effective delayed neutron fraction βeff and neutron generation time Λ are important factors in reactor physics calculation and transient analysis. In the first stage of this research, these kinetics parameters have been calculated for two states of Tehran Research Reactor (TRR), i.e. cold (fuel, clad and coolant temperature 20 °C) and hot (fuel, clad and coolant temperature 65, 49 and 44 °C, respectively) states using MTR_PC computer code. The ratio of (βeff)i/(βeff)core plays an important role in reactivity accident analysis codes. This parameter and its contribution to effective delayed neutron fraction from each nucleus have been calculated in cold and hot reactor states. Uncertainty of effective delayed neutron fraction is evaluated in terms of following four quantities; basic delayed neutron constants, delayed neutron spectra, energy dependence of delayed neutron yield (νd) and fission cross-section of 235U and 238U. In the second stage, these parameters have been measured with an experimental method based on Inhour equation. The calculated and measured values are in good agreement. Relative Percent Errors (RPEs) are 2.8% for βeff and 5.7% for Λ in the cold state. 相似文献
TABBAKH Farshid 《核技术(英文版)》2009,20(3):184-187
In this study, the variation of the temperature distribution of the fuel plate in Tehran Research Reactor core was studied in case of coolant channels blockage. While the experimental method is not possible, both the analytical and simulation methods were used to obtain the more reliable data. The results show that one channel blockage will increase the fuel temperature to about 100%, but it does not lead to clad melt down still. With further calculation and simulation it is understood that if the coolant velocity drops to 90% of its nominal value, it may causes the clad melt-ing down. At least two channels with complete blockage even at the positions far from the core center can also melt down the clad. 相似文献
Effective delayed neutron fraction βeff and neutron generation time Λ are important factors in reactor physics calculation and transient analysis. In the first stage of this research, these kinetic parameters have been calculated for two states of Tehran Research Reactor (TRR), i.e. cold (fuel, clad and coolant temperatures equal to 20 °C) and hot (fuel, clad and coolant temperatures of 65, 49 and 44 °C, respectively) states using MTR_PC code. In the second stage, these parameters have been measured with an experimental method based on Inhour equation. For the cold state, calculated βeff and Λ by MTR_PC code are 0.008315 and 30.190 μs, respectively. In the hot state, these parameters being 0.008303 and 33.828 μs, respectively. The measured βeff and Λ for the cold state (reactor power in the range of 100–200 W) being 0.008088 and 32.001 μs, respectively. The calculated and measured values are in good agreement. Relative percent errors are about 2.8% for βeff and 5.7% for Λ which are smaller than the other reported results. In the third stage of the research, variations of βeff and Λ vs. fuel enrichment are investigated in cold and hot states. Comparative analysis shows that both βeff and Λ increase as fuel enrichment decreases. However, the variation rate of βeff is not the same in the two conditions. βeff in the hot state is larger than that calculated in the cold state when fuel enrichment is more than 83.91%, while the situation is vice versa for the enrichments smaller than the aforementioned value. Calculated neutron generation time shows normal behavior for all different fuel enrichments. All variables involved in kinetic parameters calculations (i.e., neutron fission cross section, fuel enrichment, etc.) are investigated theoretically to evaluate the results of calculations in cold and hot states. Variations of βeff and Λ with fuel burnup are also studied. 相似文献
Mohamad Amin Amirkhani Mohsen Asadi Asadabad Mostafa Hassanzadeh Seyed Mohammad Mirvakili Ali Mohammadi 《核技术(英文版)》2019,30(6)
Radiation damage is an important factor that must be considered while designing nuclear facilities and nuclear materials. In this study, radiation damage is investigated in graphite, which is used as a neutron reflector in the Tehran Research Reactor(TRR) core.Radiation damage is shown by displacement per atom(dpa) unit. A cross section of the material was created by using the SPECOMP code. The concentration of impurities present in the non-irradiated graphite was measured by using the ICP-AES method. In the present study the MCNPX code had identified the most sensitive location for radiation damage inside the reactor core. Subsequently, the radiation damage(spectral-averaged dpa values) in the aforementioned location was calculated by using the SPECTER, SRIM Monte Carlo codes, and Norgett,Robinson and Torrens(NRT) model. The results of ‘‘Ion Distribution and Quick Calculation of Damage'(QD)method groups had a minor difference with the results of the SPECTER code and NRT model. The maximum radiation damage rate calculated for the graphite present in the TRR core was 1.567 × 10~(-8) dpa/s. Finally, hydrogen retention was calculated as a function of the irradiation time. 相似文献
中国实验快堆(CEFR)不仅能进行各种燃料、材料辐照实验,也是放射性同位素生产的优良平台。本文对CEFR的辐照性能进行了描述,并利用计算程序对适宜在CEFR上生产的同位素32P、33P、35S、89Sr、14C、60Co进行理论计算,得到了产量和比活度等参数。计算结果表明,在CEFR堆芯辐照可得到纯度极高的32P、33P、35S,利用快中子的(n,p)反应可得到无载体的89Sr,在CEFR反射层布置慢化材料可得到比活度较高的14C、60Co。以上结果表明,在CEFR上生产同位素是可行的。 相似文献
In order to optimize fuel utilization in TRR, the method of fuel management is modified using MCNP-4C code system. An important parameter of fuel management is the uniformity of neutron flux distribution in the core region, which is obtained efficiently in the present strategy. This strategy is based on calculation of position factors and power densities utilizing MCNP simulations. This study shows that the core life time and average extracted burn up of spent fuel elements of TRR are improved significantly. 相似文献
黄礼渊 《核电子学与探测技术》2011,31(9):1029-1034
周期保护装置是研究堆必备的设备之一,属于核安全一级设备.新研制的周期保护装置在安装到反应堆之前,必须在零功率堆或其它反应堆上进行堆上考验试验,以检验其周期保护和周期测量功能及测量精度.叙述了新研制的三套周期保护装置在堆上考验的试验设施、试验堆芯、试验内容和方法以及试验结果.试验结果表明:三套周期保护装置均满足技术指标的... 相似文献
Joseph F. Tooker Paul Huynh Kevin Felch Monica Blank Philipp Borchardt Steve Cauffman 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2013,88(6-8):521-524
An upgrade of the electron cyclotron heating system on DIII-D to almost 15 MW is being planned which will expand it from a system with six 1 MW 110 GHz gyrotrons to one with ten gyrotrons. A depressed collector 1.2 MW 110 GHz gyrotron is being commissioned as the seventh gyrotron. A new 117.5 GHz 1.5 MW depressed collector gyrotron has been designed, and the first article will be the eighth gyrotron. Two more are planned, increasing the system to ten total gyrotrons, and the existing 1 MW gyrotrons will subsequently be replaced with 1.5 MW gyrotrons.Communications and Power Industries completed the design of the 117.5 GHz gyrotron, and are now fabricating the first article. The design was optimized for a nominal 1.5 MW at a beam voltage of 105 kV, collector potential depression of 30 kV, and beam current of 50 A, but can achieve 1.8 MW at 60 A. The design of the collector permits modulation above 100 Hz by either the body or the cathode power supply, or both, while modulation below 100 Hz must use only the cathode power supply.General Atomics is developing solid-state power supplies for this upgrade: a solid-state modulator for the cathode power supply and a linear high voltage amplifier for the body power supply. The solid-state modulator has series-connected insulated-gate bipolar transistors that are switched at a fixed frequency by a pulse-width modulation regulator to control the output voltage. The design of the linear high voltage amplifier has series-connected transistors to control the output voltage, which was successfully demonstrated in a proof-of-principle test at 2 kV. The designs of complete power supplies are progressing.The design features of the 117.5 GHz 1.5 MW gyrotron and the solid-state cathode and body power supplies will be described and the current status and plans are presented. 相似文献