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AP1000 core design with 50% MOX loading   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The European uility requirements (EUR) document states that the next generation European passive plant (EPP) reactor core design shall be optimized for UO2 fuel assemblies, with provisions made to allow for up to 50% mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies. The use of MOX in the core design will have significant impacts on key physics parameters and safety analysis assumptions. Furthermore, the MOX fuel rod design must also consider fuel performance criterion important to maintaining the integrity of the fuel rod over its intended lifetime. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the AP1000 is capable of complying with the EUR requirement for MOX utilization without significant changes to the design of the plant. The analyses documented within will compare a 100% UO2 core design and a mixed MOX/UO2 core design, discussing relevant results related to reactivity management, power margin and fuel rod performance.  相似文献   

Thorium (Th) oxide fuel offers a significant advantage over traditional low-enriched uranium and mixed uranium/plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel irradiated in a Light Water Reactor. The benefits of using thorium include the following: 1) unlike depleted uranium, thorium does not produce plutonium, 2) thorium is a more stable fuel material chemically than LEU and may withstand higher burnups, 3) the materials attractiveness of plutonium in Th/Pu fuel at high burnups is lower than in MOX at currently achievable burnups, and 4) thorium is three to four times more abundant than uranium. This paper quantifies the irradiation of thorium fuel in existing Light Water Reactors in terms of: 1) the percentage of plutonium destroyed, 2) reactivity safety parameters, and 3) material attractiveness of the final uranium and plutonium products. The Monte Carlo codes MCNP/X and the linkage code Monteburns were used for the calculations in this document, which is one of the first applications of full core Monte Carlo burnup calculations. Results of reactivity safety parameters are compared to deterministic solutions that are more traditionally used for full core computations.Thorium is fertile and leads to production of the fissile isotope 233U, but it must be mixed with enriched uranium or reactor-/weapons-grade plutonium initially to provide power until enough 233U builds in. One proposed fuel type, a thorium-plutonium mixture, is advantageous because it would destroy a significant fraction of existing plutonium while avoiding the creation of new plutonium. 233U has a lower delayed neutron fraction than 235U and acts kinetically similar to 239Pu built in from 238U. However, as with MOX fuel, some design changes may be required for our current LWR fleet to burn more than one-third a core of Th/Pu fuel and satisfy reactivity safety limits. The calculations performed in this research show that thorium/plutonium fuel can destroy up to 70% of the original plutonium per pass at 47 GWd/MTU, whereas only about 30% can be destroyed using MOX. Additionally, the materials attractiveness of the final plutonium product of irradiated plutonium/thorium fuel is significantly reduced if high burnups (∼94 GWD/MTU) of the fuel can be attained.  相似文献   

MOX fuel pins containing both U233O2 and PuO2 have been fabricated for making an experimental subassembly for irradiation in Fast Breeder Test reactor (FBTR) at Kalpakkam, India. This unique composition of the fuel pin is chosen to simulate the thermo-mechanical conditions of the upcoming Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) in the existing Fast Breeder Test Reactor. Since the fertile matrix is natural UO2, it was difficult to monitor the percentage of U233O2 through chemical methods and neutron assay methods. During the fabrication of MOX fuel pins at Advanced Fuel Fabrication Facility; Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Tarapur, Passive Gamma Scanning (PGS) was employed as one of the characterisation tools for verifying the fuel composition. PGS was found to be effective in estimating the percentage composition of both U233O2 and PuO2 and also in ensuring the uniform distribution of the fissile material in MOX fuel pins. PGS is also found effective in monitoring the correct loading of natural UO2 insulation pellets and MOX fuel pellets in welded MOX pins.  相似文献   

Use of Passive Gamma Scanning for non destructive evaluation of PuO2 content in mixed oxide (MOX) fuels for fast reactors is demonstrated. Experiments have been carried out on MOX fuel pins for the hybrid core of Fast Breeder Test Reactor having nominal PuO2 content of 44% and MOX pins having nominal PuO2 content of 21% for the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor. A comparison of results obtained using a conventional NaI(Tl) detector and that using a through well shaped detector is also presented.  相似文献   

Current practice of Pu recycling in existing Light Water Reactors (LWRs) in the form of U-Pu mixed oxide fuel (MOX) is not efficient due to continuous Pu production from U-238. The use of Th-Pu mixed oxide (TOX) fuel will considerably improve Pu consumption rates because virtually no new Pu is generated from thorium. In this study, the feasibility of Pu recycling in a typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) fully loaded with TOX fuel is investigated.Detailed 3-dimensional 100% TOX and 100% MOX PWR core designs are developed. The full MOX core is considered for comparison purposes. The design stages included determination of Pu loading required to achieve 18-month fuel cycle assuming three-batch fuel management scheme, selection of poison materials, development of the core loading pattern, optimization of burnable poison loadings, evaluation of critical boron concentration requirements, estimation of reactivity coefficients, core kinetic parameters, and shutdown margin.The performance of the MOX and TOX cores under steady-state condition and during selected reactivity initiated accidents (RIAs) is compared with that of the actual uranium oxide (UOX) PWR core.Part I of this paper describes the full TOX and MOX PWR core designs and reports the results of steady state analysis. The TOX core requires a slightly higher initial Pu loading than the MOX core to achieve the target fuel cycle length. However, the TOX core exhibits superior Pu incineration capabilities.The significantly degraded worth of control materials in Pu cores is partially addressed by the use of enriched soluble boron and B4C as a control rod absorbing material. Wet annular burnable absorber (WABA) rods are used to flatten radial power distribution. The temperature reactivity coefficients of the TOX core were found to be always negative. The TOX core has a slightly reduced, as compared to UOX core, but still sufficient shutdown margin.In the TOX core βeff is smaller by about a factor of two in comparison to the UOX core and even lower than that of the MOX core. The combination of small βeff and reduced control materials worth may potentially deteriorate the performance under RIA conditions and requires an additional examination. The behavior of the considered cores during the most limiting RIAs, such as rod ejection, main steam line break, and boron dilution, is further investigated and reported in Part II of the paper.  相似文献   

To assess the feasibility of the 31% Pu-MOX fuel rod design of reduced-moderation water reactor (RMWR) in terms of thermal and mechanical behaviors, a single rod assumed to be irradiated in the core of RMWR up to 106 GWd/tHM has been analyzed by a fuel performance code FEMAXI-RM which is an extended version of FEMAXI-6 code. In the analysis, design specifications of fuel rod and irradiation conditions have been input, and available models of both MOX fuel and UO2 fuel have been used as appropriate. The results are: fission gas release is several tens of percent, rod internal pressure does not exceed the coolant pressure, and the highest fuel center temperature is 2400 K, while cladding diameter increase caused by pellet swelling is within 1% strain. These predictions suggest that the MOX fuel rod integrity will be held during irradiation in RMWR, though actual behavior of MOX pellet swelling and cladding oxidation require to be investigated in detail.  相似文献   

IRIS is an advanced medium-size (1000 MW) PWR with integral primary system targeting deployment already around 2015–2017. Consistent with its aggressive development and deployment schedule, the “first IRIS” core design assumes current, licensed fuel technology, i.e., UO2 fuel with less than 5% 235U enrichment. The core consists of 89 fuel assemblies employing the 17×17 Westinghouse Robust Fuel Assembly (RFA) design and Standard Fuel dimensions. The adopted design enables to meet all the objectives of the first IRIS core, including over 3-year cycle length with low soluble boron concentration, within the envelope of licensed, readily available fuel technology. Alternative fuel designs are investigated for the subsequent waves of IRIS reactors in pursuit of further improving the fuel utilization and/or extending the cycle length. In particular, an increase in the lattice pitch from the current 0.496 in. for the Standard Fuel to 0.523 in. is among the objectives of this study. The larger fuel pitch and increased moderator-to-fuel volume ratio that it entails fosters better neutron thermalization in an altogether under-moderated lattice thereby offering the potential for considerable increase of fuel utilization and cycle length, up to 5% in the two-batch fuel management scheme considered for IRIS. However, the improved moderation also favors higher values of the Moderator Temperature Coefficient, MTC, which must be properly counteracted to avoid undesired repercussions on the plant safety parameters or controllability during transient operations. This paper investigates counterbalancing the increase in the MTC caused by the enhanced moderation lattice by adopting a suitable choice of fuel burnable absorber (BA). In particular, a fuel design combining erbia, which benefits MTC due to its resonant behavior but leads to residual reactivity penalty, and IFBA, which maximizes cycle length, is pursued. In the proposed approach, IFBA provides the bulk of the hold-down, with no penalty on cycle length, while the amount of erbia is adjusted to obtain the desired margin in the core peaking power and MTC. Preliminary economic analysis proves that within the IRIS design envelope, the combined BA fuel together with the enhanced moderation lattice offer the potential for considerable fuel cycle cost savings when compared to the current core design based on the Westinghouse Standard 17×17 lattice with IFBA. Therefore a combined BA fuel with the enhanced moderation lattice is a promising option to consider for future developments of the IRIS core.  相似文献   

使用SCIENCE程序包对MOX燃料组件进行了初步设计和研究。在此基础上,对采用部分MOX燃料组件的ACP1000堆芯开展燃料管理研究,得到由全堆装载UO2燃料组件向部分MOX燃料组件堆芯过渡的燃料管理方案,并对MOX燃料组件和部分MOX燃料组件堆芯的安全参数及其他重要参数进行分析和比较。分析结果表明,各种安全参数均满足设计要求,证明在ACP1000堆芯应用MOX燃料是可行的,并为进一步研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

Conceptual design of a Small-sized Reduced-Moderation Water Reactor (S-RMWR) core, which has the thermal output of 180 MW, the conversion ratio of 1.0 and the void reactivity coefficient of negative value, has been constructed. S-RMWR is a technology demonstration reactor which also conducts material and fuel testing for commercial use of Reduced-Moderation Water Reactor (RMWR) in large-scale power plants. It has a very tight triangular fuel rod lattice and a high coolant void fraction. The RMWR core axially has two short and flat uranium plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) regions with an internal blanket region in between, in order to avoid a positive void reactivity coefficient. The MOX regions are sandwiched between upper and lower blanket regions, in order to increase a conversion ratio.

In this small reactor core, leakage of neutrons is expected to be larger than in a large core. Therefore, a core design concept different from that for a large core is necessary. Core burnup calculations and nuclear and thermal-hydraulic coupled calculations were performed in the present study with SRAC and MOSRA codes. MVP code was also used to obtain control rod worth. Because of its large neutron leakage, keeping the void reactivity coefficient negative is easier for S-RMWR than RMWR. Thus, the heights of MOX region can be taller and the plutonium enrichment can be lower than in RMWR. On the other hand, to achieve the conversion ratio of 1.0, radial blanket and stainless steel reflector assemblies are necessary, whereas they are not needed for RMWR.  相似文献   

Utilization of Mixed Uranium–Plutonium Oxide (MOX) fuel in VVER-1000 reactors envisages the core physics analysis using computational methods and validation of the related computer codes. Towards this objective, an international experts group has been established at OECD/NEA. The experts group facilitates sharing of existing information on physics parameters and fuel behaviour. Several benchmark exercises have been proposed by them with intent to investigate the core physics behaviour of a VVER-1000 reactor loaded with 2/3rd of low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel assemblies (FA) and 1/3rd of weapons grade mixed oxide (MOX) FA. In the present study an attempt is made to analyse ‘AVVER-1000LEUandMOXAssemblyComputationalBenchmark’ and predict the neutronics behaviour at the lattice level. The lattice burnup code EXCEL, developed at Light Water Reactor Physics Section, BARC is employed for this task. The EXCEL code uses the 172 energy group ‘JEFF31GX’ cross-section library in WIMS-D format. Assembly level fuel depletion calculations are performed up to a burnup of 40 MWD/kg of heavy metal (HM). Studies are made for the parametric variations of fuel and moderator temperatures, coolant density and boron content in the coolant. Both operational and off-normal states are analysed to determine the corresponding infinite neutron multiplication factor (k). Pin wise isotopic compositions are computed as a function of burnup. Isotopic compositions in different annular regions of Uranium–Gadolinium (UGD) pin, fission rate distributions in UGD, UO2 and MOX pin cells are also computed. The predicted results are compared with the benchmark mean results.  相似文献   

This research is focused on using Thorium-Plutonium MOX fuel in the inner fuel pins of the CANDU fuel bundles for plutonium incineration and reduction of uranium demand and to reduce coolant void reactivity. The delayed neutron fraction and the power distribution amongst the fuel elements of the fuel bundle have been considered as main safety parameters.The 700 MWe Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR-700) was selected as a case study. The inner eight UO2 fuel pins of the ACR-700 fuel bundle are replaced by Thorium-Plutonium MOX fuel pins in the proposed design with 3% reactor grade PuO2. This amount represents 23.4 w/o of the fuel in the bundle. The outer two fuel rings (35 pins) enrichment is reduced from 2.1 w/o U-235 to 2 w/o U-235. The simulation using MCNP6 showed that about 27% reduction of uranium demand can be achieved. The proposed fuel bundle eliminate the use of burnable poisons in the central pin that was used for negative coolant void reactivity and more reduction in the coolant void reactivity was achieved (about 3.5 mk less than the reference fuel bundle). The power distribution throughout the fuel bundle is more flat in the proposed fuel bundle. Use of this fuel bundle reduces the delayed neutron fraction from 540 pcm in the reference case to 480 pcm in the proposed case.  相似文献   

MOX燃料堆芯热工特性及设计限值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用MOX燃料的快堆核电站以其线功率高、燃耗高、堆芯出口温度高等特点,对堆芯热工设计提出了新的问题.本文在对MOX燃料热工性能分析的基础上,给出了主要的热工设计限值,并以电功率870 MW电站为参考,初步分析了其堆芯热工特性和设计裕量.结果表明对于MOX燃料,较高的堆芯热工参数合理可行,且具有足够的裕量.  相似文献   

The multi-recycling of innovative uranium/thorium oxide fuels for use in the European Pressurized water Reactor (EPR) has been investigated. If increasing quantities of 238U, the fertile isotope in standard UO2 fuel, are replaced by 232Th, then a greater yield of new fissile material (233U) is produced during the cycle than would otherwise be the case. This leads to economies of natural uranium of around 45% if the uranium in the spent fuel is multi-recycled. In addition we show that minor actinide and plutonium waste inventories are reduced and hence waste radio-toxicities and decay heats are up to a factor of 20 lower after 103 years. Two innovative fuel types named S90 and S20, ThO2 mixed with 90% and 20% enriched UO2 respectively, are compared as an alternative to standard uranium oxide (UOX) and uranium/plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuels at the longest EPR fuel discharge burn-ups of 65 GWd/t. Fissile and waste inventories are examined, waste radio-toxicities and decay heats are extracted and safety feedback coefficients are calculated. Finally, we discuss the economics of such strategies.  相似文献   

The coated particle fuel has been developed within a framework of the HTTR (High Temperature engineering Test Reactor) Development Program at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The HTTR fuel is a prismatic block type containing TRISO-coated U02 particles. Research and development on the fuel has been progressed in three categories; a work for fuel production technology, a proof test of fuel performance and a safety-related research. In the present report the concept and outline of the fuel in the HTTR design are firstly described, and then fuel fabrication technology including recently developed methods for improving fuel quality is followed. Tests for proving fuel performance have been carried out extensively on the reference fuel of the HTTR design by irradiation in an in-pile gas loop and capsules, and typical results are presented in this report. Concerning the safety-related research, fuel failure and 137Cs release at abnormally high temperature are described.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2002,29(16):1953-1965
The use of uranium–plutonium mixed oxide fuel (MOX) in light water reactors (LWR) is nowadays a current practice in several countries. Generally 1/3 of the reactor core is loaded with MOX fuel assemblies and the other 2/3 with uranium assemblies. Nevertheless the plutonium utilization could be more effective if the full core could be loaded with MOX fuel. In this paper the design of a boiling water reactor (BWR) core fully loaded with an overmoderated MOX fuel design is investigated. The design of overmoderated BWR MOX fuel assemblies based on a 10×10 lattice are developed, these designs improve the neutron spectrum and the plutonium consumption rate, compared with standard MOX assemblies. In order to increase the moderator to fuel ratio two approaches are followed: in the first approach, 8 or 12 fuel rods are replaced by water rods in the 10×10 lattice; in the second approach, an 11×11 lattice with 24 water rods is designed with an active fuel length very close to the standard MOX assembly. The results of the depletion behavior and the main steady state core parameters are presented. The feasibility of a full core loaded with the 11×11 overmoderated MOX fuel assembly is verified. This design take advantage of the softer spectrum comparable to the 10×10 lattice with 12 water rods but with thermal limits comparable to the standard MOX fuel assembly.  相似文献   

Critical experiments of UO2 and full mixed oxide (MOX) fuel cores conducted at the Tank-type Critical Assembly (TCA) were aNalyzed using BWR design-purpose codes HINES and CERES with ENDF/B files and Monte Carlo fine analysis codes VMONT and MVP with the JENDL-3.2 library.

The averaged values of the multiplication factors calculated with HINES/CERES, VMONT and MVP agreed with those of experiments within 0.3%ΔAk. The values by the design-purpose codes showed a small difference of 0.1%Δk between UO2 and MOX cores. Monte Carlo code results showed that the JENDL-3.2 library had a tendency to overestimate the multiplication factors of UO2 cores by about 0.3%Δk compared with those values of MOX cores. The root mean square errors of calculated power distributions were less than 1% for HINES/CERES and VMONT.

These results showed that (1) the accuracy of these codes when applied to full MOX cores was almost the same as their accuracy for UO2 cores, which confirmed the accuracy of present core design codes for full MOX cores; and (2) the accuracy of the 190-energy-group Monte Carlo calculation code VMONT was almost the same as that of the continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation code MVP.  相似文献   

When spent Light Water Reactor fuels are processed by the standard Purex method of reprocessing, plutonium (Pu) and uranium (U) in spent fuel are obtained as pure and separate streams. The recovered Pu has a fissile content (consisting of 239Pu and 241Pu) greater than 60% typically (although it mainly depends on discharge burnup of spent fuel). The recovered Pu can be recycled as mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel after being blended with a fertile U makeup in a MOX fabrication plant. The burnup that can be obtained from MOX fuel depends on: (1) isotopic composition of Pu, which is closely related to the discharge burnup of spent fuel from which Pu is recovered; (2) the type of fertile U makeup material used (depleted U, natural U, or recovered U); and (3) fraction of makeup material in the mix (blending ratio), which in turn determines the total fissile fraction of MOX. Using the Non-linear Reactivity Model and the code MONTEBURNS, a step-by-step procedure for computing the total fissile content of MOX is introduced. As was intended, the resulting expression is simple enough for quick/hand calculations of total fissile content of MOX required to reach a desired burnup for a given discharge burnup of spent fuel and for a specified fertile U makeup. In any case, due to non-fissile (parasitic) content of recovered Pu, a greater fissile fraction in MOX than that in fresh U is required to obtain the same burnup as can be obtained by the fresh U fuel.  相似文献   

The study evaluates potential weaknesses and possible improvements for integral type small modular pressurized water reactor designs. By taking International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS) as the reference design and keeping the power output as the same, a new fuel and reactor design were proposed. The proposed design relocates the primary coolant pumps and the pressurizer outside the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). Three recirculation lines and jet pumps/centrifugal pumps are introduced to provide the coolant circulation similar to Boiling Water Reactor designs. The pressurizer component is expected to be similar to the AP600 design. It is located at one of the recirculation lines. The new fuel assembly adopts 264 solid cylindrical fuel pins with 10 mm diameter and 2.3 m height, arranged at a hexagonal tight lattice configuration. Large water rods are introduced to preserve the moderating power and to accommodate finger type control rods. The resulting fuel can operate with 104.5 kW/l power density while having substantially higher margin for boiling crisis compared to typical large PWRs. Full core neutronic analysis shows that 24-month cycle length and 50 MWd/kg burnup is achievable with a two-batch refueling scheme. Furthermore, the fuel behavior study shows that the new fuel with M5 type Zircaloy cladding show fairly acceptable steady state performance. A preliminary Loss of Coolant analysis shows that the new design could be advantageous over IRIS due to its low ratio of the water inventory below the top of the active fuel to total RPV water inventory. The proposed reactor pressure vessel height and the containment volume are 30% lower than the reference IRIS design.  相似文献   

In order to obtain high burn-up MOX fuel irradiation performance data, SBR and MIMAS MOX fuel rods with Pufissile enrichment of about 6 wt% have been irradiated in the HBWR. In-pile performance data of MOX have been obtained, and the peak burn-up of MOX pellet have reached to 66 GWd/tM as of October 2004. MOX fuel temperature is confirmed to have no significant difference compared to UO2, if taking into account adequately for thermal conductivity degradation due to PuO2 addition and burn-up development, and measured fuel temperature agrees well with HB-FINE code calculation up to high burn-up region. Fission gas release of MOX is possibly larger than UO2 based on temperature and pressure assessment. No significant difference is confirmed between SBR and MIMAS MOX on FGR behaviour. MOX fuel swelling rate agrees well with solid swelling rate. Cladding elongation data shows onset of PCMI in high power region. Ramp test data from other experiment programs with various types of MOX fabrication route confirms superior PCI resistance of MOX compared to UO2, due to enhanced creep rate of MOX. The irradiation is expected to continue until achieving of 70 GWd/tM (MOX pellet peak).  相似文献   

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