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To demonstrate three-dimensional architecture of regenerating axons growing through basal lamina tubes in cryoinjured nerve graft, backscattered electron (BSE) imaging in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to visualize immunostained axons. Regenerating axons immunostained with an antibody against the 200 kD neurofilament protein (RT97) were clearly visualized in BSE images as bright components pursuing an irregular, often spiral course within the basal lamina tubes, and commonly branching within the tubes. The morphology of these structures corresponded closely to that of putative regenerating axons in SEM preparations following application of the potassium hydroxide-collagenase digestion method. The present approach, however, is a considerable improvement on the latter, providing three-dimensional information together with the identification of regenerating axons.  相似文献   

We observed DNA double helix and nucleosomes in the chromatin of chicken erythrocytes by ultrahigh-resolution scanning electron microscopy. Specimens were prepared according to a modified microspreading technique in combination with the carbon plate method and observed without metal coating. A part of the DNA fibers without nucleosomes showed "left-handed" double-strands with twisting appearances and regular periodicities of the helix. Linker DNA between the nucleosomes showed "right-handed" appearances. Most of the nucleosome particles appeared as prolate ellipsoidal shapes of various sizes. DNA appeared to enter and exit the nucleosome particles on opposite sides winding around the histone core.  相似文献   

Shapes of polysomes of eukaryotic cells were determined by surface spreading of cells. We examined unicellular protozoan Tetrahymena cells, rabbit reticulocytes, and cultured MDCK, BHK and HeLa cells. Polysomes had ring-, 8- and caterpillar-shaped forms, indicating that eukaryotic cells contain fundamentally circular polysomes. Isolated and partially purified polysomes from Tetrahymena cells had features of polysomes similar to those of spread cells. These findings indicate that circular polysomes are not an effect of the spreading, but are actual features of the cells.  相似文献   

The recently developed scanning electron mirror microscope (SEMM) is compared with other types of electron microscopes, such as the electron mirror microscope (EMM) and the scanning electron microscope (SEM), for examining integrated circuits. Potential advantages of the SEMM include high resolution, elimination of electron bombardment damage, and high sensitivity of voltage gradients, magnetic fields, and topography. Preliminary observations of integrated, circuits obtained with the feasibility SEMM at various specimen potentials are discussed.  相似文献   

地衣是菌、藻共生的生物复合体 ,它既不同于一般真菌 ,又有别于一般藻类 ,是新的形态学与生物学实体 ,它们的共生关系是迄今为止任何互惠共生现象中最突出、最完善的类型。对其形态学方面的研究 ,有利于人们对生物共生现象进一步的了解 ,更深入的揭示其本质。地衣在我国分布广泛 ,蕴藏极为丰富。由于地衣对大气污染十分敏感 ,因此 ,人们常把地衣作为监测大气污染的灵敏指示植物加以利用 ;地衣中含有大量的防腐成分如 :松萝酸、地衣硬酸等 ,它们均具有很高的抗菌活性。以往人们对地衣形态学方面的研究 ,大都是限于一般的形态结构水平 ,本文利…  相似文献   

Distal surface of the rat ruffle-ended ameloblasts was observed by high resolution scanning electron microscopy. Specimens fixed by perfusion with 0.5% formaldehyde and 0.5% glutaraldehyde were decalcified with ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid and freeze-fractured using dimethyl sulfoxide. They were treated with 0.1% osmium tetroxide for 96 hr to remove excess cytoplasmic matrices, dehydrated, and critical-point dried. The present method was useful for observing both surface and intracellular structures simultaneously. The dense lamina lining the distal surface of the ruffle-ended ameloblasts having been dissolved in this preparation, the surface was clearly demonstrated in three dimensions under SEM. The surface was characterized by a complex labyrinth formed by protrusion and invagination of the plasma membrane. At high magnification, two kinds of minute granules are visible: small and larger granules measured as 10-20 nm and 70 nm in diameter, respectively. The former were more numerous than the latter. Furthermore, microfibrils connecting the protrusions of the plasma membrane were observed on the distal surface. The small granules probably connect the dense lamina with the distal surface of the ameloblasts. In addition, a denuded area free from the granules was sometimes recognized on the distal surface. These surface structures of the distal end of the ameloblasts appeared to be concerned with the enamel maturation.  相似文献   

A low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM) allows microscopy of insulating specimens without metal coating, and so preserves the intact colour information on the specimen surface. We have attempted a new approach to characterize constituent distribution of food tissues by a histochemical method utilizing a colour SEM with an optical microscope and the low-vacuum SEM through digital image processing. To observe food tissues such as brown rice and adzuki bean, a colour SEM image of the specimen that has been stained by a modified method used in optical microscope histochemistry has proved to provide information of both the microscopic structure and constituent distribution on the specimen surface.  相似文献   

A method facilitating correlation of light microscopic (LM), scanning electron microscopic (SEM) and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) images was developed. Rat kidney and heart were initially subjected to the osmium maceration procedure and then embedded in acrylic resin. Semithin sections of the tissue blocks were first provided for LM and then examined by SEM after resin removal. Furthermore, the ultrathin sections adjacent to the semithin sections were observed by TEM. The three-dimensional images of intracellular organelles provided an informative adjunct to LM and TEM.  相似文献   

MAL DI- TOF- MS以其“高灵敏度、宽分子量范围、允许混合样和一定量盐”的特点而成为蛋白质分子量测定的重要手段。但由于一些变性剂和无机盐常与样品竞争结晶 ,不但会大大抑制样品信号 ,而且会产生一些难以解析的离子峰。因此 ,测试前应尽可能除去样品中的添加剂。而将蛋白质吸附或印迹到转移膜上是除去干扰物的重要方法之一[1] 。固定在金属靶上进行 MALDI-TOF- MS分析的转移膜 [2 ] ,应满足以下要求 :能吸附蛋白质和肽 ;在操作样品过程中样品不丢失 ;干燥后的膜上蛋白质应能很好地重新溶剂化 ;蛋白质和基质均应在膜表面结晶。而…  相似文献   

Modeling of critical dimensions scanning electron microscopy with sub-nanometer uncertainty is required to provide a metrics and to avoid yield loss in the processing of advanced CMOS technologies. In this paper, a new approach is proposed, which includes a new Monte Carlo scheme, a new Monte Carlo code, as well as the coupling with electrostatic fields to take into account self-charging effects.  相似文献   

Progress in aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new corrector of spherical aberration (C(S)) for a dedicated scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) is described and its results are presented. The corrector uses strong octupoles and increases C(C) by only 0.2 mm relative to the uncorrected microscope. Its overall stability is greatly improved compared to our previous design. It has achieved a point-to-point resolution of 1.23 A in high-angle annular dark field images at 100 kV. It has also increased the current available in a 1.3 A-sized probe by about a factor of ten compared to existing STEMs. Its operation is greatly assisted by newly developed autotuning software which measures all the aberration coefficients up to fifth order in less than one minute. We conclude by discussing the present limits of aberration-corrected STEM, and likely future developments.  相似文献   

Double-crystal and triple-axis x-ray diffractometry and transmission electron microscopy are used to characterize the microstructure, strain, and composition of InGaN layers grown on GaN by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Three different samples with increasing In concentration have been studied, all grown on GaN deposited on sapphire either with GaN or AlN buffer layers. It was found that InGaN layers with nominal 28% and 40% InN content consist of two sub-layers; the first sub-layer is pseudomorphic with the underlying GaN with lower In content than nominal. The top sub-layer is fully relaxed with a high density of planar defects and In content close to the nominal value. This is in contrast to a common assumption applied to InGaN quantum wells that ‘quantum-dot like areas’ are formed with different In content. The sample with the nominal indium concentration of 45% does not exhibit any intermediate strained layer, is fully relaxed and the In concentration (43.8%) agrees well with the nominal value.  相似文献   

自从Jamieson发现单晶硅的高压相变现象以来,有关单晶硅的高压相变的研究逐步开展起来,其最终目的之一就是通过金属延性相的出现来解决单晶硅的加工问题。Pharr、Gogotsi、zhang liangchi等人利用纳米压入技术系统研究了单晶硅的压力致相变问题。本文旨在研究单晶硅在滑动摩擦过程中的相  相似文献   

铁电纳米结构的浸渍涂敷法制备和微结构STEM表征(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用浸渍涂敷法在硅基多孔氧化铝模版介质(孔径20nm-100nm)上制备了Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47))3(PZT)铁电纳米结构,并利用扫描透射电子显微镜(STEM)观察了其表面形貌和剖面微结构.TEM像和X-射线能谱分析结果表明在多孔氧化铝模版孔道内形成了PZT纳米结构,其横向尺寸可通过改变氧化铝模版的孔径来调节.采用浸渍涂敷法可使PZT溶液贯穿整个氧化铝纳米孔道,在其内壁形成PZT涂层,厚度为4nm-15nm.氧化铝纳米孔道内的黑色TEM衬度线证实了PZT涂层的存在,其存在方式为连续介质型或离散的晶粒形状.平面STEM像显示PZT纳米结构具有椭球状形貌,这可能是由氧化铝纳米孔道的局部扭曲或PZT溶液在退火过程中的收缩引起的.在硅基多孔氧化铝模版介质上采用浸渍涂敷法制备的PZT有序纳米结构,在将来三维结构的非挥发性铁电存储器方面具有十分诱人的应用前景.  相似文献   

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