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本文主要介绍了开发政府人事部门电子政务系统的基础技术框架——业务基础平台的设计与应用,着重就平台的总体架构,以及基于平台进行二次开发的业务系统的构建方案进行剖析。  相似文献   

杭州市免疫规划信息平台设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从计划免疫的重要性入手,说明了建立免疫规划信息平台的必要性,并重点介绍了平台的设计要求、构建原则、数据库的选型、安全保障体系以及平台所能实现的各项功能等。  相似文献   

为促进国家电网公司业务系统构建的集成性和规范性,提出面向云时代的企业级应用构件开发平台So Grid。重点介绍So Grid云平台的整体架构,各个流程模块的功能设计,在企业部门的业务系统上的实际应用与性能分析以及下一步的工作展望。通过对业务领域的划分和构件的积累,该平台具有丰富的可组装构件库,构造服务群和全面的运行监控容器,支持可视化的框架服务配置和界面开发,实现了构件的可复用性和多种业务场景的变化需求,为各业务中心的系统开发提供了有效的支撑。  相似文献   

方如绢 《软件》2023,(10):92-94
本文首先对企业信息化项目管理模式的数字化转型背景进行了分析,包括技术进步和数字化趋势、需求的快速变化和不确定性、多项目的复杂性和协同性以及业务驱动的需求等。然后,通过对现有项目管理平台系统的调研和分析,确定了搭建项目管理平台系统的关键功能和特点。旨在通过建立一个集成的项目管理平台系统,提供支持项目规划、执行和监控的数字化工具和功能,以提高项目管理的效率和质量。  相似文献   

该文在分析城市规划档案管理特点的基础上,以"柳州城市规划档案管理系统"为例,介绍系统的建设方法和应用效果。运用计算机技术在数字档案工作领域进行了有益的尝试,对进行此类系统建设有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文为了解决因驾校学员激增导致的人力、场地紧张等问题,设计了驾校业务应用支撑平台与信息管理系统。在遵循主流技术路线的基础上,给出了包括应用框架、技术框架、逻辑框架在内的完整技术方案,并从应用层面对统一应用支撑平台和驾校信息管理系统做了详细阐述。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了现在企业级应用开发的特点,同时阐述了BPM基本思想,分析了现在企业的业务系统迫切需要能够快速定制、灵活调整、自由扩展和自行维护,以使企业迅速应对市场、技术、客户、服务和管理等方面的不断变化和发展。基于BPM基本思想,本文设计了一个快速构造企业应用的应用开发平台,并给予了具体实现。  相似文献   

在分析省级气象服务业务系统现状的基础上,按照"集约化、规范化、标准化"的理念,开发建成了基于GIS的湖北省级气象服务产品共享平台、气象服务产品制作平台构成的湖北省级气象服务一体化业务平台,并对核心业务功能进行了简要介绍。应用结果表明:湖北省级气象服务一体化业务平台的开发建成,结束了长期以来省级气象服务单位缺乏真正意义上的业务平台的历史,极大地提高了气象服务系统的自动化和集约化程度,大大减少了气象预报服务人员不必要的重复劳动,实现了业务流程的可视化管理,为气象服务业务管理和质量考核提供了重要技术支撑。  相似文献   

创新能力是企业竞争优势的重要来源。在面向政府和企业客户市场时,电信运营商需要通过不断地进行产品的创新形成差异化的市场优势。如何有效地利用时间、激情、技术以及人才保持创新?本文提出了对于行业应用产品创新的理解,分析了新产品开发上市流程以及新产品开发所面临的挑战,并对于行业应用产品开发新的流程和方法进行了重点探讨。  相似文献   

Emergency management is more than just events occurring within an emergency situation. It encompasses a variety of persistent activities such as planning, training, assessment, and organizational change. We are studying emergency management planning practices in which geographic communities (towns and regions) prepare to respond efficiently to significant emergency events. Community emergency management planning is an extensive collaboration involving numerous stakeholders throughout the community and both reflecting and challenging the community’s structure and resources. Geocollaboration is one aspect of the effort. Emergency managers, public works directors, first responders, and local transportation managers need to exchange information relating to possible emergency event locations and their surrounding areas. They need to examine geospatial maps together and collaboratively develop emergency plans and procedures. Issues such as emergency vehicle traffic routes and staging areas for command posts, arriving media, and personal first responders’ vehicles must be agreed upon prior to an emergency event to ensure an efficient and effective response. This work presents a software architecture that facilitates the development of geocollaboration solutions. The architecture extends prior geocollaboration research and reuses existing geospatial information models. Emergency management planning is one application domain for the architecture. Geocollaboration tools can be developed that support community-wide emergency management planning and preparedness. This paper describes how the software architecture can be used for the geospatial, emergency management planning activities of one community.  相似文献   

随着软件行业高速的发展,软件开发的超期和超预算都成为软件行业中的重要问题。为了有效地管理软件开发,一些公司增设了质量管理岗位。在软件开发过程中及时地管理和反馈项目信息,把所有重要问题都控制在项目初期,节约大量的人力、物力和财力。  相似文献   

该文在分析证券业务应用层重要性的基础上,明确了安全管理平台研究的必要性,首先确定证券业务应用层安全管理平台的目标,其次研究证券业务应用层安全管理平台的设计,并进一步探讨了证券业务应用层安全管理平台的数据库签名验证.  相似文献   

为提高装备管理软件开发效能,本文将形式化方法与软件工程化思想有机结合,给出了基于Z语言的装备管理业务基础软件平台的体系结构和设计,并基于Z-EMP平台开发了AA-MIS原型系统,验证了Z-EMP平台的研究方向和设计思想是正确可行的,为解决装备管理信息系统软件开发问题提供了一种思路和方法。  相似文献   

方木云 《微机发展》2004,14(1):29-31,33
软件工程学科在理论研究和实践应用中都取得了巨大成就,逐渐形成了方法、工具和管理三大要素。然而,这三要素的发展是不均衡的,相对于方法和工具,管理的理论研究和科学应用都显得滞后,已经成为软件工程学科发展的瓶颈问题。软件工程管理的本质是如何在软件工程生命周期的各个阶段最佳地配置人员、资金和时间三种资源,以取得软件质量最优化。它是一个多阶段决策问题.具有动态规划算法中多段图的特点。文中将动态规划算法应用到软件工程管理的决策之中。  相似文献   

一个支持构件演化的配置管理框架   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构件库在基于构件的软件开发(CBSD)中扮演着重要的角色,然而在实际的软件开发过程中,构件的生产、维护、复用等还存在许多困难,其中一个主要的困难是大多数构件库仅提供构件的描述、存储和检索功能,缺乏配置管理支持。该文提出了一个支持构件演化的配置管理框架。这个框架将构件库作为一类特殊的资源库加以管理,从而为构件的演化提供系统的配置管理支持。  相似文献   

Rules and Tools for Software Evolution Planning and Management   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
When first formulated in the early seventies, the laws of software evolution were, for a number of reasons, not widely accepted as relevant to software engineering practice. Over the years, however, they have gradually become recognised as providing useful inputs to understanding of the software process. Now eight in number, they have been supplemented by the software uncertainty principle and the FEAST (Feedback, Evolution And Software Technology) hypothesis. Based on all these and on the further results of the FEAST research projects this paper develops and presents some fifty rules for application in software system process planning and management and indicates tools available or that could usefully be developed to support their application. The listing is structured according to the laws that encapsulate the observed phenomena and that lead to the recommendations. Each sublist is preceded by a textual discussion providing at least some of the reasoning that has led to the recommended procedures. The references direct the interested reader to the literature that records observed behaviours, interpretations, models and metrics obtained from industrially evolved systems, and from which the recommendations were derived.  相似文献   

This article compares the organization and practices for software reuse in integration‐oriented software product lines (SPLs) and open source software projects. The main observation is that both approaches are successful regarding large variability and reuse, but differ widely in their practices and organization. To capture practices in large open source projects, we describe an open compositional model, which reflects their more decentralized organization of software development. We capture key practices and organizational forms for this and validate these by comparing four case studies of this model. Two of these studies are based on published SPL case studies, for the other two we analyze the practices in two large and successful open source projects based on their published developer documentation. Our analysis highlights key differences between the practices in the two open source organizations and the more integrational practices used in the other two cases. Finally, we discuss which practices are successful in which environment and how the current practices can move towards more open, widely scoped and distributed software development. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

当代大学生的时间管理普遍存在着诸多问题,如有目标但无规划、有规划但难以实践、时间利用率低等问题.要从根本推动大学生时间管理质量需要大学生本身对自己有清晰详细的目标和规划.研究设计大学生专属规划管理软件《规划助手》,通过分析问卷数据探究其研发的可行性,以此为时间管理服务领域的发展提供案例.  相似文献   

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