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提出了一个利用特殊的二粒子纠缠态作为量子信道来实现任意二粒子未知量子态的隐形传态。对比Yuan等人提出的利用[χ]纠缠态实现的任意未知二量子态的隐形传态方案。该方案利用二粒子信道和Bell基测量,以及特殊的幺正操作顺利完成信息的隐形传态。而且方案中利用了较少的资源,且获得的原始信息的概率为1。  相似文献   

As one of important research branches of quantum communication, deterministic remote state preparation (DRSP) plays a significant role in quantum network. Quantum noises are prevalent in quantum communication, and it can seriously affect the safety and reliability of quantum communication system. In this paper, we study the effect of quantum noise on deterministic remote state preparation of an arbitrary two-particle state via different quantum channels including the \(\chi \) state, Brown state and GHZ state. Firstly, the output states and fidelities of three DRSP algorithms via different quantum entangled channels in four noisy environments, including amplitude-damping, phase-damping, bit-flip and depolarizing noise, are presented, respectively. And then, the effects of noises on three kinds of preparation algorithms in the same noisy environment are discussed. In final, the theoretical analysis proves that the effect of noise in the process of quantum state preparation is only related to the noise type and the size of noise factor and independent of the different entangled quantum channels. Furthermore, another important conclusion is given that the effect of noise is also independent of how to distribute intermediate particles for implementing DRSP through quantum measurement during the concrete preparation process. These conclusions will be very helpful for improving the efficiency and safety of quantum communication in a noisy environment.  相似文献   

A scheme is presented to implement bidirectional controlled quantum teleportation (QT) by using a five-qubit entangled state as a quantum channel, where Alice may transmit an arbitrary single qubit state called qubit A to Bob and at the same time, Bob may also transmit an arbitrary single qubit state called qubit B to Alice via the control of the supervisor Charlie. Based on our channel, we explicitly show how the bidirectional controlled QT protocol works. By using this bidirectional controlled teleportation, espcially, a bidirectional controlled quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) protocol, i.e., the so-called controlled quantum dialogue, is further investigated. Under the situation of insuring the security of the quantum channel, Alice (Bob) encodes a secret message directly on a sequence of qubit states and transmits them to Bob (Alice) supervised by Charlie. Especially, the qubits carrying the secret message do not need to be transmitted in quantum channel. At last, we show this QSDC scheme may be determinate and secure.  相似文献   

By using the \(\chi \) -type entangled states, a novel scheme for multi-party quantum state sharing (MQSTS) of an arbitrary multi-qubit state is investigated. It is shown that the MQSTS scheme can be faithfully realized by performing appropriate Bell state measurements, Z basis measurements and local unitary operations, rather than multi-qubit entanglement or multi-particle joint measurements. Thus, our MQSTS scheme is more convenient in a practical application than some previous schemes. Furthermore, its intrinsic efficiency for qubits approaches 100 %, and the total efficiency really approaches the maximal value, which is higher than those of the previous MQSTS schemes. Finally, we analyze the security from the views of participant attack and outside attack in detail.  相似文献   

We present a scheme for joint remote implementation of an arbitrary single-qubit operation following some ideas in one-way quantum computation. All the senders share the information of implemented quantum operation and perform corresponding single-qubit measurements according to their information of implemented operation. An arbitrary single-qubit operation can be implemented upon the remote receiver’s quantum system if the receiver cooperates with all the senders. Moreover, we study the protocol of multiparty joint remote implementation of an arbitrary single-qubit operation with many senders by using a multiparticle entangled state as the quantum channel.  相似文献   

It is shown that when a linear dynamic system is stochastically autonomous (that is, when the system is not excited by a random signal), its estimability property as defined by Y. Baram and T. Kailath (ibid., vol.33, p.1116-21, Dec. 1988) reduces to the classical observability property  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the optimal response of a linear system with quadratic performance index to changes in the weighting factors in the performance index is determined. This necessitates finding the sensitivity of the feedback gain matrix K to changes in the weighting factors. It is shown that the sensitivities of K can be obtained as the solution of a set of linear matrix differential equations. Further, for time-invariant systems and an infinite time interval, it is seen that the sensitivities of K are found more simply by solving a set of linear algebraic matrix equations.  相似文献   

We present a simple construction that maps quantum circuits to graphs and vice-versa. Inspired by the results of D. A. Lidar linking the Ising partition function with quadratically signed weight enumerators (QWGTs), we also present a problem for the additive approximation of a function over hypergraphs related to the generating function of Eulerian subgraphs for ordinary graphs. Further, if E is an oracle that returns approximations of this function, we prove that PE = BQP. We also discuss connections with the Ising partition function.   相似文献   

It is well-known that heuristic search in ILP is prone to plateau phenomena. An explanation can be given after the work of Giordana and Saitta: the ILP covering test is NP-complete and therefore exhibits a sharp phase transition in its coverage probability. As the heuristic value of a hypothesis depends on the number of covered examples, the regions “yes” and “no” represent plateaus that need to be crossed during search without an informative heuristic value. Several subsequent works have extensively studied this finding by running several learning algorithms on a large set of artificially generated problems and argued that the occurrence of this phase transition dooms every learning algorithm to fail to identify the target concept. We note however that only generate-and-test learning algorithms have been applied and that this conclusion has to be qualified in the case of data-driven learning algorithms. Mostly building on the pioneering work of Winston on near-miss examples, we show that, on the same set of problems, a top-down data-driven strategy can cross any plateau if near-misses are supplied in the training set, whereas they do not change the plateau profile and do not guide a generate-and-test strategy. We conclude that the location of the target concept with respect to the phase transition alone is not a reliable indication of the learning problem difficulty as previously thought. Editors: Stephen Muggleton, Ramon Otero, Simon Colton.  相似文献   

We study the connection between certain many-valued contexts and general geometric structures. The known one-to-one correspondence between attribute-complete many-valued contexts and complete affine ordered sets is used to extend the investigation to π-lattices, class geometries, and lattices with classification systems. π-lattices are identified as a subclass of complete affine ordered sets, which exhibit an intimate relation to concept lattices closely tied to the corresponding context. Class geometries can be related to complete affine ordered sets using residuated mappings and the notion of a weak parallelism. Lattices with specific sets of classification systems allow for some sort of “reverse conceptual scaling”.  相似文献   

Quantum Information Processing - We present a new scheme for quantum teleportation that one can teleport an unknown state via a non-maximally entangled channel with certainly, using an auxiliary...  相似文献   

The trivalent functions of a trit can be grouped into equipartitions of three elements. We discuss the separation of the corresponding functional classes by quantum state identifications.  相似文献   

We present an explicit formula for the characteristic polynomial of the transition matrix of the discrete-time quantum walk on a graph via the second weighted zeta function. As applications, we obtain new proofs for the results on spectra of the transition matrix and its positive support.  相似文献   

Quantum state space is endowed with a metric structure, and Riemannian monotone metric is an important geometric entity defined on such a metric space. Riemannian monotone metrics are very useful for information-theoretic and statistical considerations on the quantum state space. In this article, considering the quantum state space being spanned by \(2\times 2\) density matrices, we determine a particular Riemannian metric for a state \(\rho \) and show that if \(\rho \) gets entangled with another quantum state, the negativity of the generated entangled state is, upto a constant factor, equal to square root of that particular Riemannian metric . Our result clearly relates a geometric quantity to a measure of entanglement. Moreover, the result establishes the possibility of understanding quantum correlations through geometric approach.  相似文献   

We propose quantum information processing schemes based on cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) for quantum communication. First, to generate entangled states (Bell and Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger [GHZ] states) between flying photons and three-level atoms inside optical cavities, we utilize a controlled phase flip (CPF) gate that can be implemented via cavity QED). Subsequently, we present an entanglement swapping scheme that can be realized using single-qubit measurements and CPF gates via optical cavities. These schemes can be directly applied to construct an entanglement channel for a communication system between two users. Consequently, it is possible for the trust center, having quantum nodes, to accomplish the linked channel (entanglement channel) between the two separate long-distance users via the distribution of Bell states and entanglement swapping. Furthermore, in our schemes, the main physical component is the CPF gate between the photons and the three-level atoms in cavity QED, which is feasible in practice. Thus, our schemes can be experimentally realized with current technology.  相似文献   

We investigate here how the geometric control theory of Basile, Marro and Wonham can be obtained in a Hilbert space context, as the byproduct of the factorization of a spectral density with no zeros on the imaginary axis. We show how controlled invariant subspaces can be obtained as images of orthogonal projections of co-invariant subspaces onto a semi-invariant (Markovian) subspace of the Hardy space of square integrable functions analytic in the right half-plane. Output nulling subspaces are then related to a particular spectral factorization problem. A similar construction is presented for controllability subspaces, and a new algorithm for the computation of these subspaces is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore a connection between two seemingly different problems from two different domains: the small-set expansion problem studied in unique games conjecture, and a popular community finding approach for social networks known as the modularity clustering approach. We show that a sub-exponential time algorithm for the small-set expansion problem leads to a sub-exponential time constant factor approximation for some hard input instances of the modularity clustering problem.  相似文献   

We advance the previous studies of quantum walks on the line with two coins. Such four-state quantum walks driven by a three-direction shift operator may have nonzero limiting probabilities (localization), thereby distinguishing them from the quantum walks on the line in the basic scenario (i.e., driven by a single coin). In this work, asymptotic position distributions of the quantum walks are examined. We derive a weak limit for the quantum walks and explicit formulas for the limiting probability distribution, whose dependencies on the coin parameter and the initial state of quantum walks are presented. In particular, it is shown that the weak limit for the present quantum walks can be of the form in the basic scenario of quantum walks on the line, for certain initial states of the walk and certain values of the coin parameter. In the case where localization occurs, we show that the limiting probability decays exponentially in the absolute value of a walker??s position, independent of the parity of time.  相似文献   

We consider and discuss the observational properties of gamma-ray bursts transmitted by hypothetical wormholes. We show that the known sources of soft gamma repeaters (SGR) cannot be wormhole candidates.  相似文献   

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