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We present a data structure for Boolean manipulation-the Mod-2-OBDDs-that considerably extends ESOPs (EXOR-sum-of-products) as well as OBDDs (ordered binary decision diagrams). There are Boolean functions of practical interest which have exponential size optimal ESOPs (even multilevel EXOR-expressions) and/or OBDDs that can be represented by (low degree) polynomial size Mod-2-OBDDs. We show that Boolean manipulation tasks such as apply operation, quantification, composition can be performed with Mod-2-OBDDs at least as efficient as with OBDDs. Indeed, since the size of a minimal Mod-2-OBDD-representation of a Boolean function is, in general, smaller (sometimes even exponentially smaller) than the size of an optimal OBDD-representation, the increase in efficiency is considerable. Moreover, EXOR-operations as well as complementations can be performed in constant timeO (1). However, the price of constant time EXOR-apply operations is the canonicity of the Mod-2-OBDD-representation. In order to allow in spite of this fact efficient analysis of Mod-2-OBDDs we present a fast probabilistic equivalence test with one-sided error probability for Mod-2-OBDDs (and, hence, for ESOPs) which performs only linear many arithmetic operations.  相似文献   

In the paper, we propose a general concept (denoted by TBDD) for Boolean functions manipulation that is based on cube transformations. The basic idea is to manipulate a Boolean function by converting it by means of a cube transformation into a function that can be efficiently represented and manipulated in terms of ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs). We show that the new concept unifies several BDD–based data structures considerably, and simplifies their manipulation to work with the simple and well–understood data struture of OBDDs. This is especially important for practical applications.Further, to give an example of how TBDDs open new ways in the search for efficient data structures for Boolean functions, we discuss the data structure of typed kFBDDs.  相似文献   

有序二叉决策图(OBDD)是一种有效表示布尔函数的数据结构,其大小依赖于所采用的变量序。熵是定量描述布尔函数中变量重要性的一种方法。基于变量的熵值分析了高质量变量序的特征,给出了一种基于熵的OBDD变量排序算法。实验结果表明:该算法与模拟退火算法和遗传算法结果相当。时间仅为相应算法的80.84%和29.79%。  相似文献   

In 1986 in his seminal paper Bryant has introduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) as a dynamic data structure for the representation and manipulation of Boolean functions which allow efficient algorithms for important operations like synthesis, the combination of two Boolean functions by a Boolean operator, and equivalence checking. Based on his empirical evaluation he has conjectured that his apply algorithm for the synthesis works in linear time with respect to the input and output size. Recently in 2012, Yoshinaka et al. have presented a counterexample which contradicts this conjecture but their example has the drawback that the chosen variable ordering for the OBDD representation of the input and output is bad. Therefore, they have raised the question whether Bryant?s conjecture may still stand for reasonable variable orderings. Here, a negative answer is given by presenting a simple counterexample which works for such kind of variable orderings.  相似文献   

Integer multiplication as one of the basic arithmetic functions has been in the focus of several complexity theoretical investigations and ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) are one of the most common dynamic data structures for Boolean functions. Recently, the question whether the OBDD complexity of the most significant bit of integer multiplication is exponential has been answered affirmatively. In this paper a larger general lower bound is presented using a simpler proof. Furthermore, we prove a larger lower bound for the variable order assumed to be one of the best ones for the most significant bit. Moreover, the best known lower bound on the OBDD complexity for the so-called graph of integer multiplication is improved.  相似文献   

Integer multiplication as one of the basic arithmetic functions has been in the focus of several complexity theoretical investigations and ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) are the most common dynamic data structure for Boolean functions. Among the many areas of application are verification, model checking, computer-aided design, relational algebra, and symbolic graph algorithms. Analyzing the limits of symbolic graph algorithms for the all-pairs-shortest paths problem which work on OBDD-represented graph instances the so-called graph of integer multiplication has been investigated by Sawitzki [D. Sawitzki, Lower bounds on the OBDD size of graphs of some popular functions, in: Proc. of SOFSEM, LNCS, vol. 3381, 2005, pp. 298-309]. Using simple arguments his lower bound of 2n/768−1 on the size of OBDDs representing the graph of integer multiplication is improved up to 2n/24.  相似文献   

Symbolic OBDD representations for mechanical assembly sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Assembly sequence planning is one typical combinatorial optimization problem, where the size of parts involved is a significant and often prohibitive difficulty. The compact storage and efficient evaluation of all the feasible assembly sequences is one crucial concern. Ordered binary decision diagram (OBDD) is a canonical form to represent and manipulate the Boolean functions efficiently, and appears to give improved results for large-scale combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, subassemblies, assembly states and assembly tasks are represented as Boolean characteristic functions, and the symbolic OBDD representation of assembly sequences is proposed. In this framework, the procedures to transform directed graph and AND/OR graph into OBDDs are presented. The great advantage of OBDD-based scheme is that the storage space of OBDD-based representation of all the feasible assembly sequences does not increase with the part count of assembly dramatically so quickly as that of both directed graph and AND/OR graph do. We undertake many experimental tests using Visual C++ and CUDD package. It was shown that the OBDD scheme represented all the feasible assembly sequences correctly and completely, and outperforms either directed graph or AND/OR graph in storage efficiency.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a lot of works on LSI design systems using Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs), which are efficient representations of Boolean functions. We previously developed a Boolean expression manipulator, that can quickly calculate Boolean expressions by using BDD techniques. It has greatly assisted us in developing VLSI design systems and solving combinatorial problems.In this paper, we present an Arithmetic Boolean Expression Manipulator (BEM-II), that is also based on BDD techniques. BEM-II calculates Boolean expressions that contain arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and comparison, and then displays the results in various formats. It can solve problems represented by a set of equalities and inequalities, which are dealt with in 0-1 linear programming. We discuss the algorithm and data structure used for manipulating arithmetic Boolean expressions and show the formats used for displaying the results.The specifications for BEM-II are described and several application examples are presented. Arithmetic Boolean expressions will be useful for various applications. They perform well in terms of the total time for programming and execution. We expect BEM-II to facilitate research and development of digital systems.  相似文献   

In this article, we disprove the long-standing conjecture, proposed by R.E. Bryant in 1986, that his binary decision diagram (BDD) algorithm computes any binary operation on two Boolean functions in linear time in the input–output sizes. We present Boolean functions for which the time required by Bryant?s algorithm is a quadratic of the input–output sizes for all nontrivial binary operations, such as ∧, ∨, and ⊕. For the operations ∧ and ∨, we show an even stronger counterexample where the output BDD size is constant, but the computation time is still a quadratic of the input BDD size. In addition, we present experimental results to support our theoretical observations.  相似文献   

We consider translation among conjunctive normal forms (CNFs), characteristic models, and ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) of Boolean functions. It is shown in this paper that Horn OBDDs can be translated into their Horn CNFs in polynomial time. As for the opposite direction, the problem can be solved in polynomial time if the ordering of variables in the resulting OBDD is specified as an input. In case that such ordering is not specified and the resulting OBDD must be of minimum size, its decision version becomes NP-complete. Similar results are also obtained for the translation in both directions between characteristic models and OBDDs. We emphasize here that the above results hold on any class of functions having a basis of polynomial size.  相似文献   

Integer multiplication as one of the basic arithmetic functions has been in the focus of several complexity theoretical investigations and ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) are one of the most common dynamic data structures for Boolean functions. Only in 2008 the question whether the deterministic OBDD complexity of the most significant bit of integer multiplication is exponential has been answered affirmatively. Since probabilistic methods have turned out to be useful in almost all areas of computer science, one may ask whether randomization can help to represent the most significant bit of integer multiplication in smaller size. Here, it is proved that the randomized OBDD complexity is also exponential.  相似文献   

Ordered Decision Diagrams (ODDs) as a means for the representation of Boolean functions are used in many applications in CAD. Depending on the decomposition type, various classes of ODDs have been defined, among them being the Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs), the Ordered Functional Decision Diagrams (OFDDs) and the Ordered Kronecker Functional Decision Diagrams (OKFDDs).Based on a formalization of the concept decomposition type we first investigate all possible decomposition types and prove that already OKFDDs, which result from the application of only three decomposition types, result in the most general class of ODDs. We then show from a (more) theoretical point of view that the generality of OKFDDs is really needed. We prove several exponential gaps between specific classes of ODDs, e.g. between OKFDDs on the one side and OBDDs, OFDDs on the other side. Combining these results it follows that a restriction of the OKFDD concept to subclasses, such as OBDDs and OFDDs as well, results in families of functions which lose their efficient representation.  相似文献   

Many keystream generators of practical use consist of a certain number of linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs) combined with a nonlinear output automaton. For this type of generator, we present an algorithm computing the secret initial state x ∈ {0,1}n from a short piece of corresponding keystream by performing 2(1 - α)/(1 + α)n polynomial-time operations, where α denotes the rate of information which the output keystream reveals about the internal bitstream produced by the LFSRs. The algorithm uses Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs), a data structure for minimizing and manipulating Boolean functions. We demonstrate the potential of our method by applying it to the self-shrinking generator and to the E0-generator used in the Bluetooth wireless system and obtain the best known short-keystream attacks for these generators.  相似文献   

A new method,orthogonal algoritm,is presented to compute the logic probabilities(i.e.signal probabilities)accurately,The transfer properties of logic probabilities are studied first,which are useful for the calculation of logic probability of the circuit with random independent inputs.Then the orthogonal algoritm is described to compute the logic probability of Boolean function realized by a combinational circuit.This algorithm can make Boolean function “ORTHOGONAL”so that the logic probabilities can be easily calculated by summing up the logic probabilities of all orthogonal terms of the Booleam function.  相似文献   

Integer multiplication as one of the basic arithmetic functions has been in the focus of several complexity theoretical investigations and ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) are one of the most common dynamic data structures for Boolean functions. Analyzing the limits of symbolic graph algorithms for the reachability problem Sawitzki (Proc. of LATIN, LNCS, vol. 3887, pp. 781–792, Springer, Berlin, 2006) has presented the first exponential lower bound on the π-OBDD size for the most significant bit of integer multiplication according to one predefined variable order π. Since the choice of the variable order is a main issue to obtain OBDDs of small size the investigation is continued. As a result a new upper bound method and the first non-trivial upper bound on the size of OBDDs according to an arbitrary variable order is presented. Furthermore, Sawitzki’s lower bound is improved.  相似文献   

Ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) are one of the most common dynamic data structures for Boolean functions. Nevertheless, many basic graph problems are known to be PSPACE-hard if their input graphs are represented by OBDDs. Computing the set of nodes that are reachable from some source sV in a digraph G=(V,E) is an important problem in computer-aided design, hardware verification, and model checking. Until now only exponential lower bounds on the space complexity of a restricted class of OBDD-based algorithms for the reachability problem have been known. Here, the result is extended by presenting an exponential lower bound for the general reachability problem. As a by-product a general exponential lower bound is obtained for the computation of OBDDs representing all connected node pairs in a graph, the transitive closure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss how Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) can be exploited for the computation of consistency-based diagnoses in model-based diagnosis. Since it is not always possible to efficiently encode the whole system model within a single OBDD, we propose to build a set of OBDDs, each one encoding a portion of the original model. For each portion of the model, we compute an OBDD encoding the set of local diagnoses; the OBDD encoding global diagnoses is then obtained by merging all the local-diagnoses OBDDs. Finally, minimal-cardinality diagnoses can be efficiently computed and extracted.The paper reports formal results about soundness, completeness and computational complexity of the proposed algorithm. Thanks to the fact that encoding diagnoses is in general much simpler than encoding the whole system model, this approach allows for the successful computation of global diagnoses even if the system model could not be compiled into a single OBDD. This is exemplified referring to a challenging combinatorial digital circuit taken from the ISCAS85 benchmark.  相似文献   

一个计算网络可靠度的递归算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出一个计算网络可靠度的有效算法,该算法的特点是结合概率论的有关知识和布尔代数运算:递归地调用一个简单、有效的概率公式来计算网络可靠度。该算法易于在计算机上操作和实现,从而适用于大型网络可靠度的定量计算。最后通过实例验证所给算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Ordered binary decision diagrams (OBDDs) are one of the most common dynamic data structures for Boolean functions. Among the many areas of application are hardware verification, model checking, and symbolic graph algorithms. Threshold functions are the basic functions for discrete neural networks and are used as building blocks in the design of some symbolic graph algorithms. In this paper the first exponential lower bound on the size of a more general model than OBDDs and the first nontrivial asymptotically optimal bound on the OBDD size for a threshold function are presented.  相似文献   

Ordered binary decision diagrams are the state-of-the-art representation of switching functions. In order to keep the sizes of OBDDs tractable, heuristics and dynamic reordering algorithms are applied to optimize the underlying variable order. When finite state machines are represented by OBDDs the state encoding can be used as an additional optimization parameter. In this paper, we analyze local encoding transformations which can be applied dynamically. First, we investigate the potential of re-encoding techniques. We then propose the use of an XOR-transformation and show why this transformation is most suitable among the set of all encoding transformations. The presented theoretical framework establishes a new optimization technique for OBDDs.  相似文献   

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