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GaAs第一性原理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了深入认识GaAs的电子结构和光学性质,计算和分析了GaAs晶体的能带结构、电子态密度、分渡态密度、光学常数,所有计算都是基于密度泛函理论(DFT)框架下的第一性原理平面渡赝势方法.研究证明,其具有广泛的应用领域.  相似文献   

陶业争  单玉生 《中国激光》1997,24(2):100-104
用KrF准分子激光脉冲(FWHM=23ns),结合速率方程模型,研究了芳香族三环有机染料的衍生物——吖啶的饱和吸收特性,得到了饱和强度和剩余吸收比等参数。把放电泵浦KrF准分子激光的脉冲宽度(FWHM),由23ns压缩到5.4ns。  相似文献   

掺Cr^4+饱和吸收体吸收截面和基态恢复时间的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出一种测量掺Cr^4+饱和吸收体基态和激光发态吸收截面的方法,并用之测量国产Cr^4+:YAG的两个吸收截面分别为4.3×10^-18cm^2和8.2×10^19cm^2;同时给出一种用泵浦探测法测量可饱和吸收体μs量级基态恢复时间的方法,并用之测得国产Cr^4+:YAG的基态恢复时间为3.2μs。  相似文献   

本文报道了几种可用于钕激光锁模的快速饱和吸收体中ps光脉冲的简并四波混频,利用信号光波的强度和时间分辩特性,比较了Kodak 9740,9860、五甲川和两种新染料HIR1301,HIR1302的性能,首次给出了新染料的弛豫时间,并比较了这些染料直接用于主被动锁模激光器时输出光脉冲的性能。  相似文献   

付圣贵  刘晓娟 《中国激光》2008,35(s2):19-21
利用GaAs晶体作为可饱和吸收体, 实现了掺镱光子晶体光纤激光器的被动调Q输出。实验用掺杂光子晶体光纤的芯径为21 μm, 数值孔径为0.04, 在实现了大模场面积的同时, 保证了激光器的单模运转, 从而得到高光束质量的激光输出。实验使用高功率半导体激光器作为抽运源, 采用自行研制的耦合系统将抽运光耦合进入光子晶体光纤的包层中。在激光器平均输出功率为5.8 W时, 实验得到的最短输出激光脉冲为80 ns, 重复频率为6.7 kHz。  相似文献   

提出并实现了一种工作在2050 nm波段的单纵模窄线宽掺铥光纤激光器。使用3个耦合器组成的新型复合双环腔抑制密集的多纵模,结合未泵浦的掺铥光纤(作为饱和吸收体),实现了激光的单纵模激射和窄线宽输出。实验结果表明:室温下,激光器的中心波长为2048.76 nm,光信噪比为68 dB。通过60 min的连续测量,得到激光的输出功率波动不大于0.15 dB,中心波长漂移不大于0.02 nm,证明了所设计的激光器具有良好的波长稳定性和功率稳定性。使用基于3×3光纤耦合器的相位解调系统对激光器的频率噪声特性进行测量,并进一步结合β分割线法测量线宽。当测量时间为0.001 s时,激光器的线宽为9.17 kHz。当频率高于1 MHz时,相对强度噪声低于-125.69 dB/Hz。该激光器在激光雷达和空间光通信系统中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

GaAs可饱和吸收体中的深能级缺陷(EL2缺陷)对其被动调Q性能有着重要的影响,因此有必要对EL2缺陷的微观结构及形成机理做进一步研究.用基于密度泛函理论的平面波赝势法首先对GaAs本征点缺陷(镓空位、砷空位、镓替代砷、砷替代镓、镓间隙、砷间隙)存在时的晶格结构进行优化,得到其稳定结构;然后通过各缺陷形成能的计算可得知...  相似文献   

在高真空系统中,将C70膜淀积在n-和p-GaAs(100)衬底上,制成C70/n-GaAs和C70/p-GaAs两种接触,并对它们的电学性质作了研究.结果发现两种接触均为强整流结,在偏压为±1V时,C70/n-GaAs和C70/p-GaAs接触的整流比分别大于106和104,并且它们的理想因子都接近于1.当正向偏压固定时,它们的电流均是温度倒数的指数函数,从中确定两种异质结的有效势垒高度分别为0.784和0.531eV.用深能级瞬态谱(DLTS)在C70/GaAs界面上观察到电子陷阱E(0.640eV)和空穴陷阱H3(0.822eV),以及用电容-时间(C-t)技术在固体C70中观测到两种空穴陷阱H4(1.155eV)和H5(0.856eV).E(0.640eV) 和 H3(0.822eV) 的密度均小于1012/cm2,可以得出结论:固体C70对GaAs表面具有很好的钝化作用.  相似文献   

C_(70)/GaAs异质结的电学性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高真空系统中 ,将 C70 膜淀积在 n-和 p- Ga As(10 0 )衬底上 ,制成 C70 / n- Ga As和 C70 / p- Ga As两种接触 ,并对它们的电学性质作了研究 .结果发现两种接触均为强整流结 ,在偏压为± 1V时 ,C70 / n- Ga As和 C70 / p- Ga As接触的整流比分别大于 10 6 和 10 4,并且它们的理想因子都接近于 1.当正向偏压固定时 ,它们的电流均是温度倒数的指数函数 ,从中确定两种异质结的有效势垒高度分别为 0 .784和 0 .5 31e V .用深能级瞬态谱 (DL TS)在 C70 / Ga As界面上观察到电子陷阱 E(0 .6 40 e V )和空穴陷阱 H3(0 .82 2 e V) ,以及用电容 -时间 (C- t)  相似文献   

Cr4+:YAG作饱和吸收体的被动Q开关复合单晶光纤激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用激光加热基座法(LHPG)将Cr4 :YAG单晶光纤和Nd3 :YAG单晶光纤生长为一体化复合单晶光纤。进一步实验研究该单晶光纤的一些性质,表明它满足全固化被动调Q激光器的要求。已实现了脉宽10ns、最大平均输出功率达30mW、重复频率为16kHz的调Q激光。  相似文献   

The structural properties of GaAs implanted with high doses of 2 MeV arsenic or gallium ions with subsequent annealing at different temperatures were studied by transmission electron microscopy, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry-channeling, double crystal x-ray diffraction. Optical absorption, electrical conductivity, Hall effect and time-resolved photoluminescence were applied to monitor changes in electrical and optical characteristics of the material. An important conclusion from this investigation is that there was hardly any difference between materials implanted with gallium or arsenic. For implantation of either species, a large number of point defects was introduced and for a high enough dose a buried amorphous layer was formed. Hopping conduction and high absorption below band-to-band transition were observed for both cases. After low temperature annealing of the amorphous material, a high density of stacking faults and microtwins were found. Regrowth rates at the front and back amorphous-crystalline interfaces showed a significant difference. This was attributed to differences in local nonstoichiometry of the material at the upper and lower amorphous-crystalline interfaces. Structural studies showed the presence of some residual damage (a band of polycrystalline material in the center of the regrown area) with some associated strain even after annealing at high temperatures. Recovery to the conduction band transport in annealed samples was observed but mobilities, of the order of 2000 cmWs, were still smaller than in unimplanted GaAs. These results show that, in as-implanted material and even after annealing at lower temperatures, the point defects introduced by the implantation are responsible for the very short photocarrier lifetime. *On leave from Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University, Poland.  相似文献   

介绍了一套砷化镓专用电路CAD软件,它可完成砷化镓器件模拟、器件模型参数提取、电路模拟、版图编辑、PG带生成的全过程设计。  相似文献   

Structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties ofzinc-chalcogenides (viz. ZnX, X = S, Se and Te) are studied in zinc-blende structure under hydrostatic pressure using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method. Generalized gradient approximation is used for exchange correlation potentials. Pressure-dependent lattice constants and bulk moduli are obtained using the optimization method. Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, internal strain parameter and anisotropy are also calculated. The higher values of Young's modulus in comparison to the bulk modulus show that these materials are hard to break. Poisson's ratio is computed for the first time for these materials to the best of our knowledge and its values show higher ionic contribution in these materials. Modified Becke and Johnson (mBJ) method is used to study band gaps, density of states, dielectric function and refractive index. Electronic study shows direct band gaps convert to indirect band gaps with increasing pressure in the case of ZnS and ZnTe. We compared our results with other theoretical and experimental results. Our results are far better than other theoretical results because mBJ is the best technique to treat Ⅱ-Ⅵ semiconductors.  相似文献   

张行愚  姚广涛 《激光杂志》1998,19(5):21-24,29
本文将慢恢复SA被动调Q激光器的最佳化条件,最大能量以及相应的峰值功率表示为两个综合参量的函数,并给出了相应曲线,在实验上对Cr^4+:YAG调QAd^3+:YAG激光器的最佳化问题进行研究,理论结果与实验结果基本相符。  相似文献   

本文报道采用五甲川染料、Cr^4 :YAG和LiF:F2分别作为可饱和吸引体实现闪光灯泵浦的Nd:YAG激光器的锁模运转,得到稳定的单脉冲序列。着重分析了Cr^4 :YAG激光态吸收饱和导致的被动锁模以及在LiF:F2^-调Q下Nd:YAG的自聚焦引起的锁模运转机制的锁模过程、理论分析与实验结果一致。  相似文献   

A new method is applied to characterize the defects in GaAs material(e.g.the absorption ofEL2 centres).The method consists of transmitting a laser beam(λ=1.1-1.5μm)through the GaAs wa-fer of 4—8 mm thickness and 50 mm diameter.The image is received by the TOSHIBA 8844 cameraand entered into the DATASUD computer image processing system.This image is displayed on amonitor permitting to observe the inhomogeneity(like cross,cells and volutes)of theEL2 and dislocation defects.This paper will introduce a specific image processing software for GaAs materi-al,called ZHIMAG(ZHang IMAGe)and its application to GaAs wafer.The software can bealso applied to any other types of image processing.  相似文献   

在透射电子显微镜下,对单根GaAs纳米线实施了原位弯曲变形并获得了其弯曲变形下的电输运性能特性。本研究中,利用扫描透射探针系统和电子束诱导碳沉积技术,选取了单根GaAs纳米线并将纳米线两端与两根钨针尖连接固定。控制可移动的钨针尖,使GaAs纳米线发生弯曲变形同时获得相应的电流-电压曲线。有限元分析表明当纳米线的两端都固定时,纳米线同时承受了压缩应变和拉伸应变,其中压缩应变分布更为广泛。随着变形增加,GaAs纳米线的电导率增加了55%,这可能归因于弯曲变形下压缩与拉伸应变对GaAs纳米线能带结构的共同作用。  相似文献   

We use a novel broadband microwave spectroscopy measurement to study the source-drain current characteristics of a GaAs quantum point contact (QPC) within the tunnelling regime. The experimental setup was based on the Corbino approach with the notable difference that it was non-invasive to the sample and swept a frequency range between 1 and 10 GHz at low temperatures. Highly aperiodic but completely reproducible conductance fluctuations were observed close to pinch-off as well as regions of negative conductance. We account these fluctuations to be due to quantum interference of ballistic electron trajectories, trapped within the QPC, being modified by the radiation source and influencing the tunnelling rates through a complex potential well structure.  相似文献   

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