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From our long experience of using profiled magnetic fields to stabilize and manipulate the AB phase boundary in superfluid 3He in the zero-temperature limit, we have constructed a cell where we can place the AB interface in the vicinity of a pair of crossed vibrating wire resonators (VWRs). The VWRs provide sensitive mechanical probes of the A and B phase energy gaps and textures. Here we present preliminary resugts where we observe the dynamic response of the VWR at the AB interface.  相似文献   

No Heading We report our results of shear acoustic impedance measurements performed on superfluid 3He in 98% porosity silica aerogel. Experiments in high porosity aerogel provide unique opportunity to study the influence of disorder on a p-wave superfluid and compare the behavior with that of the well understood pure bulk. Our experiment is designed to detect acoustic signatures from both bulk liquid and liquid in aerogel. In the past, experiments on 3He in aerogel have been conducted in zero or low magnetic fields (< 1 tesla). We made measurements in magnetic fields as high as 15 tesla at 28.4 and 33.5 bars and observed a new phase in aerogel induced by magnetic fields splitting the superfluid transition into two.PACS numbers: 67.57Pq, 67.80Mg  相似文献   

No Heading We present measurements of the thermal damping of a cylindrical aerogel sample oscillating in superfluid. 3He-B in the low temperature regime. The measurements are made at low pressures where the 3He confined in the aerogel is normal. As in the case of conventional vibrating wire resonators, the thermal damping arises from quasiparticle collisions at the wire surface and is enhanced by many orders of magnitude by Andreev scattering from the superfluid backflow around the resonator. However, in the case of aerogel, incoming quasiparticles must be absorbed and thermalised within the aerogel before being re-emilled.PACS numbers: 67.57.Bc, 67.57.De, 67.57.Hi, 67.57.Pq.  相似文献   

No Heading Orbital viscosity is usually associated with the A phase of superfluid 3He which has a finite orbital angular momentum even in zero magnetic field. The B phase has no orbital angular momentum in zero magnetic field, but both spin and orbital angular momenta are induced by a field. The Leggett equations for spin dynamics assume that the orbital angular momentum can only charge on timescales much longer than those involved in spin dynamics. We calculate the orbital viscosity of the B phase in both the hydrodynamic and ballistic limits. At low temperatures the orbital viscosity becomes vanishingly small which gives rise to the possibility of coupled spin-orbit dynamics.PACS numbers: 67.57.Hi, 67.57.Lm  相似文献   

No Heading The persistent precessing domain (PPD) is an isolated region of coherent spin precession which is observed in the B phase of superfluid 3He at the lowest achievable temperatures. It has many unusual properties and its free decay can exceed 1000s at the lowest temperatures. Previous observations of the PPD were highly irreproducible but we now find the PPD to be very reproducible when there is a field minimum along the cell axis. Here we discuss measurements of the PPD as we control the magnetic field profile, allowing the depth of the minimum to be adjusted.PACS numbers: 67.57.Lm, 67.57.Jj, 67.57.Fg  相似文献   

No Heading A microscopic theory of transverse acoustic impedance of superfluid 3He at low temperatures is presented. we calculate the stress tensor of superfluid 3He as a response to the oscillating rough wall. For that purpose, we extend a quasi-classical theory based on the random S-matrix model to time dependent problems. We show that by virtue of the pair breaking mechanism the transverse impedance can be finite even at T=0 K. This is in contrast to the theories using the quasi-particle distribution function which predict that the impedance tends to zero like a Yosida function.PACS numbers: 67.57.Np, 67.57.Jj  相似文献   

No Heading Formal derivation of criterion for selection of superfluid phases of 3He in aerogel is presented. At the strength of the derived criterion variation of the order parameter of B-like phase in magnetic field differs from that of B-phase of pure 3He. Possible observable consequence of this difference is discussed.PACS numbers: 67.57.Pq, 67.57.Bc, 67.57.De  相似文献   

No Heading We consider domain walls between regions of superfluid 3He-B in which one component of the order parameter has the opposite sign in the two regions far from one another. We report calculations of the order parameter profile and the free energy for two types of domain wall, and discuss how these structures are relevant to superfluid 3He confined between two surfaces.PACS numbers: 67.57.Np  相似文献   

Using a microscopic, variational approach we examine the growth of4He absorbed to graphite and alkali substrates. We find that superfluid layers are formed and their behavior as a function of coverage is closely related to the one of a purely two-dimensional superfluid. The growth of a new layer undergoes a phase transition from a cluster formation into the connected superfluid when the coverage is increased. Based on the important connection to the two-dimensional fluid we propose a microscopic theory of quantum vortices in4He films at zero temperature, in which single vortices are treated as quasiparticles. We calculate the energy needed to create the single vortex, vortex inertial mass, microscopic interaction between vortices and binding energy of the vortex-antivortex pair as a function of density. We predict that at the4He superfluid density less than about 0.037 Å2 the binding energy of the pair becomes negative, indicating a phase transition into a new state where vortex-antivortex pairs are spontaneously created.  相似文献   

No Heading We have developed a new technique to study the transverse acoustic properties of superfluid 3He, employing a shear horizontal surface acoustic wave (SH-SAW) sensor. The transverse acoustic impedance can be obtained from the velocity and damping of SH-SAW which acoustically couples with liquid 3He all the interface. Since ultrasonic measurements provide the information about superfluid order-parameter through the excitation of collective modes, the SH-SAW sensor is expected to be a useful tool to study the boundary effect of superfluid 3He. Preliminary measurements were carried out at pressures of 17 and 23 bar, by the pulse transmission method at a frequency of 70 MHz. At 17 bar, imaginary squashing mode was observed as the sharp drop of the imaginary part of acoustic impedance. At 23 bar, the supercooled A-B phase transition was observed, as a jump of the real part of acoustic impedance, which was not observed in the warming process.PACS numbers: 67.57.Jj, 43.58.+z  相似文献   

No Heading Measurements of spin relaxation in superfluid 3He-A1 phase as inferred from the decay of magnetic fountain pressure are reported in magnetic fields up to 8 testa and in pressure between 1 and 29 bars. Unlike in the previous experiment1, the magnetic fountain pressure detector is placed in an apparatus containing A1 phase liquid and there is no interface with any other phases of 3He. An abrupt large change in relaxation time observed in the previous experiment is now absent near the middle of A1 phase. This observation supports the idea that the origin of the abrupt change in relaxation time is the presence of A1/A2 interface.PACS numbers: 67.57.–z, 67.65.+z, 72.25.–b  相似文献   

No Heading We have measured in detail the NMR spectra of superfluid 3 He inside two different silica aerogels, one with a porosity of 99.3% and the other 98.6%. From these spectra, we are able to determine the equilibrium A-B transition temperatures in both aerogel samples as a function of hydrostatic pressure. We find that the slope of the reduced A-B transition temperature, 1- TAB/Tc, vs. pressure is only about one third that seen for the bulk A-B transition, despite the fact the Tc for the two samples is suppressed very modestly, by only 4% and 8% at 34 bars. We argue from this that the presence of the aerogel stabilizes an equal-spin pairing which is district from that stable in the bulk.PACS numbers: 67.57 Pq, 67.57 Lm  相似文献   

No Heading We report on experiments performed with a weak link which was the only flow connection between two volumes of 3He. The deflection of a flexible wall between the volumes was measured to monitor the flow through the weak link as well as to measure the pressure difference across it. The temperature of the main volume was changed in steps of approximately 0.2 mK. After these temperature steps a fountain pressure developed and decayed on a time scale of several hundred seconds. This thermomechanical effect was found in normal and in superfluid 3He. We did not observe any influence of the quantum phase difference on the heat conductivity.PACS numbers: 67.57.De, 67.57.Fg, 74.50.+r, 85.25.Cp  相似文献   

No Heading In superfluid 3He-B mutual-friction damping of vortex-line motion decreases roughly exponentially with temperature. We record as a function of temperature and pressure the transition from regular vortex motion at high temperatures to turbulence at low temperatures. The measurements are performed with non-invasive NMR techniques, by injecting vortex loops into a long column in vortex-free rotation. The results display the phase diagram of turbulence at high flow velocities where the transition from regular to turbulent dynamics is velocity independent. At the three measured pressures 10.2, 29.0, and 34 bar, the transition is centered at 0.52–0.59 Tc and has a narrow width of 0.06 Tc while at zero pressure turbulence is not observed above 0.45 Tc.PACS numbers: 47.37, 67.40, 67.57  相似文献   

When superfluid 4He flows through a submicron aperture, the velocity is limited by a critical value which marks the onset of quantized vortex creation. The evolution of the vortices causes the quantum phase across the aperture to change by 2π, leading to a detectable drop in flow energy. Recent studies of these phase slip events have provided new insights into the nucleation mechanisms for quantum vortices. By contrast, superfluid 3He passing through a submicron aperture exhibits nonlinear hydrodynamics, characterized by a Josephson-like current phase relation. Recent experiments have revealed a multitude of effects analogous to phenomena observed in superconductors. The experiments also reveal unexpected effects such as bistability, π-states, and novel dissipation mechanisms. PACS numbers: 67.57.-z, 74.50.+r, 67.40.Hf, 67.40. Vs.  相似文献   

No Heading NMR studies of superfluid 3He in 97.5% aerogel have been performed in a magnetic field of 28.4 mT. A small-angle neutron scattering experiment on the structure of the aerogel shows that the average separation distance of silica strands is 54 nm. The aerogel strands were covered with a few layers of solid 3He whose magnetization shows Curie-Weiss behaviour. On cooling process A-like phase appeared at suppressed superfluid transition temperature TCaero and B-like phase appeared at lower temperatures although only the B-like phase was observed up to TCaero on warming process above 2.1 MPa. The superfluid transitions in aerogel always occur below the AB phase transition temperature of bulk liquid at all pressures. An isotropic inhomogeneous scattering model(IISM) proposed by Thuneberg et al. explained well the observed suppressed TCaero in 97.5% with the radius 59 nm of voids in this model. This radius is similar with the average strand separation distance of 54 nm measured in the structural analysis. This similarity of two lengths shows the connection of the suppression of TCaero with the actual average separation distance of the silica strands.PACS numbers: 67.57.Pq, 67.80.Jd  相似文献   

The Josephson coupling between two volumes of superfluid 3He-B also couples the phase difference to the spin-orbit texture of the order parameter. As a result, the equilibrium configuration of the macroscopic texture depends on the phase difference. If the junction is biased by a pressure head, the Josephson oscillations of the supercurrent are accompanied by an oscillation of the texture close to the junction. This leads to a radiation of spin waves from the weak link, and thus contributes to the dissipative dc currents flowing through it. PACS numbers: 67.57.De, 67.57.Fg, 67.57.Np.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the response of the A-like phase of superfluid 3He in aerogel to an applied flow. The measurements are made using a cylindrical piece of 98% silica aerogel attached to a vibrating wire resonator. The resonator is immersed in superfluid 3He at low temperatures and relatively high magnetic fields such that the aerogel confined superfluid is in the A-like phase, while the surrounding fluid is in the bulk B-phase. We observe a variety of interesting non-linear and hysteretic effects when the resonator is driven to higher velocities. We present some of our preliminary findings and speculate on their implications.  相似文献   

We have measured the damping on a quartz tuning fork in the B-phase of superfluid 3He at low temperatures, below 0.3T c. We present extensive measurements of the velocity dependence and temperature dependence of the damping force. At the lowest temperatures the damping is dominated by intrinsic dissipation at low velocities. Above some critical velocity an extra temperature independent damping mechanism quickly dominates. At higher temperatures there is additional damping from thermal quasiparticle excitations. The thermal damping mechanism is found to be the same as that for a vibrating wire resonator; Andreev scattering of thermal quasiparticles from the superfluid back-flow leads to a very large damping force. At low velocities the thermal damping force varies linearly with velocity, but tends towards a constant at higher velocities. The thermal damping fits very well to a simple model developed for vibrating wire resonators. This is somewhat surprising, since the quasiparticle trajectories through the superfluid flow around the fork prongs are more complicated due to the relatively high frequency of motion. We also discuss the damping mechanism above the critical velocity and compare the behaviour with other vibrating structures in superfluid 3He-B and in superfluid 4He at low temperatures. In superfluid 4He the high velocity response is usually dominated by vortex production (quantum turbulence), however in superfluid 3He the response may either be dominated by pair-breaking or by vortex production. In both cases the critical velocity in superfluid 3He-B is much smaller and the high velocity drag coefficient is much larger, compared to equivalent measurements in superfluid 4He.  相似文献   

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