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Mountain pine beetles,Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, and California five-spined ips,Ips paraconfusus Lanier, were reared axenically from surface-sterilized eggs on aseptic pine phloem. After 24 hr in host logs, axenip femaleD. ponderosae and maleI. paraconfusus produced the aggregation pheromones,trans-verbenol (D. ponderosae), and ipsenol and ipsdienol (I. paraconfusus). Emergent, axenically reared maleD. ponderosae contained normal amounts of the pheromoneexo-brevicomin. Axenic femaleD. ponderosae treated with juvenile hormone or exposed to vapors of -pinene, produced the pheromonetrans-verbenol. By 25–35 days after eclosion, axenic females exposed to -pinene vapors produced over six times as muchtrans-verbenol as wild females, suggesting that while microorganisms in wild females may producetrans-verbenol, they may also inhibit production of the pheromone or use it as a substrate.Research supported in part by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Operating Grants A3881 and A3706, and H.R. MacMillan Family Fund Fellowships to J.E. Conn and D.W.A. Hunt.  相似文献   

Male mountain pine beetles,Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, produced ipsdienol [97.0% ± 0.3S-(+)] and myrcenol (90.3% ± 4.0E) when exposed to myrcene vapors. Females which were exposed to myrcene vapors did not produce any ipsdienol, but did produce low levels of myrcenol (98.0% ± 0.7E). Neither sex produced detectable levels of ipsdienol or myrcenol when fed for 24 hr on lodgepole pine,Pinus contorta var.latifolia Engelmann. The sex-specific conversion of myrcene to ipsdienol and myrcenol suggests that these compounds may have behavioral significance within the species. In addition, the S-(+)-ipsdienol produced by maleD. ponderosae probably functions as a repellent allomone againstIps pini (Say).Research supported in part by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Operating Grants A3881, A3785 and A0851, Strategic Grant G1039, and a Postgraduate Scholarship to D.W.A. Hunt.  相似文献   

DendroctonusBrevicomis andIps paraconfusus are sympatric bark beetle species colonizingPinus ponderosa in western North America. Interspecific and intraspecific competition for resources is, in part, mediated through semiochemicals. The response ofD. brevicomis to its attractant pheromone was significantly reduced by simultaneous release of either verbenone or racemic ipsdienol. Trap catch was significantly further reduced by including both inhibitors with the attractant pheromones. However, although the response ofIps paraconfusus was significantly inhibited with the addition of either verbenone or racemic ipsdienol, both compounds together did not result in a significant further reduction in trap catch. There was a trend for greater reduction in response ofD. brevicomis to attractant pheromones with increased release rates of either 69% (+)-/31% (–)-verbenone or 84% (–)-/16% (+)-verbenone. Response of associates to attractants and inhibitor combinations was also determined.  相似文献   

Female and male mountain pine beetles,Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, were treated topically with piperonyl butoxide or sesame oil, both of which are known to inhibit poly substrate monooxygenase activity. Beetles then exposed to vapors of the host monoterpenes -pinene and myrcene were found to contain reduced levels of the pheromonestrans-verbenol and ipsdienol, as well as a buildup of monoterpene precursors. Polysubstrate monooxygenase enzymes appear to be at least partially responsible for the detoxification of host monoterpenes and for the production of terpene alcohol pheromones in this species.Research supported in part by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Operating Grants A3881 and A7774.  相似文献   

Topical application of the juvenile hormone analog, fenoxycarb, in acetone induced newly emerged male California five-spined ips,Ips paraconfusus Lanier, to become attractive to females, as measured by positive responses to male abdominal extracts in a laboratory bioassay. Two pheromones, ipsdienol and ipsenol, were detected by gas chromatography in the abdominal extracts of fenoxycarb-treated males. Pheromone production was minimal at a dose of 0.1 g/insect of fenoxycarb, maximal at 10 g, and was reduced to unmeasurable amounts at a dose of 100 g. In comparison, peak production of pheromones was induced at a dose of 0.1 g/insect of natural juvenile hormone (JH III). Treatment with 10 g of fenoxycarb resulted in the occurrence of pheromones 12 hr after exposure, maximal pheromone content between 16 and 20 hr, and undetectable amounts after 36 hr. The demonstration that fenoxycarb is an active juvenile hormone analog for a bark beetle suggests that it may have practical utility in managing these insects.  相似文献   

The antennal sensitivities of both male and femaleIps paraconfusus were found generally to be greatest for conspecific aggregation pheromones (ipsdienol, ipsenol); intermediate for an additional conspecific pheromone (cis-verbenol), an aggregation synergist (2-phenylethanol), and pheromones/allomones of sympatric species (trans-verbenol, verbenone, and frontalin); and lowest for both host terpenes (alpha-pinene and myrcene) and other bark beetle-produced odorants (exo-brevicomin and linalool). Of the enantiomeric compounds tested, antennae of both sexes did not differ in sensitivity between thetrans-verbenol enantiomers at low dosage levels; but at higher dosages, the conspecific-produced enantiomer, (1R,4S,5R)-(+)-trans-verbenol, elicited larger mean EAG responses than its antipode, (1S,4R, 5S)-(?)-trans-verbenol. At the mid-dosage range, female antennae tended to be slightly more responsive to (S)-(?)-verbenone than to (R)-(+)-verbenone, while male antennae were equally responsive to stimulations by either verbenone enantiomer. In field bioassays there was a large and significant reduction in trap catches ofI. paraconfusus on traps where the (S)-(?)- or (R)-(+)-enantiomers of verbenone were evaporated beside logs containing boring conspecific males. Only when the (S)-(?)-enantiomer of verbenone was evaporated beside logs containing boring males did the sex ratio ofI. paraconfusus trapped shift from female-dominated to male-dominated attraction. Thus both physiological and behavioral data suggest a differential chiral sensitivity of female beetles for the verbenone enantiomers. The relative sensitivities between different chiral compounds derived from one or the other of the common precursoral host terpenes, (S)-(?)- and (R)-(+)alpha-pinene or myrcene, are discussed.  相似文献   

Antennae of male and femaleIps paraconfusus were equally and highly sensitive to their male-produced, multicomponent aggregation pheromone. Female and male antennae were highly sensitive to the pheromonal component, (S)-(–)-ipsenol, but essentially insensitive to its antipode, (R)-(+)-ipsenol. Further, female and male antennae were more sensitive to the pheromonal component, (S)-cis-verbenol, than to its antipode, (R)-cis-verbenol. Dramatic sexual dimorphism in chiral sensitivity to the ipsdienol enantiortiers was found, with female antennae being more sensitive to the conspecific pheromonal enantiomer, (S)-(+)-ipsdienol, and male antennae being more sensitive to the antipode, (R)-(–)-ipsdienol. Since (R)-(–)-ipsdienol is the principal pheromone of CaliforniaIps pini and interruptsI. paraconfusus aggregation, male antennae appear to be more sensitive to an interspecific allomone than a conspecific pheromone. Of the conspecific pheromonal enantiomers, both male and female antennae were most sensitive to (S)-(+)-ipsdienol, intermediately sensitive to (S)-(–)-ipsenol, and least sensitive to (S)-cis-verbenol. However, when enantiomeric sensitivities were compared to the estimated concentrations of these components in the natural pheromone, (S)-(~)-ipsenol tended to equal or approach the potency of (S)-(+)-ipsdienol as an antennal stimulant, while antennal responsiveness to (S)-cis-verbenol was dramatically less than for the other two pheromonal components. The behavioral implications of such physiological sensitivities are discussed in regard to perception of multicomponent synergistic pheromones and the relative efficacy of each component as an orientation cue.This paper is based in part upon a dissertation submitted to the University of California, Davis, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD in entomology.  相似文献   

Linalool, a compound from maleI. pini, previously suggested as an inhibitor forI. paraconfusus, has no obvious effect on the response ofI. paraconfusus to ponderosa pine bolts containing maleI. paraconfusus. I. pini from California and New York equally inhibit the response ofI. paraconfusus to maleI. paraconfusus. Ipsenol, one component of the attractant pheromone ofIps paraconfusus, inhibits attacks byIps pini on ponderosa pine logs baited with maleI. pini. The concentration of ipsenol used appears to be critical for effective suppression of attacks.This investigation was supported in part by a grant from the U.S. Forest Service.  相似文献   

A variety of symbionts associated with bark beetles are capable of producing compounds that are used as pheromones by their hosts. We report that two yeasts associated withDendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins,Hansenula capsulata Wickerham, andPichiapinus (Hoist) Phaff, are capable of convertingcis- andtrans-verbenol efficiently into verbenone.trans-Verbenol, which is produced by femaleD. ponderosae, acts as an aggregation pheromone for this scolytid, while verbenone, which other studies have indicated that microbe-reducedD. ponderosae are incapable of producing, acts as an antiaggregation pheromone.D. ponderosae appears to rely primarily on microbial symbionts for terminating aggregation and mass attack on individual host trees.Research supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada, Operating Grant A3881, and Strategic Grant G1039.  相似文献   

Ipsenol was identified from the frass of male, but not female,Ips latidens from British Columbia, feeding in phloem tissue of lodgepole pine,Pinus contorta var.latifolia. The responses ofJ. latidens to sources of ips-enol andcis-verbenol were determined with multiple-funnel traps in stands of lodgepole pine in British Columbia. Ipsenol attracted both male and femaleI. latidens, verifying that it is a pheromone for this species. MaleI. latidens showed a slight preference for (S)-(–)-ipsenol.cis-Verbenol was not produced by beetles of either sex and, in contrast to an earlier report, both enantiomers inhibited attraction to ipsenol-baited traps. The predators,Enoclerus sphegeus andThanasimus undatulus (Cleridae), were attracted to traps baited withcis-verbenol and ipsenol.  相似文献   

Release of the antiaggregation pheromone, verbenone, at 3.8 mg/ day from a concentrated source within a multiple-funnel trap completely inhibited response by the mountain pine beetle (MPB),Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, to attractive semiochemical lures. When aerial applications were simulated and verbenone was released at the same rate from beads lying in a 2×2-m area on the forest floor 15–35 cm below a trap, the response of the MPB was inhibited by only 50%. This reduced inhibition may be explained in part by the photoisomerism of verbenone. When exposed to full sunlight on two occasions, the times required for 50% of verbenone vapors to be converted to chrysanthenone were 75 and 100 min, respectively. Trap and tree-baiting experiments indicated no biological activity of chrysanthenone. Rapid photoisomerization could reduce the concentration of verbenone below biologically active levels and would allow the MPB to colonize trees close to already occupied hosts, contributing to the characteristic clumped distribution of MPB attack. The rate of verbenone photoisomerization may vary according to geographic location, stand elevation and density, and should be considered before verbenone is applied to control the MPB and other bark beetles.  相似文献   

The movement of bark beetles near an attractive pheromone source is described in terms of mathematical models of the diffusion type. To test the models, two release experiments involving 47,000 marked spruce bark beetles [Ips typographus (L.)] were performed. The attractive source was a pheromone trap, surrounded by eight concentric rings with eight passive trap stations on each ring. Captures were recorded every 2–10 minutes for the pheromone trap and once for the passive traps. The models were fitted to the distribution in time of the central pheromone trap catch and to the spatial distribution of catch among the passive traps. The first model that gives a reasonable fit consists of two phases: Phase one—After release the beetles move according to a diffusion process with drift towards the pheromone trap. The strength of the drift is inversely proportional to the distance from the traps. Phase two—those beetles attracted to, but not caught by, the pheromone trap are no longer influenced by the pheromone, and their movement is described by a diffusion process without drift. In phase two we work with a loss of beetles, whereas the experiment seems to indicate that the loss of beetles in phase one is negligible. As a second model, the following modification of phase one is considered: After release the beetles move according to a diffusion process without drift, until they start responding to the pheromone (with constant probability per unit time), whereafter they start moving according to a diffusion process with drift. This study, like other release experiments, shows that the efficiency of the pheromone trap is rather low. What is specific for the present investigation is that we try to explain this low efficiency in terms of dynamic models for insect movement. Two factors seem to contribute: Some beetles do not respond to pheromone at all, and some beetles disappear again after having been close to the pheromone trap. It also seems that the motility of the beetles decreased after they ceased responding to the pheromone. Furthermore, the data lend some support to the hypothesis that flight exercise increases the response of the beetles to pheromone.  相似文献   

Syntheses of all four Stereoisomers (2S,5S; 2S,5R;2R,5R; and2R,5S) of chalcogran, a major component of the aggregation pheromone ofPityogenes chalcographus, and of all four isomers (2Z,4Z; 2Z,4E; 2E,4E; and 2E,4Z) of methyl 2,4-decadienoate (MD), the second major pheromone component, are briefly described. Attraction responses of walking beetles of both sexes were tested to mixtures of the synergistic pheromone components or analogs. These bioassays showed that theE,Z isomer of MD is the most active when tested with chalcogran. When tested with (E,Z)-MD, (2S,5R)-chalcogran was the most active stereoisomer, while 2R,5R and 2R,5S isomers had intermediate activities, and the 2S,5S isomer was inactive. There was no evidence that the relatively less active Stereoisomers of chalcogran inhibited or promoted attraction to (2S,5R)-chalcogran with (E,Z)-MD. Male beetles only produce the activeE,Z isomer of MD (inactive alone) and their hindguts contain the most active (2S,5R)- and least active (2S,5S)-chalcogran. A mixture of all MD isomers with racemic chalcogran was not significantly different in attractivity compared to (E,Z)-MD with racemic chalcogran, indicating no synergistic or inhibitory effects of the inactive isomers of MD.  相似文献   

The aggregation pheromone ofGnathotrichus retusus was isolated and identified as (S)-(+)-sulcatol (6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol). In laboratory and field experiments,G. retusus responded to (S)-(+)-sulcatol, but not to (±)-sulcatol, which was attractive to the sympatric species,G. sulcatus. G. sulcatus did not respond to optically pure (S)-(+)-sulcatol, but began to respond when 1% (R)-(–)-sulcatol was present in an enantiomeric mixture.Research supported by the National Science Foundation, U.S.A. (Grant BMS-74-13643), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Co-op grant A0243 and Operating Grant A3881 and A3785).  相似文献   

The attractive volatiles in the air around the virgin female of the smaller European elm bark beetle,Scolytus multistriatus (Marsham), tunneling in elm logs can be collected by passing the air through a column of Porapak Q. These volatiles can be removed from the Porapak by Soxhlet extraction with hexane, yielding an extract that is attractive to in-flight beetles in the field. GLC analyses of this extract and an extract of virgin female frass indicate that the aeration extract contains active chemicals that are not in the extract of frass.  相似文献   

A new pheromone component, lanierone, (2-hydroxy-4,4,6-trimethyl-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-one) was isolated and identified from a Porapak Q collection of volatiles from maleIps pini from New York through GC fractionation, bioassay, and spectrometry. In both the laboratory and the field, synthetic lanierone, in a 1:100 ratio with synthetic ipsdienol, is as attractive as natural pheromone sources. Synthetic ipsdienol alone is not attractive in the laboratory and only weakly attractive in the field. Varying the ratio of lanierone to ipsdienol in the field from 10–41 to 11 in 10-fold increments resulted in an increased number of beetles trapped at the three lower ratios, but also in an increase in the proportion of males trapped. In the field, all combinations of lanierone to ipsdienol attracted proportionately fewer males than did pheromone-producing male beetles. GC and GC-MS analyses of Porapak Q-trapped volatiles revealed that lanierone is produced in an amount equal to about 0.2% of that of ipsdienol and is produced exclusively by males. The small amount of lanierone produced, together with a GC retention time similar to that of ipsdienol on a nonpolar column, probably confounded its detection in earlier studies.Deceased.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that green leaf volatiles act as antiaggregants for the mountain pine beetle (MPB),Dendroctonus ponderosac Hopkins. In coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analysis MPB antennae responded to 30 ng doses of all six-carbon green leaf alcohols tested [1-hexanol, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, (Z)-2-hexen-1-ol, (E)-3-hexen-1-ol, and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol], but not to the aldehydes, hexanal or (E)-2-hexenal, or to alcohol or aldehyde homologues with more or fewer than six carbon atoms. In field trapping experiments a blend of green leaf alcohols [1-hexanol, (Z)-2-hexen-1-ol, (E)-3-hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol] effectively disrupted the response to attractive semiochemicals; a blend of the aldehydes hexanal and (E)-2-hexenal was inactive. The two best disruptants. (E)-2-hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, reduced catches of both sexes to levels not significantly different from catches in unbaited control traps. They also reduced the attack on trees baited with attractive MBP pheromones to a level not significantly different from that on unbaited control trees. Neither of the clerid predators captured,Enoclerus sphegeus (F.) norThanasimus undatulus (Say), was repelled by green leaf volatiles. Our results suggest that green leaf alcohols are promising disruptants which may be used to supplement the antiaggregation pheromone, verbenone, in protecting single high-value trees as well as carefully selected stands with low-level populations of MPBs.  相似文献   

The bark beetles,Ips pini andI. paraconfusus, are not cross-attractive in the field although they attack the same host material at the same time. Logs containing the pheromone-producing sex (males) of both species side by side attract significantly fewer beetles of each species than do males of either species alone. Ipsenol, a component of the maleI. paraconfusus pheromone, duplicates the activity of maleI. paraconfusus in inhibiting the response ofI. pini to maleI. pini. Linalool from maleI. pini also reduces the catch ofI. paraconfusus in response to maleI. paraconfusus. Simultaneous production of a specific attractant pheromone and an interspecific chemical inhibitor favors exclusive use of the host substrate by the first arriving species.  相似文献   

Authentic 4,6,6-lineatin (3,3,7-trimethyl-2,9-dioxatricyclo-[,7]nonane) (I) was produced in low yield via three synthetic pathways. In field tests, microgram amounts of the product from all three syntheses attracted large numbers ofTrypodendron lineatum of both sexes. These results confirm that 4,6,6-lineatin (I) is a population aggregation pheromone forT. lineatum.Research supported by National Science Foundation (U.S.A), Grant PCM4-13643, National Research Council (Canada), Co-op Grant A0243 and Operating Grants A3881 and A3785, and a Canadian Forestry Service Science Subvention Grant.  相似文献   

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