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运用层次纹理映射的基于图像绘制算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑新  王文成  吴恩华 《软件学报》2001,12(11):1647-1653
提出一种基于图像绘制(image-basedrendering,简称IBR)的算法,以发挥图形卡的纹理映射功能,并能表现物体表面的三维凹凸细节.首先将深度图像的像素按其相关深度分为多层纹理图像,然后利用纹理映射的硬件支持,将这些层次纹理图像依次投影到与视点相关的成像面上,以得到所需目标图像.为了避免目标图像上出现空洞,在生成时,将纹素在深度层次上进行扩展.由于层次纹理图像需要较大的存储空间,并且在装入纹理缓冲时要花费大量时间,为此还提出一种基于压缩层次纹理图像的目标图像生成算法.实验表明新算法是有效的,尤其适于处理与整个物体大小相比深度层次不太多的三维景物,如有表面凹凸纹理(浮雕、门窗等)的建筑物表面等.  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2000,62(6):391-410
While 2D texture mapping is one of the most effective of the rendering techniques that make 3D objects appear visually interesting, it often suffers from visual artifacts produced when 2D image patterns are wrapped onto the surfaces of objects with arbitrary shapes. On the other hand, 3D texture mapping generates highly natural visual effects in which objects appear carved from lumps of materials rather than laminated with thin sheets as in 2D texture mapping. Storing 3D texture images in a table for fast mapping computations, instead of evaluating procedures on the fly, however, has been considered impractical due to the extremely high memory requirement. In this paper, we present a new effective method for 3D texture mapping designed for real-time rendering of polygonal models. Our scheme attempts to resolve the potential texture memory problem by compressing 3D textures using a wavelet-based encoding method. The experimental results on various nontrivial 3D textures and polygonal models show that high compression rates are achieved with few visual artifacts in the rendered images and a small impact on rendering time. The simplicity of our compression-based scheme will make it easy to implement practical 3D texture mapping in software/hardware rendering systems including real-time 3D graphics APIs such as OpenGL and Direct3D.  相似文献   

Image‐based rendering techniques are a powerful alternative to traditional polygon‐based computer graphics. This paper presents a novel light field rendering technique which performs per‐pixel depth correction of rays for high‐quality reconstruction. Our technique stores combined RGB and depth values in a parabolic 2D texture for every light field sample acquired at discrete positions on a uniform spherical setup. Image synthesis is implemented on the GPU as a fragment program which extracts the correct image information from adjacent cameras for each fragment by applying per‐pixel depth correction of rays. We show that the presented image‐based rendering technique provides a significant improvement compared to previous approaches. We explain two different rendering implementations which make use of a uniform parametrisation to minimise disparity problems and ensure full six degrees of freedom for virtual view synthesis. While one rendering algorithm implements an iterative refinement approach for rendering light fields with per pixel depth correction, the other approach employs a raycaster, which provides superior rendering quality at moderate frame rates. GPU based per‐fragment depth correction of rays, used in both implementations, helps reducing ghosting artifacts to a non‐noticeable amount and provides a rendering technique that performs without exhaustive pre‐processing for 3D object reconstruction and without real‐time ray‐object intersection calculations at rendering time.  相似文献   

We present a real‐time method for rendering a depth‐of‐field effect based on the per‐pixel layered splatting where source pixels are scattered on one of the three layers of a destination pixel. In addition, the missing information behind foreground objects is filled with an additional image of the areas occluded by nearer objects. The method creates high‐quality depth‐of‐field results even in the presence of partial occlusion, without major artifacts often present in the previous real‐time methods. The method can also be applied to simulating defocused highlights. The entire framework is accelerated by GPU, enabling real‐time post‐processing for both off‐line and interactive applications.  相似文献   

基于纹理映射与Phong光照模型的体绘制加速算法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高体绘制速度,提出了一种基于纹理映射、具有Phong光照效果的体绘制加速算法.该算法是根据Phong光照模型,利用一单位球面体来仿真相同光照绘制条件下的每一个体素的反射光强,首先形成一个以法线矢量为索引值的反射光强查寻表,再应用窗值变换的加速算法来计算体素的不透明度;然后采用纹理映射的方法将体素光强值与由不透明度组成的3D数据集从物体空间投射到观察空间,再沿视方向融合为3D图象.实验表明,这种3D旋转的明暗修正保证了体绘制中3D旋转几何变换的多视角观察的交互速度.由于该算法综合了体绘制软件算法数据处理与纹理映射硬件加速的优点,并用2D纹理映射与融合的方法实现了体数据的3D重建,因而不仅降低了对计算机硬件与软件环境的要求,而且在目前通用个人计算机上即可获得近似实时的交互绘制速度和良好的3D图象品质.据研究,该算法同样适用于3D纹理映射的体绘制方法.  相似文献   

We present user‐controllable and plausible defocus blur for a stochastic rasterizer. We modify circle of confusion coefficients per vertex to express more general defocus blur, and show how the method can be applied to limit the foreground blur, extend the in‐focus range, simulate tilt‐shift photography, and specify per‐object defocus blur. Furthermore, with two simplifying assumptions, we show that existing triangle coverage tests and tile culling tests can be used with very modest modifications. Our solution is temporally stable and handles simultaneous motion blur and depth of field.  相似文献   

Silhouette is a key feature that distinguishes displacement mapping from normal mapping. However the silhouette rendering in the GPU implementation of displacement mapping (which is often called inversed displacement mapping) is tricky. Previous approaches rely mostly on construction of additional extruding prism‐like geometry, which slows down the rendering significantly. In this paper, we proposed a method for solving the silhouette rendering problem in inverse displace mapping without using any extruding prism‐like geometry. At each step of intersection finding, we continuously bends the viewing ray according to the current local tangent space associated with the surface. Thus, it allows mapping a displacement map onto an arbitrary curved surface with more accurate silhouette. While our method is simple, it offers surprisingly good results over Curved Relief Map (CRM) [ [OP05] ] in many difficult or degenerated cases.  相似文献   

Numerous algorithms have been researched in the area of texture synthesis. However, it remains difficult to design a low‐cost synthesis scheme capable of generating high quality results while simultaneously achieving real‐time performance. Additional challenges include making a scheme parallel and being able to partially render/synthesize high‐resolution textures. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for a synthesis scheme to be able to incorporate Texture Compression and minimize the bandwidth usage, especially on mobile devices. In this paper, we propose a practical method which has low computational complexity and produces textures with small storage requirements. Through use of an index table, random access of the texture is another essential advantage, with which parallel rendering becomes feasible including generation of mip‐map sequences. Integrating the index table with existing compression algorithms, for example ETC or PVRTC, the bandwidth is further reduced and avoids the need for a separate, computationally expensive pass to compress the synthesized output. It should be noted that our texture synthesis achieves real‐time performance and low power consumption even on mobile devices, for which texture synthesis has been traditionally considered too expensive.  相似文献   

In the digital world, assigning arbitrary colors to an object is a simple operation thanks to texture mapping. However, in the real world, the same basic function of applying colors onto an object is far from trivial. One can specify colors during the fabrication process using a color 3D printer, but this does not apply to already existing objects. Paint and decals can be used during post‐fabrication, but they are challenging to apply on complex shapes. In this paper, we develop a method to enable texture mapping of physical objects, that is, we allow one to map an arbitrary color image onto a three‐dimensional object. Our approach builds upon hydrographics, a technique to transfer pigments printed on a sheet of polymer onto curved surfaces. We first describe a setup that makes the traditional water transfer printing process more accurate and consistent across prints. We then simulate the transfer process using a specialized parameterization to estimate the mapping between the planar color map and the object surface. We demonstrate that our approach enables the application of detailed color maps onto complex shapes such as 3D models of faces and anatomical casts.  相似文献   

Bidirectional Texture Functions (BTFs) are among the highest quality material representations available today and thus well suited whenever an exact reproduction of the appearance of a material or complete object is required. In recent years, BTFs have started to find application in various industrial settings and there is also a growing interest in the cultural heritage domain. BTFs are usually measured from real‐world samples and easily consist of tens or hundreds of gigabytes. By using data‐driven compression schemes, such as matrix or tensor factorization, a more compact but still faithful representation can be derived. This way, BTFs can be employed for real‐time rendering of photo‐realistic materials on the GPU. However, scenes containing multiple BTFs or even single objects with high‐resolution BTFs easily exceed available GPU memory on today's consumer graphics cards unless quality is drastically reduced by the compression. In this paper, we propose the Bidirectional Sparse Virtual Texture Function, a hierarchical level‐of‐detail approach for the real‐time rendering of large BTFs that requires only a small amount of GPU memory. More importantly, for larger numbers or higher resolutions, the GPU and CPU memory demand grows only marginally and the GPU workload remains constant. For this, we extend the concept of sparse virtual textures by choosing an appropriate prioritization, finding a trade off between factorization components and spatial resolution. Besides GPU memory, the high demand on bandwidth poses a serious limitation for the deployment of conventional BTFs. We show that our proposed representation can be combined with an additional transmission compression and then be employed for streaming the BTF data to the GPU from from local storage media or over the Internet. In combination with the introduced prioritization this allows for the fast visualization of relevant content in the users field of view and a consecutive progressive refinement.  相似文献   

PC机上基于2D纹理映射的三维体绘制算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
体绘制技术因其卓越的图象质量而被广泛应用,尤其是在医学方面.然而传统的体绘制技术(如光线跟踪法)因计算量大、绘制时间长等不足,限制了其在PC机上的应用.本文立足于目前标准的PC硬件平台和OpenGL1.1标准,在不显著降低图象质量的前提下,采用2D纹理映射技术来提高图象的绘制速度,将大量的三次线性插值运算转换为二次线性插值运算,并充分利用PC硬件的2D纹理映能力来加速绘制速度.实验结果表明,2D纹理映方法明显提高了图象的绘制速度,并具有较好的图象质量.随着PC硬件的发展,为提高体绘制速度和改善图象质量提供了更广阔的空间.  相似文献   

利用图形硬件的纹理映射和可编程GPU功能,高效实现基于焦点区域的体绘制.使用模板缓存检测机制把体数据标记为3个不同的区域,然后对标记区域使用基于纹理映射的方法分别绘制;同时使用基于GPU方法实现了周围区域的体轮廓绘制以及体绘制中多个转换函数的指定过程.文中方法使得体绘制系统实现容易、可扩展性好.  相似文献   

人脸合成中模型的平滑调整和逼真的纹理映射   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将薄平面样条函数用于人头模型的调整,使模型调整变得更加平滑、自然,并在纹理映射时,提出了基于模型分块的视角相关纹理映射的方法,该方法将模型分块并用每块对应的最清晰、非冗余的纹理对模型块做映射,使块与块之间形成的规则过渡带非常易于纹理融合,整个模型逐块地一次绘制完成,然后在模型中嵌入了抽象的人脸肌肉,合成出非常逼真的人脸表情动画.实验表明文中算法快速、简捷,合成的人脸图像细节清晰、逼真.  相似文献   

提出一种面向未来掌上移动设备(如高端手机,PDA等)的灵活实用的纹理映射方法.该方法仅需要一张正面人脸照片作为输入,不要求模型和纹理的精确匹配,通过简单的交互实现在较低资源配置下人脸纹理的提取.采用了一种交互调整映射的方案,通过用户对模型中特征点及其影响区域的编辑,实现对局部纹理坐标的定义,得到满意的映射效果.实验结果表明,文中方法具有较高的效率和真实感,可以用于产生真实感三维人脸表情动画.  相似文献   

纹理力触觉再现是通过特定的硬件装置模拟产生与物体纹理表面接触时的触感,使用户能感受到物体的粗糙度、软硬度等纹理特征信息。振动刺激作为再现物体触觉信息的一种刺激方式,在纹理触觉再现中被广泛运用,产生了不同的振动触觉表达装置和纹理触觉表达方法。从纹理触觉认知的角度,阐述了人对振动刺激的触觉感知生理学基础;介绍了纹理触觉再现的原理和方法;从振动与纹理特征的映射方法以及振动刺激方式两个方面分析了目前振动触觉纹理再现技术的发展现状;最后对相关研究的发展进行了总结展望。  相似文献   

Image‐based rendering (IBR) techniques allow capture and display of 3D environments using photographs. Modern IBR pipelines reconstruct proxy geometry using multi‐view stereo, reproject the photographs onto the proxy and blend them to create novel views. The success of these methods depends on accurate 3D proxies, which are difficult to obtain for complex objects such as trees and cars. Large number of input images do not improve reconstruction proportionally; surface extraction is challenging even from dense range scans for scenes containing such objects. Our approach does not depend on dense accurate geometric reconstruction; instead we compensate for sparse 3D information by variational image warping. In particular, we formulate silhouette‐aware warps that preserve salient depth discontinuities. This improves the rendering of difficult foreground objects, even when deviating from view interpolation. We use a semi‐automatic step to identify depth discontinuities and extract a sparse set of depth constraints used to guide the warp. Our framework is lightweight and results in good quality IBR for previously challenging environments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel approach for high-dynamic-range (HDR) texture compression (TC) suitable for rendering systems of different capacities. Based on the previously proposed DHTC scheme, we first work out an improved joint-channel compression framework, which is robust and flexible enough to provide compressed HDR textures at different bit rates. Then, two compressed HDR texture formats based on the proposed framework are developed. The 8 bpp format is of near lossless visual quality, improving upon known state-of-the-art algorithms. And, to our knowledge, the 4 bpp format is the first workable 4 bpp solution with good quality. We also show that HDR textures in the proposed 4 bpp and 8 bpp formats can compose a layered architecture in the texture consumption pipeline, to significantly save the memory bandwidth and storage in real-time rendering. In addition, the 8 bpp format can also be used to handle traditional low dynamic range (LDR) RGBA textures. Our scheme exhibits a practical solution for compressing HDR textures at different rates and LDR textures with alpha maps.  相似文献   

We present a novel representation and rendering method for free‐viewpoint video of human characters based on multiple input video streams. The basic idea is to approximate the articulated 3D shape of the human body using a subdivision into textured billboards along the skeleton structure. Billboards are clustered to fans such that each skeleton bone contains one billboard per source camera. We call this representation articulated billboards. In the paper we describe a semi‐automatic, data‐driven algorithm to construct and render this representation, which robustly handles even challenging acquisition scenarios characterized by sparse camera positioning, inaccurate camera calibration, low video resolution, or occlusions in the scene. First, for each input view, a 2D pose estimation based on image silhouettes, motion capture data, and temporal video coherence is used to create a segmentation mask for each body part. Then, from the 2D poses and the segmentation, the actual articulated billboard model is constructed by a 3D joint optimization and compensation for camera calibration errors. The rendering method includes a novel way of blending the textural contributions of each billboard and features an adaptive seam correction to eliminate visible discontinuities between adjacent billboards textures. Our articulated billboards do not only minimize ghosting artifacts known from conventional billboard rendering, but also alleviate restrictions to the setup and sensitivities to errors of more complex 3D representations and multiview reconstruction techniques. Our results demonstrate the flexibility and the robustness of our approach with high quality free‐viewpoint video generated from broadcast footage of challenging, uncontrolled environments.  相似文献   

A major challenge in generating high‐fidelity virtual environments (VEs) is to be able to provide realism at interactive rates. The high‐fidelity simulation of light and sound is still unachievable in real time as such physical accuracy is very computationally demanding. Only recently has visual perception been used in high‐fidelity rendering to improve performance by a series of novel exploitations; to render parts of the scene that are not currently being attended to by the viewer at a much lower quality without the difference being perceived. This paper investigates the effect spatialized directional sound has on the visual attention of a user towards rendered images. These perceptual artefacts are utilized in selective rendering pipelines via the use of multi‐modal maps. The multi‐modal maps are tested through psychophysical experiments to examine their applicability to selective rendering algorithms, with a series of fixed cost rendering functions, and are found to perform significantly better than only using image saliency maps that are naively applied to multi‐modal VEs.  相似文献   

VR headsets and hand‐held devices are not powerful enough to render complex scenes in real‐time. A server can take on the rendering task, but network latency prohibits a good user experience. We present a new image‐based rendering (IBR) architecture for masking the latency. It runs in real‐time even on very weak mobile devices, supports modern game engine graphics, and maintains high visual quality even for large view displacements. We propose a novel server‐side dual‐view representation that leverages an optimally‐placed extra view and depth peeling to provide the client with coverage for filling disocclusion holes. This representation is directly rendered in a novel wide‐angle projection with favorable directional parameterization. A new client‐side IBR algorithm uses a pre‐transmitted level‐of‐detail proxy with an encaging simplification and depth‐carving to maintain highly complex geometric detail. We demonstrate our approach with typical VR / mobile gaming applications running on mobile hardware. Our technique compares favorably to competing approaches according to perceptual and numerical comparisons.  相似文献   

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