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Time‐varying volatility and linear trends are common features of several macroeconomic time series. Recent articles have proposed panel unit root tests (PURTs) that are pivotal in the presence of volatility shifts, excluding linear trends, however. This article proposes a new PURT that works well for data that is both heteroskedastic and trending. Under the null hypothesis, the test statistic has a limiting Gaussian distribution. We derive the local asymptotic power to underpin the consistency of the test statistic. Simulation results reveal that the test performs well in small samples. As an empirical illustration, we examine the stationarity of energy use per capita in OECD economies. While the series are in general difference stationary, they could also be considered as trend stationary for specific time spans.  相似文献   

The problem of time‐series discrimination and classification is discussed. We propose a novel clustering algorithm based on a class of quasi U‐statistics and subgroup decomposition tests. The decomposition may be applied to any concave time‐series distance. The resulting test statistics are proven to be asymptotically normal for either i.i.d. or non‐identically distributed groups of time‐series under mild conditions. We illustrate its empirical performance on a simulation study and a real data analysis. The simulation setup includes stationary vs. stationary and stationary vs. non‐stationary cases. The performance of the proposed method is favourably compared with some of the most common clustering measures available.  相似文献   

Two tests are proposed in this paper for comparing spectra of two univariate time series. One is a Pearson‐like statistic based only on periodograms of the compared time series and applicable for testing the equality of two time‐invariant spectra of two independent or dependent time series, with an asymptotic chi‐squared distribution under the null hypothesis. The other is based on the maximum of the Pearson‐like statistics. Not only does this test, again, depend only on periodograms but also approximately equals the maximum of a chi‐squared distribution of the same degrees of freedom under the null. It can be used to test the equality of spectra of two locally stationary time series regardless of whether they are dependent or independent. Multiple simulation examples show that both statistics achieve good performance. The proposed approach is illustrated by an application to longitudinal vibration data from a container ship.  相似文献   

We propose a novel quasi‐Bayesian Metropolis‐within‐Gibbs algorithm that can be used to estimate drifts in the shock volatilities of a linearized dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. The resulting volatility estimates differ from the existing approaches in two ways. First, the time variation enters non‐parametrically, so that our approach ensures consistent estimation in a wide class of processes, thereby eliminating the need to specify the volatility law of motion and alleviating the risk of invalid inference due to mis‐specification. Second, the conditional quasi‐posterior of the drifting volatilities is available in closed form, which makes inference straightforward and simplifies existing algorithms. We apply our estimation procedure to a standard DSGE model and find that the estimated volatility paths are smoother compared to alternative stochastic volatility estimates. Moreover, we demonstrate that our procedure can deliver statistically significant improvements to the density forecasts of the DSGE model compared to alternative methods.  相似文献   

Many time series exhibit both nonlinearity and non‐stationarity. Though both features have been often taken into account separately, few attempts have been proposed for modelling them simultaneously. We consider threshold models, and present a general model allowing for different regimes both in time and in levels, where regime transitions may happen according to self‐exciting, or smoothly varying or piecewise linear threshold modelling. Since fitting such a model involves the choice of a large number of structural parameters, we propose a procedure based on genetic algorithms, evaluating models by means of a generalized identification criterion. The performance of the proposed procedure is illustrated with a simulation study and applications to some real data.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper obtains the joint limiting distribution of residuals and squared residuals of a general time‐series model. Based on this, we propose a mixed portmanteau statistic for testing the adequacy of fitted time‐series models. In some cases, it is shown that this statistic can be simply approximated by the sum of well‐known portmanteau statistics. The finite‐sample performance of the new test is compared with those of well‐known tests through simulations.  相似文献   

This work develops maximum likelihood‐based unit root tests in the noncausal autoregressive (NCAR) model with a non‐Gaussian error term formulated by Lanne and Saikkonen (2011, Journal of Time Series Econometrics 3, Issue 3, Article 2). Finite‐sample properties of the tests are examined via Monte Carlo simulations. The results show that the size properties of the tests are satisfactory and that clear power gains against stationary NCAR alternatives can be achieved in comparison with available alternative tests. In an empirical application to a Finnish interest rate series, evidence in favour of an NCAR model with leptokurtic errors is found.  相似文献   

Abstract. We evaluate the performance of several specification tests for Markov regime‐switching time‐series models. We consider the Lagrange multiplier (LM) and dynamic specification tests of Hamilton (1996) and Ljung–Box tests based on both the generalized residual and a standard‐normal residual constructed using the Rosenblatt transformation. The size and power of the tests are studied using Monte Carlo experiments. We find that the LM tests have the best size and power properties. The Ljung–Box tests exhibit slight size distortions, though tests based on the Rosenblatt transformation perform better than the generalized residual‐based tests. The tests exhibit impressive power to detect both autocorrelation and autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH). The tests are illustrated with a Markov‐switching generalized ARCH (GARCH) model fitted to the US dollar–British pound exchange rate, with the finding that both autocorrelation and GARCH effects are needed to adequately fit the data.  相似文献   

This article proves consistency and asymptotic normality for the conditional‐sum‐of‐squares estimator, which is equivalent to the conditional maximum likelihood estimator, in multivariate fractional time‐series models. The model is parametric and quite general and, in particular, encompasses the multivariate non‐cointegrated fractional autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model. The novelty of the consistency result, in particular, is that it applies to a multivariate model and to an arbitrarily large set of admissible parameter values, for which the objective function does not converge uniformly in probability, thus making the proof much more challenging than usual. The neighbourhood around the critical point where uniform convergence fails is handled using a truncation argument.  相似文献   

In the context of heteroscedastic time‐varying autoregressive (AR)‐process we study the estimation of the error/innovation distributions. Our study reveals that the non‐parametric estimation of the AR parameter functions has a negligible asymptotic effect on the estimation of the empirical distribution of the residuals even though the AR parameter functions are estimated non‐parametrically. The derivation of these results involves the study of both function‐indexed sequential residual empirical processes and weighted sum processes. Exponential inequalities and weak convergence results are derived. As an application of our results we discuss testing for the constancy of the variance function, which in special cases corresponds to testing for stationarity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest a new set of regression-based statistics for testing the seasonal unit root null hypothesis. These tests are based on combining conventional Hylleberg et al . (1990 ) -type seasonal unit root test statistics calculated from both forward and reverse estimation of the auxiliary regression equation. We derive the asymptotic distributions of the new test statistics under the seasonal unit root null hypothesis. We provide finite sample critical values appropriate for the case of quarterly data together with asymptotic critical values, the latter appropriate for any seasonal aspect. Monte Carlo simulation of the finite-sample size and power properties of the new tests reveals that, overall, they perform rather better than extant tests of the seasonal unit root hypothesis.  相似文献   

Coherence is one common metric for cross‐dependence in multichannel signals. However, standard coherence does not sufficiently model many biological signals with complex dependence structures such as cross‐oscillatory interactions between a low‐frequency component in one signal and a high‐frequency component in another. The notion of cross‐dependence between low‐ and high‐frequency components, as defined in classical harmonizable processes, is still inadequate because it assumes time invariance and thus cannot capture cross‐frequency interactions that evolve over time. We construct a novel framework for modeling and estimating these dependencies under the replicated time series setting. Under this framework, we establish the novel concept of evolutionary dual‐frequency coherence and develop time‐localized estimators based on dual‐frequency local periodograms. The proposed nonparametric estimation procedure does not suffer from model misspecification. It uses the localized fast Fourier transform and hence is able to handle massive data. When applied to electroencephalogram data recorded in a motor intention experiment, the proposed method uncovers new and interesting cross‐oscillatory interactions that have been overlooked by the standard approaches.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate the behaviour of rolling and recursive augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) tests against processes which display changes in persistence. We show that the power of the tests depend crucially on the window width and warm up parameter for the rolling and recursive procedures respectively, on whether forward or reverse recursive sequences of tests are computed, and on the persistence change process generating the data. To ameliorate these dependencies we extend the available critical values for these tests, and propose a number of new sub‐sample unit root tests for which finite sample and asymptotic critical values are also provided. An empirical illustration on OECD real output data is also provided.  相似文献   

We examine some of the consequences on commonly used unit root tests when the underlying series is integrated of order two rather than of order one. It turns out that standard augmented Dickey–Fuller type of tests for a single unit root have excessive density in the explosive region of the distribution. The lower (stationary) tail, however, will be virtually unaffected in the presence of double unit roots. On the other hand, the Phillips–Perron class of semi-parametric tests is shown to diverge to plus infinity asymptotically and thus favouring the explosive alternative. Numerical simulations are used to demonstrate the analytical results and some of the implications in finite samples.  相似文献   

This article obtains the asymptotic distributions of the seasonal variance ratio tests proposed by A.M.R. Taylor (2005,Journal of Econometrics 124, 33) when these tests are applied to a periodically integrated process [PI(1)]. In contrast to the situation where the process is seasonally integrated [SI(1)], all test statistics in the PI(1) case are driven by a single stochastic trend and hence follow the distribution obtained by Breitung (2002, Journal of Econometrics 108, 343) for the original (non‐seasonal) variance ratio test. The multivariate non‐parametric cointegration test of Breitung (2002 Journal of Econometrics 108, 343) is also investigated to distinguish between PI and SI processes. A Monte Carlo analysis shows how these results apply in finite samples for both SI and PI processes and an empirical application investigates seasonally unadjusted quarterly US industrial production series.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this article, we study and compare the properties of several bootstrap unit‐root tests recently proposed in the literature. The tests are Dickey–Fuller (DF) or Augmented DF, based either on residuals from an autoregression and the use of the block bootstrap or on first‐differenced data and the use of the stationary bootstrap or sieve bootstrap. We extend the analysis by interchanging the data transformations (differences vs. residuals), the types of bootstrap and the presence or absence of a correction for autocorrelation in the tests. We show that two sieve bootstrap tests based on residuals remain asymptotically valid. In contrast to the literature which focuses on a comparison of the bootstrap tests with an asymptotic test, we compare the bootstrap tests among themselves using response surfaces for their size and power in a simulation study. This study leads to the following conclusions: (i) augmented DF tests are always preferred to standard DF tests; (ii) the sieve bootstrap performs better than the block bootstrap; (iii) difference‐based tests appear to have slightly better size properties, but residual‐based tests appear more powerful.  相似文献   

Abstract. We develop extensions of the Dickey–Fuller F‐statistics for the joint null hypothesis of a unit root that allows for a break in the innovation variance. Our statistics are based on the modified generalized least squares (GLS) strategy outlined in Kim, Leybourne and Newbold [Journal of Econometrics (2002) Vol. 109, pp. 365–387] that requires estimation of the break‐date and corresponding pre‐break and post‐break variances. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the new F‐statistics, tabulate their finite sample and asymptotic critical values, and present finite sample simulation evidence regarding their size and power.  相似文献   

Time series that are observed neither regularly nor contemporaneously pose problems for most multivariate analyses. Common and intuitive solutions to these problems include interpolation and other types of imputation to a higher, regular frequency. However, interpolation is known to cause serious problems with the size and power of statistical tests. Due to the difficulty in dating paleoclimate data such as CO2 concentrations and surface temperatures, time series of such measurements are observed neither regularly nor contemporaneously. This article presents large‐ and small‐sample analyses of the size and power of cointegration tests of time series with these features and supports the robustness of cointegration of these two series found in the extant literature. Compared to linear or higher‐order polynomial interpolation, step interpolation results in the least size distortion and is therefore recommended.  相似文献   

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to examine the application of measures of persistence in a range of time‐series models nested in the framework of Cramer (1961) . This framework is a generalization of the Wold (1938) decomposition for stationary time‐series which, in addition to accommodating the standard I(0) and I(1) models, caters for a broad range of alternative processes. Two measures of persistence are considered in some detail, namely the long‐run impulse‐response and variance‐ratio functions. Particular emphasis is given to the behaviour of these measures in a range of non‐stationary models specified in discrete time. We document the conflict that arises between different measures, applied to the same model, as well as conflict arising from the use of a given measure in different models. Precisely which persistence measures are time dependent and which are not, is highlighted. The nature of the general representation used also helps to clarify which shock the impulse‐response function refers to in the case of models where more than one random disturbance impinges on the time series.  相似文献   

Testing for a single autoregressive unit root in an autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) model is considered in the case when data contain missing values. The proposed test statistics are based on an ordinary least squares type estimator of the unit root parameter which is a simple approximation of the one-step Newton–Raphson estimator. The limiting distributions of the test statistics are the same as those of the regression statistics in AR(1) models tabulated by Dickey and Fuller (Distribution of the estimators for autoregressive time series with a unit root. J. Am. Stat. Assoc . 74 (1979), 427–31) for the complete data situation. The tests accommodate models with a fitted intercept and a fitted time trend.  相似文献   

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