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Abstract. This article considers a simple procedure for assessing whether a weakly dependent univariate stochastic process is time‐reversible. Our approach is based on a simple index of the deviation from zero of the median of the one‐dimensional marginal law of differenced data. An attractive feature of the method is that it requires no moment assumptions. Instead of relying on Gaussian asymptotic approximations, we consider using subsampling and resampling methods to construct confidence intervals for the time‐reversibility parameter, and show that such inference procedures are asymptotically valid under a mild mixing condition. The small‐sample properties of the proposed procedures are examined by means of Monte Carlo experiments and an application to real‐world data is also presented.  相似文献   

For a random design regression model with long memory design and long memory errors, we consider the problem of detecting a change point for sharp cusp or jump discontinuity in the regression function. Using the wavelet methods, we obtain estimators for the change point, the jump size and the regression function. The strong consistencies of these estimators are given in terms of convergence rates.  相似文献   

Abstract. We prove uniform convergence results for the integrated periodogram of a weakly dependent time series, namely a strong law of large numbers and a central limit theorem. These results are applied to Whittle's parametric estimation. Under general weak‐dependence assumptions, the strong consistency and asymptotic normality of Whittle's estimate are established for a large class of models. For instance, the causal θ‐weak dependence property allows a new and unified proof of those results for autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic (ARCH)(∞) and bilinear processes. Non‐causal η‐weak dependence yields the same limit theorems for two‐sided linear (with dependent inputs) or Volterra processes.  相似文献   

We consider N panels and each panel is based on T observations. We are interested to test if the means of the panels remain the same during the observation period against the alternative that the means change at an unknown time. We provide tests which are derived from a likelihood argument and they are based on the adaptation of the CUSUM method to panel data. Asymptotic distributions are derived under the no change null hypothesis and the consistency of the tests are proven under the alternative. The asymptotic results are shown to work in case of small and moderate sample sizes via Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Continuous‐time autoregressive moving average (CARMA) processes have recently been used widely in the modelling of non‐uniformly spaced data and as a tool for dealing with high‐frequency data of the form ,n = 0, 1, 2,…, where Δ is small and positive. Such data occur in many fields of application, particularly in finance and in the study of turbulence. This article is concerned with the characteristics of the process , when Δ is small and the underlying continuous‐time process is a specified CARMA process.  相似文献   

For moving average processes where the coefficients are non‐negative and the innovations are positive random variables with a regularly varying tail at infinity, we provide estimates for the coefficients based on the ratio of two sample values chosen with respect to an extreme value criteria. We then apply this result to obtain estimates for the parameters of non‐negative ARMA models. Weak convergence results for the joint distribution of our estimates are established and a simulation study is provided to examine the small sample size behaviour of these estimates.  相似文献   

Abstract. For linear processes, semiparametric estimation of the memory parameter, based on the log‐periodogram and local Whittle estimators, has been exhaustively examined and their properties well established. However, except for some specific cases, little is known about the estimation of the memory parameter for nonlinear processes. The purpose of this paper is to provide the general conditions under which the local Whittle estimator of the memory parameter of a stationary process is consistent and to examine its rate of convergence. We show that these conditions are satisfied for linear processes and a wide class of nonlinear models, among others, signal plus noise processes, nonlinear transforms of a Gaussian process ξt and exponential generalized autoregressive, conditionally heteroscedastic (EGARCH) models. Special cases where the estimator satisfies the central limit theorem are discussed. The finite‐sample performance of the estimator is investigated in a small Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

Abstract. In recent years, methods to estimate the memory parameter using wavelet analysis have gained popularity in many areas of science. Despite its widespread use, a rigorous semi‐parametric asymptotic theory, comparable with the one developed for Fourier methods, is still lacking. In this article, we adapt to the wavelet setting, the classical semi‐parametric framework introduced by Robinson and his co‐authors for estimating the memory parameter of a (possibly) non‐stationary process. Our results apply to a class of wavelets with bounded supports, which include but are not limited to Daubechies wavelets. We derive an explicit expression of the spectral density of the wavelet coefficients and show that it can be approximated, at large scales, by the spectral density of the continuous‐time wavelet coefficients of fractional Brownian motion. We derive an explicit bound for the difference between the spectral densities. As an application, we obtain minimax upper bounds for the log‐scale regression estimator of the memory parameter for a Gaussian process and we derive an explicit expression of its asymptotic variance.  相似文献   

Statistical tests are introduced for distinguishing between short‐range dependent time series with a single change in mean, and long‐range dependent time series, with the former making the null hypothesis. The tests are based on estimation of the self‐similarity parameter after removing the change in mean from the series. The focus is on the GPH (Geweke and Porter‐Hudak, 1983) and local Whittle estimation methods in the spectral domain. Theoretical properties of the resulting estimators are established when testing for a single change in mean, and small sample properties of the tests are examined in simulations. The introduced tests improve on the BHKS ( Berkes et al., 2006 ) test which is the only other available test for the considered problem. It is argued that the BHKS test has a low power against long‐range dependence alternatives and that this happens because the BHKS test statistic involves estimation of the long‐run variance. The BHKS test could be improved readily by considering its R/S‐like regression version which estimates the self‐similarity parameter and which does not involve the long‐run variance. Yet better alternatives are to use more powerful estimation methods (such as GPH or local Whittle) and lead to the tests introduced here.  相似文献   

We consider a zero mean discrete time series, and define its discrete Fourier transform (DFT) at the canonical frequencies. It can be shown that the DFT is asymptotically uncorrelated at the canonical frequencies if and only if the time series is second‐order stationary. Exploiting this important property, we construct a Portmanteau type test statistic for testing stationarity of the time series. It is shown that under the null of stationarity, the test statistic has approximately a chi‐square distribution. To examine the power of the test statistic, the asymptotic distribution under the locally stationary alternative is established. It is shown to be a generalized non‐central chi‐square, where the non‐centrality parameter measures the deviation from stationarity. The test is illustrated with simulations, where is it shown to have good power.  相似文献   

Test procedures for assessing whether two stationary and independent time series with unequal lengths have the same spectral density (or same auto‐covariance function) are investigated. A new test statistic is proposed based on the wavelet transform. It relies on empirical wavelet coefficients of the logarithm of two spectral densities' ratio. Under the null hypothesis that two spectral densities are the same, the asymptotic normal distribution of the empirical wavelet coeffcients is derived. Furthermore, these empirical wavelet coefficients are asymptotically uncorrelated. A test statistic is proposed based on these results. The performance of the new test statistic is compared to several recent test statistics, with respect to their exact levels and powers. Simulation studies show that our proposed test is very comparable to the current test statistics in most cases. The main advantage of our proposed test statistic is that it is constructed very simply and is easy to implement.  相似文献   

We introduce a robust estimator of the location parameter for the change‐point in the mean based on Wilcoxon statistic and establish its consistency for L1 near‐epoch dependent processes. It is shown that the consistency rate depends on the magnitude of the change. A simulation study is performed to evaluate the finite sample properties of the Wilcoxon‐type estimator under Gaussianity as well as under heavy‐tailed distributions and disturbances by outliers, and to compare it with a CUSUM‐type estimator. It shows that the Wilcoxon‐type estimator is equivalent to the CUSUM‐type estimator under Gaussianity but outperforms it in the presence of heavy tails or outliers in the data.  相似文献   

Cai and Chen have proposed a new iterative linear integral isoconversional method that is capable of providing more accurate values of the activation energy than the traditional linear isoconversional methods (Cai, Junmeng, Chen, Siyu, 2009. Journal of Computational Chemistry 30, 1986–1991). However, an analysis of the estimation of confidence intervals for the activation energy determined by this iterative linear integral isoconversional method is still missing. Therefore, this short communication focuses on estimating realistic confidence intervals for the activation energy calculated by the isoconversional method. For this purpose, a comparison of confidence intervals estimated using the Vyazovkin–Sbirrazzuoli corrected Student's percentiles (Vyazovkin, Sergey, Sbirrazzuoli, Nicolas, 1997. Analytica Chimica Acta 355, 175–180) and a nonparametric method has indicated that the use of the Vyazovkin–Sbirrazzuoli method tends to overestimate confidence intervals for three heating rate estimates. The new corrected Student's percentiles for realistic 95% confidence intervals ?n–2,0.975 of 2.9, 2.5 and 2.3 for three, four and five heating rate estimates, respectively, can be used to obtain realistic confidence intervals for the activation energy computed by the iterative linear integral isoconversional method.  相似文献   

Abstract. Methods for parameter estimation in the presence of long‐range dependence and heavy tails are scarce. Fractional autoregressive integrated moving average (FARIMA) time series for positive values of the fractional differencing exponent d can be used to model long‐range dependence in the case of heavy‐tailed distributions. In this paper, we focus on the estimation of the Hurst parameter H = d + 1/α for long‐range dependent FARIMA time series with symmetric α‐stable (1 < α < 2) innovations. We establish the consistency and the asymptotic normality of two types of wavelet estimators of the parameter H. We do so by exploiting the fact that the integrated series is asymptotically self‐similar with parameter H. When the parameter α is known, we also obtain consistent and asymptotically normal estimators for the fractional differencing exponent d = H ? 1/α. Our results hold for a larger class of causal linear processes with stable symmetric innovations. As the wavelet‐based estimation method used here is semi‐parametric, it allows for a more robust treatment of long‐range dependent data than parametric methods.  相似文献   

In this article, new tests for non‐parametric hypotheses in stationary processes are proposed. Our approach is based on an estimate of the L2‐distance between the spectral density matrix and its best approximation under the null hypothesis. We explain the main idea in the problem of testing for a constant spectral density matrix and in the problem of comparing the spectral densities of several correlated stationary time series. The method is based on direct estimation of integrals of the spectral density matrix and does not require the specification of smoothing parameters. We show that the limit distribution of the proposed test statistic is normal and investigate the finite sample properties of the resulting tests by means of a small simulation study.  相似文献   

We consider stationary bootstrap approximation of the non‐parametric kernel estimator in a general kth‐order nonlinear autoregressive model under the conditions ensuring that the nonlinear autoregressive process is a geometrically Harris ergodic stationary Markov process. We show that the stationary bootstrap procedure properly estimates the distribution of the non‐parametric kernel estimator. A simulation study is provided to illustrate the theory and to construct confidence intervals, which compares the proposed method favorably with some other bootstrap methods.  相似文献   

We provide a self‐normalization for the sample autocovariances and autocorrelations of a linear, long‐memory time series with innovations that have either finite fourth moment or are heavy‐tailed with tail index 2 < α < 4. In the asymptotic distribution of the sample autocovariance there are three rates of convergence that depend on the interplay between the memory parameter d and α, and which consequently lead to three different limit distributions; for the sample autocorrelation the limit distribution only depends on d. We introduce a self‐normalized sample autocovariance statistic, which is computable without knowledge of α or d (or their relationship), and which converges to a non‐degenerate distribution. We also treat self‐normalization of the autocorrelations. The sampling distributions can then be approximated non‐parametrically by subsampling, as the corresponding asymptotic distribution is still parameter‐dependent. The subsampling‐based confidence intervals for the process autocovariances and autocorrelations are shown to have satisfactory empirical coverage rates in a simulation study. The impact of subsampling block size on the coverage is assessed. The methodology is further applied to the log‐squared returns of Merck stock.  相似文献   

In this article, we revisit a time series model introduced by MCElroy and Politis (2007a) and generalize it in several ways to encompass a wider class of stationary, nonlinear, heavy‐tailed time series with long memory. The joint asymptotic distribution for the sample mean and sample variance under the extended model is derived; the associated convergence rates are found to depend crucially on the tail thickness and long memory parameter. A self‐normalized sample mean that concurrently captures the tail and memory behaviour, is defined. Its asymptotic distribution is approximated by subsampling without the knowledge of tail or/and memory parameters; a result of independent interest regarding subsampling consistency for certain long‐range dependent processes is provided. The subsampling‐based confidence intervals for the process mean are shown to have good empirical coverage rates in a simulation study. The influence of block size on the coverage and the performance of a data‐driven rule for block size selection are assessed. The methodology is further applied to the series of packet‐counts from ethernet traffic traces.  相似文献   

This paper develops a family of Markov‐switching GARCH (MSG) processes that not only encompasses some specifications in the literature, but also can be regarded as a Markov‐switching version of the family of GARCH processes introduced by He and Teräsvirta (J. Econometrics, 1999 , 92, 173–192). Some structural properties of this new family of MSG processes are considered. First, a sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of the strictly stationary solution of the family of MSG processes is presented. Moreover, we also give a sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of the strictly stationary solution of the family of MSG processes with finite δ‐order moment. In particular, a definition of so‐called family of integrated MSG processes is introduced and its stationarity is also discussed. Next, the general conditions for the existence of any order moment of the family of MSG processes are derived. Finally, by means of a new renewal theorem, we describe the tail of the marginal distribution of the family of MSG processes.  相似文献   

Testing procedures for assessing whether two stationary and independent linear processes with unequal lengths have the same spectral densities or same auto‐covariance functions are investigated. New test statistics are proposed based on the difference of the two wavelet‐based estimates of the two spectral densities. The asymptotic normal distributions of the empirical wavelet coefficients are derived based on Bartlett type approximation of a quadratic form with dependent variables by the corresponding quadratic form with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables. The limit distributions of the proposed test statistics are derived from those asymptotic results, and they asymptotically follow known chi‐square distributions. The advantage of those new procedures is that those test statistics are constructed very simply and can be used for two time series with arbitrary lengths. The performance of those new tests is compared with some recent test statistics, with respect to their exact levels and powers. Simulation studies show that our proposed tests are very comparable to the current tests.  相似文献   

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