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ABSTRACT: In this article, I analyze civic culture in Miami and demonstrate the ways in which this civic culture shapes policy making in two different areas: economic development and public safety. I argue that racial, ethnic, and economic divisions shape conflict in both policy areas, although the divisions play out in different ways in each. At the same time, an elite‐dominated power system and a reactive and fragmented decision‐making system mean that policy outcomes generally reflect the preferences of economic interests in the city, even as demographic shifts have altered the composition of the local elite and the economic health of the city has improved significantly.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This symposium presents a subset of findings from a larger multicity research project using a single operational and methodological scheme to explore the nature of civic culture. The overall purpose is to explore civic cultures in an array of larger cities, test an initial typology of civic culture, and begin to examine the connections between civic culture and local policy. The articles in the symposium make clear that it is possible to empirically identify a parsimonious taxonomy of local civic cultures focusing on systems of community power, values, and decision‐making. While many questions about the internal dynamics of each type remain to be answered, the civic cultures identified here appear empirically distinct and theoretically logical. Future research and dialogue need to focus on defining what culture is and what it is not, and then move to explore the linkages between the elements of civic culture and ultimately to local policy.  相似文献   

In this essay the concept of self-respect is defined as “deference among equals.” In exploring the application of the concept in modern cities, it is considered in the light of differentiation and inequalities, as well as the process of maintaining social order. From this ensues an examination of the situations in which respect is tendered or denied, by what are predictably public actions; from another point of view, they are Everyman's engagements with institutional structures and organizational rules. From these are developed possible indicators of (1) the degree to which self-respect exists for citizens and agents in terms of a common moral order and (2) the degree to which the social and physical environment are conducive to self-respect. Thus a rudimentary theory of self-respect, derived from the social psychology of Cooley and Meade, may be applied to compare American cities. Which cities have created a civic culture conducive to citizen self-respect?  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We examine the civic culture in Louisville focusing upon the community power structure, community value system, and public decision‐making system as described by knowledgeable persons. Interviewees were selected for their first‐hand knowledge of community decision making as participants and close observers and to represent different interests. Respondents described what resembles a corporate‐centered regime in economic development but which does not necessarily extend to education. The civic culture and attendant myths hold together a city that otherwise is greatly divided by race, class, and status apparent in the geographic segregation of the community into the East, West, and South Ends. The city's self identity and perception in some way may be at odds with its current situation and development strategies.  相似文献   

段炼  刘俊  张楠 《规划师》2002,18(1):25-28,43
对人、对社会的关注,已成为了我国目前规划设计界的一种普遍呼声。在正视我国社会转型时期民主建设及市民运动思潮的兴起、以及地域文化繁荣推动城市空间营建理论及实践的基础上,通过对长沙“五一”广场中标方案的检计,阐明了市民广场空间在城市社会发展及市民文化提高方面的建设意义,号召规划界主动参与民主建设的行动,以推动我国现代建设的步伐。  相似文献   

不当的停车政策会加重城市交通问题,而好的停车政策则可为解决城市诸多问题提供工具措施。在快速城镇化、快速机动化和城市高密度背景下,中国现行满足停车需求的供给导向政策偏重服务于小汽车出行,停车收费亦面临着相互冲突的政策目标和管理困境,其结果是停车难问题日益严重的同时还影响了其他绿色交通方式的发展。当前亟需重新审视停车在城市交通中的重要性并对其政策目标的定位做出调整,使之从满足停车需求转变为优化出行结构和提升城市综合品质的有效工具。  相似文献   

工业厂房可靠度评估的一种新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业厂房的多样性使得其组成部分的可靠度、耐久性、安全性、适用性、成新度等评估等级往往不在同一范围内 ,这给工业厂房的等级评估带来困难。本文利用物元分析法和层次分析法的特点 ,将物元分析和层次分析法有机的结合起来建立工业厂房综合评估模型 ,并用该模型对某工业厂房可靠度进行了评估 ,评估结果表明该评估方法评估建筑产品可靠度是比较符合客观实际的 ,能够克服传统方法中参评人员的主观不确定性和认识上的模糊性  相似文献   

1986年执业至今,在中台湾规划设计超过1200个住宅建筑案例,不仅是中台湾别墅小区、集合式住宅大楼的推手,更以独具原创的风格,透过建筑设计引导人们学会生活。  相似文献   

徐晓燕  叶鹏 《城市规划》2017,(11):56-64
周期性经济变化与城市发展策略密切相关,这是由市场经济资本再生产的过程决定的。欧美国家的城市复兴实践活动亦证明了这种内在规律。论文分析了转型期中国城市发展方式的特征性转变,解读了城市设计体系中"空间规划"和"公共政策"两个维度的关系。提出我国的城市设计应围绕技术理性、经济理性与社会理性3个方面,充分发挥调控经济效率和社会公平的作用。城市设计是一个通过空间的变化影响各种社会关系的有力工具,通过引导投资去向、调动民间资本的经济策略,以及建构决策组织机构、保障公众参与的社会规制,城市设计学科有可能在转型期城市变革中起到关键作用。  相似文献   

徐卫  柴铁峰 《建筑与文化》2011,(5):81-83,80
本文通过研究我国城市发展现状,提出城市运营应以地域文化为"魂",塑造城市自身特色,提高城市综合竞争力,最终实现可持续发展。进而讨论了城市运营过程中关于地域文化的保护与发扬问题,并通过实例探讨了特殊项目对城市地域文化建设的贡献。  相似文献   

姚存卓 《城市规划》2021,45(6):30-37,62
后现代主义都市里,抽象地讨论公共生活的"公共性"已经很难适应人群的生活状态,有必要加入日常生活因子,从而形成对公共生活"公共性"的完整认识.将日常生活理论引入后,可构成四个日常公共生活图式:匠人劳动、日常公共消费、日常公共交往、日常政治.加入网络社会的时代维度,能够形成研究当代日常公共生活的较为明晰的理论框架,并选取上海若干城市公共空间进行初步的实证检验.  相似文献   

某多层通用厂房在未全部投入使用的情况下 ,即发生钢筋混凝土梁、板、柱、墙体严重开裂及倾斜的事故而不得不停用。通过对该工程进行全面检测与复核 ,对事故产生的原因进行了分析与鉴定 ,本文可为处理及预防类似事故提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的 检测食源性抗生素在孕产妇孕晚期及新生儿的生物标本中阳性检测率,探究食源性抗生素暴露对新生儿健康产生的影响。方法 选择孕晚期孕妇46例,采用时间分辨荧光免疫层析法(TRFIA)分别检测孕妇血清、母乳、脐带血清、胎便中磺胺类、氟喹诺酮类、β-内酰胺类、四环素类、酰胺醇类和林可酰胺类6种抗生素的阳性表达情况;采用《新生儿健康表》对新生儿2、4、6周的健康情况进行调查。结果 食源性抗生素在孕产妇的血液、母乳、脐血及胎便中有不同程度的阳性检出;新生儿在喂养过程中食源性抗生素阳性组与阴性组发生黄疸、湿疹、腹泻的情况有显著性差异,且阳性组新生儿发生的异常率大于阴性组(P <0.05)。结论 食源性抗生素通过母体影响新生儿发生黄疸、湿疹、腹泻可能有一定的影响。  相似文献   

某框架结构办公楼经过短时间火灾后,建筑材料、构件和结构会存在不同程度的损伤和性能退化,且不同的建筑材料、不同的结构构件存在明显不同的破损现象.为了全面掌握该房屋结构当前的技术状况,需对其进行全面的安全性检测鉴定工作.本文详细地阐述了对某办公楼的火灾后安全性检测鉴定工作,提出了相应的处理建议,对其同类工程有一定的参考价值...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: While community building and organizing initiatives aimed at improving marginalized communities have proliferated in recent decades, controversies have arisen as to their efficacy. A divide has emerged between community builders, who emphasize bonding and bridging social capital, and community organizers who work with disenfranchised communities to make demands on the existing power structure though confrontational actions. Drawing on four case studies this article examines the differences and similarities of the two approaches in practice. Based on an extensive review of the literature and interviews with U.S. community builders and organizers, this article presents a heuristic model of community building and organizing activities and their ability to bring about change, including increased external social capital, ability to confront the power structure, and engagement with the political process. Case study examples of consensus and confrontational approaches and of intentional and unintentional approaches to community building are presented and compared. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

城乡规划向公共政策转型已成为业界共识,公共政策转型如何与法制化建设相结合成为新时期的研究课题。本文回顾城乡规划学科和基本法的演替,从法律界限视角来分析公共政策转型对法律实行、行政权力等带来的法治化影响,指出我国城乡规划法律界限的构成在于"明晰公共政策范畴的影响、确立行政权力规制的执行、界定有效的城乡空间范围"。认为城乡规划公共政策法制化的核心是具备基于价值判断的公共政策导向,有明确的法律授权与约束,并兼顾法定城乡空间的范围特点,形成公共政策与政府行政行为的城乡空间统一。进而引发一些完善公共政策法制化的讨论。  相似文献   

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